Michael flynn Russians planned to build Nuke plants--Flynn's son also under investigation.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
By the time Michael Flynn was fired as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser in February, he had made a lot of bad decisions. One was taking money from the Russians (and failing to disclose it); another was taking money under the table from the Turks. But an overlooked line in his financial disclosure form, which he was forced to amend to detail those foreign payments, reveals he was also involved in one of the most audacious—and some say harebrained—schemes in recent memory: a plan to build scores of U.S. nuclear power plants in the Middle East. In 2015 and 2016, according to his filing, Flynn was an adviser to X-Co Dynamics Inc./Iron Bridge Group, which at first glance looks like just another Pentagon consultancy that ex-military officers use to fatten their wallets.
In June 2015, knowledgeable sources tell Newsweek, Flynn flew to Egypt and Israel on behalf of X-Co/Iron Bridge. His mission: to gauge attitudes in Cairo and Jerusalem toward a plan for a joint U.S.-Russian (and Saudi-financed) program to get control over the Arab world’s rush to acquire nuclear power. At the core of their concern was a fear that states in the volatile Middle East would have inadequate security for the plants and safeguards for their radioactive waste—the stuff of nuclear bombs.
Michael Flynn, Russia and a grand scheme to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East


This Russian investigation is moving along so fast--it's actually hard to keep up with. Michael Flynn's son apparently is under the spotlight by Mueller also.

WASHINGTON Michael G. Flynn, the son of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, is a subject of the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, according to four current and former government officials The inquiry into Flynn is focused at least in part on his work with his father's lobbying firm, Flynn Intel Group, three of the officials said. It's unclear when the focus on Flynn began.
Mike Flynn's son is subject of federal Russia investigation

Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager was forced to register as a Russian foreign agent, receiving 17 million from them to advise on Ukraine/US policy.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

There's freaking Russian interests in every single corner of this administration. Trump is going to have a lot of Pardon's to write.

Trump was planning on a Trump Tower in Moscow when he was campaigning for POTUS.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
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oreo this legal business deal relates to Wikileaks and the democrat DNC and MSM attack on our democracy how?
None of this is illegal you know.

It's criminal. No U.S. military officer--(either retired or active) can meet with foreign countries, accept money from them without getting PERMISSION first--which is why there is currently a Grand Jury indictment coming on Michael Flynn. Ironically this is why Obama fired Michael Flynn, and Obama warned Trump not to hire him. On renewal of his Security clearance, Flynn never disclosed any of this information, until after he got caught, and then he lied to the FBI about it which is another FELONY.
Obama warned Trump about hiring Flynn - CNNPolitics
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony - CNNPolitics
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn probably broke the law by failing to disclose foreign payments, House Oversight leaders say

Flynn is in deep shit! Trump tried to get Comey to drop the investigation on Michael Flynn and that's why Trump is now under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

And it didn't help that Trump got on an NBC interview and admitted he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation.

You people are going to have to start watching & reading REAL news for a change. None of us are here to babysit you.
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By the time Michael Flynn was fired as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser in February, he had made a lot of bad decisions. One was taking money from the Russians (and failing to disclose it); another was taking money under the table from the Turks. But an overlooked line in his financial disclosure form, which he was forced to amend to detail those foreign payments, reveals he was also involved in one of the most audacious—and some say harebrained—schemes in recent memory: a plan to build scores of U.S. nuclear power plants in the Middle East. In 2015 and 2016, according to his filing, Flynn was an adviser to X-Co Dynamics Inc./Iron Bridge Group, which at first glance looks like just another Pentagon consultancy that ex-military officers use to fatten their wallets.
In June 2015, knowledgeable sources tell Newsweek, Flynn flew to Egypt and Israel on behalf of X-Co/Iron Bridge. His mission: to gauge attitudes in Cairo and Jerusalem toward a plan for a joint U.S.-Russian (and Saudi-financed) program to get control over the Arab world’s rush to acquire nuclear power. At the core of their concern was a fear that states in the volatile Middle East would have inadequate security for the plants and safeguards for their radioactive waste—the stuff of nuclear bombs.
Michael Flynn, Russia and a grand scheme to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East


This Russian investigation is moving along so fast--it's actually hard to keep up with. Michael Flynn's son apparently is under the spotlight by Mueller also.

WASHINGTON Michael G. Flynn, the son of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, is a subject of the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, according to four current and former government officials The inquiry into Flynn is focused at least in part on his work with his father's lobbying firm, Flynn Intel Group, three of the officials said. It's unclear when the focus on Flynn began.
Mike Flynn's son is subject of federal Russia investigation

Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager was forced to register as a Russian foreign agent, receiving 17 million from them to advise on Ukraine/US policy.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

There's freaking Russian interests in every single corner of this administration. Trump is going to have a lot of Pardon's to write.

Trump was planning on a Trump Tower in Moscow when he was campaigning for POTUS.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Gee this idiocy again?

You forgot to mention that the Podesta Group also got caught in this technical glitch with the new foreign agent laws. Oh and Tony Podesta
represented the SAME FUCKING GROUP as Manafort you moron.

Party of Regions that is Ukrainian. Same freaking group. Yeah. All roads lead to Russia for the Democrats too.
No smoking gun here. Sorry.

Oreo keeps playing the same freaking tune over and over. Flynn, Manafort, the Podesta Group and others had all failed to register as foreign agents with this new deal that's been set up.

Just a technicality. None of them did anything wrong . Just a legal glitch their legal teams didn't catch. Fusion GPS I think got caught up in this too.
Trump can whine he didnt know, but Kershner and Flynn were suck buddies, and Kershner is Trumps #1 confidant .

Flynn broke the law, if it goes full circle, and Trump condoned it that makes him an accomplice .... and Kershner too.

Flynn may not be the only crooked sob in deep shit.

Lol, Mueller is so desperate he's now going after the children of anyone affiliated with Trump. It proves he's got nothing except wasting taxpayers dollars.
So basically Flynn is being 'accused' of trying to do what Hillary did, but is trying to be prosecuted whereby Hillary was not.
Don't you think this will boomerang and even standards will have to bring up charges against Hillary otherwise the equal justice mirage is exposed as politics as usual.
Trump can whine he didnt know, but Kershner and Flynn were suck buddies, and Kershner is Trumps #1 confidant .

Flynn broke the law, if it goes full circle, and Trump condoned it that makes him an accomplice .... and Kershner too.

Flynn may not be the only crooked sob in deep shit.

....and then Hillary becomes President -- for life!
By the time Michael Flynn was fired as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser in February, he had made a lot of bad decisions. One was taking money from the Russians (and failing to disclose it); another was taking money under the table from the Turks. But an overlooked line in his financial disclosure form, which he was forced to amend to detail those foreign payments, reveals he was also involved in one of the most audacious—and some say harebrained—schemes in recent memory: a plan to build scores of U.S. nuclear power plants in the Middle East. In 2015 and 2016, according to his filing, Flynn was an adviser to X-Co Dynamics Inc./Iron Bridge Group, which at first glance looks like just another Pentagon consultancy that ex-military officers use to fatten their wallets.
In June 2015, knowledgeable sources tell Newsweek, Flynn flew to Egypt and Israel on behalf of X-Co/Iron Bridge. His mission: to gauge attitudes in Cairo and Jerusalem toward a plan for a joint U.S.-Russian (and Saudi-financed) program to get control over the Arab world’s rush to acquire nuclear power. At the core of their concern was a fear that states in the volatile Middle East would have inadequate security for the plants and safeguards for their radioactive waste—the stuff of nuclear bombs.
Michael Flynn, Russia and a grand scheme to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East


This Russian investigation is moving along so fast--it's actually hard to keep up with. Michael Flynn's son apparently is under the spotlight by Mueller also.

WASHINGTON Michael G. Flynn, the son of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, is a subject of the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, according to four current and former government officials The inquiry into Flynn is focused at least in part on his work with his father's lobbying firm, Flynn Intel Group, three of the officials said. It's unclear when the focus on Flynn began.
Mike Flynn's son is subject of federal Russia investigation

Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager was forced to register as a Russian foreign agent, receiving 17 million from them to advise on Ukraine/US policy.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

There's freaking Russian interests in every single corner of this administration. Trump is going to have a lot of Pardon's to write.

Trump was planning on a Trump Tower in Moscow when he was campaigning for POTUS.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Gee this idiocy again?

You forgot to mention that the Podesta Group also got caught in this technical glitch with the new foreign agent laws. Oh and Tony Podesta
represented the SAME FUCKING GROUP as Manafort you moron.

Party of Regions that is Ukrainian. Same freaking group. Yeah. All roads lead to Russia for the Democrats too.

You must be another Russian Troll on this board. There's several of them. Very typical behavior--you won't read or watch any real news--any news negative on Trump or Putin is FAKE news & you immediately respond by bringing up Podesa, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama which Russians did all throughout the campaign season.

I imagine you're sitting in St. Petersburg Russia--with you're Vodka in hand right now--responding on FACEBOOK and political boards like this one. One of your comrades didn't even know that FOX News is a conservative media outlet and was attacking them on an issue. No American citizen is that STUPID.
Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
Facebook says fake accounts linked to Russia bought thousands of ads during US election

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By the time Michael Flynn was fired as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser in February, he had made a lot of bad decisions. One was taking money from the Russians (and failing to disclose it); another was taking money under the table from the Turks. But an overlooked line in his financial disclosure form, which he was forced to amend to detail those foreign payments, reveals he was also involved in one of the most audacious—and some say harebrained—schemes in recent memory: a plan to build scores of U.S. nuclear power plants in the Middle East. In 2015 and 2016, according to his filing, Flynn was an adviser to X-Co Dynamics Inc./Iron Bridge Group, which at first glance looks like just another Pentagon consultancy that ex-military officers use to fatten their wallets.
In June 2015, knowledgeable sources tell Newsweek, Flynn flew to Egypt and Israel on behalf of X-Co/Iron Bridge. His mission: to gauge attitudes in Cairo and Jerusalem toward a plan for a joint U.S.-Russian (and Saudi-financed) program to get control over the Arab world’s rush to acquire nuclear power. At the core of their concern was a fear that states in the volatile Middle East would have inadequate security for the plants and safeguards for their radioactive waste—the stuff of nuclear bombs.
Michael Flynn, Russia and a grand scheme to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East


This Russian investigation is moving along so fast--it's actually hard to keep up with. Michael Flynn's son apparently is under the spotlight by Mueller also.

WASHINGTON Michael G. Flynn, the son of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, is a subject of the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, according to four current and former government officials The inquiry into Flynn is focused at least in part on his work with his father's lobbying firm, Flynn Intel Group, three of the officials said. It's unclear when the focus on Flynn began.
Mike Flynn's son is subject of federal Russia investigation

Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager was forced to register as a Russian foreign agent, receiving 17 million from them to advise on Ukraine/US policy.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

There's freaking Russian interests in every single corner of this administration. Trump is going to have a lot of Pardon's to write.

Trump was planning on a Trump Tower in Moscow when he was campaigning for POTUS.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Gee this idiocy again?

You forgot to mention that the Podesta Group also got caught in this technical glitch with the new foreign agent laws. Oh and Tony Podesta
represented the SAME FUCKING GROUP as Manafort you moron.

Party of Regions that is Ukrainian. Same freaking group. Yeah. All roads lead to Russia for the Democrats too.

You must be another Russian Troll on this board. There's several of them. Very typical behavior--you won't read or watch any real news--any news negative on Trump or Putin is FAKE news & you immediately respond by bringing up Podesa, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama which Russians did all throughout the campaign season.

I imagine you're sitting in St. Petersburg Russia--with you're Vodka in hand right now--responding on FACEBOOK and political boards like this one. One of your comrades didn't even know that FOX News is a conservative media outlet and was attacking them on an issue. No American citizen is that STUPID.
Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
Facebook says fake accounts linked to Russia bought thousands of ads during US election


Put down the bong. I'm just pointing out the insanity of your posts. You make Manafort/Flynn out to be criminals while ignoring that the Podesta Group is in the same boat with the foreign agency register.

And the Podesta Group represented the same clients as Manafort. Stop being a fucking hypocrite about this.

I'm not condemning the Podesta Group like you do Flynn and Manafort. The issue with the Foreign Agent registration is a simple glitch that all their lawyers screwed up on. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Oh and re FOX you need to get up to speed. Murdoch's sons are running the company now and not only are they left wing, they are British left wing which is nothing short of out and out communism. And FOX has been starting to move to a more central political stance.

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