Michael Brown's juvenile records claims slain teen was a murder suspect

And this has what to do with Brown's juvenile records?

what does his record have to do with the day in question?

I love this, the Officer hasnt given a complete report, statement nothing but you're looking at the dead guys record. Dont you find that a little bit strange?

Isnt it convienient that you arent able to determine the Officers story? Or find the truth because he and the police dept still hasnt given a story?

Are you actually saying that if it turns out that Dirt Nap Mike had an attempted murder charge on his rap sheet that it has nothing to do with what he did?

It has nothing to do with being shot while unarmed no it doesnt. If the police already knew that and he had been convicted then of course the police would have reacted differently. But they didnt. Unless the cop was Professor X

You ever hear of three strikes and you're out?
When you commit a felony,those chargers dont just disappear they accumulate.
So in your mind a rapist should only be charged for one rape even if he committed five of em?

What are you talking about dude? lol. You're trying to do something funny here. He doesnt even have a record and wasnt convicted of anything but ALLEGEDLY to you means he committed 5 murders.

And they say blacks can get a fair shake now a days

You're missing the whole point. If Dirt Nap Mike had a penchant for murder it makes it far more likely that he attacked the officer. It shows a pattern of behavior.

No one disputes they had an altercation of some sort but thats still doesnt explain why an unarmed person was shot 6 times. Even people armed dont get that many holes put in them and the officer still hasnt given his side of anything.

Its really easy to question the witness' because they came out publicly...How about you scrutinize the officers story? Oh right...You cant because he lawyered up and never gave his side.

Seems like the actions of a totally innocent person. They all go run and hide when they are innocent dont they?
Hey, I'm just reportin' the reportin' when I go to AOL to check my mail.

Yeah, but read past the headline and ask yourself if you're not a total tool:

""""Johnson also claims cops told him that Brown's juvenile arrest record contains a second-degree murder charge and there are rumors he is a member of the notorious Crips street gang.

"To find out if those police officers are correct requires seeing Brown's juvenile arrest record, which ought to be freely available given that he is dead and therefore has no right to privacy remaining," insists Johnson.

"Knowing the truth about Brown's past will help us gauge the credibility of his parents and family who have called him a 'gentle giant.'"

All of this is irrelevant to Darren Wilson shooting him. Ask any attorney, even a first year law student.

They are flooding the news with false reports and meanwhile no one has gotten the officers side of the story. Some chick called a radio station claiming to know the details...Well GOOD ENOUGH! Who is she? IDK
Another report claimed he had a busted eye socket? Who says so? IDK but lets run with it
Someone else says Brown ALLEGEDLY committed a murder and POSSIBLY is a gang member (Who goes to school and graduates on his way to college :rolleyes:). Lets run with those rumors but for the love of fairness dont ask the Officer for his side. No that wouldnt be "fair"

Here is how it goes. Someone shoots and kills a black guy. No one cares about the shooter everyone wants to know what that black guy was like to make someone shoot him justifiably. And any excuse will do.

Got a pic of the black guy looking tough - Thats good enough to kill him
Is the black guy big? - Good enough
Is the black guy small - Good enough
Could the black guy beat someone up? - Shoot 'em its all good
Did he fight with anyone anytime for any reason? - If yes you are permitted to shoot. If no see question above...Could he beat someone up one day? Yes, Shoot
Hey, I'm just reportin' the reportin' when I go to AOL to check my mail.
No, you're not.

It's called character assassination.

You're attempting to justify the shooting based on alleged prior bad acts.

You and most others on the right aren't interested in the truth or facts as to what actually happened, you only seek to spin this to the advantage of the partisan rightwing agenda.

Exactly what you liberals did to George Zimmerman

Um, you got it mixed up. It was Trayvon Martin who was portrayed as scouting out the neighborhood, looking in windows, "...looking around" as Zimmerman told the police.

It was Trayvon Martin who reportedly attacked Zimmerman, armed with a bag of Skittles, too! (Oh my!!!)

Portrayed as is the key word. Who plans a break in on the way to and from their local store? No one...but that doesnt matter we should believe the unbelieveable

Who charges a cop with a gun with their heads down? No one...but that doesnt matter we should believe the unbelieveable
Hey, I'm just reportin' the reportin' when I go to AOL to check my mail.

Yeah, but read past the headline and ask yourself if you're not a total tool:

""""Johnson also claims cops told him that Brown's juvenile arrest record contains a second-degree murder charge and there are rumors he is a member of the notorious Crips street gang.

"To find out if those police officers are correct requires seeing Brown's juvenile arrest record, which ought to be freely available given that he is dead and therefore has no right to privacy remaining," insists Johnson.

"Knowing the truth about Brown's past will help us gauge the credibility of his parents and family who have called him a 'gentle giant.'"

All of this is irrelevant to Darren Wilson shooting him. Ask any attorney, even a first year law student.

They are flooding the news with false reports and meanwhile no one has gotten the officers side of the story. Some chick called a radio station claiming to know the details...Well GOOD ENOUGH! Who is she? IDK
Another report claimed he had a busted eye socket? Who says so? IDK but lets run with it
Someone else says Brown ALLEGEDLY committed a murder and POSSIBLY is a gang member (Who goes to school and graduates on his way to college :rolleyes:). Lets run with those rumors but for the love of fairness dont ask the Officer for his side. No that wouldnt be "fair"

Here is how it goes. Someone shoots and kills a black guy. No one cares about the shooter everyone wants to know what that black guy was like to make someone shoot him justifiably. And any excuse will do.

Got a pic of the black guy looking tough - Thats good enough to kill him
Is the black guy big? - Good enough
Is the black guy small - Good enough
Could the black guy beat someone up? - Shoot 'em its all good
Did he fight with anyone anytime for any reason? - If yes you are permitted to shoot. If no see question above...Could he beat someone up one day? Yes, Shoot

Did the kid not just rob a store ? yes or no?

Your good enough isn't try again.
Trayvon Martin and now Michael Brown. Race pimps are terrible at picking their fights. It would be far better if they could come up with someone who was not a thug.
Hey, I'm just reportin' the reportin' when I go to AOL to check my mail.

Yeah, but read past the headline and ask yourself if you're not a total tool:

""""Johnson also claims cops told him that Brown's juvenile arrest record contains a second-degree murder charge and there are rumors he is a member of the notorious Crips street gang.

"To find out if those police officers are correct requires seeing Brown's juvenile arrest record, which ought to be freely available given that he is dead and therefore has no right to privacy remaining," insists Johnson.

"Knowing the truth about Brown's past will help us gauge the credibility of his parents and family who have called him a 'gentle giant.'"

All of this is irrelevant to Darren Wilson shooting him. Ask any attorney, even a first year law student.

They are flooding the news with false reports and meanwhile no one has gotten the officers side of the story. Some chick called a radio station claiming to know the details...Well GOOD ENOUGH! Who is she? IDK
Another report claimed he had a busted eye socket? Who says so? IDK but lets run with it
Someone else says Brown ALLEGEDLY committed a murder and POSSIBLY is a gang member (Who goes to school and graduates on his way to college :rolleyes:). Lets run with those rumors but for the love of fairness dont ask the Officer for his side. No that wouldnt be "fair"

Here is how it goes. Someone shoots and kills a black guy. No one cares about the shooter everyone wants to know what that black guy was like to make someone shoot him justifiably. And any excuse will do.

Got a pic of the black guy looking tough - Thats good enough to kill him
Is the black guy big? - Good enough
Is the black guy small - Good enough
Could the black guy beat someone up? - Shoot 'em its all good
Did he fight with anyone anytime for any reason? - If yes you are permitted to shoot. If no see question above...Could he beat someone up one day? Yes, Shoot

Did the kid not just rob a store ? yes or no?

Your good enough isn't try again.

Doesnt matter unless shooting to kill is the new normal for robberies
With all the bullshit flying around in this case....it is clear to me all of Brown's criminal records should be made public.

After all, those records are legal facts....not speculation.
With all the bullshit flying around in this case....it is clear to me all of Brown's criminal records should be made public.

After all, those records are legal facts....not speculation.

But it has nothing to do with the shooting. What needs to come out is the Officers side of the story instead of floating trial balloons in the media
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With all the bullshit flying around in this case....it is clear to me all of Brown's criminal records should be made public.

After all, those records are legal facts....not speculation.

But it has nothing to do with the shooting. What needs to come out is the Officers side of the story instead of floating trial balloons in the media

Agreed. All of the facts need to come out. But the media's depiction of Brown as "a gentle giant," sounds like bullshit based on what we know...which is Brown robbed a store and assaulted the store owner.

Neither of those facts sounds like a gentle giant to me, nor do I think it would to any reasonable person.
With all the bullshit flying around in this case....it is clear to me all of Brown's criminal records should be made public.

After all, those records are legal facts....not speculation.

But it has nothing to do with the shooting. What needs to come out is the Officers side of the story instead of floating trial balloons in the media

Agreed. All of the facts need to come out. But the media's depiction of Brown as "a gentle giant," sounds like bullshit based on what we know...which is Brown robbed a store and assaulted the store owner.

Neither of those facts sounds like a gentle giant to me, nor do I think it would to any reasonable person.

His parents and friends called him a gentle giant. You may find it strange but loved ones usually will reflect on the deceased in a glowing manner. Shocker!

Also, you dont know shit. The store owner himself never said it was Brown or that he was assualted. But I guess you dont need facts anymore. Additionally it doesnt matter if he was a gentle giant, a cuddly giant, or a mean giant. What matters is that the Ofc had a good reason to shoot...6 times and the officer NOR the police dept have given ANY REASON because the officer lawyered up.
With all the bullshit flying around in this case....it is clear to me all of Brown's criminal records should be made public.

After all, those records are legal facts....not speculation.

But it has nothing to do with the shooting. What needs to come out is the Officers side of the story instead of floating trial balloons in the media

Agreed. All of the facts need to come out. But the media's depiction of Brown as "a gentle giant," sounds like bullshit based on what we know...which is Brown robbed a store and assaulted the store owner.

Neither of those facts sounds like a gentle giant to me, nor do I think it would to any reasonable person.

His parents and friends called him a gentle giant. You may find it strange but loved ones usually will reflect on the deceased in a glowing manner. Shocker!

Also, you dont know shit. The store owner himself never said it was Brown or that he was assualted. But I guess you dont need facts anymore. Additionally it doesnt matter if he was a gentle giant, a cuddly giant, or a mean giant. What matters is that the Ofc had a good reason to shoot...6 times and the officer NOR the police dept have given ANY REASON because the officer lawyered up.

The robbery and assault are on video nitwit. Second....with fuckheads like Eric Holder gunning after you....wouldn't you lawyer up? You'd be a moron not to.
With all the bullshit flying around in this case....it is clear to me all of Brown's criminal records should be made public.

After all, those records are legal facts....not speculation.

But it has nothing to do with the shooting. What needs to come out is the Officers side of the story instead of floating trial balloons in the media

Agreed. All of the facts need to come out. But the media's depiction of Brown as "a gentle giant," sounds like bullshit based on what we know...which is Brown robbed a store and assaulted the store owner.

Neither of those facts sounds like a gentle giant to me, nor do I think it would to any reasonable person.

His parents and friends called him a gentle giant. You may find it strange but loved ones usually will reflect on the deceased in a glowing manner. Shocker!

Also, you dont know shit. The store owner himself never said it was Brown or that he was assualted. But I guess you dont need facts anymore. Additionally it doesnt matter if he was a gentle giant, a cuddly giant, or a mean giant. What matters is that the Ofc had a good reason to shoot...6 times and the officer NOR the police dept have given ANY REASON because the officer lawyered up.

The robbery and assault are on video nitwit. Second....with fuckheads like Eric Holder gunning after you....wouldn't you lawyer up? You'd be a moron not to.

He lawyered up before that. He didnt even fill out an incident report like usual on the advice of his lawyer.

And I'll say it again, When the store owner was asked about it he never id'd Brown in the Video and never said he was assaulted. You can say it looks like him, it looks like assault but the owner didnt
And this has what to do with Brown's juvenile records?

what does his record have to do with the day in question?

I love this, the Officer hasnt given a complete report, statement nothing but you're looking at the dead guys record. Dont you find that a little bit strange?

Isnt it convienient that you arent able to determine the Officers story? Or find the truth because he and the police dept still hasnt given a story?

His record and background is very relevant to the day in question. It indicates based on his past, that he was quite capable of mixing it up with the officer, resisting arrest, etc. And therefore giving the officer a reason to take lethal action.

Let me give you a simpleton analogy since you guys seem to have so much trouble grasping this.

Let's say a young man was accused of driving his car in excess of 100 mph.
At first those around him all come out and say this is not true, that he was very concience of speed limits, and he drives a Toyota Prius.
Later we find out, that he has race car pictures all over his bedroom walls, has had several speeding tickets, and turns out he was driving a Toyota Supra instead of the Prius.

Now none of this proves he was driving over 100 that day, but his past demonstrates that it's highly possible that he would do such a thing.
His record has nothing to do with taking lethal action only the events of that day and since the officer has lawyered up and no one knows the police side of the story I think starting with that would tell the tale of that day more than a past record, skipping school or throwing up peace signs.

How can you sit here and say that the officers side isnt relevant? That would tell you everything you need to know.
And this has what to do with Brown's juvenile records?

what does his record have to do with the day in question?

I love this, the Officer hasnt given a complete report, statement nothing but you're looking at the dead guys record. Dont you find that a little bit strange?

Isnt it convienient that you arent able to determine the Officers story? Or find the truth because he and the police dept still hasnt given a story?

Are you actually saying that if it turns out that Dirt Nap Mike had an attempted murder charge on his rap sheet that it has nothing to do with what he did?

It has nothing to do with being shot while unarmed no it doesnt. If the police already knew that and he had been convicted then of course the police would have reacted differently. But they didnt. Unless the cop was Professor X

You ever hear of three strikes and you're out?
When you commit a felony,those chargers dont just disappear they accumulate.
So in your mind a rapist should only be charged for one rape even if he committed five of em?

What are you talking about dude? lol. You're trying to do something funny here. He doesnt even have a record and wasnt convicted of anything but ALLEGEDLY to you means he committed 5 murders.

And they say blacks can get a fair shake now a days

You're missing the whole point. If Dirt Nap Mike had a penchant for murder it makes it far more likely that he attacked the officer. It shows a pattern of behavior.

No one disputes they had an altercation of some sort but thats still doesnt explain why an unarmed person was shot 6 times. Even people armed dont get that many holes put in them and the officer still hasnt given his side of anything.

Its really easy to question the witness' because they came out publicly...How about you scrutinize the officers story? Oh right...You cant because he lawyered up and never gave his side.

Seems like the actions of a totally innocent person. They all go run and hide when they are innocent dont they?
And this has what to do with Brown's juvenile records?

what does his record have to do with the day in question?

I love this, the Officer hasnt given a complete report, statement nothing but you're looking at the dead guys record. Dont you find that a little bit strange?

Isnt it convienient that you arent able to determine the Officers story? Or find the truth because he and the police dept still hasnt given a story?

His record and background is very relevant to the day in question. It indicates based on his past, that he was quite capable of mixing it up with the officer, resisting arrest, etc. And therefore giving the officer a reason to take lethal action.

Let me give you a simpleton analogy since you guys seem to have so much trouble grasping this.

Let's say a young man was accused of driving his car in excess of 100 mph.
At first those around him all come out and say this is not true, that he was very concience of speed limits, and he drives a Toyota Prius.
Later we find out, that he has race car pictures all over his bedroom walls, has had several speeding tickets, and turns out he was driving a Toyota Supra instead of the Prius.

Now none of this proves he was driving over 100 that day, but his past demonstrates that it's highly possible that he would do such a thing.

ClosedMind knows damn good and well Dirt Nap Mikes past is relevant.
He just wont admit it.
The officers story is relevant but you dont seem interested in that. Instead lets comb thru the dead guys past and since he's not here to defend himself you can make up your own devious tale.

Just like Trayvon then Zimmerman went on to live his life as a peaceful young patriot....Breaking his girlfriends face. But but but it was Trayvon with the problem suuuuuuure

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