MIchelle O threatens to leave speech because of Gay Heckler.

Pro lefty Hecklers just happen to conveniently show up during speeches by the President and First lady.

What power, exactly, does the First lady have in issuing an executive order? And what would this order have looked like?
Pro lefty Hecklers just happen to conveniently show up during speeches by the President and First lady.

What power, exactly, does the First lady have in issuing an executive order? And what would this order have looked like?

Very good point.
The heckler has been identified people. Are you seriously trying to suggest that Ellen Sturtz would ever be a GOP plant? Or any rightwing group plant? Are you really going to draw that conclusion?
this must be one hell of a dilemma for the right wingers - they have to choose sides based on who they hate more: The FLOTUS or da gheys.
Nutters can't even tell the truth obout a documented event. Amazing

Mrs. Obama was heckled....got in the womans face and gave her an ultimatum. The GOP plant backed down and left with her tail between her legs.......Those are the facts but you people don't operate on facts. Fruckin republican POS's. No wonder America is rejecting you more and more.
so a lefty cant be pissed off at the Administration?.....do you think everybody loves these People?....
What the First Lady did was quite effective. If you are being heckled and are confident that the audience would rather hear you, get the audience on your side and get the masses to turn on the disruption. I commend her on the strategy.

What you don't hear from the Left is the cries about a small voice being silenced by a bullying mass. If George Bush pulled the exact same effective tactic as Michelle Obama did when he was being heckled or disrupted, the Left would be outraged and disturbed by the President "inciting" the audience to get the "free voice" silenced.

Hope Liberals are good with yet another precedent set by their guys and gals.

yep.....and i bet that lady has a different view now.....as well as many others....
What the First Lady did was quite effective. If you are being heckled and are confident that the audience would rather hear you, get the audience on your side and get the masses to turn on the disruption. I commend her on the strategy.

What you don't hear from the Left is the cries about a small voice being silenced by a bullying mass. If George Bush pulled the exact same effective tactic as Michelle Obama did when he was being heckled or disrupted, the Left would be outraged and disturbed by the President "inciting" the audience to get the "free voice" silenced.

Hope Liberals are good with yet another precedent set by their guys and gals.

The difference is that George Bush was the President, not First Lady. I don't agree with disrupting either's speech, but it's more understandable when it's an elected official. I'm sure most people on the left would have been equally displeased had somebody rudely interrupted Laura Bush. Likewise, there will always be a small minority on both sides who will cheer on that kind of behavior for partisan reasons.

My politics are Conservative and Capitalist to the core. That said, I think heckling is a childish tactic. Does the heckler have rights to interrupt and disrupt someone giving a speech? It's a debatable subject. My opinion, a heckler, whether the speaker is Michelle Obama or Rush Limbaugh or an elected official, should be removed. My Opinion: It's pure disruption and infringing on the majority's right to hear the speech without interruption.

Partisan over proper decorum? Yes. We see that regularly. The extreme I saw was when Bush was giving a speech and an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at him. Extreme partisans on the Left cheered the shoe thrower and blamed Bush. Be consistent.
The heckler has been identified people. Are you seriously trying to suggest that Ellen Sturtz would ever be a GOP plant? Or any rightwing group plant? Are you really going to draw that conclusion?

More likely a leftist plant if she was a plant. But no. I dont think she was a plant at all.
this must be one hell of a dilemma for the right wingers - they have to choose sides based on who they hate more: The FLOTUS or da gheys.

No dilemna whatsoever since i dont hate either nor do I need to choose sides over something so trivial.
What the First Lady did was quite effective. If you are being heckled and are confident that the audience would rather hear you, get the audience on your side and get the masses to turn on the disruption. I commend her on the strategy.

What you don't hear from the Left is the cries about a small voice being silenced by a bullying mass. If George Bush pulled the exact same effective tactic as Michelle Obama did when he was being heckled or disrupted, the Left would be outraged and disturbed by the President "inciting" the audience to get the "free voice" silenced.

Hope Liberals are good with yet another precedent set by their guys and gals.

The difference is that George Bush was the President, not First Lady. I don't agree with disrupting either's speech, but it's more understandable when it's an elected official. I'm sure most people on the left would have been equally displeased had somebody rudely interrupted Laura Bush. Likewise, there will always be a small minority on both sides who will cheer on that kind of behavior for partisan reasons.

My politics are Conservative and Capitalist to the core. That said, I think heckling is a childish tactic. Does the heckler have rights to interrupt and disrupt someone giving a speech? It's a debatable subject. My opinion, a heckler, whether the speaker is Michelle Obama or Rush Limbaugh or an elected official, should be removed. My Opinion: It's pure disruption and infringing on the majority's right to hear the speech without interruption.

Partisan over proper decorum? Yes. We see that regularly. The extreme I saw was when Bush was giving a speech and an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at him. Extreme partisans on the Left cheered the shoe thrower and blamed Bush. Be consistent.

It's really quite simple: Who did the audience come to hear speak?
It's really quite simple: Who did the audience come to hear speak?

One of the reasons I find Heckling extremeley rude and immature.

It's not an expression of free speech. It's an attempt to silence someone elses speech.
Not quite the picture of poise and grace one would expect in a First Lady though, is it?

I worry more about her truly awful clothes...... She's wearing this outside the house? Wait, she's wearing this outside the BEDROOM???


But I don't think any woman has to put up with abuse. We shouldn't. Ever. Being First Lady doesn't change that. No accepting abuse.
Yea, Right.

Google Image Result for http://www.noboizallowed.com/nba/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/c268-1.jpg

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Did Michelle Obama heckler use coded racial words? Or not?

By Peter Grier
Jun 6, 2013


The fallout from Michelle Obama’s heckling incident continued Thursday, as some defenders of the first lady charge that the heckler used coded racial language, and in general spoke from a perspective of “white privilege.”

These folks point to a comment protester Ellen Sturtz made after she interrupted the first lady during a fundraiser and challenged President Obama to fulfill a campaign promise and sign an order banning federal contractors from discriminating against gays and lesbians.

Rather than speak over Ms. Sturtz, Mrs. Obama left the podium and confronted the heckler in person, saying she’d leave if the heckling didn’t stop.

“She came right down in my face. I was taken aback,” said Sturtz after the incident.

What, did Sturtz think the first lady was just going to let the interruption go on, or hand her the mike?

Sturtz’s description of the encounter was a “breathtaking bit of projection and entitlement that also tiptoed dangerously close to the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype that Mrs. Obama has been dogged by for years,” writes Anna Holmes, founding editor of the feminist blog “Jezebel,” in a Time Magazine column.

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Over at “Mediaite,” columnist Tommy Christopher writes that Sturtz and her supporters have taken lots of heat for “their perceived sense that interrupting Michelle Obama is not only something they’re entitled to do, but that Mrs. Obama somehow should have welcomed. The source of that sense of entitlement, the theory goes, is white privilege.”

And at “Black Enterprise,” columnist Janell Hazelwood writes that “In 2014, that tired prevalent notion that any time a black woman speaks up – and it’s not to coddle, coo or sweet talk – she’s ‘angry’ or ‘aggressive’ is getting old.”


Did Michelle Obama heckler use coded racial words? Or not?


Did Michelle Obama heckler use coded racial words? Or not?

By Peter Grier
Jun 6, 2013


The fallout from Michelle Obama’s heckling incident continued Thursday, as some defenders of the first lady charge that the heckler used coded racial language, and in general spoke from a perspective of “white privilege.”

These folks point to a comment protester Ellen Sturtz made after she interrupted the first lady during a fundraiser and challenged President Obama to fulfill a campaign promise and sign an order banning federal contractors from discriminating against gays and lesbians.

Rather than speak over Ms. Sturtz, Mrs. Obama left the podium and confronted the heckler in person, saying she’d leave if the heckling didn’t stop.

“She came right down in my face. I was taken aback,” said Sturtz after the incident.

What, did Sturtz think the first lady was just going to let the interruption go on, or hand her the mike?

Sturtz’s description of the encounter was a “breathtaking bit of projection and entitlement that also tiptoed dangerously close to the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype that Mrs. Obama has been dogged by for years,” writes Anna Holmes, founding editor of the feminist blog “Jezebel,” in a Time Magazine column.

Want your top political issues explained? Get customized DC Decoder updates.

Over at “Mediaite,” columnist Tommy Christopher writes that Sturtz and her supporters have taken lots of heat for “their perceived sense that interrupting Michelle Obama is not only something they’re entitled to do, but that Mrs. Obama somehow should have welcomed. The source of that sense of entitlement, the theory goes, is white privilege.”

And at “Black Enterprise,” columnist Janell Hazelwood writes that “In 2014, that tired prevalent notion that any time a black woman speaks up – and it’s not to coddle, coo or sweet talk – she’s ‘angry’ or ‘aggressive’ is getting old.”


Did Michelle Obama heckler use coded racial words? Or not?


Christ, based on some of the things I've read over the past five years, any words used to crtitcize the President are "coded racial words..."

Did Michelle Obama heckler use coded racial words? Or not?

By Peter Grier
Jun 6, 2013


The fallout from Michelle Obama’s heckling incident continued Thursday, as some defenders of the first lady charge that the heckler used coded racial language, and in general spoke from a perspective of “white privilege.”

These folks point to a comment protester Ellen Sturtz made after she interrupted the first lady during a fundraiser and challenged President Obama to fulfill a campaign promise and sign an order banning federal contractors from discriminating against gays and lesbians.

Rather than speak over Ms. Sturtz, Mrs. Obama left the podium and confronted the heckler in person, saying she’d leave if the heckling didn’t stop.

“She came right down in my face. I was taken aback,” said Sturtz after the incident.

What, did Sturtz think the first lady was just going to let the interruption go on, or hand her the mike?

Sturtz’s description of the encounter was a “breathtaking bit of projection and entitlement that also tiptoed dangerously close to the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype that Mrs. Obama has been dogged by for years,” writes Anna Holmes, founding editor of the feminist blog “Jezebel,” in a Time Magazine column.

Want your top political issues explained? Get customized DC Decoder updates.

Over at “Mediaite,” columnist Tommy Christopher writes that Sturtz and her supporters have taken lots of heat for “their perceived sense that interrupting Michelle Obama is not only something they’re entitled to do, but that Mrs. Obama somehow should have welcomed. The source of that sense of entitlement, the theory goes, is white privilege.”

And at “Black Enterprise,” columnist Janell Hazelwood writes that “In 2014, that tired prevalent notion that any time a black woman speaks up – and it’s not to coddle, coo or sweet talk – she’s ‘angry’ or ‘aggressive’ is getting old.”


Did Michelle Obama heckler use coded racial words? Or not?


Christ, based on some of the things I've read over the past five years, any words used to crtitcize the President are "coded racial words..."

Yep. When it first came up that Obama might throw his hat into the ring and run for President, I was intrigued. But I said from the beginning that while I had no problem with a President who happened to be black, I did not want a BLACK President, i.e. one that I was required to treat like a black person instead of just a person.

Well in truth, Obama himself doesn't seem to focus on the fact that he is black and therefore deserving of special treatment or protection. But alas, so many of his worshippers do seem to consider his skin color a reason for increased adulations and are particularly sensitive if anybody doesn't respect the fact that he is BLACK and therefore somehow more special.

Whether I am criticizing them, condemning them, appreciating them, complimenting them, or adoring them, I want to be able to treat all people like people. Skin color should be of no more consequence than hair color or eye color.

So when I criticize something Obama has done, or speculate on what appears to be his motives, I really resent being accused of hating him at all, much moreso for hating him because he is a black man.

A heckler of a person invited to speak is a rude and offensive person no matter who or why they are heckling. Who cares what their sexual orientation is and why make an issue of that? It does not affect whether the person is rude or offensive or not. And why go searching for some kind of racist connotation in the heckler's heckling? That doesn't affect whether the person is rude or offensive or not either.

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