Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

when you shoot a person 6-8 times at range, it's kind of hard to argue that it wasn't excessive.

I believe that would depend on circumstances and/or the shooter's frame of mind. I'm assuming there is a big difference between shooting at a paper target on a range and shooting at a 6'4" 300 pound man who is charging you with murder in his eyes.

And keep in mind a 9mm pistol round is a relatively low-energy projectile, meaning it has relatively low "stopping" power, especially with a huge mass like Brown. If the cop had a .45 one or two shots would have done the job.

So there are two good reasons for the need for six shots.
Dorian Johnson is the friend and the witness who said they were stopped for jaywalking. Obviously they were not stopped for jaywalking at all.

In other words he lied.

Now why would anyone take anything this idiot says as gospel. He lied to cover his own ass. Yup. What are friends for??
Dorian Johnson is the friend and the witness who said they were stopped for jaywalking. Obviously they were not stopped for jaywalking at all.
No not obviously.

Dorian also said they had the cigars in their hands and Brown asked him to hold his during the altercation at the vehicle The officer simply had to put two and two together.
So you assume a guy charging an armed cop is going to use proper form?

And still even if he did use proper form that does not rule out a head shot if he was using proper form then his head and shoulders would have been at the level of the cops midsection. A standing cop could still shoot him in the head

Your problem is that you have absolutely no objectivity

What do you mean proper form retard? Its natural to keep your head up and eyes on the person you are charging. Why on earth would you put your head down like a bull unless you are going to head butt the person? Your problem is you have a vivid imagination.
In other words he lied.

Now why would anyone take anything this idiot says as gospel. He lied to cover his own ass. Yup. What are friends for??
Actually he didnt if you want to be technical. The cops even say thats why they stopped them.
What do you mean proper form retard? Its natural to keep your head up and eyes on the person you are charging. Why on earth would you put your head down like a bull unless you are going to head butt the person? Your problem is you have a vivid imagination.

Even if he was looking at the cop as he was charging his head would have been low enough for a bullet to enter the top of his skull. You will not entertain any other course of events than the one that has the cop killing this criminal in cold blood.
Even if he was looking at the cop as he was charging his head would have been low enough for a bullet to enter the top of his skull. You will not entertain any other course of events than the one that has the cop killing this criminal in cold blood.

I wont entertain it because it makes more sense the cop shot him for nothing exactly as the witnesses described that didnt even know Brown. How in the hell is he going to get shot on the top of his head and he is taller than the cop? The last shot to the top of hte head was as he was falling face first. You must be drunk already or just wishful thinking.
I wont entertain it because it makes more sense the cop shot him for nothing exactly as the witnesses described that didnt even know Brown. How in the hell is he going to get shot on the top of his head and he is taller than the cop? The last shot to the top of hte head was as he was falling face first. You must be drunk already or just wishful thinking.

My god you are thick aren't you?

Have yo ever seen a person attempt to tackle a person shorter than they are?

Usually the person doing the tackling lowers his head and shoulder to about the level of the waist of the person they are trying to take down.

It is very possible that the taller person can be shot in the top of the head as they are charging in.

And you said you played football? I think not.
My god you are thick aren't you?

Have yo ever seen a person attempt to tackle a person shorter than they are?

Usually the person doing the tackling lowers his head and shoulder to about the level of the waist of the person they are trying to take down.

It is very possible that the taller person can be shot in the top of the head as they are charging in.

And you said you played football? I think not.

Its about a million times more likely he was shot as he was falling. The kid never played football so he was not taught to wrap up. Your narrative is retarded. Why would he first run from getting shot then decide to run back and tackle the person shooting him? You sound desperate to believe the cops version. Sorry but it doesnt make a lick of sense.
I wont entertain it because it makes more sense the cop shot him for nothing exactly as the witnesses described that didnt even know Brown. How in the hell is he going to get shot on the top of his head and he is taller than the cop? The last shot to the top of hte head was as he was falling face first. You must be drunk already or just wishful thinking.

How do you know MB was taller than the cop?

Do you know if cop was up hill from MB.

Where are the blood splatters from each shot, are they separated by MB's movement or are they in one spot?

Where did each shell casing land?

Why did another witness caught on video say MB was going at the officer?

How could shots enter MB's arm from front if his hands were up?

One lady witness said she went to get her things & went to another window when the shots were fired. The other lady said she dropped her phone, took off from the street & parked in a parking space after the first shot came from inside the car while MB was struggling with officer.
How do you know MB was taller than the cop?

Do you know if cop was up hill from MB.

Where are the blood splatters from each shot, are they separated by MB's movement or are they in one spot?

Where did each shell casing land?

Why did another witness caught on video say MB was going at the officer?

How could shots enter MB's arm from front if his hands were up?

One lady witness said she went to get her things & went to another window when the shots were fired. The other lady said she dropped her phone, took off from the street & parked in a parking space after the first shot came from inside the car while MB was struggling with officer.

You must not have had a look at the crime scene. The area was flat. The officer is shorter than Brown. He is in one of the videos. Not one witness said he was coming at Wilson. You are really reaching arent you?
Its about a million times more likely he was shot as he was falling. The kid never played football so he was not taught to wrap up. Your narrative is retarded. Why would he first run from getting shot then decide to run back and tackle the person shooting him? You sound desperate to believe the cops version. Sorry but it doesnt make a lick of sense.

I didn't have to be taught how to tackle a guy. Maybe you were too stupid to figure it out.

And now he was falling? Falling as he rushed the cop? And he wasn't running from the cop when he was shot since all the bullets entered from the front.

I am looking t ALL the possibilities here you are fixated on one.
The thing is those shots in the arm probably didn't stop his forward motion he was certainly able to keep coming at the cop with a few 9 mm slugs in his arm.

Tell me if a 300 lb bear is charging you do you only fire a predetermined number of rounds or do you fire until it stops coming at you?

Killing a bear isn't murder. More to the point, this is supposed to be a trained police officer, and using a gun is supposed to be his LAST resort of use of force.
No, it looks like chaos, and the officer in question is clean, those who who know him state he is generous to a fault, kind & decent. The perfect conundrum.

Not to me.

What I'm seeing about this police force is that it is mostly white and considers its mostly black civilian charges like an occupying army more than a community it is part of. When you have a cop from this town screaming at protesters, "Come and get it, you animals!", this is not a police force that is part of the community at all.
What do you mean proper form retard? Its natural to keep your head up and eyes on the person you are charging. Why on earth would you put your head down like a bull unless you are going to head butt the person? Your problem is you have a vivid imagination.

The video of the officer AFTER the shooting is available online, far from from having "his head bashed in", he is walking straight, shows no visible injury. UK Daily Mail.
Are you kidding me? If you get hit in the arm FOUR TIMES with a 9MM, you are going down!
Not necessarily, I mean haven't you ever heard of adrenaline ? Once you get enough of it going in the system, then it is just as potent as a drug is on the body.
Not necessarily, I mean haven't you ever heard of adrenaline ? Once you get enough of it going in the system, then it is just as potent as a drug is on the body.

Or this cop just emptied his gun into an unarmed kid.

Hey, Occam's Razor. Usually the most obvious answer is the right one.
assuming that is true.... the cop who shot him says he didn't know anything about that.

but keep trying to justify the murders of unarmed black men.
Um, so there is no fear or guilt after robbing a store on the part of the robbers, where as they would be walking in fear and in guilt of being caught at some point, or do they get away with this sort of thing in that community often ? When the officer approached the two, wouldn't the mere presence of the officer been enough to set the whole thing in motion, and this because big Mike and his accomplice figured they had been had, even though the officer as you say might not have known at first what they had done??
Um, so there is no fear or guilt after robbing a store on the part of the robbers, where as they would be walking in fear and in guilt of being caught at some point, or do they get away with this sort of thing in that community often ? When the officer approached the two, wouldn't the mere presence of the officer been enough to set the whole thing in motion, and this because big Mike and his accomplice figured they had been had, even though the officer as you say might not have known at first what they had done??

Robbers? It was shoplifting, and simple battery. at the worst.
Um, so there is no fear or guilt after robbing a store on the part of the robbers, where as they would be walking in fear and in guilt of being caught at some point, or do they get away with this sort of thing in that community often ? When the officer approached the two, wouldn't the mere presence of the officer been enough to set the whole thing in motion, and this because big Mike and his accomplice figured they had been had, even though the officer as you say might not have known at first what they had done??

what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.

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