Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.

what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.
Ferguson Police Busted | Drudge Retort

When the Ferguson police department released the name of Darren Wilson, they also chose to release video footage which they claimed was of Michael Brown robbing a convenience store for some cigars.

The problem is, the video shows Michael Brown at the register, paying for the cigars.

Drudge RETORT? The video shows him at the counter, this could be a time when old stickers showed one price, the cashier quoted another, we will know when the reports are released.
Robbers? It was shoplifting, and simple battery. at the worst.
Around here if you steal, shoplift etc. and especially if you assault a person in the process, then you are also referred to as robbers, thieves, crooks why of course you are.

How do you know where the clerk is at in this video ? He could have been in the rest room for a second maybe. The only way to figure this one out, is to get the clerks testimony right ?

Now if the clerk says that Mike paid for his stuff, then the whole thing could change as far as the store goes, then it's back to the crime scene for that part of it to be continued just as it will be. I wonder why the confrontation in the store if he paid for his stuff ? Hmmmm!
Not to me.

What I'm seeing about this police force is that it is mostly white and considers its mostly black civilian charges like an occupying army more than a community it is part of. When you have a cop from this town screaming at protesters, "Come and get it, you animals!", this is not a police force that is part of the community at all.

The community has no part or plays no part in the separation between the police and the citizenry there ?
Yeah, that's fucking insane, too.

And Republicans just eat that shit up.

Just remember, it costs $8000 to educate a child and $40,000 to imprison him.
Wrong again! It cost $20k per year to educate a child & nothing for a dead thug.
Um Link please oh and here's video for ya

I don't see any money change hands.. I don't see any money period...but you need it to be true, so you see what you want to see.
Perfectly understandable now that all the other "witnesses" stories have fallen apart. You need SOMETHING to cling to.
what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.
It does now. Hell, with this government you can get the death penalty just for eating at a road side cafe.
Yeah, that's fucking insane, too.

And Republicans just eat that shit up.

Just remember, it costs $8000 to educate a child and $40,000 to imprison him.
LMAO..the hyperpartisans have to inject politics into this...You libs like big government...you voted for it....now live with it and stop trying to blame others for your mistakes..that is such a negro thing to do.
what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.

Do you have a source for Wilson saying he didn't know about the robbery? The closest I've seen regarding what Wilson's said was Jackson saying that Wilson 'INITIALLY' stopped them for jaywalking, then saying Wilson 'might' have known about the robbery suspects.
what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.
but battery on a LEO is a felony and as a felony had occurred the cop had the right under missouri statutes to use deadly force. Hate it for you.
If saint michael of brown would have kept his hands to himself he'd still be alive.
Do you have a source for Wilson saying he didn't know about the robbery? The closest I've seen regarding what Wilson's said was Jackson saying that Wilson 'INITIALLY' stopped them for jaywalking, then saying Wilson 'might' have known about the robbery suspects.

he knew about the robbery every cop that had a radio on in their car

or on their person heard the dispatch notification and perp info

he did not put two and two together until he drove past

Jackson told a slightly different story to CNN and NBC, saying that Wilson noticed Brown was carrying a box of cigars that had been reported stolen. Wilson, he said, initially stopped Brown for blocking traffic, but as he began driving past Brown, he noticed Brown was holding cigars.

At that point, Wilson "made the connection" that Brown might have been involved in a theft that had just been broadcast on police radio, Jackson said.

Chief: Officer noticed Brown carrying suspected stolen cigars

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