Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

You insinuation thats what happened is a lie. He could have called him or name or been a rude prick. Trying some long winded explanation regarding tobacco laws is simply reaching so you wont look like a dumbass. :lol:

You mean Michael Brown could have called the clerk a name justice before he strong arm robbed him? Yeah, he probably said something racist just before committing that felony. I wouldnt be surprised by that at all. Black people often make racist comments.

Good point. Did Brwon violate the clerks civil rights.

Assault and robbery...
Nope I told you your insinuation for something else is a fishing expedition in the dead sea. Listen up mother fucker I don't fucking lie you son of a bitch. I have explained to you as nicely as I fucking could. Now choke on your fucking empty fishing line because what you seek isn't there.
Anyone who has bought tobacco products knows exactly what was happening up to the thug walking out the store. Under 21 no sale then you grab and steal.

You could tell me you smart but that doesnt change my mind you are stupid. I'm not concerned with what you think. Tell me what you can prove. Otherwise your insinuation is simply a lie. What are you going to do about it pussy?

Faggot lay off the dick sucking because you're struggling to keep up with someone who has common sense and buys tobacco products and know the laws.

Funny how you turned gay when you got upset and starting telling me all your extracurricular activities. Dont project your fantasies onto me. I'm not gay. Its alright if you are but news flash no one cares. :lol:
Burning down businesses,
Robbing stores
Possibly attacking a police officer

This is all bull shit.

We don't even know all the facts and you're ready to hang this police officer. One word, FUCK YOU.

I assume that was addressed to me. If so I decline your invitation. I'm not gay.
And I am a perfect, prime example of someone who Has Had Enough of it.

This media driven event is ridiculous. How can you ignore the actions of this criminal before he was shot? Take responsibility for your actions. The police don't just ride around shooting people.
No need for the Constitution, conviction by video, and heresay AOK with many posting........I'll stay in the United States of America myself. No conviction, no crime committed by an individual, though one can disagree with trial verdicts. Michael Brown wasn't even arrested. Now what is your proposed justice system going to impose?
No need for the Constitution, conviction by video, and heresay AOK with many posting........I'll stay in the United States of America myself. No conviction, no crime committed by an individual, though one can disagree with trial verdicts. Michael Brown wasn't even arrested. Now what is your proposed justice system going to impose?

These days we allow angry mobs to decide which cases should go to trial, BEFORE an investigation has even taken place. Its only fair that the angry mob be allowed to unfairly influence the district attornies decision to go to trial. The angry mob has informed us that an innocent gentle giant was killed by a racist cop. Case closed. Time to protest, riot and loot!!!! Its the American way. :cuckoo:
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And I am a perfect, prime example of someone who Has Had Enough of it.

This media driven event is ridiculous. How can you ignore the actions of this criminal before he was shot? Take responsibility for your actions. The police don't just ride around shooting people.

Yeah some of them do. Mostly they rob, harass, and beat you. Especially if they can get away with it.
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And I am a perfect, prime example of someone who Has Had Enough of it.

This media driven event is ridiculous. How can you ignore the actions of this criminal before he was shot? Take responsibility for your actions. The police don't just ride around shooting people.

Yeah some of them do. Especially if they can get away with it.

Then maybe y'all outta protest a case like that instead of looking like idiots "protesting" this one .
And I am a perfect, prime example of someone who Has Had Enough of it.

This media driven event is ridiculous. How can you ignore the actions of this criminal before he was shot? Take responsibility for your actions. The police don't just ride around shooting people.

Yeah some of them do. Especially if they can get away with it.

Think of how much better life would be for you if you lived in Liberia where you wouldn't have to see any white cops, ever. A completely black run society. It's calling for you.
This media driven event is ridiculous. How can you ignore the actions of this criminal before he was shot? Take responsibility for your actions. The police don't just ride around shooting people.

Yeah some of them do. Especially if they can get away with it.

Then maybe y'all outta protest a case like that instead of looking like idiots "protesting" this one .

Doesnt matter what case it is. Shooting people without a weapon is murder.
This media driven event is ridiculous. How can you ignore the actions of this criminal before he was shot? Take responsibility for your actions. The police don't just ride around shooting people.

Yeah some of them do. Especially if they can get away with it.

Think of how much better life would be for you if you lived in Liberia where you wouldn't have to see any white cops, ever. A completely black run society. It's calling for you.

My ancestors are not from Liberia. That was created by white people.
This media driven event is ridiculous. How can you ignore the actions of this criminal before he was shot? Take responsibility for your actions. The police don't just ride around shooting people.

Yeah some of them do. Especially if they can get away with it.

Then maybe y'all outta protest a case like that instead of looking like idiots "protesting" this one .
Looking like idiots ? You mean becoming criminals themselves while protesting.
This police department may be a haven for racist cops.

Ferguson police 'mistakenly arrested an innocent man before viciously beating him so bad he was taken to hospital and then charged for bleeding on THEIR uniforms'
Henry Davis, 52, was arrested in Ferguson, Missouri, on September 20, 2009
Police had mistaken him for a man of the same name with an outstanding warrant
Davis claims police realized their mistake but still locked him up
He was allegedly beaten by a group of four officers
He was held for several days before being charged with four counts of property damage

Read more: Ferguson police 'arrested innocent Henry Davis before viciously beating him' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
What the hell is wrong with people who enjoy the idea of 17 year old kids dying?

Right here. This right here is the essence of what makes every liberal pathetic.

Why aren't you answering her question.

Even if you take the police officer at his word, this is still a pretty bad tragedy.

What should have been a simple misdemeanor arrest turned into a fatal incident.

If you take the cop at his word it was justified.

I never think it's a tragedy when a criminal dies
You are the pussy. The clerk actually had some balls. You are petrified. I watched the video and he pushed the guy. He didnt beat him up or even strike him. However, he still scared the shit out of you. :lol:

Robbery is theft by means of force or fear. The degree of force may be slight. If Brown had put one finger on the clerk, a fingernail on the clerk it's the same as putting a brick to his head. It's the same as breaking his jaw.

Yeah yeah I heard all the technicalities. He pushed the guy out of his way. You can call it murder if you want to but at the end of the day he was pushed.

At the end of the day the clerk was robbed. The assault and battery are separate charges. One count of battery for pushing. Count two of battery for grabbing the clerk by the neck. Brown would have done some serious time.
Yeah some of them do. Especially if they can get away with it.

Then maybe y'all outta protest a case like that instead of looking like idiots "protesting" this one .

Doesnt matter what case it is. Shooting people without a weapon is murder.
Um No, because people can put themselves in a position where they can get shot by accident in some cases, and especially if they make the wrong moves that scare a cop into thinking that he may be killed if he doesn't act quickly enough. Yes it's a tragic thing, but the justice system has to work it all out in the end, and it will.. After that it all has to be investigated and taken to trial in order for it all to come out in the wash, so jumping the gun is never a good attitude or action taken by anyone like we have seen in this case. Be smart people, and quit making fools of yourselves please.

If murder is found, then a conviction will follow.

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