Michael Myers' Capitalism Testimony (Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-parody inspired by the film Halloween III: Season of the Witch.

This one is dedicated to President Trump (don't worry, it's my last one of this type!).



"I'd like to thank the committee at this center for the criminally-insane for allowing me to offer my testimony (of my experiences and what I've seen and believed), and I'd like to thank my psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis, for encouraging me to have my voice heard before I destroy something too valuable to repair --- my redeemable soul. With that said, my 'testimony' is really about what I thought was very jarring and disturbing in the world I saw around me as I was growing up.

I grew up in Smith's Grove (insane asylum) in Illinois during the 1970s and noticed all the changes in culture on TV, as America was adjusting between the hippie-era of the 1960s (when I was just a young boy and was first committed to Smith's Grove) and the emerging big consumerism-era of the 1980s (the time when I was finally apprehended and brought here for some kind of treatment before completing my life-incarceration sentence). You see, as you know, my complete break from reality spared me from the death-penalty but I was ordered to be incarcerated (in an insane asylum) for the rest of my life.

When I watched TV in Smith's Grove in the 1960s (as a little boy), I noticed Americans were very interested in liberal-thinking. This changed in the 1970s, when Americans were adjusting to more 'cosmopolitan' ways of life. Then, in the 1980s, Americans cared more about Wall Street than smalltown values. I noticed that as these changes took shape, Americans became more and more 'serious' of being 'muscular' profiteers in a world governed mostly by finance and commerce (i.e., Wall Street).

Now, I watch TV at this new incarceration center for the criminally-insane, and the year is 1999. I'm pretty old now, but what I notice on TV is that these days, Americans care very strongly about commercial vanities, consumerism conveniences, and everyday 'thrills.' Hollywood makes many more horror-films and they remind me of what went through my head in the 1970s-1980s when I wandered around in my strange white-mask and terrorized suburbanites on Halloween Eve. I realized that as America became more and more commerce-conscious, I felt more and more alienated. I started asking myself why this was the case.

I've come to the conclusion that the best way for me to interact in this world of fineries and merchants is to understand what I appreciate in myself as a creative offering for this 'global market of goods.' Therefore, I plan to spend the rest of my days in this insane asylum making paper-crafts and decorations for Halloween (to make amends for my sins and come to terms with my break from reality!). As I make these crafts and decorations, I will wonder, 'Did America turn me into a 'confectioner,' or did I become numbed by Reaganomics candy'?"



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