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Michael Schiavo contradicts himself in King Interview

krisy said:
Do you mean the three that have allready ruled cannot rule again? I haven't found any links,but I just know Fox says that it is a 12 judge panel and they are going back to them instead of the Supreme Court,and asking them all to look at it. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
They are asking for another hearing from this same court.

No they would be part of the twelve.
ReillyT said:
There is no guarantee that either a whole panel or the Supreme Court will even hear the case. It is discretionary at this point. I wonder if they will pursue an en banc hearing of the 11th Circuit. It might take a while to get those judges assembled to listen to the case. She might very well be dead before the 11th Circuit has a chance to hear it. My guess is this will go straight to the Supreme Court, and Justice Kennedy, who would make the sole decision in this case because it is an emergency motion.

I am pretty sure the request went to the 11th Circuit as reported in the news. They are not forced to hear the case, but if they refuse it can then go to the SCOTUS. Skipping a step because you think it is important isn't usually accepted. The SCOTUS representative likely would send it right back to be heard before the full 11th Circuit at their order as is their wont in such cases where that step has been missed. The 11th Circuit then would have no choice but to rule on this on an emergency basis.
no1tovote4 said:
I am pretty sure the request went to the 11th Circuit as reported in the news. They are not forced to hear the case, but if they refuse it can then go to the SCOTUS. Skipping a step because you think it is important isn't usually accepted. The SCOTUS representative likely would send it right back to be heard before the full 11th Circuit at their order as is their wont in such cases where that step has been missed. The 11th Circuit then would have no choice but to rule on this on an emergency basis.

Just heard on the Radio:
The 11th Circuit has rejected the appeal, it can now go before the SCOTUS.
I can see where people are coming from with regards to Congress getting involved. However, it's also hard for me to agree with the decision to let someone starve who is not in a coma and not on life support and who, for all we know, could be in agony because her husband said that's what she would have wanted. And her husband came to this conclusion 8 years after she had this condition and he now has children from a relationship with another woman and he also is apparently the only one whom Terri supposedly told about her wishes.

The mainstream media has also distorted a lot of things. They present the persistent vegetative state stuff as if it's an irrefutable fact and they never mention how other doctors are not sure she's even in that state and they also never mention how they haven't done all the tests they can do.

There also are misleading reports about Terri being on life support. Although she needs a feeding tube to live, she is not on life support, which almost always means they are on a ventilator and probably a few other machines as well. Because of these and other ommissions as well as other examples of slanted coverage, people are often not getting the whole story.
Guess Ill try this here. Why are Terris' parents being demonized when her husband neglected carrying out her wishes YEARS ago. He had no problem letting her rot and leading her parents to believe this "care" would continue. When they try to get her better care he tells em to get screwed and THEN--YEARS later wants to take out the tube. This man is evil and can resolve everything by giving Terri back to her parents since he's done with her.
dilloduck said:
Guess Ill try this here. Why are Terris' parents being demonized when her husband neglected carrying out her wishes YEARS ago. He had no problem letting her rot and leading her parents to believe this "care" would continue. When they try to get her better care he tells em to get screwed and THEN--YEARS later wants to take out the tube. This man is evil and can resolve everything by giving Terri back to her parents since he's done with her.

Your a real tool! He's a monster because he couldn't bring himself to let her go without first trying years of therapy and rehab? Surprise me and come up with a point that exceeds your normal level of drivel.
MissileMan said:
Your a real tool! He's a monster because he couldn't bring himself to let her go without first trying years of therapy and rehab? Surprise me and come up with a point that exceeds your normal level of drivel.

It's his damn responsibilty or don't you believe in that sorta thing??? If he can't handle her wishes then he should have allowed some one else with the courage and compassion do the right thing.
dilloduck said:
It's his damn responsibilty or don't you believe in that sorta thing??? If he can't handle her wishes then he should have allowed some one else with the courage and compassion do the right thing.

So just to understand this new argument of yours, the minute the first doctor told him she had suffered brain damage, he should have pulled the plug?
MissileMan said:
So just to understand this new argument of yours, the minute the first doctor told him she had suffered brain damage, he should have pulled the plug?

the second they tried to put in a feeding tube. I guess if your a guardian you can ignore wishes if they are too tough for you to carry out.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Holy Water Balloons Fail To Save Terri Schiavo

PINELLAS PARK, FL - "That's a lot of holy water," said Franciscan Brother McGee this morning, "and it's all for Terri." All day yesterday, hundreds of Terri Schiavo's closest friends attempted to enter her hospice center bearing cups of water for the celebrity human vegetable. However, all were summarily arrested by the riot police guarding the hospice center.

Brother McGee soon realized the strategy was impossible. "I was frustrated. There was no way our humble cups of water could make it past police," he said, "Well a little seven-year-old boy hero named Bobby McPherson came up with the brilliant idea to throw water balloons through Terri's open window. Then, after making hundreds of water balloons late last night, I realized I ought to bless the water. Makes sense.. Holy water balloons during holy week for a holy woman, possibly the second coming of Christ."

At noon today, demonstrators shocked Hospice Center doctors by blitzing Terri Schiavo's hospice window with hundreds of water balloons, before doctors even had a chance to shut the window.

Soon afterwards, another man whose wife was staying at the hospice center yelled at them, "You've all turned this hospice into a circus. Why don't you just let my wife and Michael Schiavo's wife rest in peace?" After screaming "You murderer!" at the man, the demonstrators proceeded to bless him with the remaining holy water balloons.

MissileMan said:
Your a real tool! He's a monster because he couldn't bring himself to let her go without first trying years of therapy and rehab? Surprise me and come up with a point that exceeds your normal level of drivel.

He didn't allow therapy OR rehab. When people were caught trying to help her, they were screamed at.
manu1959 said:
why is it being her wish and then being his wish as well contradictory....is it so imposiblle that they had the same wish?
Because he let her live like she DID NOT WANT TOO for YEARS!!!!!!
archangel said:
I believe the time has come that the judicial system of appointments for life be revamped..Judges from the Supreme court down should be elected officials
not appointments for life..They seem to believe they are now "Gods" with no recourse from the people to address very bad decisions...Whatever happened to the moral decisions as in historical records ie:"Solomon"...We have become a country of law that can be changed at will by the Supreme court..I always thought they were there to enforce the laws...not make the laws..they have also lost their ability to include moral values in enforceing the law...I remember the days when the "spirit of the law" took precedence over the "letter of the law"...How sad this nation has become placing our life's in the hands of arrogant fools dressed in black robes! :salute:

Usually it is doctors who have a God Complex, now it's judges as well.........
Can someone who knows law please explain to me how a judges power trumps congress, the President, the state legislative branch and the Governor of Fla????
This is the quailifications of the man who sentenced Terri to death.........

Judge George W. Greer is challenging incumbent Chief Judge David A. Demers for top judge on Florida's Sixth Circuit. In 1992 St. Petersburg Times staff writer Jon East wrote an article about George Greer's first run for a circuit judgeship and titled it Electing judges is a farce. He noted that Greer's only credentials were his well-publicized name as a two-term county commissioner and his "healthy campaign bank account." George Greer had been a zoning lawyer before becoming a county commissioner and had raised his substantial war chest for that run from "developers, contractors, law firms and investment companies." I do not believe Judge Greer is the best choice for chief judge. The election of the chief judge for the 6th Circuit is the most important selection of a chief judge in all the Florida circuits because of the plethora of bad national press that circuit has received of late. So before stating what's wrong with Judge Greer, I should first state what's wrong with the 6th Circuit.

http://tampaindymedia.org/bin/site/...=imc/open newswire/2005/Jan/34445.3671875.dat
Bonnie said:
Can someone who knows law please explain to me how a judges power trumps congress, the President, the state legislative branch and the Governor of Fla????

How? Only because we let them. Jeb Bush needs to step in and stop this insanity from the bench.

President Andrew Jackson is supposed to have said of a Supreme Court ruling he opposed: "Well, John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it." The court's ruling was ignored. And yet, somehow, the republic survived.

Read Coulter's excellent article on the subject:
Judge George W. Greer has not ruled according to law in the case of whether to remove Terri Schiavo’s tube by which she receives nutrition and hydration. The rulings, which are inconsistent with Florida Statutes and Constitution, are:

1. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(2 ) for failure to discharge his duties as guardian. The statute requires that the guardian protect the rights of the ward, provide for her health and safety, properly manage her financial resources and help her regain her abilities to the maximum extent possible.

2. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(3) for abuse of his powers as evidenced by his denying her any significant sensory stimulation and his efforts to have her life ended.

3. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(7) for wasting, embezzlement, or other mismanagement of the ward's property, one example is Michael’s statement on national television that he had Terri’s wedding rings melted down and made into jewelry for himself.

4. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(11) because of a conflict of interest between the ward and the guardian due to Michael Schiavo living with and fathering children with another woman.

5. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(13) for failure to comply with the guardianship report.

6. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(14) for failure to file annual guardianship reports in a timely manner.

7. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(16) for improperly managing the ward’s assets by using Terri’s money which was awarded by a court to be used for her rehabilitation but at the authorization of Judge Greer is being used to pay legal fees in an effort to end Terri’s life.

8. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(17) because there has been a significant change in Terri’s assets due to the actions of her guardian. Terri’s assets have likely increased since her accident and Michael Schiavo is denying Terri the benefit of any assets accrued after the malpractice award which would be equally hers as Michael’s legal spouse.

9. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(18) because Michael’s adulterous relationship (which is a misdemeanor under Florida law) with another woman ought to disqualify Michael as a suitable guardian for Terri as the interest which Michael said (in malpractice trial court proceedings) he had toward Terri is directed to another woman who is not his wife and has two children by said other woman of whom he is the father.

10. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian and has aided Michael in abusing, neglecting, and exploiting Terri, a vulnerable adult, by appropriating funds that were awarded for her rehabilitation to pay legal fees, and has aided in exploiting Terri by denying the money to be used for her benefit. Both these infractions were committed with the
knowledge that Terri lacked the capacity to consent and explained in detail in Florida Statute 415.102.

11. Judge Greer’s rulings to date have deprived Terri Schiavo of her constitutional right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property which are detailed in Section 2 of the Florida Constitution by ordering her life to be ended by denying her hydration and nutrition.

12. Judge Greer has deprived Terri of her constitutional religious rights by allowing Michael Schiavo to prevent Monsignor Malonowski from visiting Terri, by allowing Michael to prevent Monsignor Malinowski from administering last rites when her feeding tube was removed in October 2003, and by allowing Michael to prevent Terri’s blood relatives from placing pictures of religious figures in her room.

13. Judge Greer has allowed Terri’s constitutional right to privacy to be violated by Michael Schiavo by not restricting his comments during interviews on national television.

14. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215C(a) To have an annual review of the guardianship report and plan.

15. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(b) (b) to have continuing review of the need for restriction of her rights.

16. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right to be restored to capacity, FL statute 744.3215C.

17. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(d) (d) to be treated humanely, with dignity and respect, and to be protected against abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

18. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(e) to have a qualified guardian.

19. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(f) to remain as independent as possible, including having her preference as to place and standard of living honored, either as she expressed or demonstrated her preference prior to the determination of his or her incapacity or as she currently expresses her preference, insofar as such request is reasonable.

20. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (g) to be properly educated. She is not receiving any rehabilitative therapy.

21. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (h) to receive prudent financial management for her property and to be informed how her property is being managed. Michael Schiavo stated on national television that he melted Terri’s wedding rings down and had them made into jewelry for himself.

22. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (i) to receive necessary services and rehabilitation. Judge Greer has allowed Michael to deprive Terri of the same. She did not have a working wheelchair for an extended and unnecessarily long period of time.

23. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (k) to have access to the courts. Judge Greer has relied upon the testimony of others related to Michael Schiavo as to Terri’s condition yet ignored the testimony of her blood relatives which was contradictory to information provided by Michael and his family.

24. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(l) to counsel.

25. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(m) to receive visitors and communicate with others.

26. Judge Greer has allowed violation of 744.3215(a) by allowing Terri to be moved to different facilities without prior approval of the court.

27. Judge Greer has allowed violation of 744.3215(b) not requiring Michael to have follow up examinations of electrodes, which were implanted in Terri’s brain. These implants should have been removed years ago, as they are a source for both infection and hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus may cause pressure that could suppress cognitive function and be responsible for much of Terri’s condition. If so, there could be a vast improvement in her condition if a shunt were placed. Hydrocephalus could also cause pressure that would flatten the brain and show fluid filled areas on a brain scan.

Bonnie said:
Judge George W. Greer has not ruled according to law in the case of whether to remove Terri Schiavo’s tube by which she receives nutrition and hydration. The rulings, which are inconsistent with Florida Statutes and Constitution, are:

1. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(2 ) for failure to discharge his duties as guardian. The statute requires that the guardian protect the rights of the ward, provide for her health and safety, properly manage her financial resources and help her regain her abilities to the maximum extent possible.

2. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(3) for abuse of his powers as evidenced by his denying her any significant sensory stimulation and his efforts to have her life ended.

3. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(7) for wasting, embezzlement, or other mismanagement of the ward's property, one example is Michael’s statement on national television that he had Terri’s wedding rings melted down and made into jewelry for himself.

4. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(11) because of a conflict of interest between the ward and the guardian due to Michael Schiavo living with and fathering children with another woman.

5. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(13) for failure to comply with the guardianship report.

6. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(14) for failure to file annual guardianship reports in a timely manner.

7. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(16) for improperly managing the ward’s assets by using Terri’s money which was awarded by a court to be used for her rehabilitation but at the authorization of Judge Greer is being used to pay legal fees in an effort to end Terri’s life.

8. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(17) because there has been a significant change in Terri’s assets due to the actions of her guardian. Terri’s assets have likely increased since her accident and Michael Schiavo is denying Terri the benefit of any assets accrued after the malpractice award which would be equally hers as Michael’s legal spouse.

9. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian even though he should be removed as Terri’s guardian pursuant to Florida Statute 744.474(18) because Michael’s adulterous relationship (which is a misdemeanor under Florida law) with another woman ought to disqualify Michael as a suitable guardian for Terri as the interest which Michael said (in malpractice trial court proceedings) he had toward Terri is directed to another woman who is not his wife and has two children by said other woman of whom he is the father.

10. Judge Greer has allowed Michael Schiavo to remain as Terri’s guardian and has aided Michael in abusing, neglecting, and exploiting Terri, a vulnerable adult, by appropriating funds that were awarded for her rehabilitation to pay legal fees, and has aided in exploiting Terri by denying the money to be used for her benefit. Both these infractions were committed with the
knowledge that Terri lacked the capacity to consent and explained in detail in Florida Statute 415.102.

11. Judge Greer’s rulings to date have deprived Terri Schiavo of her constitutional right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property which are detailed in Section 2 of the Florida Constitution by ordering her life to be ended by denying her hydration and nutrition.

12. Judge Greer has deprived Terri of her constitutional religious rights by allowing Michael Schiavo to prevent Monsignor Malonowski from visiting Terri, by allowing Michael to prevent Monsignor Malinowski from administering last rites when her feeding tube was removed in October 2003, and by allowing Michael to prevent Terri’s blood relatives from placing pictures of religious figures in her room.

13. Judge Greer has allowed Terri’s constitutional right to privacy to be violated by Michael Schiavo by not restricting his comments during interviews on national television.

14. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215C(a) To have an annual review of the guardianship report and plan.

15. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(b) (b) to have continuing review of the need for restriction of her rights.

16. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right to be restored to capacity, FL statute 744.3215C.

17. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(d) (d) to be treated humanely, with dignity and respect, and to be protected against abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

18. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(e) to have a qualified guardian.

19. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(f) to remain as independent as possible, including having her preference as to place and standard of living honored, either as she expressed or demonstrated her preference prior to the determination of his or her incapacity or as she currently expresses her preference, insofar as such request is reasonable.

20. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (g) to be properly educated. She is not receiving any rehabilitative therapy.

21. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (h) to receive prudent financial management for her property and to be informed how her property is being managed. Michael Schiavo stated on national television that he melted Terri’s wedding rings down and had them made into jewelry for himself.

22. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (i) to receive necessary services and rehabilitation. Judge Greer has allowed Michael to deprive Terri of the same. She did not have a working wheelchair for an extended and unnecessarily long period of time.

23. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215 (k) to have access to the courts. Judge Greer has relied upon the testimony of others related to Michael Schiavo as to Terri’s condition yet ignored the testimony of her blood relatives which was contradictory to information provided by Michael and his family.

24. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(l) to counsel.

25. Judge Greer has denied Terri the right under 744.3215(m) to receive visitors and communicate with others.

26. Judge Greer has allowed violation of 744.3215(a) by allowing Terri to be moved to different facilities without prior approval of the court.

27. Judge Greer has allowed violation of 744.3215(b) not requiring Michael to have follow up examinations of electrodes, which were implanted in Terri’s brain. These implants should have been removed years ago, as they are a source for both infection and hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus may cause pressure that could suppress cognitive function and be responsible for much of Terri’s condition. If so, there could be a vast improvement in her condition if a shunt were placed. Hydrocephalus could also cause pressure that would flatten the brain and show fluid filled areas on a brain scan.


ty bonnie!

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