Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

As Ferguson PD now says ONE of the two young men "pushed" the officer, and Michael Brown's 'friend' was quick to call Brown a thief, I do not trust the version of events Johnson offers either.

It was FERGUSON PD that released the name of the officer involved. Do some in the Department want more 'unrest' to cover up their wrongdoing?
You are largely incoherent and scatterbrained.

Brown and Johnson robbed a local store.

They were walking in the middle of a street blocking traffic when challenged by a policeman.

They were challenged by a police officer.

The police officer was assaulted.

Forensics will tell us the rest.
Like a store should just let it happen. The problem with assholes like you is you believe that being a violent fucking thug is somehow a good thing.

Yeah cause touching someone and putting your hands up is the same as being a violent thug.

Story is now, the whole "He put his hands up" thing is also bullshit, just as everything else in the fiasco has proved to be.

Gentle giant...bullshit.

Good boy...bullshit.

Police attacked Brown for no reason...bullshit.

Officer, 160 pounds soaking wet, pulled Brown, tipping the scales at 300 lbs, into the police vehicle and kept him from pulling away while both of Browns hands were outside the car...bullshit.

And now there is a video from the scene of a witness saying Brown rushed the officer.

Did you provide a link? The only video I see is the one on CNN.
Beating a cop so badly that he's put in the hospital is the same as being a violent thug.
Oh please watch the video. He barely pushed the guy. You make it sound a lot worse than it was but that's what racists do to justify killing an unarmed black man.

That is not true.

He put his hands on the man and pushed him. That's assault and battery right there, not including the robbery.

Doesn't justify being shot dead if he was running from the cop unarmed, but we don't know those facts yet.

The lovers of the Constitution don't care if proper steps are taken, when it happens to be against a black man. Everyone (including blacks and other minorities) are entitled to a trial, not to be executed without representation. I guess some have forgotten that part of the Constitution.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

The cop wasn't even aware that Brown had been in that mart stealing (if indeed he did that).

That would be true if racists actually viewed black people as human beings. We've seen on numerous occasions ITT of people calling them "animals" "thugs" "apes (or other types primates)"

And therein lies the problem, they don't respect their basic human rights. They get mad when their "rights" are perceived to be threatened by Obama or whoever but when the person is black? They don't give two shits.
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I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

Crime is going to happen in any population. The farther down on the socioeconomic ladder the more you are going to see crimes committed based on economics. Whats your excuse for your serial killers, mass murderers, and terrorists?

I don't know about excuses, but there is a difference.

When a white mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, we(majority of white people) say, thank God the bastards dead.

When a black mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, the majority of black people say, oh no, the cops got another one of us.

Go ahead and call me racist, cause that's all you got, but you know as well as I do, that that is the way it is. And the economic argument does not hold water anymore, there are too many ways to get a decent education in this country. There are poor white people, poor black people, poor pokadotted people, so why is it that when it comes to violent crimes, that blacks commit more of those crimes on a 6 to 1 basis?

When I was growing up, we didn't have enough money to buy a candy bar, but if my mother or father would have caught me stealing one, I would have missed school the next day because I couldn't sit down.

Why aren't you mad that blacks commit these violent crimes, and look for a way to fix this? I've lived in the projects, it's no fun, but if you work your ass off, you can get out of there and never go back. I don't accept excuses from my kids or anyone else for anything. Excuses are for little children who wet their pants, that's it.
Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

Crime is going to happen in any population. The farther down on the socioeconomic ladder the more you are going to see crimes committed based on economics. Whats your excuse for your serial killers, mass murderers, and terrorists?

I don't know about excuses, but there is a difference.

When a white mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, we(majority of white people) say, thank God the bastards dead.

When a black mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, the majority of black people say, oh no, the cops got another one of us.

Go ahead and call me racist, cause that's all you got, but you know as well as I do, that that is the way it is. And the economic argument does not hold water anymore, there are too many ways to get a decent education in this country. There are poor white people, poor black people, poor pokadotted people, so why is it that when it comes to violent crimes, that blacks commit more of those crimes on a 6 to 1 basis?

When I was growing up, we didn't have enough money to buy a candy bar, but if my mother or father would have caught me stealing one, I would have missed school the next day because I couldn't sit down.

Why aren't you mad that blacks commit these violent crimes, and look for a way to fix this? I've lived in the projects, it's no fun, but if you work your ass off, you can get out of there and never go back. I don't accept excuses from my kids or anyone else for anything. Excuses are for little children who wet their pants, that's it.

when the cops kill any person regardless of race I'm pissed because I hate ALL COPS
As Ferguson PD now says ONE of the two young men "pushed" the officer, and Michael Brown's 'friend' was quick to call Brown a thief, I do not trust the version of events Johnson offers either.

It was FERGUSON PD that released the name of the officer involved. Do some in the Department want more 'unrest' to cover up their wrongdoing?
You are largely incoherent and scatterbrained.

Brown and Johnson robbed a local store.

They were walking in the middle of a street blocking traffic when challenged by a policeman.

They were challenged by a police officer.

The police officer was assaulted.

Forensics will tell us the rest.

No, the alternate stories from Ferguson PD have already revealed quite a bit. FPD is incoherent, yes. To sum up:
1. The officer was responding to a call about a robbery;
2. The officer was not aware of the robbery;
3. Michael Brown pushed the officer;
3. Michael Brown OR his friend pushed the officer.
people calling them "animals" "thugs" "apes (or other types primates)"

Animals don't go destroying other animals dens.

Thug. Since when is Thug considered a dissing term for a black. Lots of thugs are in prison...in all colors.

Don't know about that. I don't make a habit of calling anyone an ape..unless its an ape acting like an ape. But give me time.

I'm beginning to understand Tanks frustration. Oh yes indeedy.
Beating a cop so badly that he's put in the hospital is the same as being a violent thug.

Didn't happen, officer went to the ER for 'treatment', not held, slightly swollen face. May have hit himself with the door, or one of the two may have hit him, or...................... cover? In any event, no admittance, no injury other than a swollen face, could have had an abscessed tooth.
As Ferguson PD now says ONE of the two young men "pushed" the officer, and Michael Brown's 'friend' was quick to call Brown a thief, I do not trust the version of events Johnson offers either.

It was FERGUSON PD that released the name of the officer involved. Do some in the Department want more 'unrest' to cover up their wrongdoing?
You are largely incoherent and scatterbrained.

Brown and Johnson robbed a local store.

They were walking in the middle of a street blocking traffic when challenged by a policeman.

They were challenged by a police officer.

The police officer was assaulted.

Forensics will tell us the rest.

No, the alternate stories from Ferguson PD have already revealed quite a bit. FPD is incoherent, yes. To sum up:
1. The officer was responding to a call about a robbery;
2. The officer was not aware of the robbery;

3. Michael Brown pushed the officer;
3. Michael Brown OR his friend pushed the officer.

Yeah...and how many cops pulled over some asshole for a broken tail light only to discover it was someone on the Most Wanted list?

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

Crime is going to happen in any population. The farther down on the socioeconomic ladder the more you are going to see crimes committed based on economics. Whats your excuse for your serial killers, mass murderers, and terrorists?

I don't know about excuses, but there is a difference.

When a white mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, we(majority of white people) say, thank God the bastards dead.

When a black mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, the majority of black people say, oh no, the cops got another one of us.

Go ahead and call me racist, cause that's all you got, but you know as well as I do, that that is the way it is. And the economic argument does not hold water anymore, there are too many ways to get a decent education in this country. There are poor white people, poor black people, poor pokadotted people, so why is it that when it comes to violent crimes, that blacks commit more of those crimes on a 6 to 1 basis?

When I was growing up, we didn't have enough money to buy a candy bar, but if my mother or father would have caught me stealing one, I would have missed school the next day because I couldn't sit down.

Why aren't you mad that blacks commit these violent crimes, and look for a way to fix this? I've lived in the projects, it's no fun, but if you work your ass off, you can get out of there and never go back. I don't accept excuses from my kids or anyone else for anything. Excuses are for little children who wet their pants, that's it.

Where did you hear this fable that Black people are sad when Black mass murderers are caught and or killed? That would be the only reason I would call you a racist.

Yes the economic argument does hold water. You being a white person and poor can see a way out. You don't have to fight racism. All you have to do is work hard. Black people have to fight racism, the effects of racism on the psyche, and work harder than whites to achieve the same thing. I know I went through the journey myself.

My parents were the same way. If I were to get caught stealing I would have gotten handled.

I am mad Blacks commit crimes. What does that have to do with whites committing crimes?
Beating a cop so badly that he's put in the hospital is the same as being a violent thug.

Didn't happen, officer went to the ER for 'treatment', not held, slightly swollen face. May have hit himself with the door, or one of the two may have hit him, or...................... cover? In any event, no admittance, no injury other than a swollen face, could have had an abscessed tooth.

Surely you have dental records of an accessed tooth.
people calling them "animals" "thugs" "apes (or other types primates)"

Animals don't go destroying other animals dens.

Thug. Since when is Thug considered a dissing term for a black. Lots of thugs are in prison...in all colors.

Don't know about that. I don't make a habit of calling anyone an ape..unless its an ape acting like an ape. But give me time.

I'm beginning to understand Tanks frustration. Oh yes indeedy.

You should take some advice and not make the same mistake you made by calling Nutz a Negro and telling me it was not offensive. However since you think like tank I understand.
people calling them "animals" "thugs" "apes (or other types primates)"

Animals don't go destroying other animals dens.

Thug. Since when is Thug considered a dissing term for a black. Lots of thugs are in prison...in all colors.

Don't know about that. I don't make a habit of calling anyone an ape..unless its an ape acting like an ape. But give me time.

I'm beginning to understand Tanks frustration. Oh yes indeedy.

You should take some advice and not make the same mistake you made by calling Nutz a Negro and telling me it was not offensive. However since you think like tank I understand.

Gracie thinks like tank?

WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? You apparently don't read many posts around here, huh?

That's akin to sayin GW thinks like Obama.
Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.

Sadly, I think I'm with you on that Gracie, I'm almost 41 and never judged people on the color of their skin, but by their actions. I am absolutely appalled by the overwhelming opinion of acceptance that is being displayed by the black community across the web regarding Brown's violent behavior in that robbery.

I don't think Wilson is within his rights to murder anyone, but if that kind of behavior is considered "normal" and "fine" to them, then so too, should be Wilson's supposed reaching out the window and grabbing Brown's neck/shirt. And if that is the law set they exist in, then I guess there is no such thing as 'police brutality' nor 'abuse of power' there.

More media tricks, and yes, the police clearly do need military grade weapons to combat that lawless wild-west type of behavior, then mix in gangs and drugs... I feel for civilized folks being forced to live like that, I hope you call up your boys in blue and thank them for standing up to those degenerates on your behalf everyday.

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