Mexico Warns US, They May Be Bothered. Wow

Which is probably not going to happen until we unload Moonbeam.
Latinos will be the majority of this country, some white people need to accept this fact.

Have you seen what nations look like that are predominantly brown? Be careful what you wish for...just think, no free shit for you. You should start praying for this country to stay predominantly white....I know, the truth sucks.
Lol....the moors were years ahead of your ancestors for centuries and were brown, so were the Egyptians and others. The US has been a strong world player just little over than a century...and things do change. Get off your white horse shit we all poop.

Let’s not waste our time talking about what transpired hundreds or thousands of years ago...Let’s talk about the world today....make any sense?
If you don't learn from history you are doomed.
Most empires vanished because of the injustice towards minorities and spreading too thin. Keep your hate, you just shortening your life.

Oh don’t worry about me...I got this. I’ll pick up and head to Norway as soon as I feel overthrown by filthy wetbacks.
Which is probably not going to happen until we unload Moonbeam.
Latinos will be the majority of this country, some white people need to accept this fact.

Have you seen what nations look like that are predominantly brown? Be careful what you wish for...just think, no free shit for you. You should start praying for this country to stay predominantly white....I know, the truth sucks.
Lol....the moors were years ahead of your ancestors for centuries and were brown, so were the Egyptians and others. The US has been a strong world player just little over than a century...and things do change. Get off your white horse shit we all poop.

Let’s not waste our time talking about what transpired hundreds or thousands of years ago...Let’s talk about the world today....make any sense?
If you don't learn from history you are doomed.
Most empires vanished because of the injustice towards minorities and spreading too thin. Keep your hate, you just shortening your life.

We love and embrace positive contributing LEGAL immigrants....99.9% of Brown people are disgusting liabilities....sorry, the truth is in the huh?
You have to give Mexico a lot of credit, being forced to deal with the ignorance, hate, and stupidity of the Orange Idiot.

Those filthy thirdworld wetbacks aren’t FORCED to deal with shit....That disgusting shithole could slide into the Pacific today and the world would throw a fucking party.
Which is probably not going to happen until we unload Moonbeam.
Latinos will be the majority of this country, some white people need to accept this fact.

Have you seen what nations look like that are predominantly brown? Be careful what you wish for...just think, no free shit for you. You should start praying for this country to stay predominantly white....I know, the truth sucks.
Lol....the moors were years ahead of your ancestors for centuries and were brown, so were the Egyptians and others. The US has been a strong world player just little over than a century...and things do change. Get off your white horse shit we all poop.

Let’s not waste our time talking about what transpired hundreds or thousands of years ago...Let’s talk about the world today....make any sense?
If you don't learn from history you are doomed.
Most empires vanished because of the injustice towards minorities and spreading too thin. Keep your hate, you just shortening your life.
Wrong. Most empires vanished because the state grew until it consumed all the resources of society.
Get ready for a big HUH ??? Mexico is warning the US that if American National Guard troops placed on the border result in a militarization of it, that relations may be impaired.

Whoa! "Relations" ? So, in other words, Mexico is saying that if we take steps to defend ourselves from the 70 year invasion of our border they have been perpetrating....the international burglary of our economy they have been committing....the theft of millions of our jobs they have done...the theft of Billions of our tax dollars$$...then their feelings will be hurt.

This is like if your next door neighbor was entering your house every week for decades, and stealing things from you, and now you say he shouldn't come in any more, he'll be miffed.
I have one question. Why has Mexico not been taken over by the US, and made into a US territory, under all our laws and regualtions ? And why wasn't this done many years ago ?

After the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), then US President James K. Polk was outraged that we acquired 1/2 of Mexico's territory. Polk thought we should have gotten ALL of Mexico, and made it part of the US, entirely under US rule. No US president ever said anything more correct.
So, they're not paying for the wall then?
Latinos are LEAVING the US in droves.

Trump IS Restricting Immigration - 5 Ways
I live in LA I'll believe you when I see the freeways half empty LOL

Which is probably not going to happen until we unload Moonbeam.
Latinos will be the majority of this country, some white people need to accept this fact.

Have you seen what nations look like that are predominantly brown? Be careful what you wish for...just think, no free shit for you. You should start praying for this country to stay predominantly white....I know, the truth sucks.
Lol....the moors were years ahead of your ancestors for centuries and were brown, so were the Egyptians and others. The US has been a strong world player just little over than a century...and things do change. Get off your white horse shit we all poop.

The moors were not ahead of Europeans.
And if we invade Mexico, they all become U.S. Gobmint dependants.
So it cost less, just to pay them to stay home.
Not exactly. Mexico is a wealthy country, with oil (which we import), gold, silver, agriculture, tourism. If we conquer Mexico, all these goodies become ours. As for the Mexican people, we could just open up the monopolies (Pemex, Telex, etc) and millions of Mexicans would instanty have small businesses and jobs
Gee. We should have done that with Germany. Japan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

What Happened?
Trump denies knowing about $130,000 Stormy Daniels payment Trump denies knowledge of Stormy Daniels payment

LOL! Stormy going to spew all over the great Douche in the public media.
The methodology of a political party (Democrat) being annihilated on the battlefield of social issues, and being a lost cause for anything to fight with.
You seem to be a military man type. How many Rapes and Hookers in your personal past? Or covered up what your buddies did in moral service to mankind.
As a DOPer Supporter type, as a sponsor of the Great Douche CIC Bone Spur.
And if we invade Mexico, they all become U.S. Gobmint dependants.
So it cost less, just to pay them to stay home.
Not exactly. Mexico is a wealthy country, with oil (which we import), gold, silver, agriculture, tourism. If we conquer Mexico, all these goodies become ours. As for the Mexican people, we could just open up the monopolies (Pemex, Telex, etc) and millions of Mexicans would instanty have small businesses and jobs
Gee. We should have done that with Germany. Japan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

What Happened?

None of those countries sent tens of millions of their subhumans to the U.S. to rob hundreds of billions from American taxpayers. Get it now?
And if we invade Mexico, they all become U.S. Gobmint dependants.
So it cost less, just to pay them to stay home.
Not exactly. Mexico is a wealthy country, with oil (which we import), gold, silver, agriculture, tourism. If we conquer Mexico, all these goodies become ours. As for the Mexican people, we could just open up the monopolies (Pemex, Telex, etc) and millions of Mexicans would instanty have small businesses and jobs
Gee. We should have done that with Germany. Japan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

What Happened?

None of those countries sent tens of millions of their subhumans to the U.S. to rob hundreds of billions from American taxpayers. Get it now?
That's China and India's job
Why live pissed off?

Really?! So if someone, not related, came into your house and took something (anything), you'd be ok with that?
I'm sure the natives can answer that question. I never did commit that crime nor did it happen to me.

I never suggested that you did it, if it was done to you, you'd be ok with it. After all "why live pissed off?"
Apples and oranges. The Sam's way whites came here the same way others are. I'm for deporting criminals....the vast majority of illegals work hard to better their lives and contribute to the economy. I'm yet to see a latino begging for me and holding a sign 90% of the time are whites

If only 6 million of an estimated 12-40 million illegal wetbacks filed a tax return and most didn’t pay a dime...and most are on welfare and or incarcerated...and most receive free health exactly are they “contributing” to the economy? I gotta hear this.
About 6.1 Million Illegals Filed Taxes in US – Many Didn't Pay, Received Refunds
Estimated 12 to 40 millions ? And you want me to take your stats seriously ?
Apples and oranges. The Sam's way whites came here the same way others are. I'm for deporting criminals....the vast majority of illegals work hard to better their lives and contribute to the economy. I'm yet to see a latino begging for me and holding a sign 90% of the time are whites
If you're for deporting criminals (your words), then you must be for deporting many millions of illegals, who came across the border committing a CRIME.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

And the "contribution" of all immigrants to the US economy, is pillaging (burglarizing) it for $138 Billion/year in remittances$$.
$138 billion is drop in a bucket of how many trillions fo dollars did the economy benefited from them and thousands of businesses live off their hard work from a rancher in Texas to a restaurant in Wyoming.
We spent trillions on wars in the middle east and we didn't squat back.
Apples and oranges. The Sam's way whites came here the same way others are. I'm for deporting criminals....the vast majority of illegals work hard to better their lives and contribute to the economy. I'm yet to see a latino begging for me and holding a sign 90% of the time are whites
If you're for deporting criminals (your words), then you must be for deporting many millions of illegals, who came across the border committing a CRIME.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

And the "contribution" of all immigrants to the US economy, is pillaging (burglarizing) it for $138 Billion/year in remittances$$.
$138 billion is drop in a bucket of how many trillions fo dollars did the economy benefited from them and thousands of businesses live off their hard work from a rancher in Texas to a restaurant in Wyoming.
We spent trillions on wars in the middle east and we didn't squat back.

I have the answer for you...Note, many direct and indirect costs related to wetbacks such as incarceration and infrastructure expenses are not included in the following numbers.

The Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010."
How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?
Those are awesome figures...polished it up real nicely.....huh?

Let's dissect the 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
"In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers... Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion."
You seem to be a military man type. How many Rapes and Hookers in your personal past? Or covered up what your buddies did in moral service to mankind.
As a DOPer Supporter type, as a sponsor of the Great Douche CIC Bone Spur.
Don't know what you're talking about, and probably neither do you.

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