Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

See also posts 56 and 62. Kinda fun watching you contradict yourself. :meow:
You let us know who wins. And consider that this internal contradiction would not have been necessary had you not adopted the dishonest position in the first place.
I'm sorry. What do you do when you see something for the first time that contradicts a previously held position?
Still cling to your outdated opinions? Or change your mind as facts change?

Well I'm sure you cling to your hidebound lefty bullshit but when I see an enlightened Muslim figure condemning the practice of female genital mutilation I am only too happy to acknowledge it. Sorry to disappoint you. Stay obtuse and dim.

Is this supposed to be a concession that you were WRONG?

Needs work.
You mean what Obama did regularly at the border?

Nope. That's a lie. One incident involving adult men... you guys just can't fuck helping lying.

This is what you are defending, Asshole.

View attachment 232214

stop fucking lying and stop using "But, but, but Obama" you racist asshat.
While I fully support using skunk gas to drive invaders from our border. This photo is a CNN hoax.
I don't think a judge has the authority to 'nudge' a law in any direction; they're just supposed to look at what's passed and rule on whether or not it's legitimate as passed. Obviously the rational conclusion would be to simply write an assault law instead of a commerce law but that has to be the legislators' job.
Such a federal law already exists. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.

And as already explained Judge Friedman has made an inexplicable distinction between female genital mutilation and other forms of sexual abuse (such as rape, incest, ect.) that classify them as healthcare issues but not fgm in order to disingenuously, in my view, reject a law protecting fgm victims specifically.
Is this supposed to be a concession that you were WRONG?

Needs work.
No. It's nothing of the kind and if you read the post you would know it. Unless you aren't bright enough to comprehend what was posted. But that's your cross to bear.
Is this supposed to be a concession that you were WRONG?

Needs work.
No. It's nothing of the kind and if you read the post you would know it. Unless you aren't bright enough to comprehend what was posted. But that's your cross to bear.

Au contraire. I'm the one who just pointed out your self-contradiction.

As already noted that's where you're left when you start from a position of dishonesty.

Your (and others') conflation of "social customs" with "religion" aside, I've already shown you, way back in this thread, that such methods of trying to control and subjugate women are a function of Patriarchy, not religion, which is why FGM --- and many other social practices engaged for the same purpose --- shows up in myriad parts of the world where "Islam" doesn't even exist, nor for that matter does Christianism. As listed way back there FGM and related surgical procedures have been engaged in "Western medicine" in recent centuries including in our lifetimes, alongside myriad other theories and social practices all designed to subjugate and suppress women's power and deny its existence, and all driven by the patriarchal fear OF that power. And none of them involve "religion", neither "Islam" nor "Christianism" nor anything else.

Because, as I've been telling you since this thread opened, it's not a religious ritual but a social one. Its purpose is not to protect or serve ANY religious or spiritual function; its purpose is to perpetuate patriarchy and ensure that the men are running the show. And that means right here, on the earth, in everyday affairs --- not in some mystical sky planet and not for some god or gods --- for the real, tangible kings and lords and bosses and managers and husbands.
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Performing an assault on a victim --- treating the victim of that assault: know the difference. Nothing in the law applies to the latter, positively or negatively. So NO --- there is no way performing FGM can be considered "health care". It has no health benefits, never did, never will.
The law that Friedman struck down prevented the practice of female genital mutilation. Prevented it. It prevented it.

It's health care in the same sense that any law that prevents unsafe medical practices or communicable diseases would be considered health care measures, i.e. a law that forces owners of ponds where mosquitoes breed to spray or otherwise remove mosquito larvae is a health care matter and enforceable by law (unless Judge Friedman of Michigan has his way).

Seems like a simple concept to me. Do you not understand? That's also your cross to bear.
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Au contraire. I'm the one who just pointed out your self-contradiction.

As already noted that's where you're left when you start from a position of dishonesty.
There's no "contradiction" at all in moderating a view once new facts are introduced, you dumb fucker!
It's really pitiful the way you try to manufacture a gotcha moment so your little pathetic ego will feel better.
Get a life. Try to figure out why you are so lame and commending someone for bucking a trend within his own religion in no way contradicts what I've said before.It only confirms my previous opinions, you stupid ass!
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Your (and others') conflation of "social customs" with "religion" aside, I've already shown you, way back in this thread, that such methods of trying to control and subjugate women are a function of Patriarchy, not religion, which is why FGM --- and many other social practices engaged for the same purpose --- shows up in myriad parts of the world where "Islam" doesn't even exist, nor for that matter does Christianism. As listed way back there FGM and related surgical procedures have been engaged in "Western medicine" in recent centuries including in our lifetimes, alongside myriad other theories and social practices all designed to subjugate and suppress women's power and deny its existence, and all driven by the patriarchal fear OF that power. And none of them involve "religion", neither "Islam" nor "Christianism" nor anything else.

Because, as I've been telling you since this thread opened, it's not a religious ritual but a social one. Its purpose is not to protect or serve ANY religious or spiritual function; its purpose is to perpetuate patriarchy and ensure that the men are running the show. And that means right here, on the earth, in everyday affairs --- not in some mystical sky planet and not for some god or gods --- for the real, tangible kings and lords and bosses and managers and husbands.
Your extraneous and pointless blather aside, the epicenter of this law was the heavily Muslim populated states of Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota.
The doctor who was the main defendant in this matter was Muslim and the parents wanting their daughters to be surgically stripped of their sexual potentialities were all Muslim. Dr. M. Zuhadi Jasser was not voicing his hope for an end to this practice within his own community because Islam was not a primary factor. It is precisely the opposite and the reason he is speaking out. Maybe you need to extract your head from your rear and review his statement.

Your fumbling attempts to separate Islam and the patriarchy are absurd because they are hopelessly intertwined to a degree unknown in other religions. That's why despite a very very few exceptions you can cite the problem of female genital mutilation is by and large an overwhelmingly Muslim one. Your rationalizing is feeble.
Au contraire. I'm the one who just pointed out your self-contradiction.

As already noted that's where you're left when you start from a position of dishonesty.
There's no "contradiction" at all in moderating a view once new facts are introduced, you dumb fucker!
It's really pitiful the way you try to manufacture a gotcha moment so your little pathetic ego will feel better.
Get a life. Try to figure out why you are so lame and commending someone for bucking a trend within his own religion in no way contradicts what I've said before.It only confirms my previous opinions, you stupid ass!

As I said ---- your concession that you were WRONG still needs work.

And once again for the intellectually deaf ---- there is no 'trend within his own religion'. That's the same fallacious folderol you've been swimming in the whole time, before you called yourself out. Because, once again for the attention-deficient.... IT ISN'T A RELIGIOUS PRACTICE AT ALL. It's something that has, literally, NO RELIGIOUS FUNCTION. Not in Islam, not in Christianism, not in Hinduism, not in any of the indigenous religions of Africa or the Americas where it's known to be practiced.

Moreover, a social practice that's been widespread for literally thousands of years can in no definition be called a "trend". If there's a current "trend" it's in calling attention to the savage primitivity of this insane act to get it abolished.


Which is ------ again -------- what you yourself just documented.

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As I said ---- your concession that you were WRONG still needs work.

And once again for the intellectually deaf ---- there is no 'trend within his own religion'. That's the same fallacious folderol you've been swimming in the whole time, before you called yourself out. Because, once again for the attention-deficient.... IT ISN'T A RELIGIOUS PRACTICE AT ALL. It's something that has, literally, NO RELIGIOUS FUNCTION. Not in Islam, not in Christianism, not in Hinduism, not in any of the indigenous religions of Africa or the Americas where it's known to be practiced.

Moreover, a social practice that's been widespread for literally thousands of years can in no definition be called a "trend". If there's a current "trend" it's in calling attention to the savage primitivity of this insane act to get it abolished.

Which is ------ again -------- what you yourself just documented.
You must be extra special stupid because I have never, not once, claimed that female genital mutilation is a religious
function...only that those who practice it are primarily Muslims and you only have to look at the defendants in this case that Judge Friedman botched, speaking of butchers, to see that's true. My own citation from Dr. M. Zuhadi Jasser makes that abundantly clear because he is appealing to his own fellow Muslims to end this disgraceful custom. Stupid much?

I thought this point was made clear well over one hundred posts ago but you are exceedingly slow on the uptake and quite desperate to win some little concession somehow.
Time to wander back to your petting zoo and let adults take over from here.
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The Sharia Law issue shows the world that the Left has no real principles other than their greedy for power.


The Sharia Law issue shows the world that the Left has no real principles other than their greedy for power.

View attachment 232336
Actually you demonstrate your own head-up-the-ass ignorance, as your Googly Image is a complete fake, the picture taken from a poetry-reading contest where the girl got stage fright and was being consoled by the emcee.


Oh yes by all means wax your carrot about "principles", shit-for-brains.
As I said ---- your concession that you were WRONG still needs work.

And once again for the intellectually deaf ---- there is no 'trend within his own religion'. That's the same fallacious folderol you've been swimming in the whole time, before you called yourself out. Because, once again for the attention-deficient.... IT ISN'T A RELIGIOUS PRACTICE AT ALL. It's something that has, literally, NO RELIGIOUS FUNCTION. Not in Islam, not in Christianism, not in Hinduism, not in any of the indigenous religions of Africa or the Americas where it's known to be practiced.

Moreover, a social practice that's been widespread for literally thousands of years can in no definition be called a "trend". If there's a current "trend" it's in calling attention to the savage primitivity of this insane act to get it abolished.

Which is ------ again -------- what you yourself just documented.
You must be extra special stupid because I have never, not once, claimed that female genital mutilation is a religious
function...only that those who practice it are primarily Muslims and you only have to look at the defendants in this case that Judge Friedman botched, speaking of butchers, to see that's true. My own citation from Dr. M. Zuhadi Jasser makes that abundantly clear because he is appealing to his own fellow Muslims to end this disgraceful custom. Stupid much?

I thought this point was made clear well over one hundred posts ago but you are exceedingly slow on the uptake and quite desperate to win some little concession somehow.
Time to wander back to your petting zoo and let adults take over from here.


As I said ---- your concession that you were WRONG still needs work.

And once again for the intellectually deaf ---- there is no 'trend within his own religion'. That's the same fallacious folderol you've been swimming in the whole time, before you called yourself out. Because, once again for the attention-deficient.... IT ISN'T A RELIGIOUS PRACTICE AT ALL. It's something that has, literally, NO RELIGIOUS FUNCTION. Not in Islam, not in Christianism, not in Hinduism, not in any of the indigenous religions of Africa or the Americas where it's known to be practiced.

Moreover, a social practice that's been widespread for literally thousands of years can in no definition be called a "trend". If there's a current "trend" it's in calling attention to the savage primitivity of this insane act to get it abolished.

Which is ------ again -------- what you yourself just documented.
You must be extra special stupid because I have never, not once, claimed that female genital mutilation is a religious
function...only that those who practice it are primarily Muslims and you only have to look at the defendants in this case that Judge Friedman botched, speaking of butchers, to see that's true. My own citation from Dr. M. Zuhadi Jasser makes that abundantly clear because he is appealing to his own fellow Muslims to end this disgraceful custom. Stupid much?

I thought this point was made clear well over one hundred posts ago but you are exceedingly slow on the uptake and quite desperate to win some little concession somehow.
Time to wander back to your petting zoo and let adults take over from here.


It seems you want to strike back but can't figure out how. I commiserate with you. You've given up trying to win this argument altogether in favor of posting smiley faces and witless images like this one (whatever it means);
Is there a white flag you can run up a little animated flag pole? It would be your most appropriate response since you have just given up.
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The Sharia Law issue shows the world that the Left has no real principles other than their greedy for power.

View attachment 232336
Actually you demonstrate your own head-up-the-ass ignorance, as your Googly Image is a complete fake, the picture taken from a poetry-reading contest where the girl got stage fright and was being consoled by the emcee.


Oh yes by all means wax your carrot about "principles", shit-for-brains.

Is that what your Imam told you?
Why don't you have any compassion for the victims of Islamic genital mutilation and Jihad rape?

Islam, Rape and Theology
In the view of Islam, when a man rapes an immodestly dressed woman, the rape isn't his fault but hers; and when a Muslim rapes an infidel in the “House of War,” it's recognized as a form of jihad.

daaayuum you are digging your hole deeper
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The Sharia Law issue shows the world that the Left has no real principles other than their greedy for power.

View attachment 232336
Actually you demonstrate your own head-up-the-ass ignorance, as your Googly Image is a complete fake, the picture taken from a poetry-reading contest where the girl got stage fright and was being consoled by the emcee.


Oh yes by all means wax your carrot about "principles", shit-for-brains.

Is that what your Imam told you?
Why don't you have any compassion for the victims of Islamic genital mutilation and Jihad rape?

Islam, Rape and Theology
In the view of Islam, when a man rapes an immodestly dressed woman, the rape isn't his fault but hers; and when a Muslim rapes an infidel in the “House of War,” it's recognized as a form of jihad.

daaayuum you are digging your hole deeper

>> But Kenney did not explain that the first image is actually from a ceremonial Shia Ashura procession that celebrates the heroism of the prophet Mohammad’s grandson, Hussein, and his family. The girls and women in the photo Kenney tweeted symbolize Hussein’s sister, who was taken in chains to Damascus after he was beheaded.

That is to say, the girls in the photos are actors in a play that depicts events said to have occurred 1,300 years ago. They are not a depiction of the current enslavement of Muslim women. There are thousands of images of these ceremonies online. <<

Fake Image the Second:

>> the video [is] actually depicting a girl in a Koran reading competition. Upon making a mistake the girl in the video became upset and was comforted by a Tunisian man.

Another photo from the video can be seen below with the girl looking rather less upset.


Now tell the class, sewer-breath: how does if feel to know your bullshit is so weak you have to literally make shit up?

The Sharia Law issue shows the world that the Left has no real principles other than their greedy for power.

View attachment 232336
Actually you demonstrate your own head-up-the-ass ignorance, as your Googly Image is a complete fake, the picture taken from a poetry-reading contest where the girl got stage fright and was being consoled by the emcee.


Oh yes by all means wax your carrot about "principles", shit-for-brains.

Is that what your Imam told you?
Why don't you have any compassion for the victims of Islamic genital mutilation and Jihad rape?

Islam, Rape and Theology
In the view of Islam, when a man rapes an immodestly dressed woman, the rape isn't his fault but hers; and when a Muslim rapes an infidel in the “House of War,” it's recognized as a form of jihad.

daaayuum you are digging your hole deeper

>> But Kenney did not explain that the first image is actually from a ceremonial Shia Ashura procession that celebrates the heroism of the prophet Mohammad’s grandson, Hussein, and his family. The girls and women in the photo Kenney tweeted symbolize Hussein’s sister, who was taken in chains to Damascus after he was beheaded.

That is to say, the girls in the photos are actors in a play that depicts events said to have occurred 1,300 years ago. They are not a depiction of the current enslavement of Muslim women. There are thousands of images of these ceremonies online. <<

Fake Image the Second:

>> the video [is] actually depicting a girl in a Koran reading competition. Upon making a mistake the girl in the video became upset and was comforted by a Tunisian man.

Another photo from the video can be seen below with the girl looking rather less upset.


Now tell the class, sewer-breath: how does if feel to know your bullshit is so weak you have to literally make shit up?


ISIS Terror: Yazidi Woman Recalls Horrors of Slave Auction
heartless creep
The Sharia Law issue shows the world that the Left has no real principles other than their greedy for power.

View attachment 232336
Actually you demonstrate your own head-up-the-ass ignorance, as your Googly Image is a complete fake, the picture taken from a poetry-reading contest where the girl got stage fright and was being consoled by the emcee.


Oh yes by all means wax your carrot about "principles", shit-for-brains.

Is that what your Imam told you?
Why don't you have any compassion for the victims of Islamic genital mutilation and Jihad rape?

Islam, Rape and Theology
In the view of Islam, when a man rapes an immodestly dressed woman, the rape isn't his fault but hers; and when a Muslim rapes an infidel in the “House of War,” it's recognized as a form of jihad.

daaayuum you are digging your hole deeper

>> But Kenney did not explain that the first image is actually from a ceremonial Shia Ashura procession that celebrates the heroism of the prophet Mohammad’s grandson, Hussein, and his family. The girls and women in the photo Kenney tweeted symbolize Hussein’s sister, who was taken in chains to Damascus after he was beheaded.

That is to say, the girls in the photos are actors in a play that depicts events said to have occurred 1,300 years ago. They are not a depiction of the current enslavement of Muslim women. There are thousands of images of these ceremonies online. <<

Fake Image the Second:

>> the video [is] actually depicting a girl in a Koran reading competition. Upon making a mistake the girl in the video became upset and was comforted by a Tunisian man.

Another photo from the video can be seen below with the girl looking rather less upset.


Now tell the class, sewer-breath: how does if feel to know your bullshit is so weak you have to literally make shit up?


ISIS Terror: Yazidi Woman Recalls Horrors of Slave Auction
heartless creep

Why is no one surprised that a dishonest HACK like you would immediately change the subject as soon as he's been exposed as a FRAUD.

Youse guys really really need lessons on how to man up and admit you FUCKED UP.
Dishonest HACK.
The Sharia Law issue shows the world that the Left has no real principles other than their greedy for power.

View attachment 232336
Actually you demonstrate your own head-up-the-ass ignorance, as your Googly Image is a complete fake, the picture taken from a poetry-reading contest where the girl got stage fright and was being consoled by the emcee.


Oh yes by all means wax your carrot about "principles", shit-for-brains.

Is that what your Imam told you?
Why don't you have any compassion for the victims of Islamic genital mutilation and Jihad rape?

Islam, Rape and Theology
In the view of Islam, when a man rapes an immodestly dressed woman, the rape isn't his fault but hers; and when a Muslim rapes an infidel in the “House of War,” it's recognized as a form of jihad.

daaayuum you are digging your hole deeper

>> But Kenney did not explain that the first image is actually from a ceremonial Shia Ashura procession that celebrates the heroism of the prophet Mohammad’s grandson, Hussein, and his family. The girls and women in the photo Kenney tweeted symbolize Hussein’s sister, who was taken in chains to Damascus after he was beheaded.

That is to say, the girls in the photos are actors in a play that depicts events said to have occurred 1,300 years ago. They are not a depiction of the current enslavement of Muslim women. There are thousands of images of these ceremonies online. <<

Fake Image the Second:

>> the video [is] actually depicting a girl in a Koran reading competition. Upon making a mistake the girl in the video became upset and was comforted by a Tunisian man.

Another photo from the video can be seen below with the girl looking rather less upset.


Now tell the class, sewer-breath: how does if feel to know your bullshit is so weak you have to literally make shit up?


ISIS Terror: Yazidi Woman Recalls Horrors of Slave Auction
heartless creep

Why is no one surprised that a dishonest HACK like you would immediately change the subject as soon as he's been exposed as a FRAUD.

Youse guys really really need lessons on how to man up and admit you FUCKED UP.
Dishonest HACK.
do you see that black flag?
do you know who's flag that is?

Probably living off of American taxpayers......but fantasizing about their deaths.
Most likely a radical Muslim.
Read all his profanity and hate laced tirades above.
Does he represent the typical Muslim?

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