MI makes female genital mutilation a 15 yr felony. Circumcision still legal

The jew always gets special treatment.

Female genital mutilation now a 15-year felony in Michigan

july 11 2017 LANSING — Gov. Rick Snyder signed 13 bills Tuesday stemming from a case of female genital mutilation that happened in Livonia in April.

“Those who commit these horrendous crimes should be held accountable for their actions, and these bills stiffen the penalties for offenders while providing additional support to victims,” Snyder said. “This legislation is an important step toward eliminating this despicable practice in Michigan while empowering victims to find healing and justice.”

Under the main bill, female genital mutilation would be considered a felony in Michigan, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. That's a harsher penalty than the 1996 federal genital mutilation law, which includes a sentence of up to five years in prison. Michigan will join at least 24 other states that have passed anti-genital cutting laws over the last two decades.

most people are circumsized...

and you can'/t compare it with female genital mutilation.

but why aren't I surprised you're anti-Semite garbage?
Those guys are morons.

You could add another 50 here to the list.

It is a matter of simple conditioning effective on those incapable of original thought. They have been trained to salivate at the dinner bell each time the subject is Islam, and so regurgitate the required defense, as all their stupid little peeps reward them with props if they do. If they DON'T supply the required apologia, they get called names like "bigot", "Racist" or "Islamophobe" by the same stupid people.

It's nothing beyond a conditioned response reinforced by their fellow regressives.

If you are going to pretend to quote me, at least quote things I have actually said. Inventing posts and trying to attribute them to me is petty bullshit.

It was just a simple mistake, dude. My eyesight is not the best at my age and I was responding to what Marty said. It was a long string and I ended up making it look like you instead of Marty is all. There was no ill intent on my part.
You should go learn how to read before you attempt to write and embarrass yourself even further, if it's even possible to do that.

Since you are so very concerned with grammatical integrity, I do hope you appreciate the attention I applied by way of improving your own.

Go fuck yourself. I write exactly what I intend to write, exactly for how I intend it to be read, and you don't get to appoint yourself editor, no matter how much you fancy personal fascism. You ain't qualified to edit my beer farts, Hunior.

Don't like it? Tough titty. Editing somebody else's posts is illegal here --- as it should be.

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