Michael Steele: Republicans Don’t Do Enough for Minorities

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Michael Steele: Republicans Don’t Do Enough for Minorities | Black Blue Dog

This site is not a liberal site so right wing punk off!!!

Republican Michael Steele is speaking out again and dealing with his party’s negligence toward minority communities. Steele appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews on Tuesday, and made it clear that he feels that Republicans aren’t doing enough for black and brown people.

“That’s the one area where I do have a lot of concern,” he said.

Matthews asked Steele if Republicans were going out to middle class black neighborhoods in Germantown, Philadelphia, etc. Steele simply said “no.”

“For a brief shining moment in 2010 we were developing coalitions but that is not part of the mainstay,” said Steele.

Steele has been vocal in speaking out against racial alienation within the Republican ranks. Speaking in 2010 at DePaul University, Steele actually conceded that African Americans have almost no reason to support the Republican party.
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.
Do you want a job or do you want a handout? Basically comes down to that IMHO.

Shut up with same lame rightwing monkey propaganda, no political party promises handouts, except to the rich and that's both parties.
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

You mean you want blacks to learn white male conservative values well let me tell you something, with the exception of economics all those other "conservative" values are preached by black churches, so Republican white male conservative values need not be taught to blacks. Your reasoning is just as much at fault for a lacks voters, you don't go to people acting as superiors talking to inferiors.
Do you want a job or do you want a handout? Basically comes down to that IMHO.

Shut up with same lame rightwing monkey propaganda, no political party promises handouts, except to the rich and that's both parties.

Bullshit, there were a lot of minoriy people who thought they were going to get loads of money and assistance from the Dems when Obama got elected. Maybe they don't expicitly sayso, but that's the message that most people get.

Geez, Bass, where've you been? Have you not seen the calls by Obama to pay off student loans, pay off underwater mortgages, give free healthcare, raise taxes on the rich and redistribute it to everyone else? The man is perpetuating a welfare state, there's no incentive at all to get a job when the gov't has you covered.
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.

Explain exactly how you would try to educate minorities and make them understand that they can do more for themselves than government can when we have liberal programs enticing them to run to government dependency. We have a lot of liberals in schools teaching them that they are victims and that society owes them.

So, some are faulting Republicans for not successfully combating the crap that the left has taught for years.

"Conservatives believe that the people are sovereign, and that the government is subject to the will of the people. Liberals believe that the government is sovereign, and that the people are subject to the will of the government."

iberals could stop teaching minorities that they are helpless idiots who can't do anything without government.

And why do we address groups differently to begin with? If people of all races have decided that government knows best, it'll be hard to turn that around. Republicans address everyone as 'fellow Americans'. Leave it to some to say that isn't enough and we need to divide and speak in a different manner to each group.
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Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.

Explain exactly how you would try to educate minorities and make them understand that they can do more for themselves than government can when we have liberal programs enticing them to run to government dependency. We have a lot of liberals in schools teaching them that they are victims and that society owes them.

So, some are faulting Republicans for not successfully combating the crap that the left has taught for years.

What are these liberal programs that encourage blacks not do for self? Hell out of here with that racist BS, just admit the GOP isn't offering anything we aren't already doing for ourselves.
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.

Like this guy?
Artur Davis switches from Democratic to Republican party - The Washington Post

Why should the GOP play Me-Too to traditional black voters? They have limited resources that are better spent on energizing the base, as well as reaching out to Asians.
George Bush appointed more blacks to his cabinet than any other president. And all he got was "George Bush doesnt care about black people" from the likes of Cognac West.
The GOP is the party of Main St, of people who want to build middle class and upper middle class lives for themselves and their families. They attract anyone who shares those values, regardless of race.
The traditional black voting block is only interested in the politics of grievance.
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.

Explain exactly how you would try to educate minorities and make them understand that they can do more for themselves than government can when we have liberal programs enticing them to run to government dependency. We have a lot of liberals in schools teaching them that they are victims and that society owes them.

So, some are faulting Republicans for not successfully combating the crap that the left has taught for years.

What are these liberal programs that encourage blacks not do for self? Hell out of here with that racist BS, just admit the GOP isn't offering anything we aren't already doing for ourselves.

Oh, seriously? Everything from increased welfare 'entitlements' to the Community Reinvestment program that forced banks to make risky loans to certain neighborhoods. They know that a lot of people don't have enough education, experience, credit rating or ambition to rise, so they force others to lower the bar to accomodate them. People, all people, need to understand that they have a lot of control over their lives and they can do well if they try.

Do we need liberals forcing employers to hire people based on color? ?Do we need liberals lowering the bar so people don't have to try as hard? It's the left that constantly addresses minorities in a very condescending way and promises to pick up the slack because they don't believe people can succeed otherwise. They take away a person's desire to make difficult decisions and take personal responsibility for their actions by constantly making the safety net more attractive. So, people don't think it's necessary to strive for certain things, like finishing school, staying away from drugs and not having a lot of children they can't support on their own. They know they are covered and there is no consequences that will cause them any hardships. Somehow the liberals think it's bad for anyone to go without anything, even though need is the driving force for many to get out there and work and do things for themselves.

There is never any reason to separate people into groups, then address each one and make certain promises to some and not others.

We should all be treated the same by any politician. It's not that government doesn't do enough for some people. Problem is people don't do enough for themselves. What has the left done for minorities, other than to separate them and encourage dependency by making them feel like victims. And now, Republicans are being chastised for helping to enlarge the liberal plantation.
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Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.

Frankly I think it is because when they do try, it does not work. Minorities, Especially Blacks, Still Overwhelmingly Support Democrats whether the Republican Reaches out to them, or not.
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

You mean you want blacks to learn white male conservative values well let me tell you something, with the exception of economics all those other "conservative" values are preached by black churches, so Republican white male conservative values need not be taught to blacks. Your reasoning is just as much at fault for a lacks voters, you don't go to people acting as superiors talking to inferiors.

There's a difference between 'white male conservative values' and 'black male conservative values'? Gee, that's a surprise... I thought values were values - regardless of color.

Such obsession with skin color.... we really need to get the fuck over the whole 'race' thing. You're just an American.... like me.... (unless, you really did renounce your US citizenship). Neither of us are special because our skin is different.
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.

Explain exactly how you would try to educate minorities and make them understand that they can do more for themselves than government can when we have liberal programs enticing them to run to government dependency. We have a lot of liberals in schools teaching them that they are victims and that society owes them.

So, some are faulting Republicans for not successfully combating the crap that the left has taught for years.

What are these liberal programs that encourage blacks not do for self? Hell out of here with that racist BS, just admit the GOP isn't offering anything we aren't already doing for ourselves.

Whining about 'racism' while making racist remarks is laughable, Charlie. Either be part of the solution or part of the problem... but you cannot be both. Pick.
Republicans do not compartementalize the way democrats do. To democrats the population is divided up into ethnic and social groups that must be pandered to politically. Republicans tend to see major social groupings that are not fragmented.

Blacks who segregate themselves off and then say what have you done for me lately are not natural republican constituents. A group of business people, a group of educators, a homogenous group made up of many different races and ethnicities is more republican.
Do you want a job or do you want a handout? Basically comes down to that IMHO.

Shut up with same lame rightwing monkey propaganda, no political party promises handouts, except to the rich and that's both parties.

So Obama Promising more Food Stamps, More Student Loan Help, More this, More that.

That's not promising hand outs? When Democrats Promise all sorts of Cushy deals to their Union Supporters, That's not hand outs right?

Michael Steele: Republicans Don’t Do Enough for Minorities | Black Blue Dog

This site is not a liberal site so right wing punk off!!!

Republican Michael Steele is speaking out again and dealing with his party’s negligence toward minority communities. Steele appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews on Tuesday, and made it clear that he feels that Republicans aren’t doing enough for black and brown people.

“That’s the one area where I do have a lot of concern,” he said.

Matthews asked Steele if Republicans were going out to middle class black neighborhoods in Germantown, Philadelphia, etc. Steele simply said “no.”

“For a brief shining moment in 2010 we were developing coalitions but that is not part of the mainstay,” said Steele.

Steele has been vocal in speaking out against racial alienation within the Republican ranks. Speaking in 2010 at DePaul University, Steele actually conceded that African Americans have almost no reason to support the Republican party.

Where do these fools come from that think the government or political parties should base their actions upon the color of ones skin?
Ones height is so much more important when it comes to such matters.
Do you want a job or do you want a handout? Basically comes down to that IMHO.

Shut up with same lame rightwing monkey propaganda, no political party promises handouts, except to the rich and that's both parties.

You want Republicans to SHUT UP about equality?

You want Republicans to SHUT UP about EQUALITY?

You shouldn't be on a discussion board if all you're going to do is issue "shut up" orders to the opposition, sir.

You're rearing a handout society, and it is going to bite you square in the buttocks when you run out of money. When you take everybody else's money and give it to someone who's gonna blow it on crack, prepare yourself to earn a little grief from those who maintain strength by thinking of themselves up to stop the larceny you are about to shove off on a world of people who worked very hard for what they have.

But no. The hyperpunks of the left figured out an easy way to take away the money of those who worked hard all their lives: raise taxes and insurance premiums to an unspeakably high rate--higher than rent, even--then split it among yourselves after the Nancy Pelosis of life chop off 1.3 billion per relative, that is, who is in a failing business.

Nancy Pelosi can't have my money.
The African American community locked it's self to the Democratic party long ago they vote well over 90% for the Democratic candidate in Presidential elections so it really makes no sense for the Republican party to spend a lot of time or effort trying to win them over. It's better to focus on Hispanic's and other groups that aren't locked solidly into the the Democrats.
And the funny thing is, what have the Dems given the black community after 30+ years? Enslavement, out of wedlock births, bad education that keeps them ignorant and unemployable, and a culture that glorifies violence and sexual promiscuity.
If the organized black community hasn't figured out they're being used by the Dems then why should the GOP bother with them?
Steele is absolutely correct. I have long been a critic of the Republican Party's lack of action with minority voters. I'm not talking about the "Republicans are racist" bullshit, which is just that, bullshit. I'm talking about the GOP not taking the time to invest in minority communities politically, get involved, and help them learn and understand how conservative views on education, economics, and personal accountability and responsibility are one's best way to overcome poverty and dependence.

Instead, Republicans just ignore them for the most part and view them as a lost cause politically and so Steele is correct, blacks have almost no reason to vote for them.
Don't Taze Me Bro, I'm a Republican who has paid taxes all my life to the government. I'm a contributor to a lot of government programs as a (good) consequence--Head Start, etc. That was to have averted people from falling into lives of poverty a generation ago. Why is poverty still here? Our money was supposed to abolish it. If it is not abolished, then our money was totally wasted as to its intent of Congress imposing taxes to do a task.

The task was not done. Refund? :rolleyes:

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