MI: Unions praise Whitmer for signing Right to Work repeal, prevailing wage restoration bills


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Unions and other pro-labor groups on Friday celebrated the signing of a set of bills to reverse GOP former Gov. Rick Snyder-era laws that have curtailed union power and pushed down wages.

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday afternoon signed House Bills 4004 and 4007 and Senate Bill 34. HB 4004 repeals Right to Work for public-sector employees, while SB 34 does the same for private-sector workers. HB 4007 restores the practice of prevailing wage into law.

“These bills will protect health and safety, ensuring healthcare workers can put patient care ahead of profit, construction workers can speak up when there’s a safety issue, and employees can call attention to food safety threats and other problems,” Whitmer said in a statement. “Let’s continue delivering for working people and ensuring Michigan is open for business.”

With her signature, Michigan is now the first state in nearly 60 years to repeal any Right to Work laws. The 2012 laws, which were highly controversial, allowed workers to get all union benefits without having to pay dues.

Its passage in the GOP-led Legislature drew a crowd of roughly 12,000 protesters. It also contained an appropriation, rendering citizens unable to repeal it.

In 2018, the GOP-led Legislature also approved an initiative repealing prevailing wage for contracted workers on state projects.’

Very good.
Glad I don't live in Michigan. Everything's fixing to get more expensive there.

This is like, the most idiotic thing to do during an upcoming recession, IMO. From the link;

". . .Gov. Whitmer and Democrats have hurt Michigan’s ability to compete to attract high-paying careers,” said House Minority Leader Matt Hall. (R-Richland Twp.). Their pay cut plan has repealed our right-to-work law, forcing unionization on Michigan workers and taking the fruits of their labor. Without right-to-work, businesses will find more competitive states for their manufacturing plants and research and development facilities, and workers and careers will drift away. To add economic insult to injury, the Democrats’ prevailing wage law will expose small businesses in our communities to frivolous legal harassment from competitors and activists.. . "
‘Unions and other pro-labor groups on Friday celebrated the signing of a set of bills to reverse GOP former Gov. Rick Snyder-era laws that have curtailed union power and pushed down wages.

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday afternoon signed House Bills 4004 and 4007 and Senate Bill 34. HB 4004 repeals Right to Work for public-sector employees, while SB 34 does the same for private-sector workers. HB 4007 restores the practice of prevailing wage into law.

“These bills will protect health and safety, ensuring healthcare workers can put patient care ahead of profit, construction workers can speak up when there’s a safety issue, and employees can call attention to food safety threats and other problems,” Whitmer said in a statement. “Let’s continue delivering for working people and ensuring Michigan is open for business.”

With her signature, Michigan is now the first state in nearly 60 years to repeal any Right to Work laws. The 2012 laws, which were highly controversial, allowed workers to get all union benefits without having to pay dues.

Its passage in the GOP-led Legislature drew a crowd of roughly 12,000 protesters. It also contained an appropriation, rendering citizens unable to repeal it.

In 2018, the GOP-led Legislature also approved an initiative repealing prevailing wage for contracted workers on state projects.’

Very good.
Why do you commie assfucks hate the working class?
Why do you commie assfucks hate the working class?
Two-thirds of it is about the folks that work for the State, or about contracts with the state.


They don't care about the working class, because it is about rewarding the folks that rigged the nominating process, and corrupted it to make sure James Craig would not defeat Whitmer.

This is about robbing the tax-payers. Most of it is about giving tax payer money, to state employees, and their contractors, whether they perform or not.


From the link;
"Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday afternoon signed House Bills 4004 and 4007 and Senate Bill 34. HB 4004 repeals Right to Work for public-sector employees, while SB 34 does the same for private-sector workers. HB 4007 restores the practice of prevailing wage into law."

"Fix the damn Roads?" Naw, moar like fleece the dumb azz SJWs . . . :sigh2:
Of course, ‘right to work’ is a lie.

It’s the right to low wages.

The right to no benefits.

The right to be terminated for any meritless, capricious reason.

And the right of employers to abuse and exploit employees.

I have the right to affordable goods and services without supply-line disruptions. I also have the right to not having the excess costs of those goods and services going into corrupt labor bosses pockets, and supporting candidates I don't like.

Screw labor unions.
Granholm and Whitmer did the dirty deed to that state. "You cross this 8 mile line...you die".
I have the right to affordable goods and services without supply-line disruptions. I also have the right to not having the excess costs of those goods and services going into corrupt labor bosses pockets, and supporting candidates I don't like.

Screw labor unions.
Self proclaimed "rights", are NOT rights.

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Nov 30, 2022 — Corporate profits in the nonfinancial sector hit a record high of $2.08 trillion in the third quarter even as 40-year-high inflation ...

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I don't have a right to get hosed by greedy corporations, I should but I don't.
I have the right to affordable goods and services without supply-line disruptions. I also have the right to not having the excess costs of those goods and services going into corrupt labor bosses pockets, and supporting candidates I don't like.

Screw labor unions.
Then tell employers to start paying people for their labor.
the most idiotic thing to do during an upcoming recession
Say wut? Michigan was first:
Last edited:
‘Unions and other pro-labor groups on Friday celebrated the signing of a set of bills to reverse GOP former Gov. Rick Snyder-era laws that have curtailed union power and pushed down wages.

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday afternoon signed House Bills 4004 and 4007 and Senate Bill 34. HB 4004 repeals Right to Work for public-sector employees, while SB 34 does the same for private-sector workers. HB 4007 restores the practice of prevailing wage into law.

“These bills will protect health and safety, ensuring healthcare workers can put patient care ahead of profit, construction workers can speak up when there’s a safety issue, and employees can call attention to food safety threats and other problems,” Whitmer said in a statement. “Let’s continue delivering for working people and ensuring Michigan is open for business.”

With her signature, Michigan is now the first state in nearly 60 years to repeal any Right to Work laws. The 2012 laws, which were highly controversial, allowed workers to get all union benefits without having to pay dues.

Its passage in the GOP-led Legislature drew a crowd of roughly 12,000 protesters. It also contained an appropriation, rendering citizens unable to repeal it.

In 2018, the GOP-led Legislature also approved an initiative repealing prevailing wage for contracted workers on state projects.’

Very good.
It’s awesome!
Of course, ‘right to work’ is a lie.

It’s the right to low wages.

The right to no benefits.

The right to be terminated for any meritless, capricious reason.

And the right of employers to abuse and exploit employees.
Odd, I worked all my life in a right to work state and did very well for me and mine.

If you choose to work where you are treated poorly then it's you that chose poorly.
Democrats hate Right to Work.

They have no way to extort money from Right to Work workers for campaign funds.
Certainly good news for the union business reps and other labor goons out there. As well as the barmaids and strippers at the local Italian club who will have more money to tip
Right to work laws are DESIGNED to drive labor rates down.

If you favor lower labor rates then sure… support right to work


They are designed to keep Mob activity and crime down. More union dues collected by the La Cosa Nostra means more money available to bring drugs, gambling and prostitution into working people's neighborhoods.

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