Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting


If you take the cop at his word it was justified.

I never think it's a tragedy when a criminal dies

But since we've already established that you lack anything vaguely resembling a heart, this isn't surprising.

THis young man wasn't just a "criminal". He someone who has people in his life who are going to miss him. He might have even straightened his life out.

Shit, most of us did bad things in our teens. Most of us weren't shot for them by a cop.
Robbery is theft by means of force or fear. The degree of force may be slight. If Brown had put one finger on the clerk, a fingernail on the clerk it's the same as putting a brick to his head. It's the same as breaking his jaw.

Yeah yeah I heard all the technicalities. He pushed the guy out of his way. You can call it murder if you want to but at the end of the day he was pushed.

At the end of the day the clerk was robbed. The assault and battery are separate charges. One count of battery for pushing. Count two of battery for grabbing the clerk by the neck. Brown would have done some serious time.

Which is a problem when you have a Prison-Industrial Complex that throws people in prison for non-serious crimes and makes them unemployable for a lifetime.
You are wasting your time with Asslepassel, Wake. Angry Black Negro sees nothing wrong with dude stealing and shoving around a smaller man.

Except I already said what he did was wrong. How did you miss that Angry White Bitch?

I want to issue an apology to the women of the board for my use of the word bitch in reference to Gracie. No matter how racist and ignorant she is there was no excuse.
Yeah yeah I heard all the technicalities. He pushed the guy out of his way. You can call it murder if you want to but at the end of the day he was pushed.

At the end of the day the clerk was robbed. The assault and battery are separate charges. One count of battery for pushing. Count two of battery for grabbing the clerk by the neck. Brown would have done some serious time.

Which is a problem when you have a Prison-Industrial Complex that throws people in prison for non-serious crimes and makes them unemployable for a lifetime.

Robbery assault and battery are not non serious crimes.
Then maybe y'all outta protest a case like that instead of looking like idiots "protesting" this one .

Doesnt matter what case it is. Shooting people without a weapon is murder.
Um No, because people can put themselves in a position where they can get shot by accident in some cases, and especially if they make the wrong moves that scare a cop into thinking that he may be killed if he doesn't act quickly enough. Yes it's a tragic thing, but the justice system has to work it all out in the end, and it will.. After that it all has to be investigated and taken to trial in order for it all to come out in the wash, so jumping the gun is never a good attitude or action taken by anyone like we have seen in this case. Be smart people, and quit making fools of yourselves please.

If murder is found, then a conviction will follow.

Most of your post is great. Too long Black people have been getting shot and killed by people supposedly trained to gauge a threat. The shit gets old. Wilson never gave Brown his day in court. From what the 2 witnesses say that dont even know Brown, he was shot down in cold blood. Thats murder.
You are wasting your time with Asslepassel, Wake. Angry Black Negro sees nothing wrong with dude stealing and shoving around a smaller man.

Except I already said what he did was wrong. How did you miss that Angry White Bitch?

I want to issue an apology to the women of the board for my use of the word bitch in reference to Gracie. No matter how racist and ignorant she is there was no excuse.

Your apology to the women of the board is duly noted. To me being called a bitch is the highest compliment that could be paid to a female of any species.
Yeah yeah I heard all the technicalities. He pushed the guy out of his way. You can call it murder if you want to but at the end of the day he was pushed.

At the end of the day the clerk was robbed. The assault and battery are separate charges. One count of battery for pushing. Count two of battery for grabbing the clerk by the neck. Brown would have done some serious time.

Which is a problem when you have a Prison-Industrial Complex that throws people in prison for non-serious crimes and makes them unemployable for a lifetime.
Possessing or dealing weed is a non-serious crime, so we can agree about that. But what Brown did is a very serious crime because the very nature of it implies we are living in a jungle rather than a civilized society. That kind of barbaric behavior deserves appropriately serious punishment.

If Brown did to you what he did to that store clerk I'm quite sure you wouldn't think of it as a "non-serious" crime.

Michael Brown got exactly what a punk like him deserves -- to be shot dead in a gutter. The bottom line is we are rid of him.
Lets call a spade a spade here......what chances do you give that kid to make it to 20 years old if he's not shot by the cop last week? 5%? Maybe 10% at most......and how many lives would that thug have taken with him?

The cop is some kind of mental case and should be flipping burgers somewhere........stoopid fuck. But at the same time, c'mon......we didnt exactly lose any kind of an upstanding citizen here. He was a fat-ass thug who was going to get his ass capped anyway.
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Asslepassel is a prime example of why so many blacks will continue down the "don't shoot me even if I threaten you" road. Every black person marching or screaming or yelling or looting or rioting or has their pants down to their knees or calls another black UncleTom for speaking against idiocy is just like Asswipetheass. And there are bunches of them in every city. And, they breed, then dump their kids so the mothers can teach them the same thing all over again. Prime example he is. Perfect.

I bet he was high as well as being a thief.

Dont blame it on a blunt. If anything it would mellow him out,as a matter of fact if he's this violent when he's stoned? He must be a real asshole when he's not.
And I am a perfect, prime example of someone who Has Had Enough of it.

It sucks when you come to the realization that all those people you called racist over the years...? Were right. Now I'm not referring to the clan type racist,those I find laughable.
But when you see situations like Big Mike and Trayvon and the blind support they receive ,it'll make anyone reevaluate their position.

And the thing that really makes it sad? Is the blacks you thought wouldnt be caught up in the emotional crap are right there with the thugs.

I find this to be no different than the muslims who dont denounce radical islam.
And I am a perfect, prime example of someone who Has Had Enough of it.

It sucks when you come to the realization that all those people you called racist over the years...? Were right. Now I'm not referring to the clan type racist,those I find laughable.
But when you see situations like Big Mike and Trayvon and the blind support they receive ,it'll make anyone reevaluate their position.

And the thing that really makes it sad? Is the blacks you thought wouldnt be caught up in the emotional crap are right there with the thugs.

I find this to be no different than the muslims who dont denounce radical islam.

Exactly. Yes. Ding ding ding. Thank you for putting into words I have been struggling with. This "enlightenment" is a bit overwhelming. But much MUCH clearer now.
Know what? I think you are right. I am going to be 62 years old soon. It took almost 62 years for me to finally see color. thanks to you and asshole in Ferguson.

I knew I was right a couple of weeks ago. It wasnt me or someone in Ferguson. It was your belief that the actions of one person defines a race. Thats why you claimed the protesters were ignoring the looters.

Yeah. Whatever you say Angry Black Man.

From what I see....the most crime riddled race are blacks. Prove otherwise.

Are you wearing a pointy hat as you type?

And I am a perfect, prime example of someone who Has Had Enough of it.

It sucks when you come to the realization that all those people you called racist over the years...? Were right. Now I'm not referring to the clan type racist,those I find laughable.
But when you see situations like Big Mike and Trayvon and the blind support they receive ,it'll make anyone reevaluate their position.

And the thing that really makes it sad? Is the blacks you thought wouldnt be caught up in the emotional crap are right there with the thugs.

I find this to be no different than the muslims who dont denounce radical islam.

Exactly. Yes. Ding ding ding. Thank you for putting into words I have been struggling with. This "enlightenment" is a bit overwhelming. But much MUCH clearer now.

No problemo. I came to a point in life exactly like yours,it took me a while to reconcile what I saw with how I was raised,but eventually you cant deny whats right in front of your face no matter how distasteful it may be.

It's kinda like when you figure out the government isn't your friend.
What an asinine comment.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. This is really not even about race but about the possibility of a policeman mishandling a 'situation.'

The issue about race in this event seems to me to be about a town that is 70% black being patrolled by a police force that is 90% white. It would make the place like a prison camp, tantamount to the Israelis being in control of a Palestinian town. People need to have a police force that reflects the ethnic and cultural background of its people. If, and we don't know for sure, the teenager who was killed stole (shoplifted) from a mini-mart, it is not something we in America shoot folks for.

In the end, I am with those who say let the facts come out before we put a final judgment on anyone.
The FACT is the Ferguson police force can't get any 'young Black men/women' who meet even the most basic requirements to become a police officer to apply for the job.The 'qualified ones don't want to work anywhere near a shit hole like Ferguson. They are all working in cities where they don't have to fear that their families will be harassed by Blacks spray painting 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES' on the side of their homes and having their kids harassed at school b/c 'daddy is a pig'.

This is total bullshit. You are rumor mongering, speculating and calling things a fact that you have no concrete evidence of. Do you even know what a fact is? What a fucking moron you are.

Based on your reasoning, all the white police officers in Ferguson are barely qualified and couldn't get jobs anywhere else because Ferguson is such a "shit hole." You're an idiot.

It's not hard to figure out who the racists are on this thread. Sigh.

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