Michele Bachmann: 'There's A Chance I Could Run' In 2016


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said she has not ruled out another presidential run, saying the media shouldn't just speculate about potential male 2016 candidates.

“The only thing that the media has speculated on is that it’s going to be various men that are running,” Bachmann told RealClearPolitics in an interview Tuesday. “They haven’t speculated, for instance, that I’m going to run. What if I decide to run? And there’s a chance I could run.”

Bachmann ran in the 2012 Republican primary and even won the Iowa Straw Poll in August 2011. But after a poor showing in the 2012 Iowa Caucus, Bachmann ended her campaign.

Shortly after conceding the race, Bachmann said she "was the perfect candidate."

Bachmann told RealClearPolitics she felt her 2012 experience could help her in another presidential bid.

MORE: Michele Bachmann: 'There's A Chance I Could Run' In 2016

Please, God, let this delusional lunatic run again!
Why is it news? Everybody from crazy Ralph Nader to crackpot libertarians say "there's a chance I may run". The story gives liberals a chance to vent their hatred against successful women.
Why is it news? Everybody from crazy Ralph Nader to crackpot libertarians say "there's a chance I may run". The story gives liberals a chance to vent their hatred against successful women.

Get Liddy Dole out of retirement, UNITE the USA!
let the HATE BEGIN
SO WHAT? If a joker like Obama/Biden can run and win anyone can
now go outside and play
Why is it news? Everybody from crazy Ralph Nader to crackpot libertarians say "there's a chance I may run". The story gives liberals a chance to vent their hatred against successful women.

I want to tally up the number of folks who claim that God told 'em to run. Then I can watch them lose because her God just wants entertainment through watching her humiliate herself on stage.

the Atheist.
Why is it news? Everybody from crazy Ralph Nader to crackpot libertarians say "there's a chance I may run". The story gives liberals a chance to vent their hatred against successful women.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but Michelle Bachman is no more successful as a woman than Sarah Palin, Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton. A woman's success is measured by her home, her family, and her ability to support her Husband, not by business success and most definitely not by political success (since women do not belong in politics in any form).
I salivate at the thought of 2016 Republican presidential debates with a stages-full of batshit crazies.
speaking of lunatics who MAY run for President...please people , noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Elizabeth Warren Is Overrated

Why the progressive favorite is a downer

July 22, 2014 By David Harsanyi

The notion that Elizabeth Warren should challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party presidential nomination has been optimistically tossed around in left-wing circles for a while now. Activists at Netroots Nation recently chanted ”Run, Liz, run.” And no doubt, the excitement generated by Warren is a function of her ideological sincerity—a sincerity that’s most obvious when contrasted with Hillary Clinton’s lack of earnestness and pandering.

Still, it seems to me that a lot of people are overestimating the appeal, uniqueness, and popularity of Warren. What’s most enticing about Warren right now is the perception of her, not the reality.

For starters, once you get past her impassioned sermons, and they can be quite entertaining, the most striking aspect of Warren’s big-message progressivism—the driving principles are laid out in the much-discussed “11 commandments” speech—is how small and ordinary it all is. She might offer Americans more “commandments” than God, but most of her directives can found on the “issues” page of any middling Democratic candidate’s website:

We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.

We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.

We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.

Immigration reform. “Science.” Protecting Social Security and Medicare. Equal pay. Rolling back some religious freedom and free speech … and you know the rest. As far as I can tell, Hillary supports every single one of these items. Then again, you probably don’t believe her.

It’s when Warren goes full Progressive that she sounds like a irate union boss. She promises to “fight” for all of you, yet not one doctrine of the modern Left according to Warren has anything to do with broad economic growth. Put it this way: one the fundamental Progressive “commandments”—top 11! according to Warren—is this:

We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.

Not exactly a shining city upon a hill.

ALL of here:
Elizabeth Warren Is Overrated
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Warren is right up the op's alley

shallow, speaks dumb shit and plays her base like a fiddle of idiots that they are
Please, please, please let there be another field of GOP candidates like that of 2012! That was so funny and entertaining, and revealing. Chris Christie, Herman Cain, Bachmann, Perry, Cruz, and Rand Paul. Not as good a field as 2012 but there could be some really great moments.
Has Bachmann forgotten 2012 already? She was a candidate then, too. Remember?

And she was wiped out early on.

Now that she isn't even in an elected office any more, her chances in 2016 are nil. Zero. Zip.

This story is a fluff bullshit story. Filler.

She must be gunning for a Fox News job, or is writing a book.
"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people, because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet, and we've got to rein in the spending."
Michele Bachmann: Natural disasters a warning to D.C. - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

“The Lord says: Be submissive, wives. You are to be submissive to your husbands,” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) told a church audience in 2006 .
Michele Bachmann reflects a changing conservative Christianity - The Washington Post

Good stuff.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said she has not ruled out another presidential run, saying the media shouldn't just speculate about potential male 2016 candidates.

“The only thing that the media has speculated on is that it’s going to be various men that are running,” Bachmann told RealClearPolitics in an interview Tuesday. “They haven’t speculated, for instance, that I’m going to run. What if I decide to run? And there’s a chance I could run.”

Bachmann ran in the 2012 Republican primary and even won the Iowa Straw Poll in August 2011. But after a poor showing in the 2012 Iowa Caucus, Bachmann ended her campaign.

Shortly after conceding the race, Bachmann said she "was the perfect candidate."

Bachmann told RealClearPolitics she felt her 2012 experience could help her in another presidential bid.

MORE: Michele Bachmann: 'There's A Chance I Could Run' In 2016

Please, God, let this delusional lunatic run again!

Who needs Pat Paulson when we've got Michele Bachmann? Throw in Allen West, Herman Cain, and Sarah Palin, and you've got yourself a pretty damn good carnival show considering that conservatives seem hell bent on nominating the craziest SOB they can find. Don't believe me? The Western Conservative Summit (I wonder why they think it was a summit) just concluded in Denver, and guess who won the straw poll with 22% of the vote? Ben Carson, that's who. And guess how many votes he got out of the 3,300 attendees? 666! And conservatives have the nerve to call President Obama the Antichrist?
It seems that righties aren't overly excited about another potential Bachmann run for the White House.

I wonder why...
Bachman wasted a lot of money on her last run. A run that netted her what, one State?

Of course if she can afford it she's more than welcome.

If it were me I'd just stay home.

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