Micheal Brown Gentle Giant

  • A tree dedicated to the memory of Michael Brown has been destroyed by vandals just hours after being planted.

The sapling was planted in January-Wabash Park in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday as a dedication to the teenager, who was gunned down in the street by a police officer last August.

It was called 'a symbol of peace, comfort and hope for all who gather around its branches' at a small ceremony led by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association, which donated the tree.

But by Sunday morning, the branches had been stripped, leaving behind just a shard of the trunk.

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Before: The Black Caucus of the American Library Association donated the tree and memorial plaque and it was planted in January-Wabash Park in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday (pictured)


Destroyed: But by Sunday morning, the tree had been ripped down, leaving just a shard of the trunk

The metal dedication plaque at the base of the tree had also been removed. It had read: 'In Memory of Michael Brown Jr Dedicated Tree 04/15.'

'I can't understand why someone would want to cut down the tree,' one man in the park told KMOV. 'What, they want to start something back up again?'

A second tree that was close to the Brown memorial and had been dedicated by a Ferguson resident to their dead pet was also vandalized. The plaque on that tree was also stolen.

On Monday, both of the saplings were replanted and the memorial plaques will be replaced later this week, KSDK reported.

Memorial tree for Michael Brown cut in half, stone memorial miss - KMOV.com
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snopes.com Mike Brown Beating Video


Still images taken from the grainy video suggested the individual depicted was not Brown. Mike Brown stood at between 6'4" and 6'5", and even at 18 was uncommonly tall among American men. The person depicted in the circulating footage does not appear to be nearly as tall as Brown was, by a good margin

The footage seen here was originally posted to the Internet back in 2012, when Brown was just 16, under original title "only in Woodland City." The video was apparently taken at a large apartment complex in Dallas, Texas (a state in which Mike Brown never lived), called Woodland City Apartments
Yup. The OP never fails to be an idiot.
Does it matter? It's still three shitheads against one old man. They are proud of themselves because they videoed the incident and posted it. It's crap like this that gets blacks shot.
Does it matter? Well only if you want to address the ENTIRE POINT OF THE THREAD. Then yes, it matters.

Hmmm I think there's a Hillary joke here somewhere.
Does it matter?

Does it matter that someone deliberately fabricated a lie about a dead person and fed it to a horde of racist rubes who greedily swallowed it down?


God forbid you dumb fuck parroting rubes should ever learn to think. What chance would your manipulators have then?
Does it matter?

Does it matter that someone deliberately fabricated a lie about a dead person and fed it to a horde of racist rubes who greedily swallowed it down?


God forbid you dumb fuck parroting rubes should ever learn to think. What chance would your manipulators have then?
Does it matter?

Does it matter that someone deliberately fabricated a lie about a dead person and fed it to a horde of racist rubes who greedily swallowed it down?


Prove it's not MB? Maybe it is another Michael Brown of Ferguson MO,it's a common enough name. Regardless the video says that it's not what Sharpton wants you to see and that part is correct as I don't see Sharpton highlighting the problems of black on black crime.

As for Racist Rubes please explain to me how my disgust for said actions of three thugs is racist? Of course you are the one assuming that I wouldn't be as revolted at three whites beating the piss out of an old man and you who assumes my commentary is only for blacks? Let me ease your mind, I would be just as outraged if it were whites. I'm old school, back in my day picking on the elderly would have gotten you labeled as a coward and a pussy.
snopes.com Mike Brown Beating Video


Still images taken from the grainy video suggested the individual depicted was not Brown. Mike Brown stood at between 6'4" and 6'5", and even at 18 was uncommonly tall among American men. The person depicted in the circulating footage does not appear to be nearly as tall as Brown was, by a good margin

The footage seen here was originally posted to the Internet back in 2012, when Brown was just 16, under original title "only in Woodland City." The video was apparently taken at a large apartment complex in Dallas, Texas (a state in which Mike Brown never lived), called Woodland City Apartments
Oh dear. Here goes the OP >>>>>:blowup:
The Real Micheal Brown thug scum bag thief

I see by the agree and informative and thank yous that people are quick to jump on racist bandwagons:


Take a read of what people had to say in that video's comments section. Unbridled racism at its most naked.

What does it say to you that someone took a video they knew was not Michael Brown and deliberately fabricated a lie from it in order to feed the racist appetite?

What does it say about you that you greedily drank that piss without engaging any brain cells to think critically about it?

First off, Snopes is unreliable. Second, if it's not Brown, it doesn't change the fact that Brown was just as much a POS as the thug in the video.

Translation: It doesn't matter that it's not true..... (why am I seeing more and more of this philosophy from the RW lately?....don't they even LIKE the Truth?)
Does it matter?

Does it matter that someone deliberately fabricated a lie about a dead person and fed it to a horde of racist rubes who greedily swallowed it down?


God forbid you dumb fuck parroting rubes should ever learn to think. What chance would your manipulators have then?

If it's good enough for Hillary it should be good enough for you.
The Real Micheal Brown thug scum bag thief

I see by the agree and informative and thank yous that people are quick to jump on racist bandwagons:


Take a read of what people had to say in that video's comments section. Unbridled racism at its most naked.

What does it say to you that someone took a video they knew was not Michael Brown and deliberately fabricated a lie from it in order to feed the racist appetite?

What does it say about you that you greedily drank that piss without engaging any brain cells to think critically about it?

First off, Snopes is unreliable. Second, if it's not Brown, it doesn't change the fact that Brown was just as much a POS as the thug in the video.

Translation: It doesn't matter that it's not true..... (why am I seeing more and more of this philosophy from the RW lately?....don't they even LIKE the Truth?)

Yeah like that scumbag RW Harry Reid lying about Mit Romney.

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