Michael Bloomberg to run.

With his stance on guns, and his recent position in NYC, he'll be pulling votes from Hillary.

Dont' see a lot of republicans voting for him.
What gives you the idea he would help Hillary?

I seriously doubt that he will run though - an independent cannot win the White House yet. The electorate simply is not there.
Bloomberg would be for exactly the same things/people as Hillary.
Fine, if we have two rats and Trump running, wouldnt u think that Trump already has at least 45% of the vote and the two rats will split the rest? (should it be a trump and "Two Rodents" race?
Fine, if we have two rats and Trump running, wouldnt u think that Trump already has at least 45% of the vote and the two rats will split the rest? (should it be a trump and "Two Rodents" race?
What makes you think that Trump is going to get 45% I would doubt that. Splitting the ticket could ensure an R win though which is why I highly doubt such is going to happen.
Bloomberg running ONLY makes sense if the Republicans nominate Trump and the Democrats nominate Sanders. "See, both parties have completely lost their minds, vote for a sensible politician".

Otherwise, I don't see a rationale for it.
Just what we need. A white Obama. another wanna be dicktator. He would be just as bad as Hillary and the old Socialist.
What gives you the idea he would help Hillary?

I seriously doubt that he will run though - an independent cannot win the White House yet. The electorate simply is not there.

In a decision between Trump vs Clinton, I think a strong majority of the population would be dying for a worthwhile independent candidate to step in and offer an alternative. Unfortunately, Bloomberg would be running instead.
The Democrat party is falling the fuck apart ...:banana:
On a related note, this whole election becomes more of a festering shit-show by the day. Trump-Clinton-Bloomberg? If that happens then the American people need to really wake the fuck up about who and what controls their politics in this country. If it becomes a three-way race of people all from one city, then how can the American people not stop to wonder where the real power lies? Because it ain't with the American people.
The bigger government gets the more corrupt the whole process becomes, regardless of political affiliation. Big business supports more government because they can make the favorable deals.
On a related note, this whole election becomes more of a festering shit-show by the day. Trump-Clinton-Bloomberg? If that happens then the American people need to really wake the fuck up about who and what controls their politics in this country. If it becomes a three-way race of people all from one city, then how can the American people not stop to wonder where the real power lies? Because it ain't with the American people.

Meh, not really.

I do agree that the system if fucked up, but blaming the Illuminati or the Five Jew Bankers isn't going to do it.

If it turns into Trump vs. Clinton, it's because that's who the voters of that party decided to go with.

Personally, I think it's kind of stupid that after Iowa and New Hampshire, we are probably going to see everyone but Trump and Cruz fold up their tents. So 1% of the voters are going to end up narrowing down our field. But again,t hat's not their fault, it's ours.
On a related note, this whole election becomes more of a festering shit-show by the day. Trump-Clinton-Bloomberg? If that happens then the American people need to really wake the fuck up about who and what controls their politics in this country. If it becomes a three-way race of people all from one city, then how can the American people not stop to wonder where the real power lies? Because it ain't with the American people.
I don't see how where they are from is really relevant. The fact that we have another Clinton and another Bush in this cycle make that case far better than having 3 people from NY.

The very idea that it may be between people with such a low general image though is also interesting to me.

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