Michael Cohen to testify publicly before House Oversight Committee

WASHINGTON — Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, has agreed to testify publicly before Congress early next month before he goes to prison.

Cohen said in a statement on Thursday that he agreed to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers."

"I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired," he added.

More: Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress in February

He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?
I don't think he will be able to say much because he is bound by attorney-client confidentiality. Trump can stop him from saying anything.

That was resolved long ago.
Does anyone else find it curious that Michael Cohen is the first one to publicly testify before the new democratically-controlled House?

It's good to get it in the public record in case the new AG decides to bury the Mueller report.
Meh, border security news will drown out anything Dem's are doing.

Funny. I suggest you watch the mainstream news tonight.

You mean the fake news? I don't watch fake news, and its really not news anyway. Will they report how Schumer total fabricated the lie about Trump slamming the table and having a temper tantrum again?
I thought you watched Faux news religiously? :rolleyes:

I'm too busy making money and hoarding it from mooching deadbeat losers.

No one wants your jar of quarters.
WASHINGTON — Michael Cohen, former lawyer to President Donald Trump, has agreed to testify publicly before Congress early next month before he goes to prison.

Cohen said in a statement on Thursday that he agreed to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7 "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers."

"I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired," he added.

More: Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress in February

He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?

So we get to watch liars testify in front of Congress on TV. What a fucking joke. The Judge in the case already is on record stating all these crooks will "compose" to get their ass off the hook.

Speaking of liars. When is that lying ass McCabe going to be prosecuted?
We have already seen the BIG LIARS testimony when Hillary, and Comey testified.
My question is, knowing the democrats, how is trumps lawyer client relationship going to be left in tact. This has been a huge violation of the presidents civil rights.
Ten yard penalty.............talking point out of date..........fourth and 80.
He finally gets his wish to testify publicly. What will we learn? What do you think?
We will learn nothing...the dude has been singing for months...what else can he provide?...
Just another thread of hope and wishes by a sore loser.....
Let's see how well he repeats it.

I think the first one was Trump directed secret payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny and they knew it was wrong so they created a shell company so they wouldn't have to report on it (or pay taxes) so they could defraud the American election by paying to keep information away from the American people which might have impacted the election. Uh oh. Let me say the "F" word here.
Two of them.


Mr. Cohen worked on business in Donald Trump's behalf for months after what Trump led us to believe.
The other party that also knew that was..........are you ready for it?..............RUSSIA!
When Trump lied and the Russians knew it and could prove it, Trump became subject to blackmail. And that meant he was compromised.

Republicans on the USMB may not get all this and decide to mock it, but you can bet the majority of Americans get it. And they won't like it.

And it will be coming from a man who is already going to prison. What he did and what he said have already been corroborated. Mueller will be able to tell if Cohen lies. And that's why everything Colen will be saying will be the truth. On a loudspeaker and on video for the entire world to see and they will be watching. Believe it. Trump has got to be terrified.

I don't see how Trump getting a couple of dozen new lawyers are going to help. I don't see how they can.
What he did and what he said have already been corroborated...Trump has got to be terrified.
Since what he's going to say is already known, why would it bother Trump and why are we doing this, except as a public flogging of Michael Cohen?
Of course everything he says will be believed by libs.

he will be under oath you fool. he isn't going to add any more time than the 3 years he will be serving.

Will he be able to plead the fifth?

i suppose - but whatever he is asked, mueller already knows. so why would he? besides the 3 yrs he is going to serve is SDFBI / NY charges. he hasn't been sentenced yet for anything that mueller has on him & if he were to screw w/ bob, then he will be screwing himself when he's sentenced with mueller's input for how long..
The unvarnished truth wont do anything to sway the drumpfsexuals. Cohen could testify that Drumpf raped meth addicted babies and his rube base would be fine with it.
What if they said that about Adam Schiff. Would you abandon him then? No, you wouldn’t.
Who's Adam Schiff?

he's a rep outa cali & is now chair of the intel committee. he kicked devon nunez' memo writing roooskie friendly fat ass out of that position & will be going after the bad guys involved in this bad spy movie..
I don't know what will be learned but Cohen will finally get his Dean moment. He want's to be the 21st century John Dean.

I say go for it Michael. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Or he could lie out his ass like Hillary, Huma, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et.al. did....Who's going to prosecute him?
Trump wanted him to lie. Hows that workin' out for your boy?

Watching Cohen nail Trumps ass to the wall will be the most fun that a person can have with clothes on. :5_1_12024:

first big hearing the Democrat congress has, they bring in a convicted felon

they're focused on getting the president, not doing whats right for america
The House Oversight committee has subpoenaed our "beloved fixer" Cohen (aka, Brutus) to publicly testify about all the fun things he did for Trump as his personal attorney over several years and even when Trump was the sitting president.

Pay offs to mistresses, deals with Russian oligarchs, campaign finance misdeeds, tax issues, etc., will all be open for questioning by inquiring minds......Republicans on the same committee will NOT be able to stifle Cohen's testimony and the secrecy that republicans "enjoyed" under such stellar House committee heads as Nunes, will no longer exist.

Trump, of course, as the liar-in-chief, stated that he is not concerned about what Cohen will reveal during his testimony.....Cohen, facing 3 years in prison, is due to report for incarceration the following month with NO chance of any "pardon" to keep his mouth firmly shut....AND Cohen is under scrutiny by both Mueller and the NYSD attorneys, to ensure that whatever he shares with this House committee does NOT conflict with previous testimony......a further crime.

Have your popcorn ready.........LOL
Cohen couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. No one cares WTF stories he spins for Lannie.
The House Oversight committee has subpoenaed our "beloved fixer" Cohen (aka, Brutus) to publicly testify about all the fun things he did for Trump as his personal attorney over several years and even when Trump was the sitting president.

Pay offs to mistresses, deals with Russian oligarchs, campaign finance misdeeds, tax issues, etc., will all be open for questioning by inquiring minds......Republicans on the same committee will NOT be able to stifle Cohen's testimony and the secrecy that republicans "enjoyed" under such stellar House committee heads as Nunes, will no longer exist.

Trump, of course, as the liar-in-chief, stated that he is not concerned about what Cohen will reveal during his testimony.....Cohen, facing 3 years in prison, is due to report for incarceration the following month with NO chance of any "pardon" to keep his mouth firmly shut....AND Cohen is under scrutiny by both Mueller and the NYSD attorneys, to ensure that whatever he shares with this House committee does NOT conflict with previous testimony......a further crime.

Have your popcorn ready.........LOL

Damn, you lied in your first sentence. Cummings invited Cohen, Cohen accepted. There was no damn subpoena.

I find taking glee over somebody else's potential misery as rather petty. Let the chips fall as they may, I'll be rooting for justice.
They blame the wall for being medieval.

Of course, since leftists always project. Their witch hunt is medieval. But nothing comes out of it anyway because all the witches are sitting on their podiums. The master sorcerer himself is conducting the hunt.

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