Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

Actually that post wasn't even addressed to you. It was addressed to Silhouette, the one who so grossly misinterpreted the story. Which would still be readily apparent had you not cut the original quote out of the nest. That's exactly why I hit "reply" on his post.

As I just got done saying --------- reading is a lost art. Thanks for (re-)proving it.
I got an alert that you were replying to my post which is why I replied. Try using the "quote" function as I do when replying to a particular poster since in a chain of comments where you don't bother to identify who you are addressing such confusion can occur, as it has before.
This is not a reading problem...it is your laziness problem.

Hey, I ain't the one who just addressed the completely wrong poster because he can't read.

Am I.

Oh by the way I saw your other post before you deleted it. The one where you addressed Iceberg yet thought you were talking to me.

Reading, a lost art, I repeat myself, etc etc.
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Hey, I ain't the one who just addressed the completely wrong poster because he can't read.

Am I.

Oh by the way I saw your other post before you deleted it. The one where you addressed Iceberg yet thought you were talking to me.

Reading, a lost art, I repeat myself, etc etc.
In post #257 there are two possible posters in the thread you are replying to: myself and Silhouette.

Since we share the same views on the issue and being a lazy fucker, you made no effort to differentiate between the two of us, I naturally replied. Why shouldn't I?
So why should I act like I've made some mistake? I addressed you because I can read and you still are churning out the same old crap.

But I realize how one must get his little victories anyway he can when his ass is dragging in the dirt.
So I don't mind you exulting in your "victory". It illustrates how pathetic and dumb you are. I'm sure Silhouette will get a laugh out of your buffoonish behavior too. Thanks for being an ass!
Hey, I ain't the one who just addressed the completely wrong poster because he can't read.

Am I.

Oh by the way I saw your other post before you deleted it. The one where you addressed Iceberg yet thought you were talking to me.

Reading, a lost art, I repeat myself, etc etc.
In post #257 there are two possible posters in the thread you are replying to: myself and Silhouette.

Since we share the same views on the issue and being a lazy fucker, you made no effort to differentiate between the two of us, I naturally replied.
So why should I be ashamed and act like I've made some mistake? I addressed you because I can read and you still are churning out the same old crap.

But I realize how one must get his little victories anyway he can when his ass is dragging in the dirt.
So I don't mind you exulting in your "victory". It illustrates how pathetic and dumb you are. I'm sure Silhouette will get a laugh out of your buffoonish behavior too. Thanks for being an ass!

I see you continue to be incapable to admit you were WRONG.

Roll tape.

One judge does not have the authority to overturn a Congressional act. Fgm is not legal in the entire USA. Not anywhere. It will remain so in full force & effect until/unless Congress says its ok to sexually abuse little girls.
Federal judge finds female genital mutilation law unconstitutional
Apparently this judge says otherwise and if you read his legal reasoning it's absurd on many levels.
The judge should be removed from the bench.

He is instrumental in facilitating sexual abuse of children. He already has no authority.

Actually he already characterized the practice of FGM as disgusting assault. And nobody here disagrees.

But of course that's personal opinion, not authority. His authority as a judge comes in determining Constitutionality.... which has nothing to do with that opinion. They're separate things.

Reading is a lost art.

I know what Judge Friedman said and I also know what he did, striking down a law banning female genital mutilation on specious and erroneous grounds which even an apologist like you stopped shilling for after things were repeatedly and patiently explained to you.
My reading is fine. Thanks for stopping by.

That's in order of appearance.

Sucks 2BU.

Might not if you could admit you FUCKED UP. But noooooooooo.

Once AGAIN --- had you not cut out the post I replied to --- which is above --- you might have been able to follow who said what.

This is getting about as annoying as that Depotpoo klown who insists on turning everybody's quotes upside down just to make more work. It is the tactic of pissants.
I see you continue to be incapable to admit you were WRONG.

Roll tape.
When I'm wrong I'll let you know and my post on the issue laid out the case why I wasn't wrong (post #262). The rest of your bull shit remains unread and of no interest to me.
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Again, what you're sure of is not only stupid, it's irrelevant. The post was under attack and tear gas was effective in dispersing the crowd. No one was injured and no one died. You would have walked away from the situation and allowed your post to be overrun. And yes, in this case, Obama did do the same thing. The only difference was the composition of the crowd. This time, the thugs used women and children as shields.

Again, if you feel endangered by babies in diapers and have to use less-lethal force on them, maybe you should consider a different career.

He is instrumental in facilitating sexual abuse of children. He already has no authority.

So I am going to ask again, why do you guys get all upset about mutilating girl children but are totally cool with mutilating boy children?
Again, what you're sure of is not only stupid, it's irrelevant. The post was under attack and tear gas was effective in dispersing the crowd. No one was injured and no one died. You would have walked away from the situation and allowed your post to be overrun. And yes, in this case, Obama did do the same thing. The only difference was the composition of the crowd. This time, the thugs used women and children as shields.

Again, if you feel endangered by babies in diapers and have to use less-lethal force on them, maybe you should consider a different career.

You're just trying to be stupid now. You would have abandoned the post and left the border crossing completely undefended instead of obeying the Obama policy.

He is instrumental in facilitating sexual abuse of children. He already has no authority.

So I am going to ask again, why do you guys get all upset about mutilating girl children but are totally cool with mutilating boy children?
Who says anyone is okay with anything, besides you? I've noticed that you like to project the most extreme conditions onto others and can't hold a conversation to save your life. Why do you do that foolishness?
You're just trying to be stupid now. You would have abandoned the post and left the border crossing completely undefended instead of obeying the Obama policy.

Hey, buddy, I hear Obama is hiding under your bed right now.

Gassing Babies is all kinds of fucked up. It's actually against treaties we've signed to use it in a military conflict.

Who says anyone is okay with anything, besides you? I've noticed that you like to project the most extreme conditions onto others and can't hold a conversation to save your life. Why do you do that foolishness?

I don't see anyone going out there and condemning male circumcision with the anger that they are putting against female circumcision. Nobody is treating little Moshe's bris like it is a horrible crime or passing laws against it. In fact, they'd be screaming about "anti-Semitism" if anyone did.

But man, let them bash Muslims, they are all for it.
You're just trying to be stupid now. You would have abandoned the post and left the border crossing completely undefended instead of obeying the Obama policy.

Hey, buddy, I hear Obama is hiding under your bed right now.

Gassing Babies is all kinds of fucked up. It's actually against treaties we've signed to use it in a military conflict.

Who says anyone is okay with anything, besides you? I've noticed that you like to project the most extreme conditions onto others and can't hold a conversation to save your life. Why do you do that foolishness?

I don't see anyone going out there and condemning male circumcision with the anger that they are putting against female circumcision. Nobody is treating little Moshe's bris like it is a horrible crime or passing laws against it. In fact, they'd be screaming about "anti-Semitism" if anyone did.

But man, let them bash Muslims, they are all for it.

1. I'm not seeing you offer any better solution to protect the border than running away when thugs bring women and children with them.
2. It was Obama's policy to use tear gas to dispose violent crowds attacking the posts, so why don't you like his name being mentioned? Kind of dilutes your narrative?
3. Male circumcision actually has minor health benefits and doesn't prevent men from enjoying sex later in life, whereas cutting a little girl like that does and doesn't help them at all. The fact that you refuse to grasp that difference merely emphasizes your inability to debate.
1. I'm not seeing you offer any better solution to protect the border than running away when thugs bring women and children with them.

sure I did. Let them through. It's not a big deal.

2. It was Obama's policy to use tear gas to dispose violent crowds attacking the posts, so why don't you like his name being mentioned? Kind of dilutes your narrative?

Obama wasn't micro managing the border patrol, and he didn't gas babies.

3. Male circumcision actually has minor health benefits and doesn't prevent men from enjoying sex later in life, whereas cutting a little girl like that does and doesn't help them at all. The fact that you refuse to grasp that difference merely emphasizes your inability to debate.

Actually, it does reduce sexual enjoyment, and the health benefits are minimal...

But this is about Muslim bashing... even though it isn't an Islamic practice.
1. I'm not seeing you offer any better solution to protect the border than running away when thugs bring women and children with them.

sure I did. Let them through. It's not a big deal.

2. It was Obama's policy to use tear gas to dispose violent crowds attacking the posts, so why don't you like his name being mentioned? Kind of dilutes your narrative?

Obama wasn't micro managing the border patrol, and he didn't gas babies.

3. Male circumcision actually has minor health benefits and doesn't prevent men from enjoying sex later in life, whereas cutting a little girl like that does and doesn't help them at all. The fact that you refuse to grasp that difference merely emphasizes your inability to debate.

Actually, it does reduce sexual enjoyment, and the health benefits are minimal...

But this is about Muslim bashing... even though it isn't an Islamic practice.

1. You're a fool if you think no border security at all is a good thing.
2. The Obama policy was to use tear gas too disperse violent crowds. The thugs in this case brought women and children with them. You would have just walked away.
3. No, male circumcision does not decrease sexual enjoyment. Comparing it to what those women experience is no more meaningful than comparing the effects of a bee sting with a bullet to the gut.
3. No, male circumcision does not decrease sexual enjoyment. Comparing it to what those women experience is no more meaningful than comparing the effects of a bee sting with a bullet to the gut.
The dudes with the Snuffleupagus looking penises seem to have a senseless and unreasoning hate and fear of circumcision. I don't know why but they take the issue very seriously. If only for the fear of possible cancer of the penis
later in life I would circumcise my child (as I indeed did).
But it looks like some people love their odd looking penis skin overcoat more than their sons
3. No, male circumcision does not decrease sexual enjoyment. Comparing it to what those women experience is no more meaningful than comparing the effects of a bee sting with a bullet to the gut.
The dudes with the Snuffleupagus looking penises seem to have a senseless and unreasoning hate and fear of circumcision. I don't know why but they take the issue very seriously. If only for the fear of possible cancer of the penis
later in life I would circumcise my child (as I indeed did).
But it looks like some people love their odd looking penis skin overcoat more than their sons

And here you've nicely illustrated how a social ritual gets so entrenched that it --- in this case mutilating a body part --- gets to be the "expected" course and even "seems" natural. Which is exactly how FGM held on so long and in some corners still does.

Of course, to get to either one you have to accept the idea that mutilating a body part that Nature gave you is something "natural". It's the same thing in either case. And in both cases it was done and still is done on the basis that one's social group "expects" it. And in both cases, as with many other odd rituals, it hangs on because nobody stopped to think, "wait, WHY are we doing this?".
And here you've nicely illustrated how a social ritual gets so entrenched that it --- in this case mutilating a body part --- gets to be the "expected" course and even "seems" natural. Which is exactly how FGM held on so long and in some corners still does.

Of course, to get to either one you have to accept the idea that mutilating a body part that Nature gave you is something "natural". It's the same thing in either case. And in both cases it was done and still is done on the basis that one's social group "expects" it. And in both cases, as with many other odd rituals, it hangs on because nobody stopped to think, "wait, WHY are we doing this?".
Oh, who would have expected someone sensible and reasonable like you would be one of the pro Snuffleupagus penis crowd? :icon_rolleyes:
If for no other reason than just pure good health circumcision is more than justified and that you try to make a link to female genital mutilation shows how you must demonize circumcision in order to get rid of it....though no one is sure why that would be wise or desirable.
The ridiculous looking penis skin overcoat is an evolutionary relic just like the appendix or wisdom teeth and totally expendable as it serves no purpose anymore except as a rallying point for oddballs, kooks and loonies looking for
some absurd cause.
It is unhygienic and most women find the "turtleneck" look ridiculous (because it is).

"We are doing this" because it is low maintenance compared to the turtleneck and it is healthier, significantly lowering
the risk of penile cancer and we don't live in the stone age anymore. That's why.
And here you've nicely illustrated how a social ritual gets so entrenched that it --- in this case mutilating a body part --- gets to be the "expected" course and even "seems" natural. Which is exactly how FGM held on so long and in some corners still does.

Of course, to get to either one you have to accept the idea that mutilating a body part that Nature gave you is something "natural". It's the same thing in either case. And in both cases it was done and still is done on the basis that one's social group "expects" it. And in both cases, as with many other odd rituals, it hangs on because nobody stopped to think, "wait, WHY are we doing this?".
Oh, who would have expected someone sensible and reasonable like you would be one of the pro Snuffleupagus penis crowd? :icon_rolleyes:
If for no other reason than just pure good health circumcision is more than justified and that you try to make a link to female genital mutilation shows how you must demonize circumcision in order to get rid of it....though no one is sure why that would be wise or desirable.
The ridiculous looking penis skin overcoat is an evolutionary relic just like the appendix or wisdom teeth and totally expendable as it serves no purpose anymore except as a rallying point for oddballs, kooks and loonies looking for
some absurd cause.
It is unhygienic and most women find the "turtleneck" look ridiculous (because it is).

"We are doing this" because it is low maintenance compared to the turtleneck and it is healthier, significantly lowering
the risk of penile cancer and we don't live in the stone age anymore. That's why.

There is no way to change Nature as She scripts Life for "better health" unless you purport to play God. Nor does Nature traffic in the "ridiculous" or "unhygenic". While I can see you've been beating off this dead horse of a canard making excuses for mutilation, it ain't coming off. And while your boundless hubris in purporting to speak for "most women" is most amusing, to the extent it may apply all you just did is once again reaffirm how social practices pervade a society. It's kind of necessary that even when the mutilation is done to one gender, that both believe the mythology behind it. If that weren't the case the ritual could not survive.

And the same is true of FGM --- right down to the instant case in the OP, it's the women of the society who, believing it necessary for 'morals' or 'hygiene' or whatever the selling point is this week, forced and even deceived their own daughters into such mutilation. A mutilation which they themselves already endured. That requires a seriously deep self-delusion to rationalize the barbarity and turn a blind eye to its real purpose, which is -- again -- subjugating women out of fear of their Power. Your "we don't live in the stone age anymore" is another version of the same self-delusion.
later in life I would circumcise my child (as I indeed did).
But it looks like some people love their odd looking penis skin overcoat more than their sons
But would you amputate your son’s penis? Because that’s the counterpart in males of female genital mutilation. The entire stimulatory organ is amputated in girls.

If the answer is “no”, you are a hypocrite.
1. You're a fool if you think no border security at all is a good thing.
2. The Obama policy was to use tear gas too disperse violent crowds. The thugs in this case brought women and children with them. You would have just walked away.

Naw, man, I would have worked out a bribe to let them pass. No point letting an opportunity go to waste.

Border security is kind of besides the point. As long as we have jobs Americans won't do, they'll come in here.

3. No, male circumcision does not decrease sexual enjoyment. Comparing it to what those women experience is no more meaningful than comparing the effects of a bee sting with a bullet to the gut.

HOw would you know that? either you are circumcised and you don't know what you are missing, or you aren't and don't know what you haven't lost.

It's just funny you are okay with some sexual mutilation as long as your sky fairie approves of it.
1. You're a fool if you think no border security at all is a good thing.
2. The Obama policy was to use tear gas too disperse violent crowds. The thugs in this case brought women and children with them. You would have just walked away.

Naw, man, I would have worked out a bribe to let them pass. No point letting an opportunity go to waste.

Border security is kind of besides the point. As long as we have jobs Americans won't do, they'll come in here.

3. No, male circumcision does not decrease sexual enjoyment. Comparing it to what those women experience is no more meaningful than comparing the effects of a bee sting with a bullet to the gut.

HOw would you know that? either you are circumcised and you don't know what you are missing, or you aren't and don't know what you haven't lost.

It's just funny you are okay with some sexual mutilation as long as your sky fairie approves of it.

I've never heard any circumcised man complain that he doesn't enjoy sex because of it. These girls, OTOH...

Now do you see why your comparing the two is ridiculous?
I've never heard any circumcised man complain that he doesn't enjoy sex because of it. These girls, OTOH...

Now do you see why your comparing the two is ridiculous?

Since they were mutilated as children, they wouldn't know. Just like these girls who undergo FGM.

Now you're being deliberately obtuse, just like you are with border security. When you go to absurd extremes to defend an indefensible position, you cease to be relevant.

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