Mia Love for VP

How much does it say about us as conservatives that we want someone to be picked based in the color of their skin & wedge between their legs?

Isn't that the kind of shit we bitch at the left for doing?
I hope he picks someone who is prepared to be president. No other qualification matters unless we're going for liberal ideas of who to pick
Sorry you feel that way I like Mia Love and what she stands for I want her as VP so that in 8 years she runs for President. The other stuff about being Black and a female is just gravy. When Clinton goes full bore at Trump about being a racist, women hater VP hopeful Mia Love can stand up and tell her she's full of shit. When the minority Liberals attack her like they always do to a Black conservative hopefully that will show those in the black community that the left only stands for the enrichment of the like minded.
She is not qualified to be president. If some nut shoots Trump or he has a heart attack what then?
Not to say I don't think she has plenty of potential in the party in her future but not now.
You don't beat charges of racism or womanizing by trotting out a black or a female puppet. You beat them with your character.
And Biden has been in politics for almost 50 years I hate Obama but was terrified something would happen and that flaming idiot would be next in line.
By the way Obama was an elected official for 11 years before he ran for President. Mrs. Love as of now has been in the game for 13. Mia Love has more character in her bowel movements than any of the Liberal elite.
I did not vote for Biden or Obama so how is that relevant to what I said?
She is not qualified to be president. If some nut shoots Trump or he has a heart attack what then?

She's more qualified than Obozo.

Not to say I don't think she has plenty of potential in the party in her future but not now.
You don't beat charges of racism or womanizing by trotting out a black or a female puppet. You beat them with your character.

Considering the last 8 years, she couldn't do worse.
What is it with you people and the moral equivalency bullshit?
We've had eight trodding years of a President who did not have the experience for the job. A President put there on liberal philosophy and you all want to risk repeating it because "it's our turn" ?
So you think Mia Love would provide enough cover to keep his racism from being attacked? :0)

Another Sad Black Republican: Mia Love Loses Utah Congressional Election

Good luck with that. :0)
The article forgot to call her an Uncle Tom , house negro race traitor. That's the typical response from Liberal blacks against black Conservatives. Maybe next time you can tack it on yourself. By the way its an old article she ended up winning the next election.

Sorry, I don't have to call her anything but a black republican.

Everything else is self-explanatory.

Yes, she won the next race, but if she is anyone's idea of a VP .. good luck with that. :0)
Black Conservative Women. I know its distasteful to people like yourself being all lefty like but get use to it more and more from the black community are realizing the truth. The democratic party elite do not care about any contribution minorities bring other than votes.

:0) Why would I give a rats ass about a few black republican women or men? They don't make the slightest bit of difference with anything with their minuscule numbers.

It's too late for that.
Keep trying to convince yourself that the numbers are minuscule. Thats the problem with the left thinking they have a lock on the minority community. I can't wait for that kind of thinking to bite you all on the ass.

:0) You'll be waiting until your ass falls off.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.

Democrats had more elected African-Americans in Congress in 1970 then republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since Reconstruction.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.
:0) You'll be waiting until your ass falls off.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.

Democrats had more elected African-Americans in Congress in 1970 then republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since Reconstruction.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.

So you're proud that blacks engage in group think and dance on the democrats leash. :thup: Do your democrat massahs give you new names? Toby?
What is it with you people and the moral equivalency bullshit?

Congresswomen Love is more qualified than the current sitting president. Ergo it is absurd to call her "unqualified."
Perhaps you could fill me in. Maybe I just am not well enough informed.

What legislation has she authored that has passed and had a positive influence on the lives of everyday average Joe's?
The article forgot to call her an Uncle Tom , house negro race traitor. That's the typical response from Liberal blacks against black Conservatives. Maybe next time you can tack it on yourself. By the way its an old article she ended up winning the next election.

Sorry, I don't have to call her anything but a black republican.

Everything else is self-explanatory.

Yes, she won the next race, but if she is anyone's idea of a VP .. good luck with that. :0)
Black Conservative Women. I know its distasteful to people like yourself being all lefty like but get use to it more and more from the black community are realizing the truth. The democratic party elite do not care about any contribution minorities bring other than votes.

:0) Why would I give a rats ass about a few black republican women or men? They don't make the slightest bit of difference with anything with their minuscule numbers.

It's too late for that.
Keep trying to convince yourself that the numbers are minuscule. Thats the problem with the left thinking they have a lock on the minority community. I can't wait for that kind of thinking to bite you all on the ass.

:0) You'll be waiting until your ass falls off.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.

Democrats had more elected African-Americans in Congress in 1970 then republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since Reconstruction.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.
Type it some more in CAPITAL letters or curl into a little ball and keep repeating it over and over. The fact is those numbers are growing and the funny thing is Republicans really don't have to do anything to help it along. The Democratic party is doing a fine job chasing away the minority community. With decades of Liberal controlled cesspools like Detroit and Chicago all we have to do is sit back and welcome them back home.
:0) You'll be waiting until your ass falls off.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.

Democrats had more elected African-Americans in Congress in 1970 then republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since Reconstruction.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.

So you're proud that blacks engage in group think and dance on the democrats leash. :thup: Do your democrat massahs give you new names? Toby?

More ignorant ass braindead right-wing 'thought' .. and exactly why the Republican Party is dwindling like an ice cube in Hell.

Yes, absolutely I'm glad / ecstatic that Blacks reject the fucking Republican Party like the plague. Now, we choose presidents, and no candidate is going to win the White House without our votes.

You morons slit your own political throats.

Next question dummy.
What is it with you people and the moral equivalency bullshit?

Congresswomen Love is more qualified than the current sitting president. Ergo it is absurd to call her "unqualified."
Perhaps you could fill me in. Maybe I just am not well enough informed.

What legislation has she authored that has passed and had a positive influence on the lives of everyday average Joe's?
In May 2015 she was a lead sponsor along with Duncan Hunter of HR 2518 the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act, designed to increase the amount of information universities and colleges are required to provide prospective students.
In April 2016, Love got her first bill through the U.S. House. HR3791, which was approved in a 247-171 vote, raises limits on how large community banks can grow.
Sorry, I don't have to call her anything but a black republican.

Everything else is self-explanatory.

Yes, she won the next race, but if she is anyone's idea of a VP .. good luck with that. :0)
Black Conservative Women. I know its distasteful to people like yourself being all lefty like but get use to it more and more from the black community are realizing the truth. The democratic party elite do not care about any contribution minorities bring other than votes.

:0) Why would I give a rats ass about a few black republican women or men? They don't make the slightest bit of difference with anything with their minuscule numbers.

It's too late for that.
Keep trying to convince yourself that the numbers are minuscule. Thats the problem with the left thinking they have a lock on the minority community. I can't wait for that kind of thinking to bite you all on the ass.

:0) You'll be waiting until your ass falls off.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.

Democrats had more elected African-Americans in Congress in 1970 then republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since Reconstruction.

The numbers are MINUSCULE.
Type it some more in CAPITAL letters or curl into a little ball and keep repeating it over and over. The fact is those numbers are growing and the funny thing is Republicans really don't have to do anything to help it along. The Democratic party is doing a fine job chasing away the minority community. With decades of Liberal controlled cesspools like Detroit and Chicago all we have to do is sit back and welcome them back home.


I know that republicans like you hate data .. but let's look at the last presidential election to see just how much non-white voters care about republicans. :0)

That Time Mitt Romney Lost 83 Percent of Minority Voters
That Time Mitt Romney Lost 83 Percent of Minority Voters

NEXT :0)

Whose got next?
More ignorant ass braindead right-wing 'thought' .. and exactly why the Republican Party is dwindling like an ice cube in Hell.

You are a partisan hack, that's for sure.

Yes, absolutely I'm glad / ecstatic that Blacks reject the fucking Republican Party like the plague. Now, we choose presidents, and no candidate is going to win the White House without our votes.

You morons slit your own political throats.

Next question dummy.

What percentage of the black vote Did Dubya have in 2000 and '04?

Black people are 12.6% of the population, and were 11% of the voting public in 2008. Traditionally the black vote is about 8%.

Trump could easily win the White House without a single black vote.

You are a sock of the same moron who does Asslips and Tigerred, aren't you?
Perhaps you could fill me in. Maybe I just am not well enough informed.

What legislation has she authored that has passed and had a positive influence on the lives of everyday average Joe's?

I missed where that was the qualification to be vice president?

Perhaps you have different version of the Constitution than i?
No, I just have expectations that if someone has been in politics that long that they have something to show for it. If not they why the hell give them even more power over my life?

You want my vote show me a reason to give it to you. Sitting in DC living off my tax dollars is not an achievement. Being Black is not an achievement. Being a woman is not an achievement.

These same questions are the ones we asked of Obama & soon to be Hillary. Dunno why we can't take our own medicine.
No, I just have expectations that if someone has been in politics that long that they have something to show for it. If not they why the hell give them even more power over my life?

You want my vote show me a reason to give it to you. Sitting in DC living off my tax dollars is not an achievement. Being Black is not an achievement. Being a woman is not an achievement.

These same questions are the ones we asked of Obama & soon to be Hillary. Dunno why we can't take our own medicine.

What are you talking about?

I never asked for your vote for anything.

Love would be a good choice of VP for Trump, for a host of reasons. She bridges the gap to women, the gap to blacks, and the gap to conservatives. Trump needs to reach all three if he is to gain the White House. Women and conservatives mostly.
More ignorant ass braindead right-wing 'thought' .. and exactly why the Republican Party is dwindling like an ice cube in Hell.

You are a partisan hack, that's for sure.

Yes, absolutely I'm glad / ecstatic that Blacks reject the fucking Republican Party like the plague. Now, we choose presidents, and no candidate is going to win the White House without our votes.

You morons slit your own political throats.

Next question dummy.

What percentage of the black vote Did Dubya have in 2000 and '04?

Black people are 12.6% of the population, and were 11% of the voting public in 2008. Traditionally the black vote is about 8%.

Trump could easily win the White House without a single black vote.

You are a sock of the same moron who does Asslips and Tigerred, aren't you?

Obviously you don't know much about politics or demographics .. or much of anything else. Another dumbfuck republican from Buttfuck, Mississippi pretending to know what its talking about. :0)

The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere
Whites voted Republican in every state except for four.
The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere

Guess what dummy .. it's only going to get worse for idiot republicans like you as the country gets browner.

Keep dreaming.
Obviously you don't know much about politics or demographics .. or much of anything else. Another dumbfuck republican from Buttfuck, Mississippi pretending to know what its talking about. :0)

The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere
Whites voted Republican in every state except for four.
The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere

Guess what dummy .. it's only going to get worse for idiot republicans like you as the country gets browner.

Keep dreaming.

Sure Asslips, 8% of voters will rule the nation.

Math R Hard.....
Obviously you don't know much about politics or demographics .. or much of anything else. Another dumbfuck republican from Buttfuck, Mississippi pretending to know what its talking about. :0)

The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere
Whites voted Republican in every state except for four.
The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere

Guess what dummy .. it's only going to get worse for idiot republicans like you as the country gets browner.

Keep dreaming.

Sure Asslips, 8% of voters will rule the nation.

Math R Hard.....

No problem dumb motherfucker. :0)

Obama is the president without your vote(s) .. and Hillary will be the president .. without your vote(s)... and by 2024 when Clinton leaves office .. America will be even browner.

For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says
For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says

The future does not look good for you. Perhaps you should leave now .. avoid the rush. :0)
No problem dumb motherfucker. :0)

Obama is the president without your vote(s) .. and Hillary will be the president .. without your vote(s)... and by 2024 when Clinton leaves office .. America will be even browner.

For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says
For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says

The future does not look good for you. Perhaps you should leave now .. avoid the rush. :0)

No matter what sock you're under, you're dumb as dirt, Asslips.

Hillary doesn't need 63% of the population, she can win with 11%
Looks like he was quoting a source he saw. I don't know how accurate it is or isn't and don't give a fuck. Why should I? I can support someone without caring about everything they said. Every candidate can be picked apart, especially Hillary so what's the point? If he hurt your feelings, grow a sack and learn to live in the grown up world.

"Hurt my feelings" :0) Grow up dude. Why would my feelings be hurt by that asshole once again making a complete fool of himself .. ON PURPOSE.

You can support whomever you want .. why would I care? :0) You asked a question .. I answered it.

I want Trump to be the nominee so he can further destroy the Republican Party.
You don't sound happy about it. Like most libs when you are talking you are lying. So Trump quotes a study he finds, you don't like it and decide to bludgeon him with it here, but it doesn't really matter?

Fact is he's bringing in new and cross over voters and the party will get behind him. So your false sense of bravado is a big ...no sale!

One would have to be an absolute moron to stumble on 'facts' like that .. especially when the exact opposite is true.

82% of whites murdered are murdered by white people.

At what point do you recognize that Trump is saying that dumb shit on purpose .. because he doesn't want to be the president and never has?
He's gone through all this effort for what then? Publicity? A pay increase? A willing intern? Why aren't you more concerned about the blacks murdering each other?

The spotlight. Trump lives for it. .. and the fact that he gets to destroy the Republican Party for him and his good friend. :0)

Golly, a 20 year old photo of them actually being seen together. That proves they were in the same place at the same time.

Where is Bill's other hand, by the way?

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