Michael Savage leaves radio talk show after legal win

It was a big legal win that will allow him to move on to greener radio pastures. He'll be back and more of a pain in the ass to lefties than ever.

NOt really.

The "Greener pastures" he wanted was a time slot that was earlier.

I don't see him competing effectively for Limbaugh or Hannity's listeners.

Wrong. It had nothing to do with a time slot. Syndicated shows such as his, Rush's, Hannity's might air live in a market or recorded and aired at a different time.

Savage wanted to get free of his current syndication company in favor of another one that offered him a better deal in a variety of ways. The current one didn't want to lose him because he made them a boatload of money, so thus the lawsuit battle that began back in '10 and a court just settled in his favor.

So his new syndication company will get things squared away and he'll be back on the radio. In some markets he might compete with Hannity or Limbaugh or even both, happens all the time in the talk radio business.
wasn't he in a feud w/ another am radio :tinfoil: guy who didn't change his last name? ;)
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Just found out when I tried to listen.

Left after 9/27 show.


You mean that bastard is gone....off the radio....for good?!?!?





Great news, another freaking Neocon and Israeli apologist off the air.
It seems that that wretched man is off the air...for good.

This is great news...I'm besides myself w/joy on this.


It seems to me you are either a bit stupid or lack reading comprehension skills.

Anyway, enjoy it while you can because he'll be back to torment you lefty pukes, likely even better than before.
The whiny NY accent was similar to the left wing Lynn Samuels and about as annoying. One thing Savage was probably right about is "liberalism is a mental illness".

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