Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Yeah...and how many cops pulled over some asshole for a broken tail light only to discover it was someone on the Most Wanted list?


The first FPD story was BROWN attacked the officer, now its "one of the two". And the officer was in good enough shape to split town after the death. Good thing he did, Ferguson PD gave out his name, Ferguson PD has altered stories, which keeps the turmoil brewing. I hope he is some place safe.

No one disputes Brown was the attacker.

Every witness has said it was Brown fighting the Officer in the patrol car.

Your information is faulty.

Just news reports. I was not there, obviously. His friend's story of an out of control officer does not add up. And his 'friend' was quick to call Michael Brown a thief also.
I don't know about excuses, but there is a difference.

When a white mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, we(majority of white people) say, thank God the bastards dead.

When a black mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, the majority of black people say, oh no, the cops got another one of us.

Go ahead and call me racist, cause that's all you got, but you know as well as I do, that that is the way it is. And the economic argument does not hold water anymore, there are too many ways to get a decent education in this country. There are poor white people, poor black people, poor pokadotted people, so why is it that when it comes to violent crimes, that blacks commit more of those crimes on a 6 to 1 basis?

When I was growing up, we didn't have enough money to buy a candy bar, but if my mother or father would have caught me stealing one, I would have missed school the next day because I couldn't sit down.

Why aren't you mad that blacks commit these violent crimes, and look for a way to fix this? I've lived in the projects, it's no fun, but if you work your ass off, you can get out of there and never go back. I don't accept excuses from my kids or anyone else for anything. Excuses are for little children who wet their pants, that's it.

when the cops kill any person regardless of race I'm pissed because I hate ALL COPS

Thanks for admitting your bias. It'll make it easier to ignore you later.

I added that dipshit to my ignore list as soon as I read the post, you can't fix stupid, and stupid people's comments don't deserve my time.
When you turn around you are headed back towards him. That doesnt translate to he charged the officer like Katz is claiming. That may be very key and thats the reason they need to find this guy. He hasnt stepped forward so I can only think he may be wanted or someone body has him under wraps.

True.. it can be interpreted more than one way, which I realized when I transcribed it.

I heard it one way, but while transcribing the dialog, it really depends on who the "he's" refer to.

Especially that last part. I take the HE as being Brown, that keeps coming...but the he could be the officer.

But what I DON'T here is "Dude had his hands up".

And with all the incredulous "Cops did this???" that SHOULD have been the first detail introduced in his description of events.

But it wasn't. In 10 minutes of recording, not a single mention.

IMO. I came from the same type of environment and the guy is plainly saying the cop executed him like the other witnesses say happened. The only thing I hear that I am not sure of is did Brown take a step after he turned or did he just face the officer? Just because he didn't mention his hands were up doesn't mean they weren't. Thats standard SOP when dealing with the cops and not worth mentioning. They really need to find this guy.

I'm not buying that.

Telling that story, that's not a detail one leaves out.

And from this telling, no shots are fired until AFTER Brown starts coming toward the officer.

No shot in the back...another detail that wouldn't be forgotten in a retelling of events.
True.. it can be interpreted more than one way, which I realized when I transcribed it.

I heard it one way, but while transcribing the dialog, it really depends on who the "he's" refer to.

Especially that last part. I take the HE as being Brown, that keeps coming...but the he could be the officer.

But what I DON'T here is "Dude had his hands up".

And with all the incredulous "Cops did this???" that SHOULD have been the first detail introduced in his description of events.

But it wasn't. In 10 minutes of recording, not a single mention.

IMO. I came from the same type of environment and the guy is plainly saying the cop executed him like the other witnesses say happened. The only thing I hear that I am not sure of is did Brown take a step after he turned or did he just face the officer? Just because he didn't mention his hands were up doesn't mean they weren't. Thats standard SOP when dealing with the cops and not worth mentioning. They really need to find this guy.

I'm not buying that.

Telling that story, that's not a detail one leaves out.

And from this telling, no shots are fired until AFTER Brown starts coming toward the officer.

No shot in the back...another detail that wouldn't be forgotten in a retelling of events.

That'd blow the "shot in the car out the window out the window" as well.
CONGRATS BLACKS, You took an issue of police force that has been used on all and turned it into a anti-white bash.

FUck you!
IMO. I came from the same type of environment and the guy is plainly saying the cop executed him like the other witnesses say happened. The only thing I hear that I am not sure of is did Brown take a step after he turned or did he just face the officer? Just because he didn't mention his hands were up doesn't mean they weren't. Thats standard SOP when dealing with the cops and not worth mentioning. They really need to find this guy.

I'm not buying that.

Telling that story, that's not a detail one leaves out.

And from this telling, no shots are fired until AFTER Brown starts coming toward the officer.

No shot in the back...another detail that wouldn't be forgotten in a retelling of events.

That'd blow the "shot in the car out the window out the window" as well.

No. That's my fault for not being clear.

No shots were fired at the fleeing Brown until he turned around in the witnesses narrative...I don't here him refer to the police SUV (he calls it a truck) except for that's where they were fighting.
True.. it can be interpreted more than one way, which I realized when I transcribed it.

I heard it one way, but while transcribing the dialog, it really depends on who the "he's" refer to.

Especially that last part. I take the HE as being Brown, that keeps coming...but the he could be the officer.

But what I DON'T here is "Dude had his hands up".

And with all the incredulous "Cops did this???" that SHOULD have been the first detail introduced in his description of events.

But it wasn't. In 10 minutes of recording, not a single mention.

IMO. I came from the same type of environment and the guy is plainly saying the cop executed him like the other witnesses say happened. The only thing I hear that I am not sure of is did Brown take a step after he turned or did he just face the officer? Just because he didn't mention his hands were up doesn't mean they weren't. Thats standard SOP when dealing with the cops and not worth mentioning. They really need to find this guy.

I'm not buying that.

Telling that story, that's not a detail one leaves out.

And from this telling, no shots are fired until AFTER Brown starts coming toward the officer.

No shot in the back...another detail that wouldn't be forgotten in a retelling of events.

I'm not asking you to buy it nor do I care. Thats why I said IMO.

It is a detail you might leave out since everyone understands the rules when you deal with cops. You arent Black and from the hood.so I wouldn't expect you to understand that unspoken knowledge. Whats missing and would be remarked upon for sure is him charging the cop which would basically be suicide by cop.
Boring. Who cares. Take a break and go steal a tv set out of a window and chill out in front of the new tube.
IMO. I came from the same type of environment and the guy is plainly saying the cop executed him like the other witnesses say happened. The only thing I hear that I am not sure of is did Brown take a step after he turned or did he just face the officer? Just because he didn't mention his hands were up doesn't mean they weren't. Thats standard SOP when dealing with the cops and not worth mentioning. They really need to find this guy.

I'm not buying that.

Telling that story, that's not a detail one leaves out.

And from this telling, no shots are fired until AFTER Brown starts coming toward the officer.

No shot in the back...another detail that wouldn't be forgotten in a retelling of events.

That'd blow the "shot in the car out the window out the window" as well.

Not really. The officers version says the same thing. An unconfirmed voice is going to have a hard time contradicting via omission the 2 witnesses that stepped forward already. It will be chocked up to he just didnt see or hear it.
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Boring. Who cares. Take a break and go steal a tv set out of a window and chill out in front of the new tube.

I already have 4 TV's and enough money to buy to any number I need. Why dont you take a break and read some more of your storm front literature.
Boring. Who cares. Take a break and go steal a tv set out of a window and chill out in front of the new tube.

I already have 4 TV's and enough money to buy to any number I need. Why dont you take a break and read some more of your storm front literature.

Actually..I just might head on over there and see what they are saying. Might even join. Shrug.

Meanwhile...enjoy your 4 tvs. Sure you don't need some tires too? They be free.
The Pohleese won't get ya cuz all yo frens be there too to halp.
Boring. Who cares. Take a break and go steal a tv set out of a window and chill out in front of the new tube.

I already have 4 TV's and enough money to buy to any number I need. Why dont you take a break and read some more of your storm front literature.

Actually..I just might head on over there and see what they are saying. Might even join. Shrug.

Meanwhile...enjoy your 4 tvs. Sure you don't need some tires too? They be free.
The Pohleese won't get ya cuz all yo frens be there too to halp.

You already joined. Lets not be coy.

Tires are less expensive than the TV's I own. The popo wont get me because I have legal representation that will make them pay for any missteps.

Have fun finishing up your initiation rites. Let me know when you are a full fledged, card carrying, cave ape. Should be interesting hearing all the long held back thoughts.
IMO. I came from the same type of environment and the guy is plainly saying the cop executed him like the other witnesses say happened. The only thing I hear that I am not sure of is did Brown take a step after he turned or did he just face the officer? Just because he didn't mention his hands were up doesn't mean they weren't. Thats standard SOP when dealing with the cops and not worth mentioning. They really need to find this guy.

I'm not buying that.

Telling that story, that's not a detail one leaves out.

And from this telling, no shots are fired until AFTER Brown starts coming toward the officer.

No shot in the back...another detail that wouldn't be forgotten in a retelling of events.

I'm not asking you to buy it nor do I care. Thats why I said IMO.

It is a detail you might leave out since everyone understands the rules when you deal with cops. You arent Black and from the hood.so I wouldn't expect you to understand that unspoken knowledge. Whats missing and would be remarked upon for sure is him charging the cop which would basically be suicide by cop.

The protestors think it pretty un-fucking-believable that an officer would shoot a man with his hands up.

All of them.

Except you.

He did say Brown turned and started running back toward the officer.

Now, I've learned my lesson about arguing with you.

You wouldn't admit the sky was blue if doing so ran counter to your agenda.

So I'll just leave it here and let others decide.
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I wonder if they have pretty white sheets with some nice accented lace fo da wimmens.
The store clerk had the right to try and prevent a theft. Yeah, I know this is over some peoples' heads, but it's true, and no amount of dumbass spin is going to change that. There is no law stating that big fat assed black thugs get to help themselves to whatever strikes their fancies and walk off with it unhindered. I know this runs contrary to 'street lawyer' morons and their idiotic legal theories, but stealing really is illegal! Fact!

Doesnt matter what the clerk had a right to do. People dont seem to get the distinction. He still escalated the situation by touching Brown and that is what caused him to get pushed or to be technically correct "assaulted". Now you want to claim he is violent because the clerk escalated the situation. Youre using semantics to try and paint the kid as a violent thug when you dont what was said behind the counter and he could have done way more if he was "violent". The video was smear and a attempt to link to the shooting due to the timing of the release. What occurred in the store had zero to do with what happened during the shooting. You just have been manipulated to form an opinion that justifies the shooting.

LOL ... this is too stupid to rate more than this sentence as a response.
I'm not buying that.

Telling that story, that's not a detail one leaves out.

And from this telling, no shots are fired until AFTER Brown starts coming toward the officer.

No shot in the back...another detail that wouldn't be forgotten in a retelling of events.

I'm not asking you to buy it nor do I care. Thats why I said IMO.

It is a detail you might leave out since everyone understands the rules when you deal with cops. You arent Black and from the hood.so I wouldn't expect you to understand that unspoken knowledge. Whats missing and would be remarked upon for sure is him charging the cop which would basically be suicide by cop.

The protestors think it pretty un-fucking-believable that an officer would shoot a man with his hands up.

All of them.

Except you.

He did say Brown turned and started running back toward the officer.

Now, I've learned my lesson about arguing with you.

You wouldn't admit the sky was blue if it ran counter to your agenda.

So I'll just leave it here and let others decide.

Never gets less shocking every time it happens. I think you are mistaking shock for being something that is unbelievable.

Where did he say Brown turned and ran back at him?

I wasnt arguing with you. I'm surprised you thought you were arguing with me. I was expressing my viewpoint not trying to convince you.

You'll leave what here and let others decide? Others don't make decisions for me nor do I need their validation to think for myself.
The store clerk had the right to try and prevent a theft. Yeah, I know this is over some peoples' heads, but it's true, and no amount of dumbass spin is going to change that. There is no law stating that big fat assed black thugs get to help themselves to whatever strikes their fancies and walk off with it unhindered. I know this runs contrary to 'street lawyer' morons and their idiotic legal theories, but stealing really is illegal! Fact!

Doesnt matter what the clerk had a right to do. People dont seem to get the distinction. He still escalated the situation by touching Brown and that is what caused him to get pushed or to be technically correct "assaulted". Now you want to claim he is violent because the clerk escalated the situation. Youre using semantics to try and paint the kid as a violent thug when you dont what was said behind the counter and he could have done way more if he was "violent". The video was smear and a attempt to link to the shooting due to the timing of the release. What occurred in the store had zero to do with what happened during the shooting. You just have been manipulated to form an opinion that justifies the shooting.

LOL ... this is too stupid to rate more than this sentence as a response.

You would have been more convincing if you had not commented at all. As it is you just let me know you have no argument but were so emotional you just had to say something to relieve the frustration.
I wonder if they have pretty white sheets with some nice accented lace fo da wimmens.

From what I have been told you will be reduced to a support role and brainwashed on the dangers of having sex with any of the mud races. The daughter of a KKK wizard told me that.
You can't be mad at blacks for behaving this way, it is simply their nature.

so every black person you ever seen whether it was on TV , in public all act the way you saw those people act in MO????????????

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