Miami Judge Smacks Down Teen After She Gave Him The Finger In Court


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Miami Judge Smacks Down Teen After She Gave Him The Finger In Court

Abby Rogers
Feb. 6, 2013

A Miami teen's bad attitude got her 30 days behind bars after the judge decided he wasn't going to put up with it.

Penelope Soto, 18, was in Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat's bond court Monday on charges of possessing Xanax, Local 10 reported Monday.

[ame=]Penelope Soto, Miami Teen, Flips Off Judge And Gets A Month In Jail or 10,000$ Bail - YouTube[/ame]

Read more: Penelope Soto Flips Off Judge - Business Insider
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A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumbass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.
A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumbass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.

You do not have the freedom to flip the judge off in court any more than you have the freedom to shout "fire" in a crowded theater. She deserved her punishment, maybe she'll have more respect when she comes up before a judge again, or better yet, maybe she will turn her life around and not end up in front of a judge again. Her parents should have slapped her down long before she gave the judge the finger.
A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumbass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.

You do not have the freedom to flip the judge off in court any more than you have the freedom to shout "fire" in a crowded theater. She deserved her punishment, maybe she'll have more respect when she comes up before a judge again, or better yet, maybe she will turn her life around and not end up in front of a judge again. Her parents should have slapped her down long before she gave the judge the finger.

This story has been discussed elsewhere online today and TheOldSchool is the only poster who has criticized the judge. fwiw

What sort of person must this young woman be?? Some have compared her to Lindsay Lohan.

You are in court on drug charges, receive a significant fine and respond in this manner.

shrug--Maybe she has some wealthy 'friends'/associates that can help her. Good money to be made in drugs if you know the right people.
If you show active contempt for the court, don't be surprised if the judge notes that fact and finds you in contempt. Lil Miss Pretty may have gotten it into her head that she can act however she wants in this life with impunity, however the judge may have done her a great service by showing her at 18 that her previous thoughts were misplaced. Other people can and will do things to you based on your behavior toward them. Since she's all involved in drugs, she may have encounters with drug dealers in the future. Some of whom kill people occasionally. This example may keep her from getting killed by one of them.
After the mouthy teen finishes her 30 days in stir.

She should have to stand before the Judge again and make an apology.

If she refuses to apologize......then he should sentence her to another 30 days in jail.

And repete this scenario for as many times as needed............ :cool:
A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumbass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.

A courtroom is a controlled setting, designed to arbitrate criminal and civil disputes. In a court the judge has overreaching powers to maintain order.

She could have bad-mouthed the judge OUT of the courtroom, and he would have much less ability to do anything about it.

In the court room? Keep your damn mouth shut and your fingers out of sight.
There is probably no official on earth with greater leeway to violate our rights than a judge sitting on the bench.

A sitting judge in his court has perogatives we give to no other offical.

You can tell the POTUS to fuck off to his face and legally he has no recourse.

But a judge put you in jail on a whim if he takes umbrage with what you say or do while IN COURT.
There is probably no official on earth with greater leeway to violate our rights than a judge sitting on the bench.

A sitting judge in his court has perogatives we give to no other offical.

You can tell the POTUS to fuck off to his face and legally he has no recourse.

But a judge put you in jail on a whim if he takes umbrage with what you say or do while IN COURT.

That is the limit to thier power. They are like a mean dog on a short leash. Outside the area of the leash all they can do is bark. Once inside the area of leash, watch out.

There are some things in life you just dont do. Stick your fingers in an electrical socket. Eat the sushi from the gas station convincence store sandwich counter, and flip off a judge in court when you are a defendant.

You can of course do all those things, if you want to, just be ready for the consequences.
My favorite story was the elderly female judge in a criminal case who presided over the trial of the young female convicted defendant (I forgot the crime but believe it was either murder or manslaughter). The defendant did not especially care for the verdict and "blamed" the judge for the conviction, and chose to share her feelings with the judge by calling the judge a "dried up old ****."

A couple of weeks pass and the day has arrived for sentencing and the judge lays down the law with a sentence involving a VERY long period behind bars in a state prison. Then as the Court Officers were taking the convicted and sentenced defendant back into the "pens," the judge called the defendant back, reminded her of what she had said to the court a couple of weeks earlier and suggested to the newly minted convict: "when you get out of prison we'll SEE who is dried up."
An attorney friend of mine told me a story about a defendant in court got 10 years and he told the judge he can do that standing on his head and the judge gave him 10 more to put him back on his

That was Lynne Stewart. Not he. SHE.

A panel of federal judges in Manhattan upheld the 10-year prison sentence imposed on Lynne F. Stewart, the disbarred lawyer convicted in a terrorism case who had been resentenced to that term after boasting that she could do a much shorter sentence “standing on my head.”
What's really funny is the standards the liberals use. Someone would defend the right of a criminal defendant in front of a judge for not showing that judge respect, and mercilessly attack someone who called obama a **** for not showing him respect - in an on-line message board.

Liberals are nothing more than comic relief.
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

I fought the law and the law won......
I fought the law and ....The Law Won

Miami Judge Smacks Down Teen After She Gave Him The Finger In Court

Abby Rogers
Feb. 6, 2013

A Miami teen's bad attitude got her 30 days behind bars after the judge decided he wasn't going to put up with it.

Penelope Soto, 18, was in Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat's bond court Monday on charges of possessing Xanax, Local 10 reported Monday.

Penelope Soto, Miami Teen, Flips Off Judge And Gets A Month In Jail or 10,000$ Bail - YouTube

Humble Pie-(1974)-30 Days In The Hole - YouTube

Read more: Penelope Soto Flips Off Judge - Business Insider

It's about time someone didn't get all touchy-feely over the poor girl's ignorance and arrogance, and whacked her a good one, without laying on of the hands....:lol:l This action by the judge set a good example to those who have followed it. More Judge Judy types is what our judicial system needs.

But will Obammy hear of it and sees that she walks, sooner, or at the very least gets a cell filed with electronic goodies with which to talk and text...:lmao:
Sadly, so many young girls witness the ongoing Lindsay Lohan saga of basically no consequences for her actions.

And think that the judicial system is a farce and only deserves to be ridiculed and mocked not respected.

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