Mexico's Socialist Victory is a Disaster for the USA

Lmao! A politician I don't like got ekectel in a county I don't live in! This means war!
We should be voting in their elections just as they vote in ours.

Their stupid uninformed decisions affect this country. It's time we take control of their failed country.

Instead of shooting the people coming over the border, take out the cartels and the Mexican leadership, annex the country and stabilize it. Make it another Puerto Rico. Let the investment banks and US Multinationals run it. Hyatt and Wynn can run the hotels, Altira and Dow can run the drug business.

Give the Mexican people a safe and decent place to call home

Instead of shooting the people coming over the border, take out the cartels and the Mexican leadership, annex the country and stabilize it. Make it another Puerto Rico. Let the investment banks and US Multinationals run it. Hyatt and Wynn can run the hotels, Altira and Down can run the drug business.

Give the Mexican people a safe and decent place to call home
Umm, NO (that's an act of war)
Our Nation is tens of trillions in debt and borrowing hand over fist. What you are proposing is what personal charitable giving is for and what entrepreneurial investment is all about. The US's Constitutional responsibility is to the protection of its citizenry (not other's citizenry) from threats both foreign and domestic. Secondarily, facilitating the prosperity of the citizenry in a geopolitical word.

If we actually wanted to stem the tide it's hardly a daunting endeavor. I recently bought another German Shepherd and in doing research between sires in Germany (don't like the US breeding genetics) I looked into BDR shepherds (Bundes Deutschland Republic) which were bred as high energy work dogs, chained on long leads &/or running free along the wall. They were kept half starved, to rip apart any E Germans from mere contact with the wall. All this to say that if we want a secure border it is hardly an impossible endeavor even with antiquated methods (a wall, machine gun turrets & BDR type dogs running free along the wall) lol. Add live satellite imaging, heat imaging, ground sensing units star wars laser tech. from China (ok yes, I'm having too much fun here) we can do more than slow down the in invading horde.

See, you're punishing the wrong people. The hard-working, Christian, family oriented immigrants are a huge plus for us - as long as they're not on the dole here. They are perfect, natural Conservatives fleeing for a better life made with their own hands.

We're acting in self defense in a very limited action that will forever change all of Latin America for the better
So said all the con questing, conquerors thought history. Perhaps more than a few in 'Latin' America don't want to stuff themselves with pizza and beer watching the Super Bowl or have the white picket fence with x 2 cars a dog and 2.5 kids. F U for presuming that you are helping those in a Society and Culture that eclipses yours (ours) in nuance since the ancients of civilization were recorded in the annals of history.

But he does have a point...…….why has Mexicans been coming here in droves for years???? Because their country sucks, few jobs & run by drug cartels that if you're not part of it, you get shot....except you'll still get shot if you are a part of it.

IF Obrador can take control of his country & the cartels and get the country moving forward......then there will be little reason for the people to immigrate here.
They're brining in that President for Mexico , so he can sink what is left of Mexico.

NEW WORLD ORDER UNFOLDING before our eyes and kooney left just doesn't get it.
Instead of shooting the people coming over the border, take out the cartels and the Mexican leadership, annex the country and stabilize it. Make it another Puerto Rico. Let the investment banks and US Multinationals run it. Hyatt and Wynn can run the hotels, Altira and Dow can run the drug business.

Give the Mexican people a safe and decent place to call home
Instead of shooting the people coming over the border, take out the cartels and the Mexican leadership, annex the country and stabilize it. Make it another Puerto Rico. Let the investment banks and US Multinationals run it. Hyatt and Wynn can run the hotels, Altira and Dow can run the drug business.

Give the Mexican people a safe and decent place to call home

Instead of shooting the people coming over the border, take out the cartels and the Mexican leadership, annex the country and stabilize it. Make it another Puerto Rico. Let the investment banks and US Multinationals run it. Hyatt and Wynn can run the hotels, Altira and Down can run the drug business.

Give the Mexican people a safe and decent place to call home
Umm, NO (that's an act of war)
Our Nation is tens of trillions in debt and borrowing hand over fist. What you are proposing is what personal charitable giving is for and what entrepreneurial investment is all about. The US's Constitutional responsibility is to the protection of its citizenry (not other's citizenry) from threats both foreign and domestic. Secondarily, facilitating the prosperity of the citizenry in a geopolitical word.

If we actually wanted to stem the tide it's hardly a daunting endeavor. I recently bought another German Shepherd and in doing research between sires in Germany (don't like the US breeding genetics) I looked into BDR shepherds (Bundes Deutschland Republic) which were bred as high energy work dogs, chained on long leads &/or running free along the wall. They were kept half starved, to rip apart any E Germans from mere contact with the wall. All this to say that if we want a secure border it is hardly an impossible endeavor even with antiquated methods (a wall, machine gun turrets & BDR type dogs running free along the wall) lol. Add live satellite imaging, heat imaging, ground sensing units star wars laser tech. from China (ok yes, I'm having too much fun here) we can do more than slow down the in invading horde.

See, you're punishing the wrong people. The hard-working, Christian, family oriented immigrants are a huge plus for us - as long as they're not on the dole here. They are perfect, natural Conservatives fleeing for a better life made with their own hands.

We're acting in self defense in a very limited action that will forever change all of Latin America for the better
So said all the con questing, conquerors thought history. Perhaps more than a few in 'Latin' America don't want to stuff themselves with pizza and beer watching the Super Bowl or have the white picket fence with x 2 cars a dog and 2.5 kids. F U for presuming that you are helping those in a Society and Culture that eclipses yours (ours) in nuance since the ancients of civilization were recorded in the annals of history.

But he does have a point...…….why has Mexicans been coming here in droves for years???? Because their country sucks, few jobs & run by drug cartels that if you're not part of it, you get shot....except you'll still get shot if you are a part of it.

IF Obrador can take control of his country & the cartels and get the country moving forward......then there will be little reason for the people to immigrate here.
Fantastic, I hope that happens. I am opposed to a single dime of our tax dollars going to them for what they decide to do or not do in their country, it's none of our business. What is our business is the Mexican government facilitating asylum seekers from Central America crossing carte' blanche' straight through Mexico uninhibited at their borders and whisked right along on public transportation to our southern border. Mexico is the the Country that the asylum seekers should relocating to, granted resident status by the Mexican government.
All immigration should be halted for a couple generations. The people south of the border do NOT hold American values as we understand them. All "conservatives" are not created equal.

They are not part of our history, heritage or culture.

That is a major factor.

The hordes of euroweenies, of which included some of my ancestry were fleeing over populated euroweenie cities and oppressive centralized governments that were corrupt and completely mismanaging their economies. They fled to America with the idea that it was a place that offered them an opportunity but owed them nothing. They knew they would have to work hard, but there were jobs available where that was at least an option. Some of them were already indoctrinated with socialist ideas and readily joined unions in the US, but even as they did their intent wasn't to destroy the industry.

People from south of the border have different ideas. Then begin the trip with a chip on their shoulders about the US owing them shit, because we "stole the land from them", or the reason their home country sucked so much is our fault. They know they can leech off government handouts, and they resent the "gringos" who employ them rather than appreciate the chance to earn a living. They draw no distinction from the spick euroweenies that conquered their ancestors and nearly erased their people and culture hundreds of years ago, from the pollacks and krauts who's ancestors built small businesses and farms and had nothing to do with the fact they speak the language of their conquerors.

I've seen enough of their Aztlan propaganda to know I don't want these fuckers here, we need to assimilate the ones we're going to keep, and if we have to catapult the rest out so be it.

I expect that the US secret services will kill him if he gets to be a problem. Its the American way.
Imagine if we shared a border with Venezuela.

We are going to be FLOODED as their economy is destroyed by the leftists.

Build the damn wall!

Could actually be much worse than this.

The US is attacking Mexico, China might just come along and offer Mexico some kind of package that allows it to get stronger, and puts a Chinese base on Mexican soil.
Instead of shooting the people coming over the border, take out the cartels and the Mexican leadership, annex the country and stabilize it. Make it another Puerto Rico. Let the investment banks and US Multinationals run it. Hyatt and Wynn can run the hotels, Altira and Dow can run the drug business.

Give the Mexican people a safe and decent place to call home
-------------------------------------- feck the 'mexican' people if i get my way CFrank .
Man, we need that wall up yesterday! :eek:

Like, since Reagan left office. :rolleyes:
------------------------- reagan and the 'bushs' shoulda been forced to build that wall Marion .

Bush 1 didn't build anything. Clinton has built the most border wall out of any president thus far.

W. may may have built a little bit, but not much.

It's been funded 3x and the funds raided. I say previous Congresses oughtta pony up the money for a wall. Lord knows they took that much in kickbacks. Every Congress from Reagan until Trump.
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