Michael Flynn played himself in court

This is an obvious attempt by the anti-USA zealot judge to pressure Flynn into lying about Trump.

Trump should fire Mueller, pardon Flynn and reinstate him as National Security Advisor.
Except Flynn repeatedly reminded the court he lied. The law won, and this Reagan appointed judge doesn't care about your lies either. Joe: We saw what judicial independence means
Throw his ass in jail.
"Justice delayed is justice denied" territory. The sentencing has already been put off six times.
I can see Flynn suing Mullier for dragging its feet.
Then a judge is going to throw the whole case in the garbage.
Bet on it.
Flynn was working as an unregistered lobbyist for Turkey on Turkey's behalf while influencing the Republican platform during the Republican convention. Meaning, he was still not registered after the election as well. What was he hiding?
"Justice delayed is justice denied" territory. The sentencing has already been put off six times.
I can see Flynn suing Mullier for dragging its feet.
Then a judge is going to throw the whole case in the garbage.
Bet on it.
You're an ignoramus. Never going to happen, because it was only a recommendation by SC. That's all. The judge gets the final say, so what you are telling us is total bs. Lock his treasonous ass up.
Flynn was working the RIGHT side of the "gulen" arguments.. PODESTA was lobbying for his pals and his supporters...

Part of the reason for "bad blood" here..

More "minds botched by CNN/MSNBC" getting blown here. I feel sorry for how LITTLE you little mushrooms are being told..
Podesta has nothing to do with Flynn and his illegal activities. If you have nothing more than deflection, then move along. You are making yourself look like an idiot.
Funny how the crazy angry left pretty much defended the jihad Major Nadal who murdered a dozen of his own Troops but they hate and disrespect retired Lt. General Flynn who was a Soldier before they were born just because they are disappointed about an election that happened two years ago.
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Funny how the crazy angry left pretty much defended the jihad Major Nadal who murdered a dozen of his own Troops but they hate and disrespect retired Lt. General Flynn who was a Soldier before they were born just because they are disappointed about an election that happened two years ago.
Flynn attacked the U.S. by negotiating foreign policy with a known adversary for who we have sanctions against,and behind the back of a sitting president. He is no soldier. He was an agent against this country.
Ari Melber: Michael Flynn played himself in court

Can you believe how stupid this guy is? Flynn shows up to court today, only to float around his arrogance in the face of getting no prison sentence. Flynn is not guaranteed no prison time, and when Flynn started pushing his weight around with the judge, the judge took Flynn out to the wood shed, reminding Flynn of the attack he mounted against this country. And when reminded of his criminal activity, and that the judge didn't agree with the the recommendation of no jail time by Mueller, Flynn walked everything he said back. Flynn walked back the notion that he didn't lie to the FBI when he did. Lol! When cornered, Flynn is nothing more than a traitor and a coward to this country.

Flynn did NOTHING to "mount an attack against this country" and it was the JUDGE who walked back his ill-conceived "treason" comments after a break.. Think the JUDGE had a worse day..

Only criminal activity that Flynn MIGHT HAVE commtted is not registering as a foreign agent in his consulting in Turkey BEFORE the election.. Mueller did not INDICT him on that charge and apparently doesn't want to talk about WHY he didn't to the judge... THAT's what the judge was referring to when he called it inexcusable. But remembered during the break that Flynn has CEASED that consulting PRIOR to the election and prior to working in the WHouse.

But bet your ass it's because Mueller is now aware that PODESTA was doing the same things during the campaign and dearly WANTS to ignore it for fear of being TRASHED for not charging Podesta.

Major clusterfuck of justice. And MAYBE Flynn played himself a bit. But there wasn't ANYONE in that proceeding today who could justify this weird type of "justice"...

Flynn's plea agreement says differently.

Why do conservatives so consistently ignore Flynn's own admissions of guilt in willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements?
I thought this would be about a Perry Mason episode.
Except it wasn't. It was about Michael Flynn, Trump, and all his goons betrayed their oath of office and replaced that oath for their own interests at the expense of the tax payers and Trumps own Sheep.
UNLESS -- you know that Flynn informed them about the links to the same Turkish groups that the PODESTA was mining for contracts as well. Mueller wouldn't WANT to charge Flynn with FARA issues if that meant he'd have to do it to PODESTA as well..

Turkey's coup attempt a boon for lobbyists

The other side's most prominent response has been through the Alliance for Shared Values, a non-profit umbrella group for Gülen-inspired U.S. organizations. The alliance hired The Podesta Group, a lobbying and public relations firm, in the spring to shape its image amid the avalanche of legal and political attacks.

So, working for U.S. organizations (as opposed to working for the Turkish government as Flynn did) requires registering as foreign agent now? When did that happen?
Ari Melber: Michael Flynn played himself in court

Can you believe how stupid this guy is? Flynn shows up to court today, only to float around his arrogance in the face of getting no prison sentence. Flynn is not guaranteed no prison time, and when Flynn started pushing his weight around with the judge, the judge took Flynn out to the wood shed, reminding Flynn of the attack he mounted against this country. And when reminded of his criminal activity, and that the judge didn't agree with the the recommendation of no jail time by Mueller, Flynn walked everything he said back. Flynn walked back the notion that he didn't lie to the FBI when he did. Lol! When cornered, Flynn is nothing more than a traitor and a coward to this country.

Flynn did NOTHING to "mount an attack against this country" and it was the JUDGE who walked back his ill-conceived "treason" comments after a break.. Think the JUDGE had a worse day..

Only criminal activity that Flynn MIGHT HAVE commtted is not registering as a foreign agent in his consulting in Turkey BEFORE the election.. Mueller did not INDICT him on that charge and apparently doesn't want to talk about WHY he didn't to the judge... THAT's what the judge was referring to when he called it inexcusable. But remembered during the break that Flynn has CEASED that consulting PRIOR to the election and prior to working in the WHouse.

But bet your ass it's because Mueller is now aware that PODESTA was doing the same things during the campaign and dearly WANTS to ignore it for fear of being TRASHED for not charging Podesta.

Major clusterfuck of justice. And MAYBE Flynn played himself a bit. But there wasn't ANYONE in that proceeding today who could justify this weird type of "justice"...

Flynn's plea agreement says differently.

Why do conservatives so consistently ignore Flynn's own admissions of guilt in willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements?
To deny reality, is the short answer.

Flynn was asked specifically if law enforcement ambushed Flynn to lie about what he had done. Flynn said no. Flynn was not questioning anything law enforcement had done as it related to entrapment.And he was given the opportunity to dispute their claims. So, at the end of the day, that idiot Jeanine Pirro, Fox news, and Trumps stooge patrol were made into total clowns for the truth.

So, to answer your question in another way, conservatives are willing to sacrifice themselves for total stupidity and humiliation, in order to support criminals like Flynn and Trump.
UNLESS -- you know that Flynn informed them about the links to the same Turkish groups that the PODESTA was mining for contracts as well. Mueller wouldn't WANT to charge Flynn with FARA issues if that meant he'd have to do it to PODESTA as well..

Turkey's coup attempt a boon for lobbyists

The other side's most prominent response has been through the Alliance for Shared Values, a non-profit umbrella group for Gülen-inspired U.S. organizations. The alliance hired The Podesta Group, a lobbying and public relations firm, in the spring to shape its image amid the avalanche of legal and political attacks.

So, working for U.S. organizations (as opposed to working for the Turkish government as Flynn did) requires registering as foreign agent now? When did that happen?

That group was SHELTERING an alleged mastermind and organizer of the Coup in Turkey.. That was their SOLE purpose.. To back and fund a coup in Turkey on behalf of this Guilen guy.. It quickly MAGNIFIES into a foreign interest lobbying effort. ESPECIALLY with Turkey as (theoretically) a strategic ALLY of the US...

Podesta was also on the "other side" of the lobbying for Ukranian govt interests from Manafort. But unlike Manafort, he was allowed to FARA register after the fact with no consequences..

But more IMPORTANTLY, Podesta was representing the interests of 100s of powerful Russian Oligarchs and Mafioso thru SberBank DURING THE CAMPAIGN. SberBank literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL RUSSIAN assets. And Putin himself as well as the Oligarchs have MAJOR holding in SberBank.

Any ONE of those oligarchs had ample motive to spy on Podesta and campaign and could have EASILY hacked Podesta's phone. For instance. No justice... No sense of equality of justice. Yet MAJOR "russian connections" yet again for the Dem party....
Ari Melber: Michael Flynn played himself in court

Can you believe how stupid this guy is? Flynn shows up to court today, only to float around his arrogance in the face of getting no prison sentence. Flynn is not guaranteed no prison time, and when Flynn started pushing his weight around with the judge, the judge took Flynn out to the wood shed, reminding Flynn of the attack he mounted against this country. And when reminded of his criminal activity, and that the judge didn't agree with the the recommendation of no jail time by Mueller, Flynn walked everything he said back. Flynn walked back the notion that he didn't lie to the FBI when he did. Lol! When cornered, Flynn is nothing more than a traitor and a coward to this country.

Flynn did NOTHING to "mount an attack against this country" and it was the JUDGE who walked back his ill-conceived "treason" comments after a break.. Think the JUDGE had a worse day..

Only criminal activity that Flynn MIGHT HAVE commtted is not registering as a foreign agent in his consulting in Turkey BEFORE the election.. Mueller did not INDICT him on that charge and apparently doesn't want to talk about WHY he didn't to the judge... THAT's what the judge was referring to when he called it inexcusable. But remembered during the break that Flynn has CEASED that consulting PRIOR to the election and prior to working in the WHouse.

But bet your ass it's because Mueller is now aware that PODESTA was doing the same things during the campaign and dearly WANTS to ignore it for fear of being TRASHED for not charging Podesta.

Major clusterfuck of justice. And MAYBE Flynn played himself a bit. But there wasn't ANYONE in that proceeding today who could justify this weird type of "justice"...

Flynn's plea agreement says differently.

Why do conservatives so consistently ignore Flynn's own admissions of guilt in willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements?
To deny reality, is the short answer.

Flynn was asked specifically if law enforcement ambushed Flynn to lie about what he had done. Flynn said no. Flynn was not questioning anything law enforcement had done as it related to entrapment.And he was given the opportunity to dispute their claims. So, at the end of the day, that idiot Jeanine Pirro, Fox news, and Trumps stooge patrol were made into total clowns for the truth.

So, to answer your question in another way, conservatives are willing to sacrifice themselves for total stupidity and humiliation, in order to support criminals like Flynn and Trump.

Yeah, but Pirro and Fox are paid propagandists. They make their living feeding this pseudo-legal horseshit to their ravenous-for-batshit audience.

But what would someone like Flac get out of ignoring reality? He doesn't get a penny for willfully ignoring overwhelming evidence of Flynn's guilt. What is the pay off for this willful blindness?

As it only makes a laughing stock out of the poor soul who closes their eyes.
Flynn was asked specifically if law enforcement ambushed Flynn to lie about what he had done. Flynn said no. Flynn was not questioning anything law enforcement had done as it related to entrapment.And he was given the opportunity to dispute their claims. So, at the end of the day, that idiot Jeanine Pirro, Fox news, and Trumps stooge patrol were made into total clowns for the truth.

Ambushing and entrapment are legally different. He was INDEED ambushed. Because Comey was BRAGGING about it this past week. And under questioning from Congress, he could not even come up with a VALID REASON to send those interrogators to the White House.
Flynn was asked specifically if law enforcement ambushed Flynn to lie about what he had done. Flynn said no. Flynn was not questioning anything law enforcement had done as it related to entrapment.And he was given the opportunity to dispute their claims. So, at the end of the day, that idiot Jeanine Pirro, Fox news, and Trumps stooge patrol were made into total clowns for the truth.

Ambushing and entrapment are legally different. He was INDEED ambushed. Because Comey was BRAGGING about it this past week. And under questioning from Congress, he could not even come up with a VALID REASON to send those interrogators to the White House.

Flynn's own attorneys admitted, in court, that Flynn wasn't entrapped.

You're just huffing conspiracy batshit on this one. There was no entrapment. Flynn admits his guilt. You're literally ignoring Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn's crimes........and replacing his admissions with your own imagination.

That's not how the law works, Flac.
Flynn was asked specifically if law enforcement ambushed Flynn to lie about what he had done. Flynn said no. Flynn was not questioning anything law enforcement had done as it related to entrapment.And he was given the opportunity to dispute their claims. So, at the end of the day, that idiot Jeanine Pirro, Fox news, and Trumps stooge patrol were made into total clowns for the truth.

Ambushing and entrapment are legally different. He was INDEED ambushed. Because Comey was BRAGGING about it this past week. And under questioning from Congress, he could not even come up with a VALID REASON to send those interrogators to the White House.
Buddy boy, you better remind Flynn about that, because he just told the judge otherwise. And guess what counts? LOl! You can rest assured, it won't be what you have to say about it, so dream on in your alternate universe.
UNLESS -- you know that Flynn informed them about the links to the same Turkish groups that the PODESTA was mining for contracts as well. Mueller wouldn't WANT to charge Flynn with FARA issues if that meant he'd have to do it to PODESTA as well..

Turkey's coup attempt a boon for lobbyists

The other side's most prominent response has been through the Alliance for Shared Values, a non-profit umbrella group for Gülen-inspired U.S. organizations. The alliance hired The Podesta Group, a lobbying and public relations firm, in the spring to shape its image amid the avalanche of legal and political attacks.

So, working for U.S. organizations (as opposed to working for the Turkish government as Flynn did) requires registering as foreign agent now? When did that happen?

That group was SHELTERING an alleged mastermind and organizer of the Coup in Turkey.. That was their SOLE purpose.. To back and fund a coup in Turkey on behalf of this Guilen guy.. It quickly MAGNIFIES into a foreign interest lobbying effort. ESPECIALLY with Turkey as (theoretically) a strategic ALLY of the US...

Podesta was also on the "other side" of the lobbying for Ukranian govt interests from Manafort. But unlike Manafort, he was allowed to FARA register after the fact with no consequences..

But more IMPORTANTLY, Podesta was representing the interests of 100s of powerful Russian Oligarchs and Mafioso thru SberBank DURING THE CAMPAIGN. SberBank literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL RUSSIAN assets. And Putin himself as well as the Oligarchs have MAJOR holding in SberBank.

Any ONE of those oligarchs had ample motive to spy on Podesta and campaign and could have EASILY hacked Podesta's phone. For instance. No justice... No sense of equality of justice. Yet MAJOR "russian connections" yet again for the Dem party....
And who is it that we said was going/is in jail again? Lol! You have a Republican president/House/Senate, and Podesta isn't in jail? You folks dropped the ball.

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