Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

what are you talking about. the officer SAID he did not know anything about an alleged robbery. he stopped him for jaywalking.

and last i checked, neither robbery nor jaywalking carried the death penalty.

Assaulting a cop will get you shot. Any idiot knows that
Neither is killing a 300 lb man who is charging you

I don't know about you but I am not about to let a person get his hands on me before I defend myself

I'm sure you have masturbatory fantasies about shooting people.. like most gun nuts.

But I really want the cops to show judgment before they use force. This one didn't. Shooting people for jaywalking is not proportionate.
Assaulting a cop will get you shot. Any idiot knows that

Well, maybe we need to do something about that. I pretty much don't want cops shooting people for jaywalking.

Not sure why you do.

If Michael Brown were someone you cared about (do you care about anyone but yourself, that might be a stretch) I don't think you'd be so cavalier.
I'm sure you have masturbatory fantasies about shooting people.. like most gun nuts.

But I really want the cops to show judgment before they use force. This one didn't. Shooting people for jaywalking is not proportionate.

He didn't shoot him for jay walking he shot him because he was charging him.

And I have no fantasy of killing anyone but like I said I really don't care when a criminal gets himself killed.
Well, maybe we need to do something about that. I pretty much don't want cops shooting people for jaywalking.

Not sure why you do.

If Michael Brown were someone you cared about (do you care about anyone but yourself, that might be a stretch) I don't think you'd be so cavalier.

If people cared about him they would have tried to stop his criminal ways
The officer's rights are a primary concern, the continual trial by media is horrible.
I'm listening to the scanner too and I haven't heard anything..no "shots fired" only a couple of arrests...no burning or looting..Sounds like a normal night, really. They do have teams out patrolling but that's to be expected.

they had 41 arrests as of the press briefing

earlier there was attempted looting

but they seemed to be able to be on top of it

the cops would respond and they would scatter like roaches

Or, Brown paid the girl when she went behind the counter and the old man had no business accusing Brown of pilfering a couple dollars worth of cheap cigars. When the old fart tried to get in the face of Brown, the teen was being nice by asking the old fart nicely to get out of his face.

Then later on when the nazi storm trooper decided to clear the streets of black teens, the boys were being nice to the cop too, when the cop also accused him of stealing cigs and told the boy he was gonna kill him for those cigars. The boy ran and the cop started shooting getting one in his back. Then the boy turned around with his hands up saying don't kill me you got me. Then the cop unloaded his clip into the boy killing him in the street for a couple cigars.

He stole over fifty dollars worth of cigars,not a couple bucks.
Assaulting a cop will get you shot. Any idiot knows that

there is no evidence of "assault" at this time. ... only the cops poisoning the jury pool.

i'm afraid that justifying the murder of an unarmed person isn't as easily dismissed.
The dead boy is "accused" of stealing. I guess it's all relative, fifty dollars is just not a whole lot of money to me. Not enough to kill over.

Except he wasn't killed for stealing the cigars..He was killed for attacking a cop.
He got what he deserved.
The dead boy is "accused" of stealing. I guess it's all relative, fifty dollars is just not a whole lot of money to me. Not enough to kill over.

He wasn't killed over the cigars. But had he not stolen them he might have lived a few more years before one of homies put a bullet in him.
there is no evidence of "assault" at this time. ... only the cops poisoning the jury pool.

i'm afraid that justifying the murder of an unarmed person isn't as easily dismissed.
Silly Jilly - Wrong Again.... don't worry kiddo some day somewhere just maybe you'll be right about something , but not this day.

A local Saint Louis radio station is reporting that Dorian Johnson has recanted his prior media espousals and now asserts that he and Mike Brown did indeed engage in a physical confrontation with Officer Darren Wilson. As a consequence the same Radio Station is asserting the local prosecutor essentially advises it’s doubtful charges would be filed. The Radio Station report is screen capped below:


*UPDATE* St. Louis Media REPORT – Dorian Johnson Recants Media Statement ? – Tells Authorities “Big Mike” Did Try For Officers Gun – Grand Jury Charges “Unlikely”… *UPDATE* – But Special Prosecutor Might Be Assigned Anyway | The Last Refuge
Silly Jilly - Wrong Again.... don't worry kiddo some day somewhere just maybe you'll be right about something , but not this day.

A local Saint Louis radio station is reporting that Dorian Johnson has recanted his prior media espousals and now asserts that he and Mike Brown did indeed engage in a physical confrontation with Officer Darren Wilson. As a consequence the same Radio Station is asserting the local prosecutor essentially advises it’s doubtful charges would be filed. The Radio Station report is screen capped below:


*UPDATE* St. Louis Media REPORT – Dorian Johnson Recants Media Statement ? – Tells Authorities “Big Mike” Did Try For Officers Gun – Grand Jury Charges “Unlikely”… *UPDATE* – But Special Prosecutor Might Be Assigned Anyway | The Last Refuge

Yet another Honer Simpson moment for libs and feral negros.
The officer's rights are a primary concern, the continual trial by media is horrible.

Trial By Media is a good part of the Issue - A Liberal infested Media has blown this out of proportion with their incessant race baiting , it's the Liberal Media that should be held accountable for the anarchy in Ferguson Missouri - not Officer Wilson
The GJ will get to hear all about what BM and DJ did to the cop.
If I could give BM's 'bum-boy' Johnson some advice I'd tell him to pack light and catch the next bus out of town.
He is a 'dead man walking' now when the mob of jungle apes find out he's told the truth to the cops.
"SNITCHES DON"T GET STITCHES" in Johnson's case. He gets a burning rubber tire necklage
The GJ will get to hear all about what BM and DJ did to the cop.
If I could give BM's 'bum-boy' Johnson some advice I'd tell him to pack light and catch the next bus out of town.
He is a 'dead man walking' now when the mob of jungle apes find out he's told the truth to the cops.
"SNITCHES DON"T GET STITCHES" in Johnson's case. He gets a burning rubber tire necklage
Can you say "Witness protection Program"? At least Johnson will be living better than he ever has.
He wasn't killed over the cigars. But had he not stolen them he might have lived a few more years before one of homies put a bullet in him.
Are you saying the cop might have refrained from putting the two bullets in his brain if he didn't have cigars on him?
Can you say "Witness protection Program"? At least Johnson will be living better than he ever has.
I can see the "interview" now... Mr. Johnson, we are going to tell everyone you snitched on your friend. So you really don't have a choice, you can sign this piece of paper declaring your dead friend as a strong arm robber and live, or we let you go.

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