Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid ‘Hush Money’ For Relationships With Trump

this was not the gop opinion when dealing with john edwards...remember him....paid a women to cover up something.....

where is the outcry....o there it is...deflection....the other thing trump supporters have left
It's a real shit show watching the pseudocons toss every single last principle overboard in their defense of a fucking slimeball huckster pig.

Their true lack of character, honor or integrity is revealed.
Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.

That is their business.
I never once heard a pseudocon say that about Bill Clinton's affairs. In fact, Bill Clinton was impeached over a consensual blowjob.

You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.
/-----/ Sorry Chump, we don't care.

Care about what, the inner workings of the orange 'mind'?

That's understandable, I try not to think about it either, Trump would have given Freud a headache too


/——/ Libtards misunderstand everything. We don’t care about Trumps past. We knew he was a playboy when we voted for him. We only care about him keeping his campaign promises and making America Great Again. Your Special Ed teacher can explain it so you can understand. BTW your dancing banana makes you look like a 10 year old. Snicker
Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.

That is their business.
I never once heard a pseudocon say that about Bill Clinton's affairs. In fact, Bill Clinton was impeached over a consensual blowjob.

You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.
/—-/ Slick Willie was impeached for perjury. I know, it’s confusing for you when facts clash with your talking points.
Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.
/——/ Ask Hildabeast and horse face Chelsea who’s Web Hubble’s daughter.
Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.

That is their business.
I never once heard a pseudocon say that about Bill Clinton's affairs. In fact, Bill Clinton was impeached over a consensual blowjob.

You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

"You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming."

Yes Leftists reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

The Leftists defended and WORSHIPPED Ted Kennedy and he ran away and he allowed a girl he was fucking to drown and when he died Leftists lined up to praise him.






Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.

That is their business.
I never once heard a pseudocon say that about Bill Clinton's affairs. In fact, Bill Clinton was impeached over a consensual blowjob.

You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

"You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming."

Yes Leftists reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

The Leftists defended and WORSHIPPED Ted Kennedy and he ran away and let a girl drown and when he died Leftists lined up to praise him.






Wow. Now this is some serious desperation! :lol:

You actually just tried to reach all the way back to Ted Kennedy to defend Trump? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. That's priceless.

I'm an old school Reagan-Buckley conservative, retard. You must made a total ass of yourself.
/——/ Libtards misunderstand everything.

I'm not a 'libtard', neither was Freud
We don’t care about Trumps past. We knew he was a playboy when we voted for him. We only care about him keeping his campaign promises and making America Great Again.

I know, I don't care about his past either (except for the comedy it provides of course)
Your Special Ed teacher can explain it so you can understand.

No one can explain the orange phenomenon, my personal theory is that we entered the Twilight Zone without anybody noticing (or maybe it's just me, haven't figured that one out yet)

But fyi, I actually preferred the very stable genius over the psycho princess
BTW your dancing banana makes you look like a 10 year old. Snicker

Ah good, I usually get compared to an 8 year old so I'm making progress

These pseuedocons can't comprehend an actual conservative who lives and stands by his principles. This totally goes beyond their comprehension.

What? A conservative who condemns adultery even when it's someone in his own party? What...the...fuck? He must be a Kennedy lover!


No honor. No principles. No integrity.

That's the pseudocon way of life.

All that matters is winning.

If you have an R after your name, anything goes. Adultery, theft, bribery, scandal, treason, shooting someone on Fifth Avenue...

But what's all the venality and corruption for, dipshits?
Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election.

Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information.

Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

He said he was “not at liberty to share” the evidence because he didn’t have permission from his clients to disclose specifics. But Avenatti said the women, who contacted him months ago, were “paid hush money prior to the 2016 election.”

He called on Trump and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to come forward and disclose information about the women and their supposed relationships with Trump.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid 'Hush Money' For Relationships With Trump

Very interesting. I suspect there are many more than three.

Pictures of the women or it didn't happen. (and if did happen I don't give a shit)
The left has nothing when it comes to this stuff. Everyone already knows that Trump is a slimeball. And if they don't, they should by now. Dude cheated on all his wives, sometimes marrying the chicks he cheated on his wives with. He's said that all that matters is having a hot piece of ass on your arm. He's talked about just grabbing girls by their pussies. I don't see why people who support him won't just say it outright. It is what it is.

But... OH MY GOD HE PAID OFF ANOTHER WOMAN?!?! Yawn. This is a losing proposition for them. Even the evangelicals know Trump is just a dirty tool employed to get the job done. That's why all these character attacks on Trump just bounce right off of him like nothing.
Not that this is illegal, not illegal to pay moneys to anyone also not illegal for married men to have affairs. You are just jealous because you cannot get laid and The Donald can.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.

That is their business.
I never once heard a pseudocon say that about Bill Clinton's affairs. In fact, Bill Clinton was impeached over a consensual blowjob.

You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

"You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming."

Yes Leftists reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

The Leftists defended and WORSHIPPED Ted Kennedy and he ran away and let a girl drown and when he died Leftists lined up to praise him.






Wow. Now this is some serious desperation! :lol:

You actually just tried to reach all the way back to Ted Kennedy to defend Trump? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. That's priceless.

I'm an old school Reagan-Buckley conservative, retard. You must made a total ass of yourself.

"I'm an old school Reagan-Buckley conservative, retard."

I have never seen you post anything REMOTELY Conservative, I have though seen you consistently post Leftist viewpoints and also consistently seen you side with Leftists on basically everything.
No honor. No principles. No integrity.

That's the pseudocon way of life.

All that matters is winning.

If you have an R after your name, anything goes. Adultery, theft, bribery, scandal, treason, shooting someone on Fifth Avenue...

But what's all the venality and corruption for, dipshits?
There's none left in politics. Trump may have been the deathblow to that but it's been going on for a long time.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.

That is their business.
I never once heard a pseudocon say that about Bill Clinton's affairs. In fact, Bill Clinton was impeached over a consensual blowjob.

You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

"You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming."

Yes Leftists reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

The Leftists defended and WORSHIPPED Ted Kennedy and he ran away and let a girl drown and when he died Leftists lined up to praise him.






Wow. Now this is some serious desperation! :lol:

You actually just tried to reach all the way back to Ted Kennedy to defend Trump? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. That's priceless.

I'm an old school Reagan-Buckley conservative, retard. You must made a total ass of yourself.

"I'm an old school Reagan-Buckley conservative, retard."

I have never seen you post anything REMOTELY Conservative, I have though seen you consistently post Leftist viewpoints and also consistently seen you side with Leftists on basically everything.
He will. But when everything is about Trump, and you're quite anti-Trump... that's what happens.
I'm sure that's a real comfort to Melania and the kids.

That is their business.
I never once heard a pseudocon say that about Bill Clinton's affairs. In fact, Bill Clinton was impeached over a consensual blowjob.

You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

"You reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming."

Yes Leftists reek of hypocrisy. The stench is overwhelming.

The Leftists defended and WORSHIPPED Ted Kennedy and he ran away and let a girl drown and when he died Leftists lined up to praise him.






Wow. Now this is some serious desperation! :lol:

You actually just tried to reach all the way back to Ted Kennedy to defend Trump? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. That's priceless.

I'm an old school Reagan-Buckley conservative, retard. You must made a total ass of yourself.

"I'm an old school Reagan-Buckley conservative, retard."

I have never seen you post anything REMOTELY Conservative, I have though seen you consistently post Leftist viewpoints and also consistently seen you side with Leftists on basically everything.
Yes, that's the willful blindness of retards at work. You don't see my pro-life posts, my anti tax increase posts, my small governments posts, my anti tax expenditure posts, my posts about how to reduce the debt and lower tax rates at the same time, my anti Obamacare posts, my anti socialized medicine posts, my anti-communism posts, my anti AWB posts.

You don't see any of that because you are a willfully blind retard handicapped by assumptions and confirmation biases and a boatload of logical fallacies.

That's all on you, idiot.
Goddam. How many times have I called Trump a New York Democratic limousine liberal? How many times? Someone do a search.

And somehow the fucking retards come to the conclusion I must be a Democratic liberal. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Here's the deal, retards. If someone tells a lie, or a half-truth, or defends something which is against rock bottom conservative principles, I am going to kick them in the balls.

That's what honor and integrity and real conservatism looks like, retards.

Trump is not a conservative. Not even close. He has violated every last conservative principle. Adultery, treason, tariffs, deficit spending, the whole gamut.

Wake the fuck...UP!
Fuckwits defending Trump's adultery actually have the audacity to say I am not a conservative.

Jesus H. Christ.

It just doesn't get any sicker or schizophrenic than that.
Goddam. How many times have I called Trump a New York Democratic limousine liberal? How many times? Someone do a search.

And somehow the fucking retards come to the conclusion I must be a Democratic liberal. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Us vs. them. If i say something defending Trump, the libtards call me a trumptard. If i call out republican hypocrisy, the trumptards call me a libtard.

It's like how Chicago and Wisconsin both have a lot of meathead Bears and Packers fans who'll just scream at each other. "Rodgers suckkkksss!! I'd rather have Trubisky, he's gonna be soooo much better this year!" Ok, sure. We're willing to suspend objective reality now?

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