Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

My take: Mueller is trying to goad Trump into firing him.

"I dare you to fire me. I double-dare you!"

It is the only possible motive for this outrageous, illegal action.
nothing like trashing our justice system. attorney climate privilege eh? illegal after illegal our democrats have truly engulfed Trump syndrome.

Attorney client privilege must be the line on fox. You're all using it.
That privilege isn't worth a hill of beans if Cohen is the suspected criminal, which given attorney-client privilege, is more likely the case than is Trump's being the suspect as goes the raid on Cohen's offices.

And he hasn't been charged with a crime - at all. Maybe they will find a crime!
That privilege isn't worth a hill of beans if Cohen is the suspected criminal, which given attorney-client privilege, is more likely the case than is Trump's being the suspect as goes the raid on Cohen's offices.
The CLIENTS own the privilege. Not the attorney.

Tell us how all those other clients of Cohen were involved and why their confidential information is now in the hands of the FBI.

This is big brother statist government at its finest.
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

I am no lawyer- and as such I wonder how a search warrant like that gets past lawyer/client privilege.

I would think that the only way to break that privilege would be to allege that the lawyer may have been involved with a criminal conspiracy with his client.
Every scrap is subject to a motion to suppress.

See Cohen is not charged with a criminal conspiracy. No one is. Trump isn't even charged with a criminal conspiracy. A prosecutor does not get to investigate just to investigate and hope they find a criminal conspiracy.

A warrant isn't issued without probable cause either.

Like FISA warrants?

Yeah. Just like that, dope.
That privilege isn't worth a hill of beans if Cohen is the suspected criminal, which given attorney-client privilege, is more likely the case than is Trump's being the suspect as goes the raid on Cohen's offices.
The CLIENTS own the privilege. Not the attorney.

Tell us how all those other clients of Cohen were involved and why their confidential information is now in the hands of the FBI.

This is big brother statist government at its finest.

Not on "criminal" conduct.
Attorney-client privilege ends when the lawyer starts breaking the law.

Trump/Cohen better call Saul
What law did Cohen break? You know he hasn't been charged with any crime.

Prosecutors would love to be able to raid lawyer's offices. They would do it in every case.

This is Mueller rolling it all. If he is wrong, his career is over along with a goodly chunk of the FBI.

A warrant requires probable cause that a crime or crimes have been committed, fool.
no, you must state what the crime is you're going after. so what is the crime?

It hasn't been released yet, dope.

We do know however that there certainly was probable cause.
Probable cause based on what? What's the crime?

A search warrant is based on an affidavit that would give probably cause to believe a crime has been committed and the subject of the warrant has committed that crime.

What's the crime?

How come NO ONE in this country investigated so far, with the exception of Paul Manafort has been accused of a crime other than crimes arising out of the questioning process. Not one person.
Not only is The Swamp attacking our democracy, they now have attacked Attorney Client Privilege, the basis of the right of citizens to address state prosecution. VERY SAD!

It is ironic that Swamp Rat Rosenstine signed off on this unconstitutional act, yet hides documents from Congressional oversight committees to protect the conspiracy he is part off to attack our democracy!

Trump hired Rosenstein who is a long time Republican, after he fired the Obama appointee for telling him to get rid of Flynn.

The head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, is the guy Trump appointed to clean up the FBI. Since he was appointed the only guy he got rid of was McCabe. I guess the FBI isn’t as corrupt as Trump thought.

The only attack on the Republic is coming from Putin, Trump and the troll farmers. But you already knew that didn’t you Alexi?
It was a crime which is serious enough that a Federal judge felt that the evidence is in danger of disappearing or Cohen could not be trusted to give up. All reports say, Cohen was not expecting this raid to take place. Since he has been with the Liar in Chief for so long, it is hard to say what they may find. I would think a dead boy would start stinking after a day or so....

Federal judges went out of their way to completely ignore the prelim injunction rules for political reasons. I trust federal judges as far as I can throw Michael Moore.

Let's see the affidavits.

You don’t get to see the affidavits.
That privilege isn't worth a hill of beans if Cohen is the suspected criminal, which given attorney-client privilege, is more likely the case than is Trump's being the suspect as goes the raid on Cohen's offices.
The CLIENTS own the privilege. Not the attorney.

Tell us how all those other clients of Cohen were involved and why their confidential information is now in the hands of the FBI.

This is big brother statist government at its finest.

You need to go back to fucking law school. You apparently don't understand attorney-client privilege.....AT ALL.
F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen
The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Shadow Gov is stopping at nothing to bring Trump down be it they lie, steal, cheat and the leftist little sheep will fall for it all , then when a new Prez comes into the picture which is exactly what the TARDS wanted, the same morons will realize just how badly they fkd up. Some never will those are hopeless cases.

When it's used to benefit the campaign, it's all relevant.
So, all the information in every one of Cohen's client files is relevant to this inquiry?


Liberalism is officially dead in America. Overrun by commies and other Statist Authoritarians.

So, all the information in every one of Cohen's client files is relevant to this inquiry?

No, dope.

Money. Try reading the post I responded to that you conveniently omitted.

Trump has enough $$$$$ he didn't need to use campaign $$$$$ for anything

When it's used to benefit the campaign, it's all relevant.
All Mueller is doing now is running a "morality clause" scam. He consorted with a porn star, how unsavory, must be other stuff to look into therefore.
Ghandi , King, Mother Teresa, every president ever; given enough resources and unlimited avenues to divert to-you could dig up dirt on all of them
And as many others have asked, what did this have to do with the fictitious Russian collusion???...I have the answer-There are no Russians so now we are on to tits and clits

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