Michael Cohen And Trump Did NOT Violate Campaign Finance Law – Despite Cohen's Guilty Plea

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
We all knew this, just the desperate Democommies never give up hope....Didn't Hildebeast break campaign laws having her lawyer, Perkins Coie buy the phone Russian DOSSIER?

Despite the guilty plea he entered Aug. 21 to charges of campaign finance law violations, it appears that President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, did not actually violate the Federal Election Campaign Act.

It is hard to continue to have faith in the objectivity of the Justice Department in the face of what seems like politically driven prosecution decisions to throw the book at Cohen – and implicate President Trump in allegedly illegal conduct – while ignoring clear lawbreaking by the Clinton campaign.

Many election law experts, including former commissioners on the Federal Election Commission (FEC), say his conduct, however sleazy, didn’t violate the law.

I’m one of those former commissioners and I’m also a former Justice Department attorney. Based on my experience serving in government and now as a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, it appears to me that Cohen was innocent of the campaign finance law violations.

The law Cohen pleaded guilty to violating bans campaign contributions by banks, corporations and labor unions.


Now let’s turn to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. In August 2015, the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) entered into a memorandum of understanding that essentially handed over the operation of the DNC to the Clinton campaign.

This gave the Clinton campaign control over the finances, activities and expenditures of the DNC, including more than $84 million raised by the DNC and state Democratic parties.

Cleta Mitchell, one of the foremost campaign finance lawyers in Washington, calls this a “massive scheme to completely evade the legal contribution limits to the Clinton campaign” and the “greatest campaign-finance scandal in history.”

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

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