Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

he knew about the robbery every cop that had a radio on in their car

or on their person heard the dispatch notification and perp info

he did not put two and two together until he drove past

Jackson told a slightly different story to CNN and NBC, saying that Wilson noticed Brown was carrying a box of cigars that had been reported stolen. Wilson, he said, initially stopped Brown for blocking traffic, but as he began driving past Brown, he noticed Brown was holding cigars.

At that point, Wilson "made the connection" that Brown might have been involved in a theft that had just been broadcast on police radio, Jackson said.

Chief: Officer noticed Brown carrying suspected stolen cigars

I think you missed something. I was asking Jillian for her source RE her statement:

what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.
I don't see any money change hands.. I don't see any money period...but you need it to be true, so you see what you want to see.
Perfectly understandable now that all the other "witnesses" stories have fallen apart. You need SOMETHING to cling to.
I see him standing there, the girl goes behind the counter, he leans in to place his order, his hands are out of sight, can't tell if he paid or not as the VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW THE COUNTER, then he walks out and a different clerk confronts him. Maybe to give him change.
I see him standing there, the girl goes behind the counter, he leans in to place his order, his hands are out of sight, can't tell if he paid or not as the VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW THE COUNTER, then he walks out and a different clerk confronts him. Maybe to give him change.
Maybe to give him change...Right....that's why he shoved the owner..he probably was just trying to say keep the change...LMAO
Maybe to give him change...Right....that's why he shoved the owner..he probably was just trying to say keep the change...LMAO
The owner, whatever, the little guy got in the big guy's face and barely got touched back. If the big guy actually shoved that old man, he would have gone out into the street.
What robbery? You got proof he robbed them? You got proof he didn't pay? Or are you just making shit up?

You haven't been paying attention..but that's no surprise...the negro stole the cigars...the store clerk even said so. hate it for you.

Video Shows Michael Brown Stealing Cigars From Store | The Daily Caller

A Ferguson store clerk told police that Brown stole cigars from the store and that when he confronted Brown, the teen shoved him.

Video aired by Fox News shows who police believe to be Brown taking the cigars. The video also shows the store clerk confronting him. A woman and a young child are seen in the video as well.

The robbery was reported and went out on the police radio..now go ahead and say it didn't happen..LMFAO
So you're ok with strong arm robbery..Got it.
At least the negro won't be shoving or robbing anyone else.
Good shoot.

latest news

another witness has come forward

saying browns partner was on passenger side of car

A man who lives nearby, Michael T. Brady, said in an interview that he saw the initial altercation in the patrol car, although he struggled to see exactly what was happening.

“It was something strange,” said Mr. Brady, 32, a janitor. “Something was not right. It was some kind of altercation. I can’t say whether he was punching the officer or whatever. But something was going on in that window, and it didn’t look right.”

Mr. Brady said he had been interviewed by county investigators, but not the F.B.I.

Mr. Brady said he could see Mr. Johnson at the front passenger side of the car when he and Mr. Brown suddenly started running. Mr. Brady did not hear a gunshot or know what caused them to run. But he said he did see a police officer get out of the patrol car and start walking briskly while firing on Mr. Brown as he fled.

What robbery?
You haven't been paying attention..but that's no surprise...the negro stole the cigars...the store clerk even said so. hate it for you.

Video Shows Michael Brown Stealing Cigars From Store | The Daily Caller

A Ferguson store clerk told police that Brown stole cigars from the store and that when he confronted Brown, the teen shoved him.

Video aired by Fox News shows who police believe to be Brown taking the cigars. The video also shows the store clerk confronting him. A woman and a young child are seen in the video as well.

The robbery was reported and went out on the police radio..now go ahead and say it didn't happen..LMFAO
Or, Brown paid the girl when she went behind the counter and the old man had no business accusing Brown of pilfering a couple dollars worth of cheap cigars. When the old fart tried to get in the face of Brown, the teen was being nice by asking the old fart nicely to get out of his face.

Then later on when the nazi storm trooper decided to clear the streets of black teens, the boys were being nice to the cop too, when the cop also accused him of stealing cigs and told the boy he was gonna kill him for those cigars. The boy ran and the cop started shooting getting one in his back. Then the boy turned around with his hands up saying don't kill me you got me. Then the cop unloaded his clip into the boy killing him in the street for a couple cigars.
Or, Brown paid the girl when she went behind the counter and the old man had no business accusing Brown of pilfering a couple dollars worth of cheap cigars. When the old fart tried to get in the face of Brown, the teen was being nice by asking the old fart nicely to get out of his face.

but none of that happened....except the negro stole the cigars and shoved the clerk.

You're just flailing around wildly now.
listening to the scanner

it sounds like a war zone

with teams dispatched out on roving patrols
I'm listening to the scanner too and I haven't heard anything..no "shots fired" only a couple of arrests...no burning or looting..Sounds like a normal night, really. They do have teams out patrolling but that's to be expected.
You haven't been paying attention..but that's no surprise...the negro stole the cigars...the store clerk even said so. hate it for you.

Video Shows Michael Brown Stealing Cigars From Store | The Daily Caller

A Ferguson store clerk told police that Brown stole cigars from the store and that when he confronted Brown, the teen shoved him.

Video aired by Fox News shows who police believe to be Brown taking the cigars. The video also shows the store clerk confronting him. A woman and a young child are seen in the video as well.

The robbery was reported and went out on the police radio..now go ahead and say it didn't happen..LMFAO
– Ferguson Police Busted – Attempt To Defame Shooting Victim Blows Up In Their Face (VIDEO)

From observation, it looks as if he had tried to buy more, but then was unable to afford it, hence why he left several packets on the counter. This prompted the store owner to come out from behind the counter and have a discussion with him, which prompted the shove witnessed in the full video.

Whatever words were exchanged between the man in the video and the store owner, they were not considered very serious, as the store owner nor the employees did not report a theft at the store. According to the stores attorney, the owners were bewildered when the police approached them demanding the surveillance tapes.
Great, a customer called 911 which requires the FPD to respond. The clerk and customer both said that they stole cigars ~ http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2014/images/08/15/ferguson-police-report.pdf (I am also almost POSITIVE the clerk is the one who gave the witness statement, not to mention they took the officer back to watch the surveillance video.)

Are you arguing that Johnson, through his attorney, is LYING about Johnson saying he and Brown robbed the store?
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It does now. Hell, with this government you can get the death penalty just for eating at a road side cafe.

Yeah, if that Cafe happens to be in a terrorist country?

Now you guys are worried about people being killed in terrorist countries? Where were you when Bush was killing a million Iraqis?
Killing a bear isn't murder. More to the point, this is supposed to be a trained police officer, and using a gun is supposed to be his LAST resort of use of force.
Neither is killing a 300 lb man who is charging you

I don't know about you but I am not about to let a person get his hands on me before I defend myself

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