MIchelle O threatens to leave speech because of Gay Heckler.

I was going to start a thread on this, so thanx to novasteve for beating me to it. [;-)

Michelle Obama confronts gay-rights heckler: 'You have one choice'

Detroit Press, 6/5

Michelle Obama confronted a protester at a fundraiser on Tuesday, stepping away from the lectern where she was speaking to denounce the protester's behavior.

Obama was midway through a speech at a Democratic party fundraiser at a private Washington DC home when lesbian activist Ellen Sturtz, 56, interrupted Obama's speech to demand that Barack Obama sign an anti-discrimination executive order.

"One of the things that I don't do well is this," said Obama, to a room full of applause. "Do you understand?"

A pool report said that Obama moved towards the protester and said: "Listen to me or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice." The White House official transcript did not include this remark.
Normally I really dislike Michelle Obama, but this was just right!

Hey, she says, either you can speak and I'll leave, or I'll speak as I was invited here to do and you'll shut up: which would people prefer to happen?

There would be a lot less heckling if clear ground rules like that were established at every political event. Hecklers are the trash of society, the vandals of politics.

I hope she starts a fashion for dealing with hecklers in this way.

Hecklers are what make this country great. Without them some people would never know that people do not worship the very ground they walk on.
Nutters can't even tell the truth obout a documented event. Amazing

Mrs. Obama was heckled....got in the womans face and gave her an ultimatum. The GOP plant backed down and left with her tail between her legs.......Those are the facts but you people don't operate on facts. Fruckin republican POS's. No wonder America is rejecting you more and more.

GOP plant?

The heckler was identified as Ellen Sturtz, an activist with the GetEQUAL campaign group, which campaigns for lesbian and gay rights, by several media.
Nutters can't even tell the truth obout a documented event. Amazing

Mrs. Obama was heckled....got in the womans face and gave her an ultimatum. The GOP plant backed down and left with her tail between her legs.......Those are the facts but you people don't operate on facts. Fruckin republican POS's. No wonder America is rejecting you more and more.

What the First Lady did was quite effective. If you are being heckled and are confident that the audience would rather hear you, get the audience on your side and get the masses to turn on the disruption. I commend her on the strategy.

What you don't hear from the Left is the cries about a small voice being silenced by a bullying mass. If George Bush pulled the exact same effective tactic as Michelle Obama did when he was being heckled or disrupted, the Left would be outraged and disturbed by the President "inciting" the audience to get the "free voice" silenced.

Hope Liberals are good with yet another precedent set by their guys and gals.

Not quite the picture of poise and grace one would expect in a First Lady though, is it?

Oh, and from the link:

Sturtz said she paid $500 to attend the fundraiser, part of a protest cooked up by the gay rights group GetEqual, which gained notice in Obama’s first term for hectoring him during speeches and demanding more action on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues. Sturtz, who gave $5,000 to the Democratic Party and Obama’s campaign in 2008, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, said she was devoting herself to full-time activism now pressing the White House on the employment discrimination issue.

Yeah, she's a "GOP plant..."

What a maroon...
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If true, She has such thin skin.

Not an Obama fan, follower, or supporter but at the same time she's not an elected official and I think it's completely reasonable for her to get frustrated by a loudmouth that showed up to do nothing more than disrupt her talk.

I mean I guess that's life (she's putting herself out there) but not sure why this is national news.


I personally think it is perfectly reasonable for anyone to get in the face of a heckler, but I do think they serve a useful purpose. This woman was willing to fork out money to be able to heckle FLOTUS, I think that she got her money's worth. The news has been ignoring the POTUS hecklers.
Nutters can't even tell the truth obout a documented event. Amazing

Mrs. Obama was heckled....got in the womans face and gave her an ultimatum. The GOP plant backed down and left with her tail between her legs.......Those are the facts but you people don't operate on facts. Fruckin republican POS's. No wonder America is rejecting you more and more.

GOP plant?

The heckler was identified as Ellen Sturtz, an activist with the GetEQUAL campaign group, which campaigns for lesbian and gay rights, by several media.

Don't worry, RWN is going to back up his claim any second now. After all, he just couldn't be a lying sack of shit. He just couldn't be.

The floors is your RWN. Do us proud!
Hecklers are what make this country great. Without them some people would never know that people do not worship the very ground they walk on.

I'd much rather listen to someone I disagree with, and either reaffirm/update that viewpoint than not listen to someone because their speech was disrupted.

Heckling is sort of just a big distracting time waster.
Not quite the picture of poise and grace one would expect in a First Lady though, is it?

I worry more about her truly awful clothes...... She's wearing this outside the house? Wait, she's wearing this outside the BEDROOM???


But I don't think any woman has to put up with abuse. We shouldn't. Ever. Being First Lady doesn't change that. No accepting abuse.

If true, She has such thin skin.

Tue Jun 04 2013 19:09:03 ET

FLOTUS Pool Report #2

Pool was ushered in as FLOTUS began speaking at 6:07 under a white tent in the backyard of the residence of Karen Dixon and Nan Schaffer in NW DC. FLOTUS was introduced by Dixon. Debbie Wasserman Schultz also in attendance.

FLOTUS was wearing a dark blue sleeveless shirt dress, with a black belt and pumps.

Most notable part of the event was an interruption from a protester about 12 minutes into the 20-minute speech. A pro-LGBT rights individual standing at the front began shouting for an executive order on gay rights. (Pool did not hear exactly what.)

"One of the things I don't do well is this," replied FLOTUS to loud applause. She left the lectern and moved over to the protester, saying they could "listen to me or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice."

Crowd started shouting that they wanted FLOTUS to stay.

"You need to go!" said one woman near the protester.

The protester was then escorted out, shouting "...lesbian looking for federal equality before I die." (First part of the quote was inaudible.) Pool could not get their name before they were taken out.

"So let me make the point that I was making before," continued FLOTUS. "We are here for our kids. So we must recapture that passion. That same urgency and energy that we felt back in 2008, 2012. Understand this -- this is what I want you all to understand. This is not about us. No one back here. It's not about you or you or your issue or your thing. This is about our children."

Loud applause in response to this comment.

Main takeaway from her speech was to stay engaged in off-presidential election years.

"We cannot wait for the next presidential election to get fired up and ready to go. We cannot wait. Right now, today, we have an obligation to stand up for those kids."

Cited the administration's work taking on climate change, gun violence, comprehensive immigration reform, student loans, gay rights.

Railed against the failure of background checks legislation, sequestration, and the budget stalemate.

FLOTUS finished speaking at 6:27, then shook hands and took pictures with attendees. Pool was ushered out immediately after the speech.
Well, we already know her husband has thin skinned. Must be a family affair lol
Nutters can't even tell the truth obout a documented event. Amazing

Mrs. Obama was heckled....got in the womans face and gave her an ultimatum. The GOP plant backed down and left with her tail between her legs.......Those are the facts but you people don't operate on facts. Fruckin republican POS's. No wonder America is rejecting you more and more.

GOP plant? Back up your accusation.


Well color me shocked. RWN is a liar? Say it isn't so!!!

He's an idiot too, not that everyone doesn't know it.

I just like pointing out the obvious.
My goodness her comment and her "in your face" body position could be construed as threatening in nature.

“One of the things that I don’t do well is this,” she said to applause from most of the guests, according to a White House transcript. “Do you understand?”

A pool report from a reporter in the room said Obama “left the lectern and moved over to the protester.”

The pool report quoted Obama as saying: “Listen to me or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.”

The protester felt intimidated.

“She came right down in my face,” Sturtz said. “I was taken aback.”

Michelle Obama confronts protester, threatens to leave fundraiser

Can you imagine this POTUS or this First Lady having to deal with a shoe being thrown at them?

Hecklers are what make this country great. Without them some people would never know that people do not worship the very ground they walk on.

I'd much rather listen to someone I disagree with, and either reaffirm/update that viewpoint than not listen to someone because their speech was disrupted.

Heckling is sort of just a big distracting time waster.

I agree. But it still has a purpose. If we make heckling illegal we will end up with a world where we cannot criticize the government.

I despise government meetings where you cannot speak about an issue they do not have on the agenda, and where you are not allowed to be disruptive or offensive.
I mean I guess that's life (she's putting herself out there) but not sure why this is national news.

Maybe because it's one of the only things we generally like that she has done. She's been pretty unpopular.

The White House was worried about it going the other way and left it all out of the transcript!

No she's not.

Michelle Obama Celebrates Birthday With High Popularity Rating | Loop21

51% favorable
13% unfavorable

True. Though it escapes me why first ladies, elected to nothing and given no authority or official responsibility of any kind, should be so closely monitored as to their unfavoraibility rating. But since they've been monitoring it, the first ladies generally have higher favorability ratings than their husbands:

Michelle Obama's current favorable rating is identical to her average 66% rating to date as first lady. Americans did not view her as positively during the 2008 presidential campaign, giving her favorable ratings no higher than 54%. Opinions of her became considerably more positive in January 2009, rising to 68%, just before the inauguration.

Americans also viewed each of the prior two first ladies positively, with Laura Bush averaging a 73% favorable rating and Hillary Clinton 56%. Clinton, now the U.S. secretary of state, currently receives favorable ratings from 66% of Americans.

Gallup began asking favorable and unfavorable opinions of national figures in the current question format in 1992, so it does not have comparable data on first ladies prior to Clinton.
Michelle Obama Remains Popular in U.S.

I personally have no affection or dislike for Michelle one way or the other. I liked her emphasis on healthy eating, especially for overweight kids, just so long as she didn't push to make that a federal mandate. And I openly criticize her opinion when I think she gets it wrong. But I bristle and resent when people refer to her appearance, etc. in unkind, even viscious, ways or caricature her in a deliberately unattractive manner. I detest the uncivility and pure unkindness that seems to permeate our society on all sides of the ideological spectrum.

It is defnitely a fact that she has high favorables among the majority of Americans.
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I was going to start a thread on this, so thanx to novasteve for beating me to it. [;-)

Michelle Obama confronts gay-rights heckler: 'You have one choice'

Detroit Press, 6/5

Michelle Obama confronted a protester at a fundraiser on Tuesday, stepping away from the lectern where she was speaking to denounce the protester's behavior.

Obama was midway through a speech at a Democratic party fundraiser at a private Washington DC home when lesbian activist Ellen Sturtz, 56, interrupted Obama's speech to demand that Barack Obama sign an anti-discrimination executive order.

"One of the things that I don't do well is this," said Obama, to a room full of applause. "Do you understand?"

A pool report said that Obama moved towards the protester and said: "Listen to me or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice." The White House official transcript did not include this remark.

Normally I really dislike Michelle Obama, but this was just right!

Hey, she says, either you can speak and I'll leave, or I'll speak as I was invited here to do and you'll shut up: which would people prefer to happen?

There would be a lot less heckling if clear ground rules like that were established at every political event. Hecklers are the trash of society, the vandals of politics.

I hope she starts a fashion for dealing with hecklers in this way.

I can't stand the wookie myself, but I agree. The people present for that bed wetter love in wanted to hear the FLOTUS stroke their egos and they paid for it.It shouldn't have been interupted by some LGBT malcontent.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Nutters can't even tell the truth obout a documented event. Amazing

Mrs. Obama was heckled....got in the womans face and gave her an ultimatum. The GOP plant backed down and left with her tail between her legs.......Those are the facts but you people don't operate on facts. Fruckin republican POS's. No wonder America is rejecting you more and more.

Are you that retarded? Do you blame everything on the GOP? I love it, we stupid people that dont believe in science, yet we concoct all these plans?

Dude, you just a partisan robot, that cant think for yourself. The Gaystopo is now attacking the Obama's, hahaha.

They will not be ignored and it's hilarious

so this is the protestor
Michelle Obama confronts protester, threatens to leave fundraiser
Ellen Sturtz, 56, a lesbian activist, interrupted her remarks to demand that President Obama sign an anti-discrimination executive order.

not exactally a right wing GOP kind of person.

but yeah you keep believing the GOP did this, people like you are pathetic, please dont vote, we need smart people voting, not retards like you.
My goodness her comment and her "in your face" body position could be construed as threatening in nature.

“One of the things that I don’t do well is this,” she said to applause from most of the guests, according to a White House transcript. “Do you understand?”

A pool report from a reporter in the room said Obama “left the lectern and moved over to the protester.”

The pool report quoted Obama as saying: “Listen to me or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.”

The protester felt intimidated.

“She came right down in my face,” Sturtz said. “I was taken aback.”

Michelle Obama confronts protester, threatens to leave fundraiser

Can you imagine this POTUS or this First Lady having to deal with a shoe being thrown at them?


But this wasn't a shoe throwing kind of thing.

Still, it was a gutsy move to deal with somebody who was being unacceptably rude and discourteous to all. It could have backfired if the protester had not backed down and Michelle could have looked ineffective and weak. But I give props to anybody who deals with an awkward situation like that and successfully pulls it off.
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What the First Lady did was quite effective. If you are being heckled and are confident that the audience would rather hear you, get the audience on your side and get the masses to turn on the disruption. I commend her on the strategy.

What you don't hear from the Left is the cries about a small voice being silenced by a bullying mass. If George Bush pulled the exact same effective tactic as Michelle Obama did when he was being heckled or disrupted, the Left would be outraged and disturbed by the President "inciting" the audience to get the "free voice" silenced.

Hope Liberals are good with yet another precedent set by their guys and gals.

The difference is that George Bush was the President, not First Lady. I don't agree with disrupting either's speech, but it's more understandable when it's an elected official. I'm sure most people on the left would have been equally displeased had somebody rudely interrupted Laura Bush. Likewise, there will always be a small minority on both sides who will cheer on that kind of behavior for partisan reasons.

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