Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

You are largely incoherent and scatterbrained.

Brown and Johnson robbed a local store.

They were walking in the middle of a street blocking traffic when challenged by a policeman.

They were challenged by a police officer.

The police officer was assaulted.

Forensics will tell us the rest.

No, the alternate stories from Ferguson PD have already revealed quite a bit. FPD is incoherent, yes. To sum up:
1. The officer was responding to a call about a robbery;
2. The officer was not aware of the robbery;

3. Michael Brown pushed the officer;
3. Michael Brown OR his friend pushed the officer.

Yeah...and how many cops pulled over some asshole for a broken tail light only to discover it was someone on the Most Wanted list?


The first FPD story was BROWN attacked the officer, now its "one of the two". And the officer was in good enough shape to split town after the death. Good thing he did, Ferguson PD gave out his name, Ferguson PD has altered stories, which keeps the turmoil brewing. I hope he is some place safe.
As Ferguson PD now says ONE of the two young men "pushed" the officer, and Michael Brown's 'friend' was quick to call Brown a thief, I do not trust the version of events Johnson offers either.

It was FERGUSON PD that released the name of the officer involved. Do some in the Department want more 'unrest' to cover up their wrongdoing?
You are largely incoherent and scatterbrained.

Brown and Johnson robbed a local store.

They were walking in the middle of a street blocking traffic when challenged by a policeman.

They were challenged by a police officer.

The police officer was assaulted.

Forensics will tell us the rest.

No, the alternate stories from Ferguson PD have already revealed quite a bit. FPD is incoherent, yes. To sum up:
1. The officer was responding to a call about a robbery;
2. The officer was not aware of the robbery;
3. Michael Brown pushed the officer;
3. Michael Brown OR his friend pushed the officer.

Pushing a officer doesn't justify killing someone

Yeah they need to find him. He specifically said he was standing and the cops were 10 yards from him. "dumping" in him which means shooting him. I never hear anything about him charging the officer like Katz is claiming at 6:38. At 4:40 they say the cops stood over him and put some rounds in him. I hope the fuckin cop fries.

The one voice asks "why is he headed that way"

The witness says...They are fighting in the car, Brown runs, Officer gives chase..."Next thing I know, he's [Brown] headed back toward him [Officer], and the cop's "dumpin" on him and I think he's missin' ... at least 5 shots, I think he's missin'... ol' dude still runnin' (unintelligible)

@8:33 "I thought he was missin...but the dude was still standin and he kept coming towards him and then BOOM."
Animals don't go destroying other animals dens.

Thug. Since when is Thug considered a dissing term for a black. Lots of thugs are in prison...in all colors.

Don't know about that. I don't make a habit of calling anyone an ape..unless its an ape acting like an ape. But give me time.

I'm beginning to understand Tanks frustration. Oh yes indeedy.

You should take some advice and not make the same mistake you made by calling Nutz a Negro and telling me it was not offensive. However since you think like tank I understand.

Gracie thinks like tank?

WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? You apparently don't read many posts around here, huh?

That's akin to sayin GW thinks like Obama.

Evidently you have missed some of her more colorful posts. Maybe she will enlighten you.
You can't be mad at blacks for behaving this way, it is simply their nature.

Yeah they need to find him. He specifically said he was standing and the cops were 10 yards from him. "dumping" in him which means shooting him. I never hear anything about him charging the officer like Katz is claiming at 6:38. At 4:40 they say the cops stood over him and put some rounds in him. I hope the fuckin cop fries.

The one voice asks "why is he headed that way"

The witness says...They are fighting in the car, Brown runs, Officer gives chase..."Next thing I know, he's [Brown] headed back toward him [Officer], and the cop's "dumpin" on him and I think he's missin' ... at least 5 shots, I think he's missin'... ol' dude still runnin' (unintelligible)

@8:33 "I thought he was missin...but the dude was still standin and he kept coming towards him and then BOOM."

When you turn around you are headed back towards him. That doesnt translate to he charged the officer like Katz is claiming. That may be very key and thats the reason they need to find this guy. He hasnt stepped forward so I can only think he may be wanted or someone body has him under wraps.

Was it the officer coming towards Brown or was Brown walking towards him? Hard to believe Brown was the one moving if he was "still standin" there.
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No, the alternate stories from Ferguson PD have already revealed quite a bit. FPD is incoherent, yes. To sum up:
1. The officer was responding to a call about a robbery;
2. The officer was not aware of the robbery;

3. Michael Brown pushed the officer;
3. Michael Brown OR his friend pushed the officer.

Yeah...and how many cops pulled over some asshole for a broken tail light only to discover it was someone on the Most Wanted list?


The first FPD story was BROWN attacked the officer, now its "one of the two". And the officer was in good enough shape to split town after the death. Good thing he did, Ferguson PD gave out his name, Ferguson PD has altered stories, which keeps the turmoil brewing. I hope he is some place safe.

No one disputes Brown was the attacker.

Every witness has said it was Brown fighting the Officer in the patrol car.

Your information is faulty.

Yeah they need to find him. He specifically said he was standing and the cops were 10 yards from him. "dumping" in him which means shooting him. I never hear anything about him charging the officer like Katz is claiming at 6:38. At 4:40 they say the cops stood over him and put some rounds in him. I hope the fuckin cop fries.

The one voice asks "why is he headed that way"

The witness says...They are fighting in the car, Brown runs, Officer gives chase..."Next thing I know, he's [Brown] headed back toward him [Officer], and the cop's "dumpin" on him and I think he's missin' ... at least 5 shots, I think he's missin'... ol' dude still runnin' (unintelligible)

@8:33 "I thought he was missin...but the dude was still standin and he kept coming towards him and then BOOM."

Thx for that Sir.
Yeah they need to find him. He specifically said he was standing and the cops were 10 yards from him. "dumping" in him which means shooting him. I never hear anything about him charging the officer like Katz is claiming at 6:38. At 4:40 they say the cops stood over him and put some rounds in him. I hope the fuckin cop fries.

The one voice asks "why is he headed that way"

The witness says...They are fighting in the car, Brown runs, Officer gives chase..."Next thing I know, he's [Brown] headed back toward him [Officer], and the cop's "dumpin" on him and I think he's missin' ... at least 5 shots, I think he's missin'... ol' dude still runnin' (unintelligible)

@8:33 "I thought he was missin...but the dude was still standin and he kept coming towards him and then BOOM."

When you turn around you are headed back towards him. That doesnt translate to he charged the officer like Katz is claiming. That may be very key and thats the reason they need to find this guy. He hasnt stepped forward so I can only think he may be wanted or someone body has him under wraps.

True.. it can be interpreted more than one way, which I realized when I transcribed it.

I heard it one way, but while transcribing the dialog, it really depends on who the "he's" refer to.

Especially that last part. I take the HE as being Brown, that keeps coming...but the he could be the officer.

But what I DON'T here is "Dude had his hands up".

And with all the incredulous "Cops did this???" that SHOULD have been the first detail introduced in his description of events.

But it wasn't. In 10 minutes of recording, not a single mention.
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The video was released to scare people with the shockingly violent push...I mean assault and give them justification in their mind for the shooting. Manipulation 101.

Well it worked. After seeing that video I feel like I should thank the PO for taking care of that thug. He did all of us a favor.

I know it worked. Thats why they did it. They manipulated you into believing he should be shot for stealing some cigars.. Thanks for admitting that.

Thanks for admitting it was a "shockingly violent" push.
Not when we are establishing what caused any violence. Has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Like a store should just let it happen. The problem with assholes like you is you believe that being a violent fucking thug is somehow a good thing.

No criminal record, good student, accepted at a local college, the usual "thug" label isn't sticking, with decent Americans. Why did the Ferguson report the officer that killed Michael Brown was responding to a report of a robbery & then alter their story to say the officer knew nothing about the so called robbery?

The only reason he has a clean record is he was a juvenile and they wont release the records.
Ferguson police did a 180 on their story, that might explain why the store employee/owner is staying quiet:

However, in an afternoon press conference, police chief Thomas Jackson said the two incidents (the robbery and Brown's death) were unrelated. The officer who shot Brown was unaware of the robbery, Jackson said—instead, he stopped Brown and a friend because "they were in the middle of the street, blocking traffic."

__________________(edited by me) has been identified as the police officer who shot Brown to death. Confusingly, the incident report released earlier on Friday quoted an officer saying he "responded to that scene and observed Brown. After viewing Brown and reviewing this video [of the convenience store robbery], I was able to confirm Brown is the primary suspect in this incident." Attorneys for Brown’s family released a statement Friday saying they are “beyond outraged.”

So, the officer responded to the call of a strong robbery, then a few hours later had not heard of it............................................:doubt:

For the 100th fucking time...this narritive is false.

Liberal media bullshit.

The officer was called in on the strong arm robbery.

He received a description of the suspects.

When he made initial contact with Brown, AT THAT TIME HE WAS UNAWARE THAT BROWN WAS A SUSPECT in the robbery of the store.

He initially made contact with Brown because he was in the street, walking down the middle of the road blocking traffic.

It was then that he noticed Brown had the store display box of cigars in his hand.

It was THEN that he suspected he had inadvertently stumbled upon the perpetrator of the strong arm robbery!

All else follows from this point.

No, the Ferguson police changed their story:

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was suspect in robbery | Fox News

Hundreds of sources. The PD altered the original "officer responding to a call" story(.)

Did you even listen to the Cops version of what went down?
The one voice asks "why is he headed that way"

The witness says...They are fighting in the car, Brown runs, Officer gives chase..."Next thing I know, he's [Brown] headed back toward him [Officer], and the cop's "dumpin" on him and I think he's missin' ... at least 5 shots, I think he's missin'... ol' dude still runnin' (unintelligible)

@8:33 "I thought he was missin...but the dude was still standin and he kept coming towards him and then BOOM."

When you turn around you are headed back towards him. That doesnt translate to he charged the officer like Katz is claiming. That may be very key and thats the reason they need to find this guy. He hasnt stepped forward so I can only think he may be wanted or someone body has him under wraps.

True.. it can be interpreted more than one way, which I realized when I transcribed it.

I heard it one way, but while transcribing the dialog, it really depends on who the "he's" refer to.

Especially that last part. I take the HE as being Brown, that keeps coming...but the he could be the officer.

But what I DON'T here is "Dude had his hands up".

And with all the incredulous "Cops did this???" that SHOULD have been the first detail introduced in his description of events.

But it wasn't. In 10 minutes of recording, not a single mention.

IMO. I came from the same type of environment and the guy is plainly saying the cop executed him like the other witnesses say happened. The only thing I hear that I am not sure of is did Brown take a step after he turned or did he just face the officer? Just because he didn't mention his hands were up doesn't mean they weren't. Thats standard SOP when dealing with the cops and not worth mentioning. They really need to find this guy.
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Well it worked. After seeing that video I feel like I should thank the PO for taking care of that thug. He did all of us a favor.

I know it worked. Thats why they did it. They manipulated you into believing he should be shot for stealing some cigars.. Thanks for admitting that.

Thanks for admitting it was a "shockingly violent" push.

I was being sarcastic. Turn in your man card now sissy. :lol:
Brown turned around to go after the officer, the same way he did to the clerk
Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

Crime is going to happen in any population. The farther down on the socioeconomic ladder the more you are going to see crimes committed based on economics. Whats your excuse for your serial killers, mass murderers, and terrorists?

I don't know about excuses, but there is a difference.

When a white mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, we(majority of white people) say, thank God the bastards dead.

When a black mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, the majority of black people say, oh no, the cops got another one of us.

Go ahead and call me racist, cause that's all you got, but you know as well as I do, that that is the way it is. And the economic argument does not hold water anymore, there are too many ways to get a decent education in this country. There are poor white people, poor black people, poor pokadotted people, so why is it that when it comes to violent crimes, that blacks commit more of those crimes on a 6 to 1 basis?

When I was growing up, we didn't have enough money to buy a candy bar, but if my mother or father would have caught me stealing one, I would have missed school the next day because I couldn't sit down.

Why aren't you mad that blacks commit these violent crimes, and look for a way to fix this? I've lived in the projects, it's no fun, but if you work your ass off, you can get out of there and never go back. I don't accept excuses from my kids or anyone else for anything. Excuses are for little children who wet their pants, that's it.

Nailed it!!!
Crime is going to happen in any population. The farther down on the socioeconomic ladder the more you are going to see crimes committed based on economics. Whats your excuse for your serial killers, mass murderers, and terrorists?

I don't know about excuses, but there is a difference.

When a white mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, we(majority of white people) say, thank God the bastards dead.

When a black mass murderer is executed/shot/dead however he got that way, the majority of black people say, oh no, the cops got another one of us.

Go ahead and call me racist, cause that's all you got, but you know as well as I do, that that is the way it is. And the economic argument does not hold water anymore, there are too many ways to get a decent education in this country. There are poor white people, poor black people, poor pokadotted people, so why is it that when it comes to violent crimes, that blacks commit more of those crimes on a 6 to 1 basis?

When I was growing up, we didn't have enough money to buy a candy bar, but if my mother or father would have caught me stealing one, I would have missed school the next day because I couldn't sit down.

Why aren't you mad that blacks commit these violent crimes, and look for a way to fix this? I've lived in the projects, it's no fun, but if you work your ass off, you can get out of there and never go back. I don't accept excuses from my kids or anyone else for anything. Excuses are for little children who wet their pants, that's it.

when the cops kill any person regardless of race I'm pissed because I hate ALL COPS

Thanks for admitting your bias. It'll make it easier to ignore you later.
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