Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Now you're being deliberately obtuse, just like you are with border security. When you go to absurd extremes to defend an indefensible position, you cease to be relevant.

Naw, man, I just don't think that 'Your genital mutilation is bad but my is okay because God said so" is a sensible argument by either side.

Chopping on people's junk is always a bad idea.
Now you're being deliberately obtuse, just like you are with border security. When you go to absurd extremes to defend an indefensible position, you cease to be relevant.

Naw, man, I just don't think that 'Your genital mutilation is bad but my is okay because God said so" is a sensible argument by either side.

Chopping on people's junk is always a bad idea.

I didn't bring faith into this, you did. You also insist on favorably comparing the results of the two practices, which is stupid. The girls suffer far more than the boys ever do.
I didn't bring faith into this, you did. You also insist on favorably comparing the results of the two practices, which is stupid. The girls suffer far more than the boys ever do.

I'm sure they do... but that wasn't the point.

BOTH are unnecessary operations performed on children without their consent for religious/cultural purposes.
There is no way to change Nature as She scripts Life for "better health" unless you purport to play God. Nor does Nature traffic in the "ridiculous" or "unhygenic". While I can see you've been beating off this dead horse of a canard making excuses for mutilation, it ain't coming off. And while your boundless hubris in purporting to speak for "most women" is most amusing, to the extent it may apply all you just did is once again reaffirm how social practices pervade a society. It's kind of necessary that even when the mutilation is done to one gender, that both believe the mythology behind it. If that weren't the case the ritual could not survive.
No excuses here.
The circumcised penis is far less susceptible to penis cancer and other diseases of the region than an uncircumcised penis.. 5 Ways Circumcision Affects the Rest of Your Life | Men's Health

It's a fact...sorry. And I don't pretend to speak for women, I only report what they themselves say. Women prefer circumcised men! - The Nation Online
/Cut Or Uncut? 54 Women Reveal Which Sort Of Penis They Prefer
Another fable from the guys who favor the caveman look and smegma.

Your foreskin fetishists keep calling circumcision "mutilation" hoping to somehow sway the majority of people who prefer to have their sons circumcised but it isn't happening.

And the same is true of FGM --- right down to the instant case in the OP, it's the women of the society who, believing it necessary for 'morals' or 'hygiene' or whatever the selling point is this week, forced and even deceived their own daughters into such mutilation. A mutilation which they themselves already endured. That requires a seriously deep self-delusion to rationalize the barbarity and turn a blind eye to its real purpose, which is -- again -- subjugating women out of fear of their Power. Your "we don't live in the stone age anymore" is another version of the same self-delusion.
Male and female circumcision are two entirely different issues! To try and conflate the two is more than slightly disingenuous and unethical.
I didn't bring faith into this, you did. You also insist on favorably comparing the results of the two practices, which is stupid. The girls suffer far more than the boys ever do.

I'm sure they do... but that wasn't the point.

BOTH are unnecessary operations performed on children without their consent for religious/cultural purposes.

Ah, but that IS the point. You tried to conflate the two when they are wildly different. What is done to the girls isn't even a religious matter, so there's even less of a comparison to be made.
Ah, but that IS the point. You tried to conflate the two when they are wildly different. What is done to the girls isn't even a religious matter, so there's even less of a comparison to be made.

Oh, I agree it isn't a religious matter, but the Islamophobes use it to bash Muslims..

Both are a cultural matter, and claiming one set is barbaric and the other one is fine is a little silly.
Even with so-called transgenders?

Probably... doesn't negate the fact transgenders exist, though.

I should have probably stated, "Chopping on kid's junk is a bad idea". So is doing it to adults, but they are adults... so that's on them.

We also have penile enhancements and vagina tightening for people who just can't deal with their junk getting old.
Thanks for using ad hominem to underscore your defeat ^^ :lmao:
Chopping on people's junk is always a bad idea.
Even with so-called transgenders?

Probably... doesn't negate the fact transgenders exist, though.

I should have probably stated, "Chopping on kid's junk is a bad idea". So is doing it to adults, but they are adults... so that's on them.

We also have penile enhancements and vagina tightening for people who just can't deal with their junk getting old.
If chopping off kids’ genitals to aid their delusion that they aren’t what they are is “a bad idea”, in medicine, how can it ever be a good idea in adults?

If we define the mentally ill of any age as those suffering the inability to accept reality on its terms, how can a patient of any age suffering said delusions be legally able to consent to amputation of vital organs to play at said delusions?

The answer of course is that they can’t. The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that doctors admit their procedures don’t actually produce a gender change & never will. The results in penile enlargement & vaginal tightening do produce results desired.
If chopping off kids’ genitals to aid their delusion that they aren’t what they are is “a bad idea”, in medicine, how can it ever be a good idea in adults?

Well, funny thing. Guys who are medical professionals think it probably is a good idea in some cases... but you have to go through a lot of hoops to get gender reassignment surgery...

Or you can do what your life partner did and just get a cheap version in Thailand....

(I'd have a really funny picture here, but it would get me in trouble.)
Even with so-called transgenders?

Probably... doesn't negate the fact transgenders exist, though.

I should have probably stated, "Chopping on kid's junk is a bad idea". So is doing it to adults, but they are adults... so that's on them.

We also have penile enhancements and vagina tightening for people who just can't deal with their junk getting old.

Which means no one at all should even consider sex change hormone treatment or surgery for underage people, period.
Let's do it where the law does it, at age 18.

Except the law does no such thing.

The law only says that you can vote at 18.

You can't drink until you are 21
You can't have sex until you are anywhere from 16 to 18, depending on state.
You can be charged as an adult for a crime as young as 12
(We used to execute people for crimes they committed as children, thank goodness we don't do that anymore.)
you can choose to have an abortion without parental permission at pretty much any age.

So it's kind of a fungible argument when someone is mature enough to say, "Yeah, I want the total sex assignment surgery".
Which means no one at all should even consider sex change hormone treatment or surgery for underage people, period.
Or at any age because people suffering mental delusions as adults would still not be able to give legal consent to doctors’ waivers that say “.you realize gender change isn’t actually physically possible?” (Malpractice).

Essentially, doctors are knowingly performing malpractice on at-risk mentally ill people of all ages; taking advantage of their delusions in order to profit financially by doing unnecessary, damaging & painful amputation of vital organs that never grow back.
Let's do it where the law does it, at age 18.

Except the law does no such thing.

The law only says that you can vote at 18.

You can't drink until you are 21
You can't have sex until you are anywhere from 16 to 18, depending on state.
You can be charged as an adult for a crime as young as 12
(We used to execute people for crimes they committed as children, thank goodness we don't do that anymore.)
you can choose to have an abortion without parental permission at pretty much any age.

So it's kind of a fungible argument when someone is mature enough to say, "Yeah, I want the total sex assignment surgery".

So pick an age. Or require Independence. If you still live in Mom's basement and pay no rent, you stay what you were born.
Or at any age because people suffering mental delusions as adults would still not be able to give legal consent to doctors’ waivers that say “.you realize gender change isn’t actually physically possible?” (Malpractice).

Essentially, doctors are knowingly performing malpractice on at-risk mentally ill people of all ages; taking advantage of their delusions in order to profit financially by doing unnecessary, damaging & painful amputation of vital organs that never grow back.

take it up with the AMA, buddy. They'll tell you the same thing the APA told you when you tried to get them to make homosexuality a mental illness.

So pick an age. Or require Independence. If you still live in Mom's basement and pay no rent, you stay what you were born.

Gee, I find it hilarious that the GOP has created this situation where people need to live in their mother's basement well into their 20s by wrecking the unions and saddling these kids with student debt, and just want to punish them further.

Always easier to kick down than punch up.

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