Mia Love for VP

How much does it say about us as conservatives that we want someone to be picked based in the color of their skin & wedge between their legs?

Isn't that the kind of shit we bitch at the left for doing?
I hope he picks someone who is prepared to be president. No other qualification matters unless we're going for liberal ideas of who to pick
I always thought Kasich was a reasonable man. I don't think he would lower his standards enough to be Trump's VP.
What reasonable about staying in a race when you only won one state? His only hope was to be installed by party bosses. We don't share the same value system.

I like Mia Love, still very junior though. I think the Trumpster needs an inside guy for the same reason obbie picked Joe.

When Trumps real history is exposed, he will be shown to have more inside gays to choose from than inside guys.
Yeah dude, his wife is totally masculine.

Nope, She's hot. There are lots of nekkid pictures to prove that. She would be the first first lady who made sure pictures of her titties were available for men to jerk off on. He already made it clear that he will poke almost anything with a hole in it though. Why else would he say sexually transmitted diseases were like his own personal Vietnam? A really classy choice you made there.

Then there are the naked pics of Obamie's mammy :)

Link? I can easily provide pictures of Trump's wife. They are all over the internet.
Trump is going to be the nominee. Its not something I was looking forward to but I will support him in the general election. That being said the best running mate has to be Mia Love. With a Female Black Conservative on the team the liberals won't have any cards to throw and have nothing but failed Democratic party policies to fall back on.
A black Mormon, cursed by God, according to Mormons. Great idea.
There will be many Republicans who would turn down the invitation, so he had better be careful about how public he makes his finalists.

Many? I believe you mean "vast majority." We all know it's either Christie or Palin. Though he says he's considering Kasich. But Kasich would tell him to go fuck himself.
There will be many Republicans who would turn down the invitation, so he had better be careful about how public he makes his finalists.

Many? I believe you mean "vast majority." We all know it's either Christie or Palin. Though he says he's considering Kasich. But Kasich would tell him to go fuck himself.

I think Christie would more than likely be an AG consideration
There will be many Republicans who would turn down the invitation, so he had better be careful about how public he makes his finalists.

Many? I believe you mean "vast majority." We all know it's either Christie or Palin. Though he says he's considering Kasich. But Kasich would tell him to go fuck himself.

I think Christie would more than likely be an AG consideration

I agree that that would be Trump's plan as of right now. But Trump's list of potential VP picks is going to quickly evaporate. I suspect he'll eventually make his way down to either Christie or Palin before he gets an acceptance. It just depends on who is higher on this list.

Though at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised to see him pick his own son, either.
How much does it say about us as conservatives that we want someone to be picked based in the color of their skin & wedge between their legs?

Isn't that the kind of shit we bitch at the left for doing?
I hope he picks someone who is prepared to be president. No other qualification matters unless we're going for liberal ideas of who to pick

If he cared who was ready to be president he wouldn't be running himseld?.

You are right, of course. Though I could argue that Trump being who he is may need to pick Mia in attempt to keep Utah red
Trump is going to be the nominee. Its not something I was looking forward to but I will support him in the general election. That being said the best running mate has to be Mia Love. With a Female Black Conservative on the team the liberals won't have any cards to throw and have nothing but failed Democratic party policies to fall back on.
Utah GOP plots to save Mia Love from Trump backlash - POLITIC

Mia Love's district is R +14. It's solid red.

Mia Love's district is R +14. It's solid red.[/QUOTE]
Donald Trump's unpopular in Utah. Here's why that matters ...
I think Kasich would be a good pick for Trump

I think Trump is planning on Kasich....he is the only Republican Trump did not attack

Kasich will tell Trump to go fuck himself.
I do not see why you are so sure of that.

1 - Kasich has been emphatic that he will not accept a VP nod from anyone.
2 - Kasich is intelligent, Trump is an idiot. Kasich wouldn't dirty himself.
3 - There's nothing of value in it for Kasich. It's the equivalent of like Peyton Manning taking a job as Tim Tebow's backup. Fuck that shit, may as well retire.
I LOVE Mia. Whether she is ready or not, I can't make that call. She is probably a lot more ready than many others though.
I think Kasich would be a good pick for Trump

I always thought Kasich was a reasonable man. I don't think he would lower his standards enough to be Trump's VP.
What reasonable about staying in a race when you only won one state? His only hope was to be installed by party bosses. We don't share the same value system.

I like Mia Love, still very junior though. I think the Trumpster needs an inside guy for the same reason obbie picked Joe.

When Trumps real history is exposed, he will be shown to have more inside gays to choose from than inside guys.
Yeah dude, his wife is totally masculine.

Nope, She's hot. There are lots of nekkid pictures to prove that. She would be the first first lady who made sure pictures of her titties were available for men to jerk off on. He already made it clear that he will poke almost anything with a hole in it though. Why else would he say sexually transmitted diseases were like his own personal Vietnam? A really classy choice you made there.
I didn't vote yet, Retard. I'm in WA State. You never get anything right.

I don't even need to now but if I did I would be voting for a man, not a God. Unlike yourself I can support someone and not agree with everything. You can't because that requires thought.
Trump is going to be the nominee. Its not something I was looking forward to but I will support him in the general election. That being said the best running mate has to be Mia Love. With a Female Black Conservative on the team the liberals won't have any cards to throw and have nothing but failed Democratic party policies to fall back on.
Well, that would the most fascinating campaign in history even MORE fascinating.

She's not ready, though.

Because Trump is?

Mia Love is too respectable to dirty herself with a connection to Trump.
LOL, unlike the wife of Bill Clinton.
What reasonable about staying in a race when you only won one state? His only hope was to be installed by party bosses. We don't share the same value system.

I like Mia Love, still very junior though. I think the Trumpster needs an inside guy for the same reason obbie picked Joe.

When Trumps real history is exposed, he will be shown to have more inside gays to choose from than inside guys.
Yeah dude, his wife is totally masculine.

Nope, She's hot. There are lots of nekkid pictures to prove that. She would be the first first lady who made sure pictures of her titties were available for men to jerk off on. He already made it clear that he will poke almost anything with a hole in it though. Why else would he say sexually transmitted diseases were like his own personal Vietnam? A really classy choice you made there.

Then there are the naked pics of Obamie's mammy :)

Link? I can easily provide pictures of Trump's wife. They are all over the internet.

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