Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting


Pushing a officer doesn't justify killing someone
Attempting to take control of a police officer's firearm presumes it will be used against the officer. Therefore the use of deadly force by an officer to retain his weapon is justifiable in every jurisdiction I am aware of.

In this Ferguson example the officer says Brown attempted to forcibly seize his firearm, which, by itself, is a serious felony in which the officer may assume his life is actively threatened. So unless the officer's assertion is disproved he was perfectly justified in shooting Brown. In New York State (and presumably elsewhere) such action is called expedient weapon retention.

Regarding the overly-asserted notion that "hands-up is a universally recognized sign of surrender," while that might be true for troops on a battlefield it is not true in police/arrestee confrontations. Which is why contemporary civilian police immediately issue the familiar "Get On The Ground!" command to any arrest subject they feel represents potential for resistance.

Raised hands is a submissive gesture when performed at an appreciable distance. But someone who is within striking distance and whose hands are raised represents a formidable threat -- as anyone with even basic martial arts experience is aware. So if Brown's hands were raised while he advanced toward the officer, that action justified the use of defensively deadly force.
I understand black people standing up for this thuggish dope smoking thief that attacks cops and shop owners. They always support their own and look for any excuse to riot and loot. I am sickened by these weak white faggots making him some kind of saintly martyr on the alter of liberalism and perceived black victimhood, and defending this violence and lawlessness. If mike brown or these rioters had the chance, they would have mugged your creepy cracka asses as well.
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I understand black people standing up for this thuggish, dope smoking thief that attacks cops, they always protect their own and look for any excuse to riot and loot, I am sickened by these weak white faggots making him some kind of saintly martyr on the alter of liberalism and black victimhood, and defending this violence and lawlessness. If mike brown or these rioters had the chance, they would have mugged your creepy cracka asses as well.

not me
why was michael brown's friend not arrested for robbery

Either a. There was no robbery


2. Dorian was not a part of it

Both cases not good for the killer cop.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

2) Johnson placed the cigars Brown handed him back on the counter and thus did not steal anything, that's why he wasn't arrested. Jackson said as much and you can see it in [the camera 7 of the register] video from the store.


1) *see video's from the store re robbery happening, it has a timestamp.


I thought shitlibs supported immigrants. I guess victimizing this indian immigrant shopkeeper is justifiable because of slavery or jim crow or something. Apparently, this store has been looted again during these ongoing riots.
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Oh my. What a gentle giant he is....manhandling a much smaller man as he walks out the door with goods he did not pay for. Goodness...ol Alpassicass sees nothing wrong with that at all. How DARE that small man demand payment for his merchandise!!

You should take some advice and not make the same mistake you made by calling Nutz a Negro and telling me it was not offensive. However since you think like tank I understand.

Kiss my bodacious white ass, Negro. It's called reap what you sow.
yes, you missed where the cop was on a call when the dispatches went out. You also didn't provide direct quotes from the chief, merely media speculation. The closest to a direct quote I found:

"I guess that is when he might have seen ... evidence and connected it" to the robbery, Jackson said -- without explicitly tying the two incidents together himself.

Ferguson chief: Officer didn't stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

And lol at you complaining about selective reporting while relying on selective reporting yourself.

Alright that's the follow up after they released the media packet (was this afternoon.) I have another:

Chief: Officer maybe saw stolen cigars - Bing Videos

Time stamp 1:24

Also: Time stamp 0:30, 1:19, - RE the forced release of information.

You're right, he does say maybe - he has to because he wasn't there. Chief Jackson handed the case over to County to investigate while he was en route to the scene of the shooting.

Wilson's report and testimony are part of the ongoing investigation, where it will remain 'secret' until County, FBI, and NAACP have completed their investigations or otherwise deem it okay to release that information.


The robbery suspect description went out at 11:52-11:58. Wilson was on a sick call from 11:48-12:00. At 12:01 Wilson encountered Brown and Johnson.


Are you trying to argue that Wilson would not have heard the description?

They have portable radios, they hook it up on their shoulder epaulets and never turn the damn thing off; I've heard them A LOT because my work had a contract with our local police department that brought officers in daily. If you don't believe me, look at basically ANY picture of an on duty officer outside his car.

Or, perhaps even more likely, Wilson was siting in his car writing up his report for the sick call when the description came over the radio. He signed out of the sick call at 12:00 as he was leaving the scene.


I've actually taken the time to watch the FULL versions of videos, (basically every video that's been put out,) rather than just one or two that have been clipped and prepped for me by the Media. I also listen to questions asked by the media and the answer given:

For example: "His initial contact" vs the real question that should be asked, "Did Wilson say he thought Brown was a suspect in the robbery?" or "Did Wilson say he saw the cigars" -- The media won't ask those questions because they are playing games. -- Go have a look at media reports and where they decide to cut their video clips vs the full versions.

We will not know what happened until the reports come out, and even then we 'still' might not know 100%.

One thing we do know for sure, though, is that the media will continue portraying things in whatever way best fits their agenda, position, or pocketbook.
A lot of words to admit you were wrong. Thanks.
For the 100th fucking time...this narritive is false.

Liberal media bullshit.

The officer was called in on the strong arm robbery.

He received a description of the suspects.

When he made initial contact with Brown, AT THAT TIME HE WAS UNAWARE THAT BROWN WAS A SUSPECT in the robbery of the store.

He initially made contact with Brown because he was in the street, walking down the middle of the road blocking traffic.

It was then that he noticed Brown had the store display box of cigars in his hand.

It was THEN that he suspected he had inadvertently stumbled upon the perpetrator of the strong arm robbery!

All else follows from this point.

No, the Ferguson police changed their story:

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was suspect in robbery | Fox News

Hundreds of sources. The PD altered the original "officer responding to a call" story(.)

No, they didn't. False media reporting half the story.

The full story.

Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.” Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News
again you need an actual quote from the chief and then it is clear he is merely speculating about what he hopes happened.
The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

Then why did the thug Brown do it anyway if he knew it could get him killed? :lol:


Because most people don't think they can be shot over an argument.

This cop is going to go to jail for a very long time, and we know what they do to ex-cops in prison.
Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

Then why did the thug Brown do it anyway if he knew it could get him killed? :lol:


Because most people don't think they can be shot over an argument.

This cop is going to go to jail for a very long time, and we know what they do to ex-cops in prison.

You don't know this to be true or not, instead of acting a fool why don't you at least let him get a court date set first.:cuckoo:
The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

That's not why he got himself shot.

He assaulted a cop and went for the cops weapon.

He should have been shot for that

Yeah, but all the witnesses say he was shot after he put his hands up and said "I surrender".
The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

Try watching it without your rose-colored glasses. Your perspective SHOULD change.

Okay. He shoved a mini-mart clerk he was having an argumetn with. He didn't beat him senseless, although given the size disparity between them, he easily could have.

Again, I don't want the cops doing around shooting people over petty crimes. I'm pretty sure you don't, either.
That's not why he got himself shot.

He assaulted a cop and went for the cops weapon.

He should have been shot for that

Yeah? How many times?

Doesn't matter

I do love how the bunch that says we all need weapons to protect ourselves from the Government is now totally cool with the government shooting an unarmed kid over a misdemeanor.

Isn't this the kind of government oppression you say we all need to be arming ourselves against?

Or is that just for white people?
Yeah? How many times?

Doesn't matter

I do love how the bunch that says we all need weapons to protect ourselves from the Government is now totally cool with the government shooting an unarmed kid over a misdemeanor.

Isn't this the kind of government oppression you say we all need to be arming ourselves against?

Or is that just for white people?

WOW how the fuck you can twist what Patriots stand for while defending a thug who stole from an immigrate small business owner goes beyond common expectation of comprehension.
Doesn't matter

I do love how the bunch that says we all need weapons to protect ourselves from the Government is now totally cool with the government shooting an unarmed kid over a misdemeanor.

Isn't this the kind of government oppression you say we all need to be arming ourselves against?

Or is that just for white people?

WOW how the fuck you can twist what Patriots stand for while defending a thug who stole from an immigrate small business owner goes beyond common expectation of comprehension.

This kid stole a box of cigars.

You "Patriots" helped the 1%ers steal the whole fucking middle class.

You talk smack all day about how you needs to have your guns so you can take on the "gummit" when they oppress you.

Shooting a kid in the middle of the street after he surrendered because he stole a $50.00 box of cigars. I can't imagine that being anything but "oppression".
Then why did the thug Brown do it anyway if he knew it could get him killed? :lol:


Because most people don't think they can be shot over an argument.

This cop is going to go to jail for a very long time, and we know what they do to ex-cops in prison.

You don't know this to be true or not, instead of acting a fool why don't you at least let him get a court date set first.:cuckoo:

Missouri isn't Florida, guy. and you aren't going to get an all-white jury for this one.
Because most people don't think they can be shot over an argument.

This cop is going to go to jail for a very long time, and we know what they do to ex-cops in prison.

You don't know this to be true or not, instead of acting a fool why don't you at least let him get a court date set first.:cuckoo:

Missouri isn't Florida, guy. and you aren't going to get an all-white jury for this one.

There's no need for a jury.

Nothing so see here, move along

Because most people don't think they can be shot over an argument.

This cop is going to go to jail for a very long time, and we know what they do to ex-cops in prison.

You don't know this to be true or not, instead of acting a fool why don't you at least let him get a court date set first.:cuckoo:

Missouri isn't Florida, guy. and you aren't going to get an all-white jury for this one.

I don't give a damn where it is until he has a court date you don't know what the hell is going to happen.
What if he's not charged? What if the thug went for his sidearm?
Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

Then why did the thug Brown do it anyway if he knew it could get him killed? :lol:


Because most people don't think they can be shot over an argument.

This cop is going to go to jail for a very long time, and we know what they do to ex-cops in prison.

Um, no we don't.

But I bet that dude on here; what's his name- can tell us all about it though. :lol:

You don't know this to be true or not, instead of acting a fool why don't you at least let him get a court date set first.:cuckoo:

Missouri isn't Florida, guy. and you aren't going to get an all-white jury for this one.

There's no need for a jury.

Nothing so see here, move along



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