Mia Love for VP

Yeah dude, his wife is totally masculine.

Nope, She's hot. There are lots of nekkid pictures to prove that. She would be the first first lady who made sure pictures of her titties were available for men to jerk off on. He already made it clear that he will poke almost anything with a hole in it though. Why else would he say sexually transmitted diseases were like his own personal Vietnam? A really classy choice you made there.
I didn't vote yet, Retard. I'm in WA State. You never get anything right.

I don't even need to now but if I did I would be voting for a man, not a God. Unlike yourself I can support someone and not agree with everything. You can't because that requires thought.

Great. You support a president who is good with his wife's titties plastered all over the internet. I thought right wingers believed in family values.
I'm not an ideology, one which you have no understanding of in the first place. I'm a person that has no problem with nudes, I've spent many hours drawing them. Europeans don't share our prudish values and I think the first ladies titties on the internet titillation will quickly wear off.

Of course you do. You are happy to just pretend your hair wasn't on fire screaming about "FAMILY VALUES" not so long ago. That type thing happens when integrity is thrown away as the right has done..
I said nothing about family values, don't ever recall it here or elsewhere. You are simply too stupid to understand people are not political parties.

Which is a shocking level of stupidity. I'd hate to see how you make it through a day.
Trump is going to be the nominee. Its not something I was looking forward to but I will support him in the general election. That being said the best running mate has to be Mia Love. With a Female Black Conservative on the team the liberals won't have any cards to throw and have nothing but failed Democratic party policies to fall back on.

So you think Mia Love would provide enough cover to keep his racism from being attacked? :0)

Another Sad Black Republican: Mia Love Loses Utah Congressional Election

Good luck with that. :0)
What racism?
Trump is going to be the nominee. Its not something I was looking forward to but I will support him in the general election. That being said the best running mate has to be Mia Love. With a Female Black Conservative on the team the liberals won't have any cards to throw and have nothing but failed Democratic party policies to fall back on.
That's so crazy it just might work.
Trump is going to be the nominee. Its not something I was looking forward to but I will support him in the general election. That being said the best running mate has to be Mia Love. With a Female Black Conservative on the team the liberals won't have any cards to throw and have nothing but failed Democratic party policies to fall back on.

So you think Mia Love would provide enough cover to keep his racism from being attacked? :0)

Another Sad Black Republican: Mia Love Loses Utah Congressional Election

Good luck with that. :0)
Trump is going to be the nominee. Its not something I was looking forward to but I will support him in the general election. That being said the best running mate has to be Mia Love. With a Female Black Conservative on the team the liberals won't have any cards to throw and have nothing but failed Democratic party policies to fall back on.

So you think Mia Love would provide enough cover to keep his racism from being attacked? :0)

Another Sad Black Republican: Mia Love Loses Utah Congressional Election

Good luck with that. :0)
What racism?

Crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims. -- Donald Trump


Next question ..
Well connected because he greased their palms along with many others for his business? It's only dirty to you because you don't understand the world you live in.

You're defense of Trump is to say that he has a long history of bribing many politicians?
Crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims. -- Donald Trump
Next question ..

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

Wait, you mean you support Trump, but didn't know he said this .. and more?
Looks like he was quoting a source he saw. I don't know how accurate it is or isn't and don't give a fuck. Why should I? I can support someone without caring about everything they said. Every candidate can be picked apart, especially Hillary so what's the point? If he hurt your feelings, grow a sack and learn to live in the grown up world.
Well connected because he greased their palms along with many others for his business? It's only dirty to you because you don't understand the world you live in.

You're defense of Trump is to say that he has a long history of bribing many politicians?
No, I pointed out you can't read. It's what the movers and shakers in a community do. I didn't say is was good, right, wrong or evil, I said that's the way it is. I have no need to defend anybody.

BUT your panties are in a bunch over a businessman giving the Clintons money and aren't bothered about the Clintons. LOL
Crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims. -- Donald Trump
Next question ..

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

Wait, you mean you support Trump, but didn't know he said this .. and more?
Looks like he was quoting a source he saw. I don't know how accurate it is or isn't and don't give a fuck. Why should I? I can support someone without caring about everything they said. Every candidate can be picked apart, especially Hillary so what's the point? If he hurt your feelings, grow a sack and learn to live in the grown up world.

"Hurt my feelings" :0) Grow up dude. Why would my feelings be hurt by that asshole once again making a complete fool of himself .. ON PURPOSE.

You can support whomever you want .. why would I care? :0) You asked a question .. I answered it.

I want Trump to be the nominee so he can further destroy the Republican Party.
Well connected because he greased their palms along with many others for his business? It's only dirty to you because you don't understand the world you live in.

You're defense of Trump is to say that he has a long history of bribing many politicians?
No, I pointed out you can't read. It's what the movers and shakers in a community do. I didn't say is was good, right, wrong or evil, I said that's the way it is. I have no need to defend anybody.

BUT your panties are in a bunch over a businessman giving the Clintons money and aren't bothered about the Clintons. LOL

Yeah, I'm such a fan of the Clintons that by "not respectable in the slightest" I really meant that they were my favs. :slap:

This is the kind of stupidity that is going to be the death of this country. You are literally whining that the Clintons are corrupt and take bribes from Trump, while being all too happy to support Trump. And yet somehow, you accuse me of being hypocritical when I condemn both. Stupidity squared.
Crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims. -- Donald Trump
Next question ..

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

Wait, you mean you support Trump, but didn't know he said this .. and more?
Looks like he was quoting a source he saw. I don't know how accurate it is or isn't and don't give a fuck. Why should I? I can support someone without caring about everything they said. Every candidate can be picked apart, especially Hillary so what's the point? If he hurt your feelings, grow a sack and learn to live in the grown up world.

"Hurt my feelings" :0) Grow up dude. Why would my feelings be hurt by that asshole once again making a complete fool of himself .. ON PURPOSE.

You can support whomever you want .. why would I care? :0) You asked a question .. I answered it.

I want Trump to be the nominee so he can further destroy the Republican Party.
You don't sound happy about it. Like most libs when you are talking you are lying. So Trump quotes a study he finds, you don't like it and decide to bludgeon him with it here, but it doesn't really matter?

Fact is he's bringing in new and cross over voters and the party will get behind him. So your false sense of bravado is a big ...no sale!
I think Kasich would be a good pick for Trump

I always thought Kasich was a reasonable man. I don't think he would lower his standards enough to be Trump's VP.
What reasonable about staying in a race when you only won one state? His only hope was to be installed by party bosses. We don't share the same value system.

I like Mia Love, still very junior though. I think the Trumpster needs an inside guy for the same reason obbie picked Joe.

When Trumps real history is exposed, he will be shown to have more inside gays to choose from than inside guys.
Yeah dude, his wife is totally masculine.

Nope, She's hot. There are lots of nekkid pictures to prove that. She would be the first first lady who made sure pictures of her titties were available for men to jerk off on. He already made it clear that he will poke almost anything with a hole in it though. Why else would he say sexually transmitted diseases were like his own personal Vietnam? A really classy choice you made there.
"He already made it clear that he will poke almost anything with a hole in it though."
Hey at least he's honest about it. Unlike certain persons husband who lied to the entire country about his "bimbo eruptions" time and time again.
Well connected because he greased their palms along with many others for his business? It's only dirty to you because you don't understand the world you live in.

You're defense of Trump is to say that he has a long history of bribing many politicians?
No, I pointed out you can't read. It's what the movers and shakers in a community do. I didn't say is was good, right, wrong or evil, I said that's the way it is. I have no need to defend anybody.

BUT your panties are in a bunch over a businessman giving the Clintons money and aren't bothered about the Clintons. LOL

Yeah, I'm such a fan of the Clintons that by "not respectable in the slightest" I really meant that they were my favs. :slap:

This is the kind of stupidity that is going to be the death of this country. You are literally whining that the Clintons are corrupt and take bribes from Trump, while being all too happy to support Trump. And yet somehow, you accuse me of being hypocritical when I condemn both. Stupidity squared.
I didn't bring up the donations. It takes two to tango and that's the way it's been. If you have a problem with it, voting for an establishment type would do what?

My response to you was over: "Mia Love is too respectable to dirty herself with a connection to Trump." Didn't see Clinton mentioned there at all, Tinybubbles.
My response to you was over: "Mia Love is too respectable to dirty herself with a connection to Trump." Didn't see Clinton mentioned there at all, Tinybubbles.

OMG, what was I thinking!?! We're talking about a hypothetical selection of Mia Love as a VP candidate, how could I forget to mention Hillary Clinton?! :slap:

Oh, and you're right, I do make tiny bubbles. Powerful swimming creates significant "white water" near the surface at various points of disturbance. This white appearance is the result of very tiny air bubbles being caught within the water, creating the same basic visual phenomenon as a polar bear's clear fur appearing white. Thank you for noticing my prowess.

How much does it say about us as conservatives that we want someone to be picked based in the color of their skin & wedge between their legs?

Isn't that the kind of shit we bitch at the left for doing?
I hope he picks someone who is prepared to be president. No other qualification matters unless we're going for liberal ideas of who to pick
Sorry you feel that way I like Mia Love and what she stands for I want her as VP so that in 8 years she runs for President. The other stuff about being Black and a female is just gravy. When Clinton goes full bore at Trump about being a racist, women hater VP hopeful Mia Love can stand up and tell her she's full of shit. When the minority Liberals attack her like they always do to a Black conservative hopefully that will show those in the black community that the left only stands for the enrichment of the like minded.
No clue. I wish it could be Condi Rice but that won't happen. Maybe Gov Martinez of New Mexico like OReilly has been saying.
I wish it could be Rice, but every election she makes a few speeches every Conservative gets excited and nobody has the sense to ask her or behind doors she tells them no.

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