Michael Brown's juvenile records claims slain teen was a murder suspect

And Wilson was fired for racism...Corruption... alleged that is?

No he wasn't. He got a commendation.
Oh yes he was, the entire police force was fired and Wilson was part of that organization...

Cop who killed Michael Brown started his career at disgraced unit that was DISBANDED over racial tensions - after officers opened fire on fleeing mother and child and beat up another woman

Darren Wilson s first job was with Missouri police department that was DISBANDED over racial tensions Mail Online
I'm not defending the cop here but you have nothing.... You are trying to assassinate character by association. Did Darren beat anyone, fire at anyone and what was the real situation???

Brown on the other hand has a criminal record that HE did himself. Brown robbed a store just before being killed. Brown attacked a police officer in his car causing the weapon to fire in the car by Brown trying to go for the gun. Brown charged the officer after being told to "freeze'. There is audio of just after the event caught on people cell phones who were filming the site, these people tell the story the cop reported... You are suffering from a racist ignorant bigoted point of view is all I'm getting out of your rants.
This is funny. You're talking about people using 'character assassination' against Wilson, and yet you assumed that Brown has a criminal record just because someone says so. We don't know if there is a criminal record at all; it has only been suggested by those who are against him. As far as the claims he attacked Wilson and charged him: that has not in any way been verifed; again, you assassinate his character without any verified evidence.
Whatever his record is it must be bad because, apparently, he deserved a summary roadside execution.
It does not surprise me. This explains Browns actions and reactions on that day . He may have been going through stress at murder and possible arrest, hence his " I don't give a shit attitude" and robbing store. Now he had crossed a line. Now he was a true "thug" now he had to act. Peace officer pulls him over...Brown is looking at long prison time...launches an attack. That little scumbag friend of his better do theChristian "thang" and tell the truth and save officer Wilson.

I've found that it's always best to wait for actual proof of any claim before I believe it.

In this case someone going to court to get records isn't the act of actually having the records. Neither is it any proof of any crime. So any accusations or assumptions are really a waste of time.

Whoever claimed that Michael Brown was a teen murder suspect just made it up. It's clearly a blatant lie.

I just read this article on AOL today. Saying that Michael Brown was never charged with a serious felony as a juvenile. That includes being a murder suspect. The article goes on further to say that Michael Brown had no adult record. So as far as the justice system says, Michael Brown wasn't a murder suspect. He had no record of any serious felony.

From what I can see this is total character assassination of a dead person. Which I think is extremely low and tacky. All to find a way to let a police officer get away with killing a person who was just walking in the street. Which I believe is obstructing justice.

AOL.com Article - Lawyer: Brown never charged with serious felony
I've found that it's always best to wait for actual proof of any claim before I believe it.

In this case someone going to court to get records isn't the act of actually having the records. Neither is it any proof of any crime. So any accusations or assumptions are really a waste of time.

Whoever claimed that Michael Brown was a teen murder suspect just made it up. It's clearly a blatant lie.

I just read this article on AOL today. Saying that Michael Brown was never charged with a serious felony as a juvenile. That includes being a murder suspect. The article goes on further to say that Michael Brown had no adult record. So as far as the justice system says, Michael Brown wasn't a murder suspect. He had no record of any serious felony.

From what I can see this is total character assassination of a dead person. Which I think is extremely low and tacky. All to find a way to let a police officer get away with killing a person who was just walking in the street. Which I believe is obstructing justice.

AOL.com Article - Lawyer: Brown never charged with serious felony

I disagree.
I've found that it's always best to wait for actual proof of any claim before I believe it.

In this case someone going to court to get records isn't the act of actually having the records. Neither is it any proof of any crime. So any accusations or assumptions are really a waste of time.

Whoever claimed that Michael Brown was a teen murder suspect just made it up. It's clearly a blatant lie.

I just read this article on AOL today. Saying that Michael Brown was never charged with a serious felony as a juvenile. That includes being a murder suspect. The article goes on further to say that Michael Brown had no adult record. So as far as the justice system says, Michael Brown wasn't a murder suspect. He had no record of any serious felony.

From what I can see this is total character assassination of a dead person. Which I think is extremely low and tacky. All to find a way to let a police officer get away with killing a person who was just walking in the street. Which I believe is obstructing justice.

AOL.com Article - Lawyer: Brown never charged with serious felony

I disagree.

What do you disagree with?

The fact that the juvenile records proves another lie was told about Michael Brown?

Just like the lie about the fractured eye socket. Using a photo taken from the University of Iowa off Google.

The title of this thread is a lie. Someone going to court for records doesn't mean what they say is true and titling this thread that way is nothing but a lie.

It's just one lie after another with some people.

Why not let the honest facts come out before spreading lies? Or is it that you're afraid that the honest facts will prove that just about everything that has been said against Michael brown is a lie?

It seems some people certainly prefer the lies to honest facts.

That's not what America is all about.
I've found that it's always best to wait for actual proof of any claim before I believe it.

In this case someone going to court to get records isn't the act of actually having the records. Neither is it any proof of any crime. So any accusations or assumptions are really a waste of time.

Whoever claimed that Michael Brown was a teen murder suspect just made it up. It's clearly a blatant lie.

I just read this article on AOL today. Saying that Michael Brown was never charged with a serious felony as a juvenile. That includes being a murder suspect. The article goes on further to say that Michael Brown had no adult record. So as far as the justice system says, Michael Brown wasn't a murder suspect. He had no record of any serious felony.

From what I can see this is total character assassination of a dead person. Which I think is extremely low and tacky. All to find a way to let a police officer get away with killing a person who was just walking in the street. Which I believe is obstructing justice.

AOL.com Article - Lawyer: Brown never charged with serious felony

I disagree.

What do you disagree with?

The fact that the juvenile records proves another lie was told about Michael Brown?

Just like the lie about the fractured eye socket. Using a photo taken from the University of Iowa off Google.

The title of this thread is a lie. Someone going to court for records doesn't mean what they say is true and titling this thread that way is nothing but a lie.

It's just one lie after another with some people.

Why not let the honest facts come out before spreading lies? Or is it that you're afraid that the honest facts will prove that just about everything that has been said against Michael brown is a lie?

It seems some people certainly prefer the lies to honest facts.

That's not what America is all about.
Michael Brown being a "gentile giant" was the lie that went out the window when he was videoed pushing some pint sized Asian in a strong-armed robbery. Trying to defend him with his having no "serious felony convictions" at the age of 18 is seriously damning.

Records were released today. He had no charges pending against him. Nothing as a juvenile either, at least no felonies. If there were any misdemeanors they are sealed. My kids each had misdemeanors as teenagers, and they are good kids who learned from their mistakes. This is just more BS trying to make excuses for the execution of this kid.

Records were released today. He had no charges pending against him. Nothing as a juvenile either, at least no felonies. If there were any misdemeanors they are sealed. My kids each had misdemeanors as teenagers, and they are good kids who learned from their mistakes. This is just more BS trying to make excuses for the execution of this kid.
The only thing released today was a statement that
Mr. Brown had no juvenile cases involving serious felony charges or convictions, including murder, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. Get it?

Records were released today. He had no charges pending against him. Nothing as a juvenile either, at least no felonies. If there were any misdemeanors they are sealed. My kids each had misdemeanors as teenagers, and they are good kids who learned from their mistakes. This is just more BS trying to make excuses for the execution of this kid.
Do you think 'BM' had "learned from his mistakes"? Apparently not.
He was a neighborhood bully from the time he was eight.
The other kids in his neighborhood were scared shittless of him.
He was 'streamed' through grade school just so the teachers didn't have to put up with him.
By the time he was 'put down' like the scum he was committing 'strong arm robbery' which is a felony.
His chance of going on the fix your fucking fridge ended the instant he threatened and put his hand on the little clerk a third his size.
'BM' was human rubbish and we all know that all rubbish must be removed from where decent people live.

Records were released today. He had no charges pending against him. Nothing as a juvenile either, at least no felonies. If there were any misdemeanors they are sealed. My kids each had misdemeanors as teenagers, and they are good kids who learned from their mistakes. This is just more BS trying to make excuses for the execution of this kid.
The only thing released today was a statement that
Mr. Brown had no juvenile cases involving serious felony charges or convictions, including murder, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. Get it?

Wow turns out this was another lie to smear the unarmed victim of a murder because he dressed bad and threw up peace signs. I mean all thugs go to college and graduate HS right?

I'm sure that right after this the xray with the busted eye socket will surface and that lady who claimed MB charged an officer...with a gun...like a bull...with his face facing the ground....Will come forward any day now.
The only thing released today was a statement that Mr. Brown had no juvenile cases involving serious felony charges or convictions, including murder, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. Get it?

Wow turns out this was another lie to smear the unarmed victim of a murder because he dressed bad and threw up peace signs. I mean all thugs go to college and graduate HS right?

I'm sure that right after this the xray with the busted eye socket will surface and that lady who claimed MB charged an officer...with a gun...like a bull...with his face facing the ground....Will come forward any day now.[/QUOTE

]I've little doubt that making it to 18 without any serious felony charges or convictions in your neighborhood is an outstanding accomplishment, a veritable pillar of the community. Others elsewhere will be less impressed.
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Police are trained to deal with irrational people, I guess you consider Michael Brown irrational? Anyways, they are trained to use varying levels of force. If you don't like the force, don't test the system or at least change it first.

Their training also includes shoot til the threat stops.
So, shooting is Option A in their training?
Darren Wilson, who shot unarmed teenager Michael Brown six to eight times, fired more bullets than the entire British police force did last year.
Ferguson Cop Who Killed Mike Brown Shot More Bullets Than The Entire British Police Force Did Last Year Crooks and Liars

Records were released today. He had no charges pending against him. Nothing as a juvenile either, at least no felonies. If there were any misdemeanors they are sealed. My kids each had misdemeanors as teenagers, and they are good kids who learned from their mistakes. This is just more BS trying to make excuses for the execution of this kid.
Do you think 'BM' had "learned from his mistakes"? Apparently not.
He was a neighborhood bully from the time he was eight.
The other kids in his neighborhood were scared shittless of him.
He was 'streamed' through grade school just so the teachers didn't have to put up with him.
By the time he was 'put down' like the scum he was committing 'strong arm robbery' which is a felony.
His chance of going on the fix your fucking fridge ended the instant he threatened and put his hand on the little clerk a third his size.
'BM' was human rubbish a
nd we all know that all rubbish must be removed from wherecent people live.
Please cite the source of these claims, a source that is credible.

Records were released today. He had no charges pending against him. Nothing as a juvenile either, at least no felonies. If there were any misdemeanors they are sealed. My kids each had misdemeanors as teenagers, and they are good kids who learned from their mistakes. This is just more BS trying to make excuses for the execution of this kid.
Do you think 'BM' had "learned from his mistakes"? Apparently not.
He was a neighborhood bully from the time he was eight.
The other kids in his neighborhood were scared shittless of him.
He was 'streamed' through grade school just so the teachers didn't have to put up with him.
By the time he was 'put down' like the scum he was committing 'strong arm robbery' which is a felony.
His chance of going on the fix your fucking fridge ended the instant he threatened and put his hand on the little clerk a third his size.
'BM' was human rubbish and we all know that all rubbish must be removed from where decent people live.

Wow, you know this kid personally. I didn't realize that you live in Ferguson.
You on the left justify the looting, rioting and jumping to conclusions...You don't like it when your beliefs are questioned before you can lynch this officer.

Shame on you.
You on the left justify the looting, rioting and jumping to conclusions...You don't like it when your beliefs are questioned before you can lynch this officer.

Shame on you.

Do I condone the looting and rioting? Of course not. Here is the problem. We see this scenario over and over again. Cop shoots and kills unarmed black man. Cop is never even charged with a crime, even when the evidence is overwhelming in the cops wrongdoing. Or, charges are brought against cop, and sympathetic jury lets cop walk. Do you not find it odd that in case after case like this, the offending officer walks away but the city ends up paying millions in civil damages to the victim's family?

As for me wanting to lynch this cop, I believe everyone, and I do mean everyone, deserves their day in court.

I've found that it's always best to wait for actual proof of any claim before I believe it.

In this case someone going to court to get records isn't the act of actually having the records. Neither is it any proof of any crime. So any accusations or assumptions are really a waste of time.

Whoever claimed that Michael Brown was a teen murder suspect just made it up. It's clearly a blatant lie.

I just read this article on AOL today. Saying that Michael Brown was never charged with a serious felony as a juvenile. That includes being a murder suspect. The article goes on further to say that Michael Brown had no adult record. So as far as the justice system says, Michael Brown wasn't a murder suspect. He had no record of any serious felony.

From what I can see this is total character assassination of a dead person. Which I think is extremely low and tacky. All to find a way to let a police officer get away with killing a person who was just walking in the street. Which I believe is obstructing justice.

AOL.com Article - Lawyer: Brown never charged with serious felony

You need to stop talking about things you know nothing about.

Being a murder suspect is NOT the same as being charged with a crime.

I have no idea if Brown was ever a murder suspect, but I DO know being a suspect does not equal being charged with a crime, and it makes me suspicious that the lawyer worded his statement the way he did..

Further, it makes NO difference to the outcome of the shooting investigation whether Brown was a choir boy or a criminal, either way it was either a good shot or it wasn't.
You on the left justify the looting, rioting and jumping to conclusions...You don't like it when your beliefs are questioned before you can lynch this officer.

Shame on you.

Do I condone the looting and rioting? Of course not. Here is the problem. We see this scenario over and over again. Cop shoots and kills unarmed black man. Cop is never even charged with a crime, even when the evidence is overwhelming in the cops wrongdoing. Or, charges are brought against cop, and sympathetic jury lets cop walk. Do you not find it odd that in case after case like this, the offending officer walks away but the city ends up paying millions in civil damages to the victim's family?

As for me wanting to lynch this cop, I believe everyone, and I do mean everyone, deserves their day in court.

No, because there are two different standards of proof . One for civil cases and one for criminal cases.

Take a situation like OJ Simpson , Found not guilty in criminal court, but in civil court Goldman's family won a judgement against him.

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