MI Salon Owner "Bans" Trans, Etc. She Is Wrong.

Do you mean the left wing, democrat party, transgender who murdered 3 children and 3 adults and who the lgbtq community supported by including their death among the 6 victims, by holding up 7 fingers?

In Nasheville?

You mean that shooter?
Do you see anyone supporting the actions of that shooter?

No, I’m talking about a different person. Someone who wanted to murder a bunch of people, and your fellow conservatives supported his intentions.
Do you see anyone supporting the actions of that shooter?

No, I’m talking about a different person. Someone who wanted to murder a bunch of people, and your fellow conservatives supported his intentions.

When they included the shooter as one of the victims...yes......there were 6 victims of the left wing, democrat party, transgender shooter........lgbtq activists held up 7 fingers to place the shooter among the victims......

No one supports murderers....and don't give me that crap about internet trolls, you doofus...
........lgbtq activists held up 7 fingers to place the shooter among the victims......
Dumb argument, even from you. Nobody is justifying that person’s actions.

No one supports murderers....and don't give me that crap about internet trolls, you doofus...
Your fellow conservatives on this board support this guy’s actions. Are you calling your fellow conservatives here internet trolls? You’re going to run away from answering again, aren’t you?

You moron. You doofus. You idiot.
Dumb argument, even from you. Nobody is justifying that person’s actions.

Your fellow conservatives on this board support this guy’s actions. Are you calling your fellow conservatives here internet trolls? You’re going to run away from answering again, aren’t you?

You moron. You doofus. You idiot.

When they hold up 7 fingers, in order to include the shooter as a victim...they are supporting that killer...the left wing, democrat party, transgender shooter who the police are hiding their manifesto....
Whether it's morally "wrong" is subjective. I agree it's stupid and petty, not to mention terrible for business, but it's not illegal.

Who is to say which moral convictions are valid and which ones aren't? That's the slippery slope that I warned you people about with the cake ruling. A Muslim doesn't have to bake a cake with a picture of Mohammad and neither does a Democrat need to serve a Republican. We can't say that one is justified while the other isn't. It's ultimately up to them so long as they aren't breaking the law, which they aren't.
I agree, I think businesses should post in their windows which people they don't serve and then consumers can decide whether to patronize the establishments or not.
When they hold up 7 fingers, in order to include the shooter as a victim...they are supporting that killer...
Dumb argument. Nobody is supporting the actions of that killer.

Plenty of your fellow conservatives supported the actions of the guy who tried to kill a bunch of LGBTQ people. Are you calling them internet trolls or not? I noticed that you ran away from answering AGAIN.
That's true for some bands. One of the bands I play with gets complimented quite often because we don't play the usual stuff. We play tunes that people know but weren't expecting to hear.
What kind of music do you play?
(not trying to set you up - actually curious)
Dumb argument. Nobody is supporting the actions of that killer.

Plenty of your fellow conservatives supported the actions of the guy who tried to kill a bunch of LGBTQ people. Are you calling them internet trolls or not? I noticed that you ran away from answering AGAIN.

Again.......when the left wing, democrat party, transgender killer murders 3 children, and 3 adults, there are 6 victims.........the supporters of the left wing, democrat party, transgender killer held up 7 fingers to include the killer as one of the victims..........

No...plenty of my conservatives did not support murderers of any kind.......while you guys supported the murder of up to 40 people by the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, and the attempted murder of Kyle Rittenhouse.....
Again.......when the left wing, democrat party, transgender killer murders 3 children, and 3 adults, there are 6 victims.........the supporters of the left wing, democrat party, transgender killer held up 7 fingers to include the killer as one of the victims..........
You already said that twice. Repeating a stupid argument doesn’t make it less stupid. It’s still a stupid argument.

No...plenty of my conservatives did not support murderers of any kind.......
Here’s what one of your fellow conservatives said about the guy who tried to kill a bunch of LGBTQ people:

”Too bad he wasn't successful.”

I’ll be happy to show you more after you address this.
You already said that twice. Repeating a stupid argument doesn’t make it less stupid. It’s still a stupid argument.

Here’s what one of your fellow conservatives said about the guy who tried to kill a bunch of LGBTQ people:

”Too bad he wasn't successful.”

I’ll be happy to show you more after you address this.

Who said that? If they were on line, you are an idiot.......

Meanwhile, in marches across the country, you assholes raised 7 fingers to include the left wing, democrat party, transgender as a victim in the mass shooting she perpetrated agaimst 3 children and their teachers.....

That's you guys....
One of your fellow Trump supporters on this message board.

Are you calling one of your fellow conservatives an internet troll?

Oh.....on a messageboard.....so....you are a dipshit.......

Get back to me when you find someone who isnt yanking your left wing, dumb ass chain..

I told you about real people marching and holding up 7 fingers to include the murderer as one of the victims....you clod
This is the kind of discrimination that is wrong and, if I understand the SC ruling correctly, unlawful. She is doing people's hair and is open to the public. This does not involve speech on her part. In fact, there is no reason at all for her to endorse these folks' sexuality in using her speech. She is coloring and cutting their hair. Unless you want to be completely untamed I guess, everyone needs their hair tended.

A hair salon owner in Michigan has vowed to ban certain members of the LGBTQ+ community who specify their pronouns, saying they are 'not welcome' at her salon.

'If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer,' Studio 8 Hair Lab owner Christine Geiger wrote on Facebook.

Geiger wrote that she was simply exercising her right to 'free speech' as well as her ability as a business owner to 'refuse services' to certain customers.

Hair salon owner vows to ban customers who specify their pronouns

I support the salon owner. People who demand that others use "their" pronouns have a higher incidence of mental illness. Best to avoid them.
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Oh.....on a messageboard.....so....you are a dipshit.......
On this message board, like I fucking said. You moron. You doofus. You dipshit.

Are you calling your fellow Trump supporter on this website an internet troll? Yes or no.

You have a REALLY hard time answering direct questions. Must be difficult with you being a coward and all.
My reading of this is she is saying she doesn’t do they whole non binary self identity idiocy and if you want that you are better off going somewhere else. If someone came in and insisted on being addressed by their preferred pronoun or whatever I don’t believe she is under any legal obligation to do so but if she refused service to them over that she would probably be in some legal trouble.
This is the kind of discrimination that is wrong and, if I understand the SC ruling correctly, unlawful. She is doing people's hair and is open to the public. This does not involve speech on her part. In fact, there is no reason at all for her to endorse these folks' sexuality in using her speech. She is coloring and cutting their hair. Unless you want to be completely untamed I guess, everyone needs their hair tended.

A hair salon owner in Michigan has vowed to ban certain members of the LGBTQ+ community who specify their pronouns, saying they are 'not welcome' at her salon.

'If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer,' Studio 8 Hair Lab owner Christine Geiger wrote on Facebook.

Geiger wrote that she was simply exercising her right to 'free speech' as well as her ability as a business owner to 'refuse services' to certain customers.

Hair salon owner vows to ban customers who specify their pronouns
She can say whatever she wants. If she starts turning away customers simply for being effeminate men who dress like women, or women who dress and act masculine, then we will see what comes of that.
On this message board, like I fucking said. You moron. You doofus. You dipshit.

Are you calling your fellow Trump supporter on this website an internet troll? Yes or no.

You have a REALLY hard time answering direct questions. Must be difficult with you being a coward and all.

Now that was a funny post....but younput it in the wrong area....humor is in wnother area.....
Now that was a funny post....but younput it in the wrong area....humor is in wnother area.....
Still no answer to a direct question. What's funny is how much of a little bitch you are every time you lose an argument. It's very predictable.

Watch. You're going to dodge it again. Go on you little bitch, let's see it. Run away from the big scawy question like we both know you're going to do. Go hide behind your guns. :laugh:
This was inevitable.

The baker doesn't have to bake the cake, the florist doesn't need to serve Republicans, and the salon owner doesn't need to serve trans people.

It's ridiculous and petty. But it's at least consistent and fair.

When The high court legalized discrimination, This is what happens as a result.

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