2nd doctor, wife arraigned in genital mutilation case at Livonia clinic

You know what I find appalling? That little girls are being mutilated for the purpose of making it so they cannot enjoy sex.

But most of the responses are arguments about whether this is more like liberals or conservatives. WTF? I don't know of any Americans who favor this barbaric act, and yet the most passionate arguments here are about which side of the aisle favors this.

Bullshit, people. This is not about left or right. This is about a horrific practice that must be stopped. If conservatives and liberals cannot agree that this must be stopped by whatever means necessary, I am ashamed to call you Americans. If you cannot put aside petty political differences to fight this, you are as bad as these doctors who need to be burning in Hell.
College students call it "choice " and want the practice funded.

As Long As It’s Choice, Columbia Students Okay with Funding Female Genital Mutilation

Liberals find scientific support and if you haven't vomited yet, the bias against FGM is now semantics. We call it mutilation. If we just called it cutting it would be more acceptable to to rubes.

An anthropologist justifies female genital mutilation

It's those darn rednecks they aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate slicing off a 7 year old girl's clitoris and sewing up her vagina without anesthesia. Maybe it's Christians. Forcing their religion on the good mutilating muslims. What is this, a theocracy?
It's all part of multiculturalism, a default setting in the collapse of assimilation. Diversity is our strength after all.
Some countries don't bother to use knives or scissors, or razor blades. The use sticks that are supposedly sharpened.

This whole concept is total and complete BS. Boils my blood.:mad:
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The result of Right Wing Religious Fanaticism.

Really? muslims are rightwingers? If so, why is it that the leftard clown posse has a muslim in Congress? We had a muslim leftard as a president and you are all for bringing as many over here as possible.......do you think you can convert them to leftardism? This is a serious question.
Yes, very Right Wing. Tell us what's liberal about subjecting women to removal of their sexuality.
Not Muslims, but the extreme fanatics who promote such brutality.

Hey, it's not me that is wanting to import as many muslims as possible and it's not conservatives that are wanting to bring them here. It's a U.N mandate supported by pseudo liberal sacks of shit that you support and vote for....so suck on that one, punkinpuss.
What do you think of the sick bastard who protests funerals in the name of Christianity? Should we think he speaks for Christianity? He's certainly Conservative.
Fred Phelps was a life long democrat. That "church" as you call it was set up and run by democrats to destroy the Tea Party which had NO connection to it.

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