Mexico's Socialist Victory is a Disaster for the USA

Instead of shooting the people coming over the border, take out the cartels and the Mexican leadership, annex the country and stabilize it. Make it another Puerto Rico. Let the investment banks and US Multinationals run it. Hyatt and Wynn can run the hotels, Altira and Down can run the drug business.

Give the Mexican people a safe and decent place to call home
Umm, NO (that's an act of war)
Our Nation is tens of trillions in debt and borrowing hand over fist. What you are proposing is what personal charitable giving is for and what entrepreneurial investment is all about. The US's Constitutional responsibility is to the protection of its citizenry (not other's citizenry) from threats both foreign and domestic. Secondarily, facilitating the prosperity of the citizenry in a geopolitical word.

If we actually wanted to stem the tide it's hardly a daunting endeavor. I recently bought another German Shepherd and in doing research between sires in Germany (don't like the US breeding genetics) I looked into BDR shepherds (Bundes Deutschland Republic) which were bred as high energy work dogs, chained on long leads &/or running free along the wall. They were kept half starved, to rip apart any E Germans from mere contact with the wall. All this to say that if we want a secure border it is hardly an impossible endeavor even with antiquated methods (a wall, machine gun turrets & BDR type dogs running free along the wall) lol. Add live satellite imaging, heat imaging, ground sensing units star wars laser tech. from China (ok yes, I'm having too much fun here) we can do more than slow down the in invading horde.

See, you're punishing the wrong people. The hard-working, Christian, family oriented immigrants are a huge plus for us - as long as they're not on the dole here. They are perfect, natural Conservatives fleeing for a better life made with their own hands.

We're acting in self defense in a very limited action that will forever change all of Latin America for the better

I understand the sentiment, and at one time said the same thing myself. But I got out of high school, have visited the country many times, and you would be wrong to think they're 'Christian values' are the same as other Christians, and they have no real work ethic, they just work cheap, that;s all. They're largely ignorant, pagan, stupid, and hard core racists. They aren't going to assimilate, and as a state they will just be California, only with a couple hundred Congressmen to shovel pork at them instead of just a few dozen.
mexicans are not Westerners and will never assimilate into USA Society as their homeland is just across the border . When they eventually get to vote in the USA they will be voting against Americans and for the good of 'mexico' .
Black is a race; White is a race --- orange is just perverto.

Actually black is just a color like orange. Negroid, that would be the race. Try not to show your ignorance and maybe folks would stop laughing at you.

I put it in simple 3rd grade English for the Rumpbots. And this is the thanks I get.

Anyone that uses the phrase "Rumpbots" has exposed their position. :rolleyes-41:
Lol, the only example, and a pretty damn weak one at that
You can do your own homework. You need to enlighten yourself.

Yet apparently you can't do yours. This is from YOUR OWN LINK:

>> San Francisco in 2016 passed the local Proposition N, allowing non-citizens to vote in school board elections regardless of their immigration status.

... Until the 1920s, many states, cities and counties allowed non-citizens to vote in all elections. If you live here, went the reasoning of the time, you have a stake in American or local public affairs. Voting was tied to where people lived, not where they were born or which passport they carried.

That ended even before the Great Depression, in a tide of anti-immigrant feeling that produced this nation’s first immigration quotas, which still limit how many newcomers are allowed to enter from each of the world’s other countries.<<​
Black is a race; White is a race --- orange is just perverto.

Actually black is just a color like orange. Negroid, that would be the race. Try not to show your ignorance and maybe folks would stop laughing at you.

I put it in simple 3rd grade English for the Rumpbots. And this is the thanks I get.

Anyone that uses the phrase "Rumpbots" has exposed their position. :rolleyes-41:

And I'm not hoarding it. All my clever turns of phrase are Public Domain.

Downright socialist of me, innit? Like that Jonas Salk guy -- the People need it, who am I to profit from the public good?
Black is a race; White is a race --- orange is just perverto.

Actually black is just a color like orange. Negroid, that would be the race. Try not to show your ignorance and maybe folks would stop laughing at you.

I put it in simple 3rd grade English for the Rumpbots. And this is the thanks I get.

Anyone that uses the phrase "Rumpbots" has exposed their position. :rolleyes-41:

And I'm not hoarding it. All my clever turns of phrase are Public Domain.

Downright socialist of me, innit? Like that Jonas Salk guy -- the People need it, who am I to profit from the public good?

I must apologize, but I beg to differ on that "People need it" thing. :fu:
I expect that the US secret services will kill him if he gets to be a problem. Its the American way.
Tommy, I'm still wondering about the importance of the Flag of Colombia to you. That shithole isn't even in your hemisphere.
I am supporting them in their game against England in the World Cup. The whole of Wales,Scotland and Ireland is doing the same.
Imagine if we shared a border with Venezuela.

We are going to be FLOODED as their economy is destroyed by the leftists.

Build the damn wall!
so Mexico, a 3rd world shithole, voted in the dumbest political theory being used today.

well, that's one more socialist shithole to point to.
Imagine if we shared a border with Venezuela.

We are going to be FLOODED as their economy is destroyed by the leftists.

Build the damn wall!
so Mexico, a 3rd world shithole, voted in the dumbest political theory being used today.

well, that's one more socialist shithole to point to.
Glad we got an ANTI illegal invasion president on the other side of the shithole.

We'd be screwed with president Hildabeast
Imagine if we shared a border with Venezuela.

We are going to be FLOODED as their economy is destroyed by the leftists.

Build the damn wall!
so Mexico, a 3rd world shithole, voted in the dumbest political theory being used today.

well, that's one more socialist shithole to point to.
Glad we got an ANTI illegal invasion president on the other side of the shithole.

We'd be screwed with president Hildabeast
we would definitely be taking in everyone.

they would still be separated, like under obama, but we would never hear about it.

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