Mexico Warns US, They May Be Bothered. Wow

/——-/ In case you missed or ignored it: Trump wins on NAFTA rewrite:
Ottawa (AFP) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signalled Thursday he saw a strong chance of reaching a deal with the US and Mexico to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement.

"We have a high chance of reaching a win-win-win deal for Canada, the United States and Mexico," Trudeau told reporters.

"With the pressures of the elections in Mexico, and the US elections, if we could announce something at the Summit of the Americas, that would be great," he added, in reference to the April 13-14 gathering of regional leaders in Peru.
Interesting. Trudeau thinks Canada won.
Trudeau doesn’t allow Canada to “win”.
Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.

So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....
So, it IS an invasion...

And Mexico is COMPLICIT in facilitating it.
Posse Comitatus Act prevents the President or Federal government from using the Military as law enforcement within our borders...for the most part.

The military can help local law enforcement with duties of theirs, but they can not do the actual jobs of border protection. They can't use their arms either.....

And if asylum seekers reach our border, the law requires we take them in, and follow the legal process to determine if they are legal asylum seekers, meeting the criteria for asylum, and that process takes about a year.

So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....
So, it IS an invasion...

And Mexico is COMPLICIT in facilitating it.
from what I've seen on the news, Mexico is doing what they can to stop it, and Catholic convents there are offering refuge....?

no, it's not an invasion, it's a group of asylum seekers....or wannabe asylum seekers....

they are not armed for a fight, they don't hate us, they don't see us as their enemy....

they see their own nation and conditions there, as their enemy....
So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....
So, it IS an invasion...

And Mexico is COMPLICIT in facilitating it.
from what I've seen on the news, Mexico is doing what they can to stop it, and Catholic convents there are offering refuge....?

no, it's not an invasion, it's a group of asylum seekers....or wannabe asylum seekers....

they are not armed for a fight, they don't hate us, they don't see us as their enemy....

they see their own nation and conditions there, as their enemy....
Mexico isn’t doing shit to stop it. It is impossible to walk all the way through Mexico to the US without cooperation from the Mexican government.
So you're saying any country is free to invade the US and the military can't respond?
If a foreign Country is trying to invade us, then there is a process of congress declaring war against them......

The caravan is NOT in any way, a foreign government or Country... these people are trying to escape from their government/their country if they are asylum seekers.

so I have no idea of what you are talking about....?
/——/ Well why doesn’t Mexico accept them? Have they no compassion for refugees? Mexico should give them asylum, a drivers license and welfare. What’s stopping them?
I don't know what Mexico's laws are....?

As far as the caravan coming, they did take in about 400 of them, from what I saw on the news last night....but there are some that still plan to move forward to us....
So, it IS an invasion...

And Mexico is COMPLICIT in facilitating it.
from what I've seen on the news, Mexico is doing what they can to stop it, and Catholic convents there are offering refuge....?

no, it's not an invasion, it's a group of asylum seekers....or wannabe asylum seekers....

they are not armed for a fight, they don't hate us, they don't see us as their enemy....

they see their own nation and conditions there, as their enemy....
/——/ you’re either gullible or complacent. Either way they are invaders and we must stop them.
Does this mean that Trump is going to have his products that he sells under his brand name that are made in China are going to come back to the USA as well?

I won't hold my breath. No, the tariffs are a bad idea. And, while we're talking about tariffs, is he gonna do the new ones like he did with steel and aluminum and make a whole bunch of exemptions for countries he likes?
I see you have been bamboozled by another one of Hillary's phony campaign TV ads. Trump's brand name stuff in China cant come back here, because they were never here. They are purely Chinese goods, always made in China, which simply bear the Trump name, from the Chinese companies paying Trump for the right to use his name on THEIR products. This is called "brand licensing", and Trump makes Billions$$ doing it all over the world.

It was deceitfully portrayed in the Hillary ads as outsourcing, which is FALSE.

The tariffs are a no-brainer. You don't tolerate countries placing big tariffs on your exports to them, while simultaneously giving them unrestricted access to your big, valuable market, unless you're an idiot. That would be 4 US presidents > both Bushes, Clinton,, and Obama.
Trump is embarrassing Mexico internationally.

For years Mexico has allowed these Central Americans to waltz thru their
country and infiltrate our country.

Trump has forced them to halt them. Give them temp visas to stay in Mexico
for a couple of weeks and basically to turn them back home.

They've already deported 400 of that caravan.

They don't like our military? Let me tell ya something. If the despise our NG
on our boarder they'll loathe our regulars waltzing thru their country.

The gig is up for the spics.
I'm in harmony with your post up to the last sentence, but I'm 1/2 Hispanic, so quit the slurs, or get out of the thread,OK ?

I'll stay if I desire
And if we invade Mexico, they all become U.S. Gobmint dependants.
So it cost less, just to pay them to stay home.
Not exactly. Mexico is a wealthy country, with oil (which we import), gold, silver, agriculture, tourism. If we conquer Mexico, all these goodies become ours. As for the Mexican people, we could just open up the monopolies (Pemex, Telex, etc) and millions of Mexicans would instanty have small businesses and jobs
Does this mean that Trump is going to have his products that he sells under his brand name that are made in China are going to come back to the USA as well?

I won't hold my breath. No, the tariffs are a bad idea. And, while we're talking about tariffs, is he gonna do the new ones like he did with steel and aluminum and make a whole bunch of exemptions for countries he likes?
I see you have been bamboozled by another one of Hillary's phony campaign TV ads. Trump's brand name stuff in China cant come back here, because they were never here. They are purely Chinese goods, always made in China, which simply bear the Trump name, from the Chinese companies paying Trump for the right to use his name on THEIR products. This is called "brand licensing", and Trump makes Billions$$ doing it all over the world.

It was deceitfully portrayed in the Hillary ads as outsourcing, which is FALSE.

The tariffs are a no-brainer. You don't tolerate countries placing big tariffs on your exports to them, while simultaneously giving them unrestricted access to your big, valuable market, unless you're an idiot. That would be 4 US presidents > both Bushes, Clinton,, and Obama.
/——/ Libtards understand this but only when it applies to democrats
Well, not until prices for everything go up :itsok:

Prices of everything?
Not yet, but hopefully our military can teach them a lesson.
Soon the military will be half Latinos and half of the population are Latinos. You better make friends and learn Spanish.
Not yet, but hopefully our military can teach them a lesson.
Soon the military will be half Latinos and half of the population are Latinos. You better make friends and learn Spanish.

Interesting note about Latinos that are already here, whether legally or illegally, most of them don't want to give up any progress they've made in their lives to a new batch of illegals.
Get ready for a big HUH ??? Mexico is warning the US that if American National Guard troops placed on the border result in a militarization of it, that relations may be impaired.

Whoa! "Relations" ? So, in other words, Mexico is saying that if we take steps to defend ourselves from the 70 year invasion of our border they have been perpetrating....the international burglary of our economy they have been committing....the theft of millions of our jobs they have done...the theft of Billions of our tax dollars$$...then their feelings will be hurt.

This is like if your next door neighbor was entering your house every week for decades, and stealing things from you, and now you say he shouldn't come in any more, he'll be miffed.
I have one question. Why has Mexico not been taken over by the US, and made into a US territory, under all our laws and regualtions ? And why wasn't this done many years ago ?

After the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), then US President James K. Polk was outraged that we acquired 1/2 of Mexico's territory. Polk thought we should have gotten ALL of Mexico, and made it part of the US, entirely under US rule. No US president ever said anything more correct.

The left says it's racist to secure borders. They are so full of shit.

Of course, libs used to say secure borders were needed.

Soon the military will be half Latinos and half of the population are Latinos. You better make friends and learn Spanish.
Latinos are LEAVING the US in droves.

Trump IS Restricting Immigration - 5 Ways
I live in LA I'll believe you when I see the freeways half empty LOL

Which is probably not going to happen until we unload Moonbeam.
Latinos will be the majority of this country, some white people need to accept this fact.

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