Mexico Warns US, They May Be Bothered. Wow

Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.

So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....

How generous of mehico....
We take in 15 or 20 million and they take in 400.
Seems a bit lopsided .
what a silly, stupid, response! :rofl:
Trump has done a pretty good job of securing the border already, via his mouth, without a single penny needing to be spent on that wall.... he's put fear in to all of them..... illegal border crossings are down 81% from like 20 years ago....
Shows what getting the wrong guy for the job out, and the right guy for the job in, can do.
Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.

So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? They are deporting them, yes I sourced this too.
Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.
Nonsense! US presidents have employed the National Guard inside the US a number of times. GW Bush did in 2006. Obama did in 2011. In 1957, when Arkansas Governer Orville Faubus called out the National Guard to enforce segregation, then President Eisenhower federalized those troops and put them under HIS command (to integrate the schools). On top of that Ike also sent in US federal troops.

As for the asylum issue, it is about to undergo a rapid and deep overhaul. Days of foreigners treating our border like it was their toy, are over.
They have been sent to assist border patrol on several occasions and this will be no different.... they were not allowed to use their guns, they were not allowed to officially arrest anyone....they were allowed to assist the border patrol but not be militarized....

Trump made it sound like they were going there with arms in hand and were going to use them if someone crossed the border, and that simply is not the case.....

that's all I am saying....

You and everyone else can go and pretend all you want....that this is some BIGLEY macho Trumpian effort to fight the enemy....I can't stop you.... :rolleyes:

You're flat out wrong and I sourced it. They CAN be used on the border, they CAN use their weapons, and they CAN be used for Law Enforcement purposes. Thank you Patriot Act and NDAA.
link please!
Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.
Nonsense! US presidents have employed the National Guard inside the US a number of times. GW Bush did in 2006. Obama did in 2011. In 1957, when Arkansas Governer Orville Faubus called out the National Guard to enforce segregation, then President Eisenhower federalized those troops and put them under HIS command (to integrate the schools). On top of that Ike also sent in US federal troops.

As for the asylum issue, it is about to undergo a rapid and deep overhaul. Days of foreigners treating our border like it was their toy, are over.
They have been sent to assist border patrol on several occasions and this will be no different.... they were not allowed to use their guns, they were not allowed to officially arrest anyone....they were allowed to assist the border patrol but not be militarized....

Trump made it sound like they were going there with arms in hand and were going to use them if someone crossed the border, and that simply is not the case.....

that's all I am saying....

You and everyone else can go and pretend all you want....that this is some BIGLEY macho Trumpian effort to fight the enemy....I can't stop you.... :rolleyes:
They can get permission to do just that :)
from whom?
I believe Trump. I also believe if Trump lets states do it themselves, the gov can give it to them.
General Nichols, a few years ago, said Rick Perry had the power to do that when he was threatening it.
Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.
Nonsense! US presidents have employed the National Guard inside the US a number of times. GW Bush did in 2006. Obama did in 2011. In 1957, when Arkansas Governer Orville Faubus called out the National Guard to enforce segregation, then President Eisenhower federalized those troops and put them under HIS command (to integrate the schools). On top of that Ike also sent in US federal troops.

As for the asylum issue, it is about to undergo a rapid and deep overhaul. Days of foreigners treating our border like it was their toy, are over.
They have been sent to assist border patrol on several occasions and this will be no different.... they were not allowed to use their guns, they were not allowed to officially arrest anyone....they were allowed to assist the border patrol but not be militarized....

Trump made it sound like they were going there with arms in hand and were going to use them if someone crossed the border, and that simply is not the case.....

that's all I am saying....

You and everyone else can go and pretend all you want....that this is some BIGLEY macho Trumpian effort to fight the enemy....I can't stop you.... :rolleyes:

You're flat out wrong and I sourced it. They CAN be used on the border, they CAN use their weapons, and they CAN be used for Law Enforcement purposes. Thank you Patriot Act and NDAA.
link please!

I posted the source in this thread. Look for yourself.
Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.

So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? They are deporting them, yes I sourced this too.
nbc sent down reporters to follow the caravan people... a few hundred in a Convent some stopped at, are being taken in....just a low number of them there, said they would still continue onward, the rest are not....
It makes me smile knowing that mehico is unhappy with us.:04:
I think they are about to get a whole lot unhappier.

So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....

How generous of mehico....
We take in 15 or 20 million and they take in 400.
Seems a bit lopsided .
what a silly, stupid, response! :rofl:

So you think it's a fair deal?

Then have I got a deal for you!!! A low millage Tundra for 2.4 million!!
I'll even throw in a spare tire.
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....

How generous of mehico....
We take in 15 or 20 million and they take in 400.
Seems a bit lopsided .
what a silly, stupid, response! :rofl:

So you think it's a fair deal?

Then have I got a deal for you!!! A low millage Tundra for 2.4 million!!
I'll even throw in a spare tire.
/—-/ Toss in a free oil change and pine scented air freshener and we got a deal.
I have one question. Why has Mexico not been taken over by the US, and made into a US territory, under all our laws and regualtions ? And why wasn't this done many years ago ?
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....

How generous of mehico....
We take in 15 or 20 million and they take in 400.
Seems a bit lopsided .
what a silly, stupid, response! :rofl:

So you think it's a fair deal?

Then have I got a deal for you!!! A low millage Tundra for 2.4 million!!
I'll even throw in a spare tire.
I think you are confused....or purposely trying to confuse the uninformed asserting that illegal immigrants are the same as asylum seekers.... sorry, your foolishness doesn't work on me..
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....

How generous of mehico....
We take in 15 or 20 million and they take in 400.
Seems a bit lopsided .
what a silly, stupid, response! :rofl:

So you think it's a fair deal?

Then have I got a deal for you!!! A low millage Tundra for 2.4 million!!
I'll even throw in a spare tire.
I think you are confused....or purposely trying to confuse the uninformed asserting that illegal immigrants are the same as asylum seekers.... sorry, your foolishness doesn't work on me..

They're the same.
They're the same.
Different in methodology. Same in EFFECT. >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
You're flat out wrong and I sourced it. They CAN be used on the border, they CAN use their weapons, and they CAN be used for Law Enforcement purposes. Thank you Patriot Act and NDAA.
Insurrection Act.

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia

Your link says that the military can only be used AFTER local authorities and police have failed to keep control of the population.

What population centers are currently in full blown revolt or insurrection?
You're flat out wrong and I sourced it. They CAN be used on the border, they CAN use their weapons, and they CAN be used for Law Enforcement purposes. Thank you Patriot Act and NDAA.
Insurrection Act.

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia

Your link says that the military can only be used AFTER local authorities and police have failed to keep control of the population.

What population centers are currently in full blown revolt or insurrection?

"Section 1076 is titled "Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies." It provided that:

The President may employ the armed forces... to... restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack" or incident, or other condition... the President determines that... domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order... or [to] suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy if such... a condition... so hinders the execution of the laws... that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law... or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.[7]
You're flat out wrong and I sourced it. They CAN be used on the border, they CAN use their weapons, and they CAN be used for Law Enforcement purposes. Thank you Patriot Act and NDAA.
Insurrection Act.

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia

Your link says that the military can only be used AFTER local authorities and police have failed to keep control of the population.

What population centers are currently in full blown revolt or insurrection?

"Section 1076 is titled "Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies." It provided that:

The President may employ the armed forces... to... restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack" or incident, or other condition... the President determines that... domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order... or [to] suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy if such... a condition... so hinders the execution of the laws... that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law... or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.[7]

So, where is it so bad in this country that the local authorities have lost all control?
It absolutely is higher production costs. That’s why that Carrier plant that Trump “saved” is still moving jobs to Mexico despite the massive bribe Trump and Pence paid them in tax breaks.
And is that why GM and FORD and other companies are moving back to the US from Mexico ? Keep banging your head against the wall, if you wish. :rolleyes:

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