Michael Moore; Trump is Going to Win

Moore et al are simply ramping up the far left with an "anybody but Trump" screaming mantra.
So Jake, now that Trump has won the nomination, and you have always claimed to be a Republican.

Are you going to vote for him in upcoming the november election? ...... :cool:
Only a pretend Republican would vote for him. I am voting for Gary Johnson.

You folks could have had a real conservative and you threw it over.

Trump is left of center.
Ted Cruz is the "far right" that you constantly stupidly fear-monger about on here.
Hahaha you voted.for kasich. According to you he's more conservative than Trump

I'm sold, I'm a former cruz supporter that is fully on the Trump train.......
I was a Cruz supporter after Rand Paul dropped out, then went to trump as Cruz' cheating in the primaries became so in-your-face I couldnt ignore it any longer.
Moore et al are simply ramping up the far left with an "anybody but Trump" screaming mantra.
So Jake, now that Trump has won the nomination, and you have always claimed to be a Republican.

Are you going to vote for him in upcoming the november election? ...... :cool:
Only a pretend Republican would vote for him. I am voting for Gary Johnson.

Please do....and keep voting.for.him....
Hahaha you voted.for kasich. According to you he's more conservative than Trump
Far more.
Trump's conservatism is actually what scares Kasich.

That is how "conservative" Kasich is.
Michael Moore, darling of the Right... when he says things they like...
When getting ones current impression of ongoing current liberal bullshit, it is best tog et that bullshit directly from the bulls anus himself.
Lol, well I have to give Moore some points for honesty on this one.

Suck it Hillary drones.

Michael Moore: 'Trump is going to win' | Fox News

“But the truth is, I’m sorry to have to be the buzzkill here so early on, but I think Trump is going to win.”

Maher thanked Moore for saying that and said, “The enemy is complacency, say it everyday… he certainly could win.”

Back in December, Moore told Business Insider he was confident Trump would become the Republican nominee.

“Donald Trump is absolutely going to be the Republican candidate for president of the United States. It’s going from being a joke to being a serious reality.”

In June, he stopped just short of saying Trump would win the election.
Maher is so fucking stupid that he will vote for Hillary, the ultimate pc nut/Islam sycophant, over the only guy who has ever challenged pc culture and Islamophilia on a presidential stage, after he
himself has ranted for over a year about how political correctness and Islamophilia on the left is destroying this society...

Why are Republicans so fucking stupid as to allow these retards to run the Western world? Why?
do you really have the nerve to ask that question after you guys had the African connection in the white house for the last 8 years? really? I'm just amazed.
Hahaha you voted.for kasich. According to you he's more conservative than Trump
He will back up on wall and a ban on immigrants.

He will sign free trade agreements.

He will push for single payer.

He does not care about LGBT and abortion issues.

Kasich is far more conservative than Trump, and Cruz is more far more than Kasich.

The crazy right could have had a con, and they went with a center of left plutocrat.
Well Jillian gives him a good run for the money, too.
Difference is that Jillian is a liberal loon.....and she isn't afraid to admit it. Whereas, Fake Jake has for years has spammed the board claiming to be a Republican. What a lying POS....... :cuckoo:
I don't let false Republicans like you, Sunni Man, dictate the discussion. True republicans are religiously tolerant, you are not. True republicans respect women, their rights, and work to empower them, and you do not. For starters.

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