Michael Cohen to testify publicly before House Oversight Committee

WASHINGTON — Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, has agreed to testify publicly before Congress early next month before he goes to prison.

Cohen said in a statement on Thursday that he agreed to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers."

"I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired," he added.

More: Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress in February

He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?

I don't know what will be learned but Cohen will finally get his Dean moment. He want's to be the 21st century John Dean.

I say go for it Michael. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
It's over Donny.

WASHINGTON — Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, has agreed to testify publicly before Congress early next month before he goes to prison.

Cohen said in a statement on Thursday that he agreed to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers."

"I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired," he added.

More: Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress in February

He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?

Let's ask Trey Gowdy how effective big public congressional dog-and-pony shows are at getting any kind of real results.
Theater, third rate theater at best, don’t give a shit who is going after whom. All anyone ever does is sit there straight faced and lie with no recrimination. Fuck it all, they're all meaningless. We have not arrived where we are because this system works or retains any mechanism of self correction. People will either figure out they must unite and challenge entrenched power outside the confines of the power structure or they will not. At present my wager is on the latter.
WASHINGTON — Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, has agreed to testify publicly before Congress early next month before he goes to prison.

Cohen said in a statement on Thursday that he agreed to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers."

"I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired," he added.

More: Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress in February

He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?

Lookie lookie….

Another tickie tockie thread...…

Yet another libtard fart that will blow away in the wind....

You tards can't lay a hand on Trump....

He smacks you around like the bitches you are...
I don't know what will be learned but Cohen will finally get his Dean moment. He want's to be the 21st century John Dean.

I say go for it Michael. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Or he could lie out his ass like Hillary, Huma, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et.al. did....Who's going to prosecute him?
WASHINGTON — Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, has agreed to testify publicly before Congress early next month before he goes to prison.

Cohen said in a statement on Thursday that he agreed to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers."

"I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired," he added.

More: Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress in February

He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?
I don't think he will be able to say much because he is bound by attorney-client confidentiality. Trump can stop him from saying anything.
Wrong Bubba

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Did you read that?
Yes . Did you?
The unvarnished truth wont do anything to sway the drumpfsexuals. Cohen could testify that Drumpf raped meth addicted babies and his rube base would be fine with it.
What if they said that about Adam Schiff. Would you abandon him then? No, you wouldn’t.
Who's Adam Schiff?
He owns Trump.:banana:

Yes he does. It's quite obvious that Trump and his NaziCon base are scared shitless! They should be. Mueller and House Democrats are coming. This won't be like that Ryan/Gowdy/Nunes bullshit. This is for REAL. They are chasing REAL crimes and REAL criminals. Buckle up, buckaroos.
I don't know what will be learned but Cohen will finally get his Dean moment. He want's to be the 21st century John Dean.

I say go for it Michael. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Or he could lie out his ass like Hillary, Huma, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et.al. did....Who's going to prosecute him?
Trump wanted him to lie. Hows that workin' out for your boy?

Watching Cohen nail Trumps ass to the wall will be the most fun that a person can have with clothes on. :5_1_12024:
Trump wanted him to lie. Hows that workin' out for your boy?

Watching Cohen nail Trumps ass to the wall will be the most fun that a person can have with clothes on. :5_1_12024:
Cheeto ain't "my boy" and Cohen is a convicted liar....Lemmie guess, he's going to suddenly become a paragon of truth telling, right?
For the past two years, House NaziCons were trying to hide the truth. House Democrats are trying to find the truth - and now they have the legal power to search for it.
No, he was prosecuted for lying to Meuller's hacks
And also found guilty of lying to congress. Damn son, when was the last time you posted without something stupid and wrong included? How can you have 1000s of posts on this topic, and still not be in possession of the most basic facts of it? It's astounding.
Republican OVERLOOK is gone! Democrat OVERSIGHT is here!
Democrats now control the House! The new reality...

Yup a new reality of investigations that have already been done or are being done.

Cohen won't reveal anything that hasn't already been revealed in Mueller's investigation.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is pissing up a rope.

Hope they enjoy the golden shower.
WASHINGTON — Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, has agreed to testify publicly before Congress early next month before he goes to prison.

Cohen said in a statement on Thursday that he agreed to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers."

"I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired," he added.

More: Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress in February

He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?

Can't wait. It will be epic.

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