Michelle and Jackie Similar?

Michelle Obama is NO Jakie Kennedy!!!

Maybe it is more wagging the dog now that the Obamas are not so favored. Poor idiot Oprah can't even fix it now.
This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

Someone dumbfuck enough to call Jackie, Jaqueline Onassis Kennedy. After JFK's death, the beautiful Jackie married the richest man in the world and became Jackie O.
Who would be failure enough to take the leftover Big Moo? That big ass! The even bigger jaw!

Oh please. It's enough to make Jackie get up out of her grave and haunt the white house. And Jackie will stll be better looking than the Moo.
Maybe I am especially offended because I am currently watching Oliver Stone's movie JFK on tv. Then during a commercial, I go read some AOL news to see what's happening and run across this barf worthy report made by some schmuck that needs their teeth kicked in.

Watching this movie again just makes me sad....and angry...all over again. Both brothers. Both dead. Both by....well...pretty sure we all know by now who was behind it all.

Corruption within. Pond Scum. People I hope burn in hell forever.

Then I see that scoop mouth bitch being compared to the woman that crawled on the back of the trunk to get the back of her husbands head that was just blown off.

What an insult, on such a day.
This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

Someone dumbfuck enough to call Jackie, Jaqueline Onassis Kennedy. After JFK's death, the beautiful Jackie married the richest man in the world and became Jackie O.
Who would be failure enough to take the leftover Big Moo? That big ass! The even bigger jaw!

Oh please. It's enough to make Jackie get up out of her grave and haunt the white house. And Jackie will stll be better looking than the Moo.

This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

I was under the impression Jackie Knew JFK was fucking pretty much everything in a skirt in the white house...?

Pretty sure Michelle is not dealing with any of that. God bless the President of the united states and God bless his beautiful family.
This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

I was under the impression Jackie Knew JFK was fucking pretty much everything in a skirt in the white house...?

Pretty sure Michelle is not dealing with any of that.
God bless the President of the united states and God bless his beautiful family.

What is the relevance of this to the OP?

I just think it TACKY as all hell to compare the two on this day. THIS day.

Oh yes..I used to think Michelle was a classy lady. Until I woke up. I just can't, for some reason, see Jackie sitting in a church while some asshole bitches about this country. Nor can I see Jackie saying "for the first time, I am proud to be an American".

They both (the obamas) suck big hairy ones. And on THIS day, the Obama butt suckers can just STFU as far as I am concerned. It's like comparing Jane Fonda to Nancy Reagan. Or, a black panther leader to MLK. Or wanting to build a mosque and have a bangquet at it on 9/11. Its INSULTING.
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I just think it TACKY as all hell to compare the two on this day. THIS day.

Oh yes..I used to think Michelle was a classy lady. Until I woke up. I just can't, for some reason, see Jackie sitting in a church while some asshole bitches about this country. Nor can I see Jackie saying "for the first time, I am proud to be an American".

They both (the obamas) suck big hairy ones. And on THIS day, the Obama butt suckers can just STFU as far as I am concerned. It's like comparing Jane Fonda to Nancy Reagan. Or, a black panther leader to MLK. Or wanting to build a mosque and have a bangquet at it on 9/11. Its INSULTING.

Well, I am glad your day was ruined. Good. Your fangs are showing.
I don't get it. They are both stylish women wearing designer clothing. So what. That's a website. Not one I ever heard of before, either.

I just think it TACKY as all hell to compare the two on this day. THIS day.

Oh yes..I used to think Michelle was a classy lady. Until I woke up. I just can't, for some reason, see Jackie sitting in a church while some asshole bitches about this country. Nor can I see Jackie saying "for the first time, I am proud to be an American".

They both (the obamas) suck big hairy ones. And on THIS day, the Obama butt suckers can just STFU as far as I am concerned. It's like comparing Jane Fonda to Nancy Reagan. Or, a black panther leader to MLK. Or wanting to build a mosque and have a bangquet at it on 9/11. Its INSULTING.

Well, I am glad your day was ruined. Good. Your fangs are showing.

Kiss my ass. My day is fine.
This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

I was under the impression Jackie Knew JFK was fucking pretty much everything in a skirt in the white house...?

Pretty sure Michelle is not dealing with any of that. God bless the President of the united states and God bless his beautiful family.

And that has what to do with comparing the Big Moo to Jackie?
Michelle has been a burden on the tax payer in terms of expense when it comes to aides, secretaries, helpers, dress designers, make up artists, hair beauticians, and extensive expensive vacations.

She has been caught twice that I know of displaying her own sense of disgust for patriotism. Once, already mentioned on this board and once on the 4th of July, she was caught saying about the event, "All this for a damn flag."

Imagine Jackie Kennedy saying that. You're right. You can't.
Michelle Obama is lovely.

I think she's as lovely as Jackie in that side-by-side, Connery.

Both women had charismatic, narcissistic, dishonest husbands and adorable young children.

Seems like a pretty apt comparison in many ways.
IMO, Obama has a genuine warmth of personality that his wife severely lacks. I don't think that she is an ugly woman, but I've seen glimpses of an ugliness inside her. She doesn't have the best poker face, and you can sometimes see her holding back a sneer of contempt. Those are the moments that I find her unattractive.
I've been doing a big of googling on Jackie. 5 years after scrambling to get part of her husbands brains and scalp off the back of the car as it sped away, she takes off and marries Onassis. Now, many thought that a betrayal and at the time...so did I. But i am older now. And wiser. After Robert was murdered, she feared for her children. And, I think she knew what went down, how high up it went, how many were involved, and adding that to wanting to protect her kids, she bailed. Can't say I blame her. She stayed classy before and after.

Meanwhile, Michelle, who I used to think of as classy and a great first lady, has also awakened me. Who sits in a church for so many years listening to how horrible the USA is, has the creepazoid saying this shit baptize her kids, makes comments about not being proud to be an American, has a hissy fit at functions "all for that damn flag" or however she worded it and still be compared to Jackie?

Oh yes. I woke up all right. But the nighmare is still happening and that couple is still in the WH for the next 3 years. I shudder. And it pisses me off the comparison made. Yeah yeah..maybe Michelle dresses in designer clothes or Target clothes or kmart or sears and maybe she has some style sence. Big whoop. She HERSELF is not any more comparable to Jackie than Fonda is to Reagan. Period.

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