Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

This shit is getting out of hand.

July 17, 2014

NYPD places Eric Garner in an illegal choke hold and strangles him to death.

July 27, 2014

Rosan Miller, seven months pregnant at the time, is put into an illegal choke hold by an NYPD officer for "illegally grilling", while her seven-year-old daughter watches.

August 2, 2014

NYPD enters the wrong apartment after a domestic violence call, and drags Denise Stewart, half-naked, across the floor and out of her apartment, then pepper sprays her four-year-old grandson

August 6, 2014

John Crawford was shot by Ohio police officers for holding a toy gun in a Walmart.

August 9, 2014

Mike Brown is shot ten times by the Ferguson police while walking home with his best friend from a convenience store. He had his hands up after the first shots and had surrendered after refusing to get on the sidewalk when he was shot several more times, and died.

August 11

LAPD shot Ezell Ford, unarmed, as he was lying on the ground. He was mentally challenged, and most in the area were aware of his condition.
Truly pathetic double talk.

Nothing double about it. You just got manipulated by a video designed to portray the kid as a violent thug when the only time any violence occurred was when the store owner (right or wrong) attempted to detain him.

Yeah. Right. And if you owned a convenience store or even an electronic store, if some white redneck came in and began to steal....you wouldn't try to stop him. Um hm.

If I did I would be escalating the situation which is the point.
The convenient store stayed quiet because of EXACTLY what happened early this morning. Rioting, looting, damage of the store. And if they had told who the cop was, he would be DEAD now, by an angry mob that is conveniently ignoring the thugs in their midst.
Wow. I just now got online and see that more riots broke out with the idiots attacking the convenience store that thug robbed and pushed the little guy around. Gosh..show the thug was being a thug and it is met with more thugishness.

Why am I not surprised.

Racism isn't right, but if this isn't a reason why some non-blacks fear blacks, then I don't know what is. If I were black, I'd be absolutely livid with these folks who are damaging the image of my race.

you are talking about the non-blacks who are not normal. Normal non-blacks know that there is a difference between ghetto blacks and non-ghetto blacks
This shit is getting out of hand.

July 17, 2014

NYPD places Eric Garner in an illegal choke hold and strangles him to death.

July 27, 2014

Rosan Miller, seven months pregnant at the time, is put into an illegal choke hold by an NYPD officer for "illegally grilling", while her seven-year-old daughter watches.

August 2, 2014

NYPD enters the wrong apartment after a domestic violence call, and drags Denise Stewart, half-naked, across the floor and out of her apartment, then pepper sprays her four-year-old grandson

August 6, 2014

John Crawford was shot by Ohio police officers for holding a toy gun in a Walmart.

August 9, 2014

Mike Brown is shot ten times by the Ferguson police while walking home with his best friend from a convenience store. He had his hands up after the first shots and had surrendered after refusing to get on the sidewalk when he was shot several more times, and died.

August 11

LAPD shot Ezell Ford, unarmed, as he was lying on the ground. He was mentally challenged, and most in the area were aware of his condition.

That's new york. Next.
This shit is getting out of hand.

July 17, 2014

NYPD places Eric Garner in an illegal choke hold and strangles him to death.

July 27, 2014

Rosan Miller, seven months pregnant at the time, is put into an illegal choke hold by an NYPD officer for "illegally grilling", while her seven-year-old daughter watches.

August 2, 2014

NYPD enters the wrong apartment after a domestic violence call, and drags Denise Stewart, half-naked, across the floor and out of her apartment, then pepper sprays her four-year-old grandson

August 6, 2014

John Crawford was shot by Ohio police officers for holding a toy gun in a Walmart.

August 9, 2014

Mike Brown is shot ten times by the Ferguson police while walking home with his best friend from a convenience store. He had his hands up after the first shots and had surrendered after refusing to get on the sidewalk when he was shot several more times, and died.

August 11

LAPD shot Ezell Ford, unarmed, as he was lying on the ground. He was mentally challenged, and most in the area were aware of his condition.

That's new york. Next.

Whats NY? What do you mean by next?
The convenient store stayed quiet because of EXACTLY what happened early this morning. Rioting, looting, damage of the store. And if they had told who the cop was, he would be DEAD now, by an angry mob that is conveniently ignoring the thugs in their midst.

Let your inner racist all the way Gracie. We all know anyway now.

Missouri governor imposes curfew in Ferguson - CNN.com

Some protesters tried to stop the looting, at times standing in front of one convenience store and preventing others from doing more damage. Police, criticized days earlier for being too aggressive with protesters, now drew the ire of merchants who told CNN they weren't doing enough.
Clerks rights dont matter.......???? Hypocrisy on parade

Not when we are establishing what caused any violence. Has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Like a store should just let it happen. The problem with assholes like you is you believe that being a violent fucking thug is somehow a good thing.

Yeah cause touching someone and putting your hands up is the same as being a violent thug.
The video was released because Brown was still in the commission of that crime when the cop stopped him.
Ferguson police did a 180 on their story, that might explain why the store employee/owner is staying quiet:

However, in an afternoon press conference, police chief Thomas Jackson said the two incidents (the robbery and Brown's death) were unrelated. The officer who shot Brown was unaware of the robbery, Jackson said—instead, he stopped Brown and a friend because "they were in the middle of the street, blocking traffic."

__________________(edited by me) has been identified as the police officer who shot Brown to death. Confusingly, the incident report released earlier on Friday quoted an officer saying he "responded to that scene and observed Brown. After viewing Brown and reviewing this video [of the convenience store robbery], I was able to confirm Brown is the primary suspect in this incident." Attorneys for Brown’s family released a statement Friday saying they are “beyond outraged.”

So, the officer responded to the call of a strong robbery, then a few hours later had not heard of it............................................:doubt:

I cannot tell. Are you saying he did not rob anything even though we all saw him do it on video?

While are so quick to point out all of the great attributes of the 18 year old (while we simply ignore the strong arm robbery) gentle giant, why don't you tell us all of the attributes of the police officer? He has a clean record and received an award.

You really can be pathetic.

I objected to the posting of his photo & will not post his name; he is alive, Michael Brown is not. The officer had a clean record, IF Ferguson PD can be believed, which is unlikely, the Chief has given different stories; from the link provided by Missourian:

They have said that one of the men pushed the officer into his patrol car and that there was a struggle over the officer’s gun. They have said that Brown ran and the officer fired multiple times.

Now, Fergusan PD is unsure if BROWN pushed the officer! Previously Ferguson PD reported the officer was responding to call about the alleged "robbery", then changed the story to the "officer didn't know". The officer may be honest, decent, and reliable......................the Department is not; too many differing stories. Now, it is uncertain if Michael Brown ever touched the officer. And the first story of the officer responding to a call was untrue.

Nothing justifies the riots, looting and destruction, State LE needs to arrest many tonight if there are more out on the streets looking for trouble.

I will not cast doubt on the officer involved, he didn't invent the various stories told by his superiors.
The convenient store stayed quiet because of EXACTLY what happened early this morning. Rioting, looting, damage of the store. And if they had told who the cop was, he would be DEAD now, by an angry mob that is conveniently ignoring the thugs in their midst.

Let your inner racist all the way Gracie. We all know anyway now.

Missouri governor imposes curfew in Ferguson - CNN.com

Some protesters tried to stop the looting, at times standing in front of one convenience store and preventing others from doing more damage. Police, criticized days earlier for being too aggressive with protesters, now drew the ire of merchants who told CNN they weren't doing enough.

Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.
The convenient store stayed quiet because of EXACTLY what happened early this morning. Rioting, looting, damage of the store. And if they had told who the cop was, he would be DEAD now, by an angry mob that is conveniently ignoring the thugs in their midst.

Let your inner racist all the way Gracie. We all know anyway now.

Missouri governor imposes curfew in Ferguson - CNN.com

Some protesters tried to stop the looting, at times standing in front of one convenience store and preventing others from doing more damage. Police, criticized days earlier for being too aggressive with protesters, now drew the ire of merchants who told CNN they weren't doing enough.

Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.

I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.
Let your inner racist all the way Gracie. We all know anyway now.

Missouri governor imposes curfew in Ferguson - CNN.com

Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.

I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.
As Ferguson PD now says ONE of the two young men "pushed" the officer, and Michael Brown's 'friend' was quick to call Brown a thief, I do not trust the version of events Johnson offers either.

It was FERGUSON PD that released the name of the officer involved. Do some in the Department want more 'unrest' to cover up their wrongdoing?
Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.

I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

If you count petty theft, simple battery, yes. Now why are most serial killers & mass murders in the US Caucasian? And, Asians have a lower crime rate than Caucasians..........with some notable exceptions.
Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.

I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

So that means what exactly?????????
Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.

I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

Crime is going to happen in any population. The farther down on the socioeconomic ladder the more you are going to see crimes committed based on economics. Whats your excuse for your serial killers, mass murderers, and terrorists?
I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

So that means what exactly?????????

Shes been recruited.
Not when we are establishing what caused any violence. Has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Like a store should just let it happen. The problem with assholes like you is you believe that being a violent fucking thug is somehow a good thing.

Yeah cause touching someone and putting your hands up is the same as being a violent thug.

Story is now, the whole "He put his hands up" thing is also bullshit, just as everything else in the fiasco has proved to be.

Gentle giant...bullshit.

Good boy...bullshit.

Police attacked Brown for no reason...bullshit.

Officer, 160 pounds soaking wet, pulled Brown, tipping the scales at 300 lbs, into the police vehicle and kept him from pulling away while both of Browns hands were outside the car...bullshit.

And now there is a video from the scene of a witness saying Brown rushed the officer.

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