Michelle Malkin

"Everybody"? And you know this...how?

Don't be an ass.

I know this like I know that people understand international symbols.
1500 years ago, everybody knew the world the flat, too.

Have you ever fired a scoped rifle? Was the center of the scope's crosshairs obscured by a circle? Do you see any utility in that?

When you put up an image that looks like a crosshairs to the average person, and you refer to it as a bullseye as Palin did,

in a world where maybe at the very most 1% of the people know what a surveyor's symbol is,

what do you think people are going to think? Seriously.
Don't be an ass.

I know this like I know that people understand international symbols.
1500 years ago, everybody knew the world the flat, too.

Have you ever fired a scoped rifle? Was the center of the scope's crosshairs obscured by a circle? Do you see any utility in that?

When you put up an image that looks like a crosshairs to the average person, and you refer to it as a bullseye as Palin did,

in a world where maybe at the very most 1% of the people know what a surveyor's symbol is,

what do you think people are going to think? Seriously.

Most of us are going to think your really reaching, because you have no real issue here. At least that is what the polls show, but then they are just polls right?
Michelle Malkin You’ve got hate mail: Liberal racism gone wild!

from Willma Harvey [email protected]
to [email protected]
date Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 10:30 PM
subject Sit Down
mailed-by gmail.com
signed-by gmail.com
hide details 10:30 PM (7 minutes ago)
I saw you on Fox News tonight. Take my advice: GO SIT YOUR BLACK ASS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! As Black as you are, you would be one of the first person’s racially profiled if you went to Arizona.
Willma Harvey

from M K [email protected]
to [email protected]
date Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 7:51 PM
mailed-by yahoo.com
signed-by yahoo.com
hide details Jun 27 (10 days ago)
You are a shitty Filipino prostitute, your only hope is to marry a white man. you are cheep and ugly. When I look to your ugly Filipino eyes , I feel ,I want to throw up. You want to be white but you are not. You are a shitty Asian horn and you will be for the rest of your life. Clean your rotten **** before you write Filipino monkey.

from j [email protected]
to [email protected]
date Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:33 PM
subject Hi
mailed-by gmail.com
signed-by gmail.com
hide details May 19
You are a Fucking ****
I hope you, your hubby and kids die in a car accident
Have a great day

Are those people liberals? Can you identify them?

Yes, they are liberals. It is obvious to all, but the left loons who must deflect as their only line of defense.

Maybe it was just someone from Malkin's camp creating a little mischief.
1500 years ago, everybody knew the world the flat, too.

Have you ever fired a scoped rifle? Was the center of the scope's crosshairs obscured by a circle? Do you see any utility in that?

When you put up an image that looks like a crosshairs to the average person, and you refer to it as a bullseye as Palin did,

in a world where maybe at the very most 1% of the people know what a surveyor's symbol is,

what do you think people are going to think? Seriously.

Most of us are going to think your really reaching, because you have no real issue here. At least that is what the polls show, but then they are just polls right?

I'm the one that's reaching you retarded ****?

Fuck off.
When you put up an image that looks like a crosshairs to the average person, and you refer to it as a bullseye as Palin did,

in a world where maybe at the very most 1% of the people know what a surveyor's symbol is,

what do you think people are going to think? Seriously.

Most of us are going to think your really reaching, because you have no real issue here. At least that is what the polls show, but then they are just polls right?

I'm the one that's reaching you retarded ****?

Fuck off.

What? You expect the truth to knock you on your ass? Sometimes you have to pull your head out of the sand and look around a bit. Got all butt hurt because you lost your case? I got some time next Thursday morning to care.
Most of us are going to think your really reaching, because you have no real issue here. At least that is what the polls show, but then they are just polls right?

I'm the one that's reaching you retarded ****?

Fuck off.

What? You expect the truth to knock you on your ass? Sometimes you have to pull your head out of the sand and look around a bit. Got all butt hurt because you lost your case? I got some time next Thursday morning to care.

Anyone who thinks that Palin meant those crosshairs to be surveyor's symbols is too ignorant to deserve to use the air on this planet to breathe.

I'm am very tired of the ignorance of people like you. The ignorance of people like you are the primary cause of everything that is wrong with this country. The ignorance of people like you is a cancer that is eating away at what little optimism and faith I have left for my fellow human beings, and I, for one, am very tired of it.

You and those like you are a sickness on the soul of this country that must be cured if this country is to survive.
It's fun what you can find if you just look around a little.

Think Palin didn't mean 'crosshairs' when she put 'crosshairs' on that map last spring?

Remember this rant of hers, from about the same time?

The Final Four is an intense, contested series (kind of like a heated, competitive primary election), so best of luck to all teams, and watch for this principle lived out: the team that wins is the team that wants it more.
To the teams that desire making it this far next year: Gear up! In the battle, set your sights on next season’s targets! From the shot across the bow – the first second’s tip-off – your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs, so you must execute strong defensive tactics. You won’t win only playing defense, so get on offense! The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons – your Big Guns – to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win.
Focus on the goal and fight for it. If the gate is closed, go over the fence. If the fence is too high, pole vault in. If that doesn’t work, parachute in. If the other side tries to push back, your attitude should be “go for it.” Get in their faces and argue with them. (Sound familiar?!) Every possession is a battle; you’ll only win the war if you’ve picked your battles wisely. No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead RELOAD!

Funny I don't see a single reference to surveyors in that rant.

Governor Palin 4 President: Facebook

...and thanks to USAR for having posted that last spring.
Ever hear of taking something out of context? Targeting a Congressional seat? Taco Bell?
It's easier for Malkin. She only hates liberals. Rabidly. I do believe it is slowly destroying her brain...like a cancer.

Michelle Malkin You’ve got hate mail: Liberal racism gone wild!

from Willma Harvey [email protected]
to [email protected]
date Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 10:30 PM
subject Sit Down
mailed-by gmail.com
signed-by gmail.com
hide details 10:30 PM (7 minutes ago)
I saw you on Fox News tonight. Take my advice: GO SIT YOUR BLACK ASS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! As Black as you are, you would be one of the first person’s racially profiled if you went to Arizona.
Willma Harvey

from M K [email protected]
to [email protected]
date Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 7:51 PM
mailed-by yahoo.com
signed-by yahoo.com
hide details Jun 27 (10 days ago)
You are a shitty Filipino prostitute, your only hope is to marry a white man. you are cheep and ugly. When I look to your ugly Filipino eyes , I feel ,I want to throw up. You want to be white but you are not. You are a shitty Asian horn and you will be for the rest of your life. Clean your rotten **** before you write Filipino monkey.

from j [email protected]
to [email protected]
date Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:33 PM
subject Hi
mailed-by gmail.com
signed-by gmail.com
hide details May 19
You are a Fucking ****
I hope you, your hubby and kids die in a car accident
Have a great day

Are those people liberals? Can you identify them?
Can you think of any reason why I shouldn't laugh in your face? :rofl:

That spin is so lame, it needs to be taken to the vet and put out of its misery. :lol:
Don't be an ass.

I know this like I know that people understand international symbols.
1500 years ago, everybody knew the world the flat, too.

Have you ever fired a scoped rifle? Was the center of the scope's crosshairs obscured by a circle? Do you see any utility in that?

When you put up an image that looks like a crosshairs to the average person, and you refer to it as a bullseye as Palin did,

in a world where maybe at the very most 1% of the people know what a surveyor's symbol is,

what do you think people are going to think? Seriously.


Now tell me that's different. Somehow. It just is.

Meanwhile, are any of you leftist morons EVER going to try to prove Laughner saw any inflammatory right-wing rhetoric?
When you put up an image that looks like a crosshairs to the average person, and you refer to it as a bullseye as Palin did,

in a world where maybe at the very most 1% of the people know what a surveyor's symbol is,

what do you think people are going to think? Seriously.

Most of us are going to think your really reaching, because you have no real issue here. At least that is what the polls show, but then they are just polls right?

I'm the one that's reaching you retarded ****?

Fuck off.
How many emails have you sent to Malkin?
I'm the one that's reaching you retarded ****?

Fuck off.

What? You expect the truth to knock you on your ass? Sometimes you have to pull your head out of the sand and look around a bit. Got all butt hurt because you lost your case? I got some time next Thursday morning to care.

Anyone who thinks that Palin meant those crosshairs to be surveyor's symbols is too ignorant to deserve to use the air on this planet to breathe.

I'm am very tired of the ignorance of people like you. The ignorance of people like you are the primary cause of everything that is wrong with this country. The ignorance of people like you is a cancer that is eating away at what little optimism and faith I have left for my fellow human beings, and I, for one, am very tired of it.
You're not tired of ignorance. You wallow in it. You're just pissed off that not everyone shares in your brand of ignorance.
You and those like you are a sickness on the soul of this country that must be cured if this country is to survive.
Is that some of that violent left-wing rhetoric that I've been told doesn't exist?

Why, yes. I do believe it is.
What? You expect the truth to knock you on your ass? Sometimes you have to pull your head out of the sand and look around a bit. Got all butt hurt because you lost your case? I got some time next Thursday morning to care.

Anyone who thinks that Palin meant those crosshairs to be surveyor's symbols is too ignorant to deserve to use the air on this planet to breathe.

I'm am very tired of the ignorance of people like you. The ignorance of people like you are the primary cause of everything that is wrong with this country. The ignorance of people like you is a cancer that is eating away at what little optimism and faith I have left for my fellow human beings, and I, for one, am very tired of it.
You're not tired of ignorance. You wallow in it. You're just pissed off that not everyone shares in your brand of ignorance.
You and those like you are a sickness on the soul of this country that must be cured if this country is to survive.
Is that some of that violent left-wing rhetoric that I've been told doesn't exist?

Why, yes. I do believe it is.

Leave it to rightwing nut to believe that curing ignorance is an act of violence.
Yes, they are liberals. It is obvious to all, but the left loons who must deflect as their only line of defense.

Maybe it was just someone from Malkin's camp creating a little mischief.
:rofl: Desperate, aren't you?

I did what you people are doing who are trying to sell the story that those crosshairs were surveyor's symbols.

It's funnier that you didn't get it.

Now prove that liberals wrote those anonymous emails. Or admit you're a fucking idiot.
Maybe it was just someone from Malkin's camp creating a little mischief.
:rofl: Desperate, aren't you?

I did what you people are doing who are trying to sell the story that those crosshairs were surveyor's symbols.

It's funnier that you didn't get it.

Now prove that liberals wrote those anonymous emails. Or admit you're a fucking idiot.

What mental midget thinks those are your only two choices?

Please take your blood pressure meds before continuing to post NYC.
1500 years ago, everybody knew the world the flat, too.

Have you ever fired a scoped rifle? Was the center of the scope's crosshairs obscured by a circle? Do you see any utility in that?

When you put up an image that looks like a crosshairs to the average person, and you refer to it as a bullseye as Palin did,

in a world where maybe at the very most 1% of the people know what a surveyor's symbol is,

what do you think people are going to think? Seriously.


Now tell me that's different. Somehow. It just is.

Meanwhile, are any of you leftist morons EVER going to try to prove Laughner saw any inflammatory right-wing rhetoric?

Who's calling them anything other than bullseyes? I'm not. I'm not the idiot who's trying to pretend something isn't what it is. That would be you.

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