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Michael Schiavo contradicts himself in King Interview

MissileMan said:
Six years after the settlement...the sneaky bastid!

Are you 100% certain that he didn't consider letting her body die until after he had spent 8 years watching therapy and treatment lead nowhere?

I still want to know why he waited so damn long ?????? Her "wishes" were denied her for 8 years------damn he was quick in attending to them!
Terri Is Conscious

Court-appointed, government-appointed, and private physicians have confirmed that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). Schiavo suffered massive brain damage as a result of a cardiac arrest 15 years ago, and ongoing neurological degeneration interim.

Patients in a PVS have no higher cognitive function and no chance of recovery.

She is in a vegetative state because her higher brain centers have been destroyed and replaced by fluid.
Itsthetruth said:
Terri Is Conscious

Court-appointed, government-appointed, and private physicians have confirmed that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). Schiavo suffered massive brain damage as a result of a cardiac arrest 15 years ago, and ongoing neurological degeneration interim.

Patients in a PVS have no higher cognitive function and no chance of recovery.

She is in a vegetative state because her higher brain centers have been destroyed and replaced by fluid.

that's all great...do you have a link? Your failing to mention the neurologists that think she can be rehablilitated. Your also failing to mention the fact that this diagnosis cannot be made without an MRI. :slap:
krisy said:
that's all great...do you have a link? Your failing to mention the neurologists that think she can be rehablilitated. Your also failing to mention the fact that this diagnosis cannot be made without an MRI. :slap:

Is that a fact? Perhaps a quack neurologist that is being paid by a well financed right-to-life outfit, just like some of those quack scientists they put on the payroll. But, provide a link ...... at least a name ..... please!

An army of "Court-appointed, government-appointed, and private physicians have confirmed that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state (PVS)" and that's not good enough for you. Would anything short of a public proclamation and from God be adquate? I think not. Facts and reason do not appeal to loony religious fanatics of the right.
Itsthetruth said:
Is that a fact? Perhaps a quack neurologist that is being paid by a well financed right-to-life outfit, just like some of those quack scientists they put on the payroll. But, provide a link ...... at least a name ..... please!

An army of "Court-appointed, government-appointed, and private physicians have confirmed that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state (PVS)" and that's not good enough for you. Would anything short of a public proclamation and from God be adquate? I think not. Facts and reason do not appeal to loony religious fanatics of the right.

it kills me when asswipes that like death call people that stand for the gift of life loony religious fanatics. A a matter of fact,a proclomation from God would be nice...would you speak to him for me,you apparently are close. As for the doctor,he has been nominated for a Nobel peace Prize and was on Hannity and Colmes last night,seen by millions,if you need proof,ask around over at DU :dev3: It wouldn't matter tho,you won't give him a chance while accusing me of doing the same. :rolleyes:
krisy said:
people that stand for the gift of life :

Are these the same "gift of life" folks who support pulling the plug on fully alive and conscious people in Texas who don't have health insurance coverage? I think these self-proclaimed "right to lifers" also organize "family friendly" wine and cheese parties whenever the Texas state government executes anyone! Dip anyone?

They also like to dictate the way other people lead their lives. And they using the big arm of government to make sure we do things their way!

These right-wing "Christian" do-gooders are really just a bunch of snoops who like prying into other peoples lives instead of minding their own business. The just love peeking into our bedrooms to make sure we only engage in sex that has a government approved Good Housekeeping seal of approval. Why don't they just keep their noses out of our personal business and try to straighten out their own screwed up lives?

These right-wing "Christian fundamentalists" are the "Christian" equavilant of the right-wing "Muslim fundamentalists" in the Middle East. They are trying to impose their extemist political agenda on most Americans under the cover of Christianity! Their well funded leaders and organizations understand the con job they are pulling. Most rank and file "fundamentalists" don't get it yet. They have been deceived. And when they discover how they have been used, well, holy hell will break out!

If you look back at recent American history who do you think led the "fight" in the south to stop all that "race mixing" in schools and jobs? Your "White Citizens Councils" were organized by good "church going" folks who had nothing but hatred for people who were not white! Ya .... real God fearin folks all right. They praised the Lord and erected big wooden crosses in honor of God .... burning ones ..... while they lynched Blacks.
Itsthetruth said:
Are these the same "gift of life" folks who support pulling the plug on fully alive and conscious people in Texas who don't have health insurance coverage? I think these self-proclaimed "right to lifers" also organize "family friendly" wine and cheese parties whenever the Texas state government executes anyone! Dip anyone?

They also like to dictate the way other people lead their lives. And they using the big arm of government to make sure we do things their way!

These right-wing "Christian" do-gooders are really just a bunch of snoops who like prying into other peoples lives instead of minding their own business. The just love peeking into our bedrooms to make sure we only engage in sex that has a government approved Good Housekeeping seal of approval. Why don't they just keep their noses out of our personal business and try to straighten out their own screwed up lives?

These right-wing "Christian fundamentalists" are the "Christian" equavilant of the right-wing "Muslim fundamentalists" in the Middle East. They are trying to impose their extemist political agenda on most Americans under the cover of Christianity! Their well funded leaders and organizations understand the con job they are pulling. Most rank and file "fundamentalists" don't get it yet. They have been deceived. And when they discover how they have been used, well, holy hell will break out!

If you look back at recent American history who do you think led the "fight" in the south to stop all that "race mixing" in schools and jobs? Your "White Citizens Councils" were organized by good "church going" folks who had nothing but hatred for people who were not white! Ya .... real God fearin folks all right. They praised the Lord and erected big wooden crosses in honor of God .... burning ones ..... while they lynched Blacks.

That has GOT to be the stupidest generalization I have ever heard.I haven't seen anyone peeking into my bedroom lately,although I wouldn't doubt Bill Clinton has tried. Come up with an argument without insults and you'll get one without insults. Also,why don't you quit disappearing before you post replies. Were you waiting for me to go to bed last night before you came back? I know it was past your bedtime since you couldn't be very old. :baby4:
Itsthetruth said:
Is that a fact? Perhaps a quack neurologist that is being paid by a well financed right-to-life outfit, just like some of those quack scientists they put on the payroll. But, provide a link ...... at least a name ..... please!

An army of "Court-appointed, government-appointed, and private physicians have confirmed that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state (PVS)" and that's not good enough for you. Would anything short of a public proclamation and from God be adquate? I think not. Facts and reason do not appeal to loony religious fanatics of the right.

Id hardly call nobel prize nominees quaks.
well-- I guess her legal interests are within her husbands control. The moral issues here are something entirely different but they don't count.

Perhaps you should do a bit more research before you start a rant. You might not end up looking quite so foolish.

Board-certified Neurologists who disagree with the courts assessment of Terri Shiavo's condition are easy to find...if you are really willing to take a look theres an article in a thread I started that interviews a few.

While you are making sweeping-generalizations about the "quacks" who disagree with your point-of-view, it might be wise for you to consider that while there are most certainly right-wing nutbags who want Terri Shiavo to live because of politics, you would be absolutely stupid not to see just how many people on the left have involved themselves in this politically as well...for example the first doctor who was considered a "medical expert" on the case...who, just like you whined about "right wingers," likes to kill conscious people simply because he doesn't think they have value anymore.

Also, you might want to open a book and check out who originally supported and who opposed the Civil Rights Movement....ass.
There are just too many questionable things coming to light:

1. Terri's brother stated that they have no good explaination for Terri's condition. It is highly unlikey a 26 yo suffered a heart attack causing the chemical imbalance for which there seems to be no definite reason. However it is said that such a condition could very likely result from physical blows.

2. Michael is a very controlling type person. There appears to have been a pattern of abuse with Terri before the "collapse".

3. Michael lost 6 jobs in 2 years before the "collapse".

4. Michael started dating 18 months after Terri's "collapse".

5. Michael wants Terri's body cremated with no chance of any autopsy.

6. No MRI scan has ever been done.

7. The judge refused to order a swallow test. Some nurses said they used to feed Terri with a baby bottle, fed her gruel-like food, jello, and the like.

8. The judge rejected admittance of the claim/police report by the nurse who thinks Michael attempted to kill Terri with insulin injections.

Who actually is representing Terri? Her life has been placed basically in the hands of one judge who appears to be relying mainly on the testimony of only the husband and discounting everybody else in Terri's life.

If there is any question regarding a death sentence for someone in Terri's condition, why can't they have an open court trial to decide with a jury made up of her peers who get to listen to all the evidence before she is sentenced to her death???? Why should their life depend on the decision of an arrogant judge or judges who may not value such a life as Terri's? It's the very least we would give to any husband who murdered his wife. :wtf:
ScreamingEagle said:
There are just too many questionable things coming to light:

1. Terri's brother stated that they have no good explaination for Terri's condition. It is highly unlikey a 26 yo suffered a heart attack causing the chemical imbalance for which there seems to be no definite reason. However it is said that such a condition could very likely result from physical blows.

2. Michael is a very controlling type person. There appears to have been a pattern of abuse with Terri before the "collapse".

3. Michael lost 6 jobs in 2 years before the "collapse".

4. Michael started dating 18 months after Terri's "collapse".

5. Michael wants Terri's body cremated with no chance of any autopsy.

6. No MRI scan has ever been done.

7. The judge refused to order a swallow test. Some nurses said they used to feed Terri with a baby bottle, fed her gruel-like food, jello, and the like.

8. The judge rejected admittance of the claim/police report by the nurse who thinks Michael attempted to kill Terri with insulin injections.

Who actually is representing Terri? Her life has been placed basically in the hands of one judge who appears to be relying mainly on the testimony of only the husband and discounting everybody else in Terri's life.

If there is any question regarding a death sentence for someone in Terri's condition, why can't they have an open court trial to decide with a jury made up of her peers who get to listen to all the evidence before she is sentenced to her death???? Why should their life depend on the decision of an arrogant judge or judges who may not value such a life as Terri's? It's the very least we would give to any husband who murdered his wife. :wtf:

The swallowing issue really gets me. If she can swallow on her own,then how,how can they deny her food?!!! I do not get it!!! People are saying she isn't being starved to death,but what would you call it when a judge says no one can even give her food to eat on her own? Blows me away. Then,her prick of a "husband" wants her cremated an won't even let her parents give her the burial they want? Please,this man is hiding something. One of Terri's friends said on t.v. last night she was planning on leaving him and the day after she made it known,she mysteriously collapses...whatever!!!

Fox News just reported that her parents are going back to the appeals court and asking for all 12 judges to review the case. One of thejudges thatruled this morning sure didn't sound like he wanted to go the way he did. He said he didn't see any harm in re inserting the tube for now and her case wuld not be fully heard before she dies.
Krisy it was a 3 judge panel and they split, 2-1. The one you were referring to was dissenting.

krisy said:
The swallowing issue really gets me. If she can swallow on her own,then how,how can they deny her food?!!! I do not get it!!! People are saying she isn't being starved to death,but what would you call it when a judge says no one can even give her food to eat on her own? Blows me away. Then,her prick of a "husband" wants her cremated an won't even let her parents give her the burial they want? Please,this man is hiding something. One of Terri's friends said on t.v. last night she was planning on leaving him and the day after she made it known,she mysteriously collapses...whatever!!!

Fox News just reported that her parents are going back to the appeals court and asking for all 12 judges to review the case. One of thejudges thatruled this morning sure didn't sound like he wanted to go the way he did. He said he didn't see any harm in re inserting the tube for now and her case wuld not be fully heard before she dies.
If nothing else some folks are going to be put on the spot so we know where they REALLY stand on issues---we could take it from there except THEY ARE APPOINTED
Kathianne said:
Krisy it was a 3 judge panel and they split, 2-1. The one you were referring to was dissenting.

Do you mean the three that have allready ruled cannot rule again? I haven't found any links,but I just know Fox says that it is a 12 judge panel and they are going back to them instead of the Supreme Court,and asking them all to look at it. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
They are asking for another hearing from this same court.
krisy said:
Do you mean the three that have allready ruled cannot rule again? I haven't found any links,but I just know Fox says that it is a 12 judge panel and they are going back to them instead of the Supreme Court,and asking them all to look at it. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
They are asking for another hearing from this same court.

The 12 judge panel is next before a SCOTUS review of the case. When you first bring a case like this before a Circuit Court of Appeals it is heard by a three judge panel that oversee the specific area. If you appeal that one, it goes to all 12 judges in the Circuit Court. After that if you appeal there is only one place to go.
no1tovote4 said:
The 12 judge panel is next before a SCOTUS review of the case. When you first bring a case like this before a Circuit Court of Appeals it is heard by a three judge panel that oversee the specific area. If you appeal that one, it goes to all 12 judges in the Circuit Court. After that if you appeal there is only one place to go.

That's what I thought,media is throwing this stuff out so quick!!!!
I believe the time has come that the judicial system of appointments for life be revamped..Judges from the Supreme court down should be elected officials
not appointments for life..They seem to believe they are now "Gods" with no recourse from the people to address very bad decisions...Whatever happened to the moral decisions as in historical records ie:"Solomon"...We have become a country of law that can be changed at will by the Supreme court..I always thought they were there to enforce the laws...not make the laws..they have also lost their ability to include moral values in enforceing the law...I remember the days when the "spirit of the law" took precedence over the "letter of the law"...How sad this nation has become placing our life's in the hands of arrogant fools dressed in black robes! :salute:
archangel said:
I believe the time has come that the judicial system of appointments for life be revamped..Judges from the Supreme court down should be elected officials
not appointments for life..They seem to believe they are now "Gods" with no recourse from the people to address very bad decisions...Whatever happened to the moral decisions as in historical records ie:"Solomon"...We have become a country of law that can be changed at will by the Supreme court..I always thought they were there to enforce the laws...not make the laws..they have also lost their ability to include moral values in enforceing the law...I remember the days when the "spirit of the law" took precedence over the "letter of the law"...How sad this nation has become placing our life's in the hands of arrogant fools dressed in black robes! :salute:

I'm ALL for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:
no1tovote4 said:
The 12 judge panel is next before a SCOTUS review of the case. When you first bring a case like this before a Circuit Court of Appeals it is heard by a three judge panel that oversee the specific area. If you appeal that one, it goes to all 12 judges in the Circuit Court. After that if you appeal there is only one place to go.

There is no guarantee that either a whole panel or the Supreme Court will even hear the case. It is discretionary at this point. I wonder if they will pursue an en banc hearing of the 11th Circuit. It might take a while to get those judges assembled to listen to the case. She might very well be dead before the 11th Circuit has a chance to hear it. My guess is this will go straight to the Supreme Court, and Justice Kennedy, who would make the sole decision in this case because it is an emergency motion.

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