Michael Brown's juvenile records claims slain teen was a murder suspect

Personal example of police stupidity, which runs rampant in this country:

About 4 years ago I received a non-moving traffic violation in Bucks County, PA. I was in the middle of a move and a very hectic work schedule. I ended up paying the ticket about 3 days after it was due. I had also forgot to change my DL online for the new address.

I had heard that the county police were bad about sandbagging late payments and used it as leverage against the local citizenry. But this took the cake: Several police officers showed up at my old residence and literally papered the windows with fluorescent pink paper notices of my arrest warrant. For what was essentially a parking ticket.

A neighbor called me and told me of this very colorful new attribute to my old neighborhood. So I went back and gathered up all the notices and I made luggage tags out of them, since they had all my identifying information.

You don't even want to know about excursions with the Houston P.D.

Fuck the police.
This guy wasnt charging the cops,he was further away and he dropped immediately. And it goes to show how much easier it is to hit a stationary target rather than one that is charging you..
Thanks for adding to the evidence that Dirt Nap Mike was charging the officer.

He was pointing a gun, Bullets do the charging themselves. Also Brown wasnt charging anyone but thats besides the point really.

"Bullets do the charging themselves?"

You mean self guided bullets?

Wow, you're more of a ballistics expert than I imagined. Where are these bullets manufactured?

And the guy never actually aimed at the cops. You could tell he went out of his way to never aim at em.
And he wasnt being aggressive like Dirt Nap Mike was.

ClosedMind is grasping.

Wow so a white man waving a gun and pointing it at several people has to point it directly at cops while having a hour long standoff.

In fact you didnt watch it because he did point it all over the place but a white guy with a gun is less threatening to you than a big black guy without a weapon.

This is the mind we are dealing with here

I watched the video. The guy was waving it around and the cops recognized he didnt intend to use it. Bet Dirt Nap Mike would have....

So you saw him point it at the cameraman but determined it was no big deal? lol

Thank God you're not a cop.
Cops know that a guy wandering around with a gun randomly pointing it in different directions isn't likely to start shooting. If he was going to shoot he would have already done it.

Oh but they dont know when a black guy will suddenly attack faster than a speeding bullet so they treat blacks as more of a threat. LMAO! Ok buddy

Waving a gun is not a problem


I missed the part where the guy punched the cop in the face.
Can you tell me where it is in the vid?

He had a gun which typically is more dangerous than a fist

Isn't it sad that you have to actually get this fundamental with these idiots?
You have to understand the logic here: A suicidal white guy pointing a gun at cops is less dangerous than a big black kid without any weapon
Many of the same people that froth at Obama assassinating American citizens overseas without due process defend the assassination of an American citizen within the USA without due process.

Is it the location of the killing that makes the difference?
If we don't have due process, we are no better that Soviet Russia was.

And people who are against due process are no better than Soviets, in case that wasn't already clear...
Police are trained to deal with irrational people, I guess you consider Michael Brown irrational? Anyways, they are trained to use varying levels of force. If you don't like the force, don't test the system or at least change it first.
Police are trained to deal with irrational people, I guess you consider Michael Brown irrational? Anyways, they are trained to use varying levels of force. If you don't like the force, don't test the system or at least change it first.

Their training also includes shoot til the threat stops.
Racists and anti law enforcement bigots are enjoying this....sickening.

Honey, when the cops all have to wear the head cameras you're going to see a whole bunch of rednecks clean up their act...quickly.

No one is against law enforcement. We are simply against abuse of a power that is NOT THEIRS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Got it, you silly airhead?
That there is funny. I believe there is a town in California that a year ago made cops all wear cameras.
Guess what happened? The complaints filed against the cops by the citizens WENT DOWN 88%!!!!!!!! from the previous year.
Go fucking figure. HA HA!
Personal example of police stupidity, which runs rampant in this country:

About 4 years ago I received a non-moving traffic violation in Bucks County, PA. I was in the middle of a move and a very hectic work schedule. I ended up paying the ticket about 3 days after it was due. I had also forgot to change my DL online for the new address.

I had heard that the county police were bad about sandbagging late payments and used it as leverage against the local citizenry. But this took the cake: Several police officers showed up at my old residence and literally papered the windows with fluorescent pink paper notices of my arrest warrant. For what was essentially a parking ticket.

A neighbor called me and told me of this very colorful new attribute to my old neighborhood. So I went back and gathered up all the notices and I made luggage tags out of them, since they had all my identifying information.

You don't even want to know about excursions with the Houston P.D.

Fuck the police.
So as you say you had a very busy work schedule.
Grow up pal.
If you do not want to have unpleasant encounters with the cops just simply do what you knew you ought to do. Take care of business and stop blaming others for your behaviour.
Personal example of police stupidity, which runs rampant in this country:

About 4 years ago I received a non-moving traffic violation in Bucks County, PA. I was in the middle of a move and a very hectic work schedule. I ended up paying the ticket about 3 days after it was due. I had also forgot to change my DL online for the new address.

I had heard that the county police were bad about sandbagging late payments and used it as leverage against the local citizenry. But this took the cake: Several police officers showed up at my old residence and literally papered the windows with fluorescent pink paper notices of my arrest warrant. For what was essentially a parking ticket.

A neighbor called me and told me of this very colorful new attribute to my old neighborhood. So I went back and gathered up all the notices and I made luggage tags out of them, since they had all my identifying information.

You don't even want to know about excursions with the Houston P.D.

Fuck the police.

Funny,I've lived in the Houston area for forty plus years and never had a problem with them.
Sounds like a personal problem.
If we don't have due process, we are no better that Soviet Russia was.

And people who are against due process are no better than Soviets, in case that wasn't already clear...

Who are these "people" that are against due process?
You would think Holder knew his record, after all, he had all of those investigators in Ferguson. Of course they were investigating Wilson, not the Gentle Giant. What does it say about this administration taking up for Brown when they knew he was a robber, a thug and now a alleged murderer?

Yes, pull out all the stops and send 3 WH representatives to his funeral! And Foley's wake was without note from the WH. What a disgrace!

I got this e-mail from my cousin and found it rather interesting.

U.S. Army Major General Harold Greene was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, including a caisson, two escort platoons, casket team, firing party, colors team, and a caparisoned horse. The U.S. Army band, “Pershing’s Own,” played softly as the funeral procession made its way down the long hill past the rows of simple white gravestones to bring General Greene to his final resting place.

The graveside service began with a few words, followed by a 13-gun salute. The major general’s widow, Dr. Susan Myers, was seated in the front row. To her right was their son 1st Lt. Matthew Greene, his daughter Amelia Greene, followed by Major General Greene’s father, also Harold Greene.

After three rifle volleys and the playing of “Taps,” the American flag, once placed on the major general’s casket, was carefully folded as the band played “America the Beautiful.” U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno presented the flag to his widow, and additional flags to his children and father.

General Greene, 55, became the highest-ranking fatality in the war in Afghanistan after an Afghan military police officer opened fire on Aug. 5th, 2014.

Some People were missing: NO President; NO Vice President; NO Secretary of State; NO Secretary of Defense. It WAS confirmed, however, that President Obama was playing golf at the time of the funeral.
You would think Holder knew his record, after all, he had all of those investigators in Ferguson. Of course they were investigating Wilson, not the Gentle Giant. What does it say about this administration taking up for Brown when they knew he was a robber, a thug and now a alleged murderer?

Yes, pull out all the stops and send 3 WH representatives to his funeral! And Foley's wake was without note from the WH. What a disgrace!

I got this e-mail from my cousin and found it rather interesting.

U.S. Army Major General Harold Greene was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, including a caisson, two escort platoons, casket team, firing party, colors team, and a caparisoned horse. The U.S. Army band, “Pershing’s Own,” played softly as the funeral procession made its way down the long hill past the rows of simple white gravestones to bring General Greene to his final resting place.

The graveside service began with a few words, followed by a 13-gun salute. The major general’s widow, Dr. Susan Myers, was seated in the front row. To her right was their son 1st Lt. Matthew Greene, his daughter Amelia Greene, followed by Major General Greene’s father, also Harold Greene.

After three rifle volleys and the playing of “Taps,” the American flag, once placed on the major general’s casket, was carefully folded as the band played “America the Beautiful.” U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno presented the flag to his widow, and additional flags to his children and father.

General Greene, 55, became the highest-ranking fatality in the war in Afghanistan after an Afghan military police officer opened fire on Aug. 5th, 2014.

Some People were missing: NO President; NO Vice President; NO Secretary of State; NO Secretary of Defense. It WAS confirmed, however, that President Obama was playing golf at the time of the funeral.

Yet obama personally attended the anti white convicted terrorist nelson mandela's funeral.
Gotta show racial solidarity, you know.
No one disputes they had an altercation of some sort but thats still doesnt explain why an unarmed person was shot 6 times. Even people armed dont get that many holes put in them and the officer still hasnt given his side of anything.

Its really easy to question the witness' because they came out publicly...How about you scrutinize the officers story? Oh right...You cant because he lawyered up and never gave his side.

Seems like the actions of a totally innocent person. They all go run and hide when they are innocent dont they?

You seems to be quite an expert regarding the appropriate "number of holes" people should be given, and the weaknesses of the US judicial system regarding rights of officers involved in shootings.

If 6 "holes" is too many for an unarmed person to receive, what would you consider to be the maximum? One? How, precisely, do you know you've hit the target, or missed? Does it matter if the target is on drugs? If so, how does an officer know

This guy got one hole enough to defuse the situation

The other thread a white guy with a criminal record and an outstanding warrant was shot by a police officer who was reported to have a gun. That guy was shot twice. And white people here shed tears for that guy...who was a convicted criminal because he got shot by a black cop.

You tell me? What are the appropriate # of shots? 1, 2, 6 or it depends if they are armed or not? Or big? Or black?

Personal example of police stupidity, which runs rampant in this country:

About 4 years ago I received a non-moving traffic violation in Bucks County, PA. I was in the middle of a move and a very hectic work schedule. I ended up paying the ticket about 3 days after it was due. I had also forgot to change my DL online for the new address.

I had heard that the county police were bad about sandbagging late payments and used it as leverage against the local citizenry. But this took the cake: Several police officers showed up at my old residence and literally papered the windows with fluorescent pink paper notices of my arrest warrant. For what was essentially a parking ticket.

A neighbor called me and told me of this very colorful new attribute to my old neighborhood. So I went back and gathered up all the notices and I made luggage tags out of them, since they had all my identifying information.

You don't even want to know about excursions with the Houston P.D.

Fuck the police.

Funny,I've lived in the Houston area for forty plus years and never had a problem with them.
Sounds like a personal problem.
He is a liberal, go figure.
You would think Holder knew his record, after all, he had all of those investigators in Ferguson. Of course they were investigating Wilson, not the Gentle Giant. What does it say about this administration taking up for Brown when they knew he was a robber, a thug and now a alleged murderer?

Yes, pull out all the stops and send 3 WH representatives to his funeral! And Foley's wake was without note from the WH. What a disgrace!

I got this e-mail from my cousin and found it rather interesting.

U.S. Army Major General Harold Greene was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, including a caisson, two escort platoons, casket team, firing party, colors team, and a caparisoned horse. The U.S. Army band, “Pershing’s Own,” played softly as the funeral procession made its way down the long hill past the rows of simple white gravestones to bring General Greene to his final resting place.

The graveside service began with a few words, followed by a 13-gun salute. The major general’s widow, Dr. Susan Myers, was seated in the front row. To her right was their son 1st Lt. Matthew Greene, his daughter Amelia Greene, followed by Major General Greene’s father, also Harold Greene.

After three rifle volleys and the playing of “Taps,” the American flag, once placed on the major general’s casket, was carefully folded as the band played “America the Beautiful.” U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno presented the flag to his widow, and additional flags to his children and father.

General Greene, 55, became the highest-ranking fatality in the war in Afghanistan after an Afghan military police officer opened fire on Aug. 5th, 2014.

Some People were missing: NO President; NO Vice President; NO Secretary of State; NO Secretary of Defense. It WAS confirmed, however, that President Obama was playing golf at the time of the funeral.

Absolutely sickening! Effing A**hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Wilson was fired for racism...Corruption... alleged that is?

No he wasn't. He got a commendation.
Oh yes he was, the entire police force was fired and Wilson was part of that organization...

Cop who killed Michael Brown started his career at disgraced unit that was DISBANDED over racial tensions - after officers opened fire on fleeing mother and child and beat up another woman

Darren Wilson s first job was with Missouri police department that was DISBANDED over racial tensions Mail Online
I'm not defending the cop here but you have nothing.... You are trying to assassinate character by association. Did Darren beat anyone, fire at anyone and what was the real situation???

Brown on the other hand has a criminal record that HE did himself. Brown robbed a store just before being killed. Brown attacked a police officer in his car causing the weapon to fire in the car by Brown trying to go for the gun. Brown charged the officer after being told to "freeze'. There is audio of just after the event caught on people cell phones who were filming the site, these people tell the story the cop reported... You are suffering from a racist ignorant bigoted point of view is all I'm getting out of your rants.
And Wilson was fired for racism...Corruption... alleged that is?

No he wasn't. He got a commendation.
Oh yes he was, the entire police force was fired and Wilson was part of that organization...

Cop who killed Michael Brown started his career at disgraced unit that was DISBANDED over racial tensions - after officers opened fire on fleeing mother and child and beat up another woman

Darren Wilson s first job was with Missouri police department that was DISBANDED over racial tensions Mail Online
I'm not defending the cop here but you have nothing.... You are trying to assassinate character by association. Did Darren beat anyone, fire at anyone and what was the real situation???

Brown on the other hand has a criminal record that HE did himself. Brown robbed a store just before being killed. Brown attacked a police officer in his car causing the weapon to fire in the car by Brown trying to go for the gun. Brown charged the officer after being told to "freeze'. There is audio of just after the event caught on people cell phones who were filming the site, these people tell the story the cop reported... You are suffering from a racist ignorant bigoted point of view is all I'm getting out of your rants.
This is funny. You're talking about people using 'character assassination' against Wilson, and yet you assumed that Brown has a criminal record just because someone says so. We don't know if there is a criminal record at all; it has only been suggested by those who are against him. As far as the claims he attacked Wilson and charged him: that has not in any way been verifed; again, you assassinate his character without any verified evidence.

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